TAA Tools

The  Convert Data  Base  File Format  command  allows a  more  flexible
function than  the system CPYF command when  converting fields from one
format to another.

CVTDBFFMT is designed for the situation where:

  **   A  field must  be converted  from character  to decimal  or vice
       versa.   CPYF  only maps  from character  to  character or  from
       decimal to decimal.

  **   A  date field  format needs  to be  changed.   For  example, you
       want  to convert from  an MMDDYY format to  CYYMMDD or YYYYMMDD.

  **   A field has been renamed.   The data should be moved to the  new

A typical command to convert the field DATE to a new format would be:

                         LIST((DATE *FROMFIELD *DATCVT *MDY6 *CYMD7 +
                         *NO *NO))

The To file  must have been created  with the DATE field  declared as 7
bytes (or  digits).  The CVTDBFFMT command would  map all of the fields
that have the  same definition in  the FROMFILE to the  TOFILE and  use
the LIST  parameter to  determine what  conversions to make.   In  this
case, the  DATE field is  in *MDY format as  a 6 byte  (or digit) field
and  is  to be  converted  to a  *CYMD  format in  a 7  byte  (or digit

DATE could have  been a character field  in the FROMFILE and  a decimal
field  in the  TOFILE.   CVTDBFFMT  can  map between  most common  data

Note  that  the LIST  parameter  is used  for exceptions.    Only those
fields where the definition  differs between the two  files or a  field
requiring date conversion must be specified.

Options exist  on the  command to  allow the  handling of invalid  data
when converting  from character to decimal or  in invalid data or dates
during date conversions.

The From  file is  always processed  in arrival  sequence.   A  logical
file may  be specified for  either the  From or To  file, but may  only
have a single format.

Sample use of a date conversion

Assume  that you have  a data base  file with a  date field in  an *MDY
format  and want  to convert  to a *CYMD  format.   The following steps
would be used.

  **   A  function such  as  the  TAA  Tool DUPDBN  would  be  used  to
       duplicate the physical  and logical files in the  data base file
       network to a work library.

  **   The DDS would be changed.

  **   A  function like the TAA  Tool RPLPF would  be used to re-create
       the data base network with the new definition.

  **   The CVTDBFFMT command would be  used (such as shown  previously)
       to  reformat a  sample  of the  production  data  to test  with.
       CVTDBFFMT  supports  the  capability  to  copy  beginning  at  a
       specific relative record number and  you can specify the  number
       of records to copy.

  **   A list of the  programs that use the data base  network would be
       determined.   A  tool such as  the TAA  Tool DSPWHRUSE  could be

  **   The  programs  (and  any associated  display  or  printer files)
       would be changed and re-created in the work library.

  **   Final testing would occur.

To cutover to the new objects:

  **   CVTDBFFMT would  be used to  reformat all  of the physical  data
       to the work library.

  **   The TAA  Tool MOVLIBOBJ would be  used to move the  objects from
       the   work   library   to   the   production   library.      The
       DLTEXIST(*YES)   option   would   be   used   to   delete    any
       corresponding objects.

Date handling

When a date is  to be converted, the LIST  parameter describes both the
From and To field names as well as the format of both fields.

The *  values used to describe the date  formats all describe a length.
For example, *MDY6 means the value is in  the format of a 6 byte (or  6
digit) field  with no  separation characters.   The  length assists  in
defining  the  command  and  understanding  the  error messages.    For
example,  if  you have  an 8  byte field  and  specify *MDY6,  an error
message will  appear stating  that the type  and field  length are  not

Date fields may  be declared as character, decimal,  or the DDS defined
date  fields (Type = L).   If the  field is decimal, it  may be kept in
either packed, signed, or binary format.

When *DATCVT is used, some checking  occurs to ensure that the data  is
valid.   For example, the  month value  must be 1-12,  September cannot
have a day of 31, etc.

The  DATCVTERR option provides  a method  of forcing all  invalid dates
to several different  date forms.   Not all of the  special values  are
valid for  date type fields  (L type) and  some special values  may not
provide  meaningful results  for  the *CYMD  or 2  digit  year formats.
See the discussion of the parameter values.

If  a  date is  converted  from  a format  of  6 (such  as  *MDY6), the
century information is assumed based on:

       Year 40 to 99 = 20th century (1940 -19999)
       Year 00 to 39 = 21st century (2000 - 2039)

The *CYMD format century is  generated by adding 1 to the 2nd  digit of
the 4  digit year.  Therefore,  the format is only  useful when dealing
with dates from 1900 to 2899.

The  following shows  the various supported  date types  and the values
for July  31,  2009.   The  third  column indicates  whether  the  date
separator character  is used if  the field is a  'To field'.   The date
separator  is  used  for  the 'From  field'  (a  '/'  is  shown in  the

       Date type        Sample             Uses DATSEP

        *MDY6           063109
        *DMY6           310709
        *YMD6           090721
        *MDY8           07/31/09               Yes
        *DMY8           31/07/09               Yes
        *YMD8           09/07/31               Yes
        *Y2             09
        *YM4            0907
        *YY4            2009
        *YYM6           200907
        *JUL5           09213
        *JUL6           09/213                 Yes
        *LONGJUL        2009213
        *CYMD7          1090731
        *CYMD9          109/07/31              Yes
        *MDYY8          07312009
        *DMYY8          31072009
        *YYMD8          20090731
        *MDYY10         07/31/2009             Yes
        *DMYY10         31/07/2009
        *YYMD10         2009/07/31             Yes
        *ISO10          2009-07-31
        *USA10          07/31/2009
        *EUR10          31.07-2009
        *JIS10          2009-07-31

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   FROMFILE      The qualified  file name  of the  file to  copy  from.
                 The library value  defaults to *LIBL.  *CURLIB  may be

   TOFILE        The qualified  file name of the file to  copy to.  The
                 library  value  defaults  to *LIBL.    *CURLIB  may be
                 specified.  The file must exist.

   MBROPT        Whether to  replace or  add  records in  the To  file.
                 This is  a required parameter.  *REPLACE  or *ADD must
                 be specified.

   FROMMBR       The  member  to  be  copied  from.    The  default  is

   TOMBR         The member to  be copied to.   The default is  *FIRST.
                 The member must exist.

   FROMRCD       The record  to begin  copying from.   Arrival sequence
                 is  always used.   The default  is 1.   This parameter
                 can  be  helpful  when  creating  test  data  or   for
                 recovery.  See the section on Recovery.

   CPYNBR        The number of  records to copy.   The default  is *ALL
                 meaning   all  records  in   the  From  file.     This
                 parameter can be helpful in creating test data.

   LIST          The  LIST  parameter  allows  you  to  name  up  to 40
                 fields to  be converted.   If the  fields do not  have
                 the  same definition  in  both the  From  file and  To
                 file,  you must  use a LIST  entry to  describe how to
                 convert the  field.   If  a field  is being  added  or
                 dropped, you must  also describe an entry.   If a date
                 field  format is  to be converted  to the  same length
                 and type field, a LIST entry is also required.

                 Note that  you do  not  need a  LIST entry  for  every
                 field  in the  file.    Only  the exceptions  must  be

        FROMFIELD     The  name of  the field  in the  From file.   The
                      special  value *NONE must  be used if  a field is
                      being added  to the To  file and  does not  exist
                      in the  From file.  It  is valid to  use the same
                      From field for multiple entries.

        TOFIELD       The  name  of the  field  in  the To  file.   The
                      default is *FROMFIELD  meaning the  same name  as
                      the From  field.  A field  name may only  be used
                      once as a To field.

        OPTION        The  option that  describes  how to  reformat the
                      To field.  The following are valid:

                      *MAP.   Use *MAP  when the  field names  are  the
                      same,  but  not  the  field  definitions.    Some
                      conversion is  needed, and it  is not one  of the
                      special  date  conversions.    If  a  decimal  To
                      field   is  specified,   no   decimal   alignment
                      occurs.  You  can map from a smaller  to a larger
                      field,  from character to decimal,  or decimal to
                      character.  To  map from  a larger  to a  smaller
                      field  requires  a  special   option.    See  the
                      option *TRUNCATE.

                      *DROP.   Use *DROP when a field  in the From file
                      does not exist in the To file.

                      If a field is  to be dropped  (does not exist  in
                      the To  file), declare  the From  field, use  the
                      default  (*FROMFIELD) for the  To field,  and the
                      Option *DROP.

                      *ADD.   Use *ADD  when a field  does not exist in
                      the From  file,  but is  being  added to  the  To

                      If a field  is to be added (does  not exist in in
                      the  From   file)  specify  *NONE  for  the  From
                      field, use  the  To field  name, and  the  Option

                      The value placed  in the field will  be blanks or
                      zeros for normal character or decimal fields.

                      If a  Date type field (Type =  L) is defined, the
                      date when  the command  began will  be placed  in
                      the correct  format specified  for the To  field.
                      If a  Time type field (Type =  T) is defined, the
                      time  at  the beginning  of  the command  will be
                      placed in  every record  added.   If a  Timestamp
                      type  field  (Type  =  Z) is  defined,  the  same
                      timestamp  as generated  at the beginning  of the
                      command will be placed in every record.

                      *RENAME.  Use  *RENAME when  a field is  renamed,
                      but has the  same attributes.  The  data is moved
                      to the new field location.

                      If the  only change is a rename  of a field, CPYF
                      may be used with  FMTOPT(*NOCHK).  If however,  a
                      field  is  renamed  along   with  other  changes,
                      *NOCHK  cannot be  used and  you  should consider

                      *TRUNCATE.    Use *TRUNCATE  when mapping  from a
                      larger field to  a smaller field.   Data will  be
                      truncated  as  you  have  specified  without  any
                      errors  occurring.    If a  decimal  To  field is
                      specified, no decimal alignment occurs.

                      The *TRUNCATE  option  is the  same  function  as
                      *MAP.   A  different  option is  required so  you
                      may acknowledge that data may be lost.

                      *DATCVT.   Use *DATCVT when the  field value is a
                      date that must be  reformatted.  When *DATCVT  is
                      used, the  next two values  of the entry  must be
                      specified (From/To date format).

        FROMDATFMT    If the  Option is *DATCVT, specify  the format of
                      the  date  to  be  converted  from.    The  valid
                      values are  *MDY6,  *YMD6, *DMY6,  *MDY8,  *YMD8,
                      *DMY8,   *JUL5,    *JUL6,   *LONGJUL   (yyyyddd),
                      *CYMD7,    *CYMD9,   *MDYY8,    *YYMD8,   *DMYY8,
                      *MDYY10,  *YYMD10,  *DMYY10,  *Y2,  *YM4,   *YY4,
                      *YYM5, *ISO10, *USA10, *EUR10, and *JIS10.

                      Each  of the  values  describes  a length.    For
                      example,  *MDY6  means the  value exists  in  a 6
                      byte  (or  6  digit)  field  with  no  separation
                      characters.  Values  such as *MDYY10 can  only be
                      character   and   would   appear  as   MM-DD-YYYY
                      separated  by  the  date  separator  specified on
                      the command  (the default  is to  use the  system

                      For date  formats that do not include  a month or
                      day  (such as *Y2 or  *YM4), a month  of 01 and a
                      day of  01  are assumed.    For example,  if  you
                      convert  from *Y2  and a  value of  97 to  *YMD6,
                      the value will be 970101.

        TODATFMT      If  the Option is *DATCVT,  specify the format of
                      the date to  be converted to.   The valid  values
                      are  *MDY6, *YMD6,  *DMY6,  *MDY8, *YMD8,  *DMY8,
                      *JUL5,   *JUL6,   *LONGJUL   (yyyyddd),   *CYMD7,
                      *CYMD9,    *MDYY8,   *YYMD8,   *DMYY8,   *MDYY10,
                      *YYMD10,  *DMYY10,   *Y2,   *YM4,  *YY4,   *YYM5,
                      *ISO10, *USA10, *EUR10, and *JIS10.

                      Each  of  the values  describes  a  length.   For
                      example,  *MDY6 means the  value will  exist in a
                      6 byte  (or 6  digit)  field with  no  separation
                      characters.  Values  such as *MDYY10 can  only be
                      character   and   would   appear  as   MM-DD-YYYY
                      separated by  the  date  separator  specified  on
                      the command  (the default  is to  use the  system

                      For date  formats that do not include  a month or
                      day  (such as *Y2  or *YM4), a month  of 01 and a
                      day of  01  are assumed.    For example,  if  you
                      convert  from *Y2  and a  value of  97  to *YMD6,
                      the value will be 970101.

        IGNZERODAT    Whether  to  ignore dates  with all  zeros.   The
                      default is  *NO  in  which  case a  date  of  all
                      zeros is considered an error.

                      *YES  may  be  specified  to cause  zeros  to  be

        IGNBLKDAT     Whether  to ignore  dates with  all blanks.   The
                      default is  *NO  in  which case  a  date  of  all
                      blanks is considered an error.

                      *YES  may be  specified  to  cause blanks  to  be

   CHRDECERR     How  to handle conversions  from character  to decimal
                 when  invalid data is  found.  This  parameter is only
                 used for the Options  *MAP or *TRUNCATE.  It  does not
                 apply to the Option *DATCVT.

                 Valid data  is considered  to be blanks  (converted to
                 zeros) and digits 0-9.

                 *NORMAL  is  the default  which means  that  any other
                 characters that are found  are considered invalid  and
                 an escape message occurs.

                 *ALWEDTCHR  may  be  specified to  allow  the  editing
                 characters  comma (','),  period ('.'), or  plus ('+')
                 to be bypassed.  The  minus sign ('-') found  anywhere
                 in the  field  will also  be bypassed  and causes  the
                 field to be set to a negative value.

                 For example,  a value of  1.234 would be  converted to
                 1234.  No decimal alignment would occur.

                 *FRCZERO   may  be  specified  to  allow  any  invalid
                 characters to be set to zero.

                 *ALLZEROS may be specified  to cause the entire  field
                 to  be  set  to  zeros  if any  invalid  character  is

                 *ALLNINES  may be specified to  cause the entire field
                 to be  set to  999...   if  any invalid  character  is
                 found.    The intent  of  the  *ALLNINES value  is  to
                 allow  you to  convert the  data  and then  review the
                 fields that contain  all 9s.   This assumes that  your
                 current  data does  not  have  all  9s.   If  you  are
                 converting  to  a binary  field,  the *ALLNINES  value
                 cannot  be  used because  the  decimal value  does not
                 have a binary equivalent.

   DATCVTERR     How to handle conversions  of dates where the  data is
                 invalid or  the dates are invalid.   This parameter is
                 only used for the Option *DATCVT.

                 Valid  data is considered  to be  blanks (converted to
                 zeros) and digits 0-9.

                 For  most  formats,  any  year  value  is   considered
                 valid.   Any month  value must be  between 01  and 12.
                 Any day  value must be between  1 and 31 (or  1 and 30
                 for certain  months).   A February  day is  considered
                 valid between 1  and 29.   No checking for  leap years

                 If  the To date  is an L  type date field,  the system
                 will  reject any invalid February  29ths or year 0000.

                 *NORMAL is  the  default which  means 'bad  dates'  or
                 'bad data' will cause an escape message.

                 *BLANKS  may be specified  to force  any bad  dates or
                 bad  data to  blanks.  If  the To  field is character,
                 blanks will appear and  any separator characters.   If
                 the To  field is decimal, zeros  will appear.   If the
                 To field  is a *CYMD decimal  format, the century will
                 be '1'.    If  the  To  field  is  a  *CYMD  character
                 format, the century will be blank.

                 If an the  To field is  an L type date  field, *BLANKS
                 cannot  be specified  because the  system  will reject
                 the value with a data mapping error.

                 *ZEROS  may  be specified  to force  any bad  dates or
                 bad  data  to  0000-00-00.     If  the  To   field  is
                 character,  zeros   will  appear  and   any  separator
                 characters.   If the  To field is  decimal, zeros will
                 appear.   If  the To  field  is  a *CYMD  format,  the
                 century will be '1'.

                 If  the  To date  is  an  L  type date  field,  *ZEROS
                 cannot  be specified  because  the system  will reject
                 the value with a data mapping error.

                 *FRC0001 may be  specified to force  any bad dates  or
                 bad  data to  0001-01-01.   This  format  is valid  to
                 convert  to any  To field  format, but  would normally
                 be  used with a format that  contained a 4 digit year.
                 For example, if  converted to a  6 position date,  the
                 date would  appear as  010101 and could  be misleading
                 as  it may be  confused with  valid dates.   If the To
                 field is a *CYMD format, the century will be '1'.

                 *FRC1940 may be  specified to force  any bad dates  or
                 bad  data  to 1940-01-31.    This  date is  chosen  as
                 unlikely  to  appear  in your  data  and  is valid  to
                 convert to any To field format.

   DATSEP        The  date  separator  to  use  if  a  date  is   being
                 reformatted to a  format which uses a  date separator.
                 The default  is *SYSVAL which  means to use  the value
                 of the system value QDATSEP.

                 Some  types  such as  *ISO  have a  standard separator
                 and do not use the command value.


When character data is mapped  to decimal data or when date  fields are
converted, errors  can occur if  the data is  not valid.   For example,
you may  not have valid numeric data or  the date field may be invalid.

The CHRDECERR  and  DATCVTERR  parameters  allow you  to  specify  what
should occur if errors  are found.  The default  for both parameters is
to  send   an  escape  message  and  end   the  command  on  the  first

In many situations,  you may not expect  any errors.   If you take  the
defaults for CHRDECERR and  DATCVTERR, some number of records  may have
been converted to the To File before the error is found.

CVTDBFFMT  allows a  fairly simple  method of  recovery.   If  you have
already  converted a significant  number of records to  the To file, do
the following:

  1.   Use the  TAA Tool DSPMBRD  to determine  how many records  exist
       in  the To  file.   This represents  the number  that  have been
       successfully converted.

  2.   Determine  what value should  be specified  for either CHRDECERR
       or DATCVTERR (or  both).  Depending  on what the  field is,  you
       may  want to  change the  values  after you  have converted  the
       file.   You can  use one of  the parameters to  specify a unique
       value (or mostly unique)  in the data to  allow you to find  the
       records after conversion.

       For example, for  character to decimal errors you  could specify
       CHRDECERR(*NINES).   This will  place an  all 9s value  into the
       decimal  field  and  allow you  to  find the  data  record after

       For  date conversion  errors,  you  must consider  the  type  of
       format you are writing  to.  For example, if it is  a 6 byte (or
       digit)  field, a date  of zeros may  make sense, but  this is an
       invalid value if the field is a date type (L type).

  3.   Use CVTDBFFMT again  and specify  the FROMRCD  parameter as  one
       greater than  the number  of records in  the To  file.   This is
       the  record that caused the  failure.  Specify  the CHRDECERR or
       DATCVTERR  (or  both)   value  you  have   selected.     Specify
       MBROPT(*ADD) to add records to the existing file.

  4.   If you  need to  correct the  data, a  good solution  is to  run
       OPNQRYF and  follow it with  a program created  by the CRTPRTPGM
       TAA  Tool.  This  tool will allow  you to print  any fields from
       the file.   You can  use OPNQRYF to  select those records  where
       the  unique (or  mostly unique)  value was  placed in  the field
       and  then print  enough  information about  the record  (such as
       the key  fields)  to allow  you to  find  and modify  the  error
       conditions with your own programs or with DFU.


  **   The maximum record size allowed is 9999 bytes.

  **   The maximum number  of fields that are valid in  either the From
       file or To file is 200.

  **   The  only support for  Floating point (Type  = F) or  Hex fields
       (Type = H) is  to allow them to  be copied (no reformatting)  to
       the To file or dropped.

  **   A logical file may be  used for either the From or  To file, but
       may only have a single format.

  **   No decimal alignment occurs.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     EXTLST          Extract list
     FILEFDBCK       File feedback
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     RPGSTSDS        RPG status data structure
     RTVFLDARR       Retrieve field array
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CVTDBFFMT     *CMD                   TAADBHN       QATTCMD
   TAADBHNC      *PGM       CLP         TAADBHNC      QATTCL
   TAADBHNC2     *PGM       CLP         TAADBHNC2     QATTCL
   TAADBHNC3     *PGM       CLP         TAADBHNC3     QATTCL
   TAADBHNR      *PGM       RPG         TAADBHNR      QATTRPG

The TAADBHNC2  and TAADBHNC3 CL  programs are called  from TAADBHNR and
are used for conversion from/to Julian date formats.

Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 1996

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