TAA Tools
ADDDAT2         ADD DATE 2                             TAADATV
The  Add Date  2  command  allows  a number  of  days  to be  added  or
subtracted from  any date.  Both  the From date format and  the To date
format  may be in any of the system  supported date types.  The command
is  useful for  determining  expiration  dates  or any  other  form  of

A typical command would be:

             DCL           &NEWDAT *CHAR LEN(10)

The default  is to use the  current date.  The  command would determine
the  current  date, add  14  to the  value  and  return the  date  in a
yyyymmdd format.   New  dates that  cross year  boundaries are  handled
properly including leap years.

A specific  From Date  may be specified  as well as  the format  of the
date such as:

                             FRMDAT(&DATE) FRMDATFMT(*YMD)

Comparison with the ADDDAT tool

The ADDDAT  tool was the original tool.  It  requires a 6 digit date as
the From Date.  When the  tool was originally created, it allowed  only
a 6  byte return variable.   Later the tool  was enhanced to  allow any
format  to be  output,  by using  a  second return  variable.   ADDDAT2
supports  any From Date format and any New  Date format.  Both the From
and New Date values must be specified as character values.

Date ranges supported

The  ADDDAT2  tool  uses  the  TAA  Tool  CVTDAT2.    This  avoids  the
restriction of the  system CVTDAT command which has a  range of 1940 to
2039, or 1928 to 1971 depending on the format used.

CVTDAT2 has a restriction of years 1600 to 4000.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   DAYS          The  number of days to  add to the From  Date.  Either
                 a positive  or  negative  number  may  be  entered  to
                 allow a  date further  in the future  or prior  in the
                 past  of the From Date.   Zero is valid  in which case
                 the command acts the same  as CVTDAT (converts a  date
                 to a different  format).  The  value must be  within a
                 range of 80000 plus or minus.

   NEWDAT        The  new date  to  be returned.   This  is  a required
                 return  variable  that  must  be  specified  as  *CHAR
                 LEN(10).    Date  types  such  as  *MDY  are  returned
                 without  slashes.    Date   types  such  as  *USA  are
                 returned   with   the  standard   separator  character
                 associated with  the  type.   For example,  type  *USA
                 returns a date in the format mm/dd/yyyy.

   FRMDAT        The From  Date to be  used as  a base for  addition or
                 subtraction.    The  default  is  *SYSVAL meaning  the
                 current date  taken from  the  system value  (not  the
                 job  date).    When *SYSVAL  is  used,  the  FRMDATFMT
                 parameter  is ignored  and  the format  of  the system
                 value date is used.

                 *JOB  may be  specified to mean  the job date.   A job
                 date may  be  changed by  the  CHGJOB command.    When
                 *JOB is  used, the FRMDATFMT parameter  is ignored and
                 the job date format is used.

                 Any  valid  date  according to  the  FRMDATFMT  may be

   FRMDATFMT     The From Date  format.   The default  is *JOB  meaning
                 the   date  format   defined   for   the  job.      If
                 FRMDAT(*SYSVAL)  or  FRMDAT(*JOB)  is  specified,  the
                 FRMDATFMT parameter is ignored.

                 The same values  that exist  on CVTDAT  such as  *MDY,
                 *YYMD,  *USA, or  *LONGJUL  may  be  entered.   For  a
                 complete list, use the prompter facility.

                 The *JUL2  format allows for dates in  a CYYxxx format
                 where xxx is the day of the year.

   NEWDATFMT     The  New  Date format.   The  default  is *JOB  or the
                 setting of the job  date format.  This may  be changed
                 by  a   command  such   as  CHGJOB  with   the  DATFMT

                 The  same values  that exist  on CVTDAT such  as *MDY,
                 *YYMD, *USA,  or  *LONGJUL  may  be entered.    For  a
                 complete list, use the prompter facility.

                 The *JUL2 format  allows for dates in  a CYYxxx format
                 where xxx is the day of the year.


  **   See the previous comments on date range restrictions.

  **   Only valid dates may be entered.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

         CVTDAT2       Convert date 2


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   ADDDAT2       *CMD                   TAADATV       QATTCMD
   TAADATVC      *PGM       CLP         TAADATVC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools July 1, 1998

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