TAA Tools
The  Duplicate Message  Description  command is  intended  as a  simple
method  of  duplicating an  existing  message description  to  form the
basis for a new message description.

A typical command is entered as:

        DUPMSGD     FROMID(aaannnn) FROMMSGF(xxxx)
                      TOID(aaannnn) TOMSGF(*FROMMSGF)

A different TOMSGF may also be named.

You  would normally follow  DUPMSGD with the  WRKMSGD command to modify
the parameters of the message description.

The second  level of  message  text can  be a  maximum  of 3000  bytes.
DUPMSGD supports the  maximum.  However, the WRKMSGD  command will only
allow  512 bytes to  be maintained using  the prompter.   You can still
change a large second  level text value  with the CHGMSGD command,  but
you cannot  see what  you are  changing.  See  the TAATOOL  CHGMSGD2 if
you  need to change  a second level  description which is  greater than
512 bytes.

The restrictions are:

  **   The validity  parameters  RANGE  and  REL  are  not  duplicated.
       Defaults are taken for these parameters.

  **   Up to 40 field definitions for message data are duplicated.

  **   Up to 15 DMPLST options are duplicated.

The DUPMSGD function is  performed by using DSPMSGD to  a spooled file,
CPYSPLF  and a  program  which reads  the printed  output  and performs
ADDMSGD.   There  is an API  for retrieving a  message description, but
it does not provide as much information as the printed output.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   FROMID        The message ID to be copied from.

   FROMMSGF      The qualified name  of the message  file to be  copied
                 from.  The library defaults to *LIBL.

   TOID          The  message ID  to  be  copied to.    The default  is

   TOMSGF        The  qualified  name of  the  the message  file  to be
                 copied  to.    The  default  for  the  file  name   is
                 *FROMMSGF.  The default for the library is *LIBL.

   CCSID         The  CCSID of  the message  description  to be  added.
                 The  default is  *FROMMSGF meaning  the same  CCSID as
                 in the FROMID message.

                 The CCSID  value  is  only meaningful  when  adding  a
                 message description  to a  message file  with a  CCSID
                 other than  65535.  If  the message file  is 65535, it
                 does  not  matter  what  CCSID  is  specified  for the
                 message description  as 65535  will  be displayed  and
                 user for the  CCSID.  For a full  explanation of this,
                 see the tool DSPMSGSID.


Because  the  DSPMSGD  output  is  copied  with  CPYSPLF,  the  DUPMSGD
function is release dependent.   Only the lower and upper case  English
language  versions  are  supported.   If  the  format  of  the  DSPMSGD
printed  output is changed  on a  subsequent release, the  program must
be modified.

See the previously  described restrictions for  what is duplicated  and
the limits on certain parameters.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

            SNDCOMPMSG     Send completion message
            SNDESCMSG      Send escape message
            SNDSTSMSG      Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type        Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----        ---------      ----------    ----------

   DUPMSGD       *CMD                       TAAMSGJ       QATTCMD
   TAAMSGJC      *PGM           CLP         TAAMSGJC      QATTCL
   TAAMSGJR      *PGM           RPG         TAAMSGJR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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