TAA Tools
PAUSE           PAUSE                                  TAAMSHQ

The Pause command displays  an entire screen with each  line containing
text as  supplied on the  command.  By  default, the display  ends when
the  operator  presses Enter.    An option  exists  to end  the display
after a number  of seconds or  when the operator  presses Enter.   This
approximates  a full  screen status  message,  but does  not allow  the
program  to continue until the function ends.   PAUSE can be helpful in
describing conditions to a user.

A typical command would be:

             PAUSE         TITLE('Payroll processing information') +
                           LINE6('The Payroll Update process +
                             has been completed.') +
                           LINE8('Submit the PAYROLL job.')

The display appears as follows:

  **   Line 1 contains the title (centered) and the system name.

  **   Line  2  contains  optional  job  information  (job,  user,  job
       number) and an optional date and time.

  **   Line 3 is blank.

  **   Line 4 - 22 contains the values from the command parameters.

  **   Line 23 is blank.

  **   Line 24 contains either default text such as:

             -  Press Enter to proceed to the next display.
             -  Display will automatically end in N seconds or
                    press ENTER to proceed.

       The text  varies based  on the WAIT  parameter which  allows the
       display to automatically disappear after N seconds.

When  a number  of seconds  is  specified for  the WAIT  parameter, the
display will end when  either the wait timeout  occurs or the  operator
presses Enter.

Using the  WAIT  parameter function  allows the  application to  inform
the  operator  of some  condition,  but does  not  require an  operator
action  to  end  the display.    The  application can  assume  that the
operator has either  seen the information or  does not care.   This can
allow  good  communication  for   novice  operators  while  experienced
operators can go about their business.

An  option exists  to allow  the use  of F6 to  cause a  TAA9897 escape
message to allow unique processing following the display.

Batch processing

If PAUSE is run in batch, as

             PAUSE         TITLE('Payroll processing information') +
                           LINE6('The Payroll Update process +
                             has been completed.') +
                           LINE8('Submit the PAYROLL job')

no error or action occurs.

You may  optionally specify  a Message  Queue to  receive  the LINE4  -
LINE22 parameter values  as messages when using WAIT(*NOMAX)  to mean a
response  is  required.    Standard  'Begin'  and 'End'  messages  will
appear  before  and  after  any  non-blank  LINE4  -  LINE22  parameter
values.   Each  LINE4 -  LINE22 non-blank  values  would be  sent as  a
separate  message.   The operator of  the message  queue would  see the
messages  and an  Inquiry message  requesting a G  (or any  value) as a

Job log audit trail

By default,  no messages  are sent to  the job  log.   You may  specify
JOBLOG(*YES)  to  cause the  TITLE  value and  ,  each  LINE4 -  LINE24
non-blank  value to be  sent as a  separate message to the  job log for
either  interactive  or  batch  jobs.    Standard  'Begin'  and   'End'
messages will appear before and after these messages.

Comparison to a status message

If  a  number of  seconds  is  specified  for  the WAIT  parameter,  an
interactive  job  display  will end  when  the  timeout  occurs or  the
operator presses  the Enter  key (F3  or  F12 are  also valid).    This
differs from a status message as follows:

  **   A status message only  appears on the last line  of the display.
       PAUSE uses the entire display.

  **   Sending  a  status   message  allows  the  program  to  continue
       processing.  PAUSE waits for the timeout or an Enter key.

  **   Sending  a status  message in  batch is  ignored.   PAUSE allows
       the message to  be sent to a  message queue such as  QSYSOPR and
       you may  optionally log the  information as messages in  the job

For  a further discussion  of status messages, see  the SNDSTSMSG tool.

PAUSE escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9897    F6ESCAPE(*YES) was requested and F6 was used.

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   TITLE         The title of  the display.   The default  is 'Pause  -
                 TAA'.   Up  to  40 characters  may  be  entered.   The
                 entry  should be left adjusted  and will automatically
                 be centered and highlighted.

   DATTIM        A  *YES/*NO  parameter  for  whether  to  display  the
                 current  date  and  time on  line  2.    *YES  is  the
                 default.   *NO prevents the  date and time  from being

   JOB           A  *YES/*NO  parameter  for  whether  to  display  the
                 current  job information  (Job  name,  user,  and  job
                 number).   *NO is  the default.   *YES causes  the job
                 information to be displayed on line 2.

   WAIT          Whether  to  wait for  an Enter  key  or automatically
                 end the  display  after N  seconds.   The  default  is
                 *NOMAX which means  the operator must press  the Enter
                 key.   F3 and F12  are also considered  the Enter key.

                 If a number of seconds  is entered for an  interactive
                 job, the  display  will wait  for the  amount of  time
                 specified  and then  end normally.   The  operator may
                 also  end  the display  by  pressing Enter  (or  F3 or
                 F12).  A number between  1 and 99999 may be used.   If
                 LINE24(*DFT)  is  used,  default  text appears.    The
                 text varies based on the WAIT parameter value.

                 If  the PAUSE  command is  run in  batch, WAIT(*NOMAX)
                 may be  used  to  cause a  message  to be  sent  to  a
                 message  queue such  as QSYSOPR.    See the  BATCHMSGQ

   BATCHMSGQ     The name  of the message queue to  send messages to if
                 the command  is  run  in  batch  and  WAIT(*NOMAX)  is
                 used.  The  default is *NONE meaning that  no messages
                 are sent if the command is run in batch.

                 *SUBMITTER  may  be entered  to  send  to the  message
                 queue  of the  job that submitted  the PAUSE function.

                 If  PAUSE   is  run  interactively,   any  value   for
                 BATCHMSGQ is ignored.

                 A  qualified message  queue  may be  named to  receive
                 the  LINE4  -  LINE22  non-blank  values  as messages.
                 Messages are only sent  if WAIT(*NOMAX) is  specified.
                 Standard  'Begin'  and  'End'   messages  will  appear
                 before   and  after  any  non-blank   LINE4  -  LINE22
                 messages followed  by  an Inquiry  message  that  will
                 request a reply.   The reply  value can be  any single
                 character  (non-blank).  The  program will  wait until
                 a reply is received.

                 The  value keyed  for the reply  is not  returned.  If
                 PAUSE  is used  in  a  CL program,  the  program  will
                 continue once the reply is received.

                 If the  operator of the message queue  responds with a
                 blank,  F3,  or  F12,  the  program  will continue  to

   JOBLOG        A *YES/*NO value for whether  to send messages to  the
                 job  log for  the  non-blank  LINE4 -  LINE22  values.
                 The default is *NO.

                 *YES may  be specified to cause  a separate message to
                 be sent  to the  job log  for each  non-blank LINE4  -
                 LINE22 value.    Standard 'Begin'  and 'End'  messages
                 will  appear before  and  after the  TITLE  and LINE24

   LINE4         The  text to appear on line  4.  No formatting occurs.
                 If no data  is entered, the line  will be blank.   The
                 data begins in position 2 on the line.

   LINE5-22      Same as line 4 for the corresponding line number.

   LINE24        The text for  the last line of the  display.  The text
                 will appear in blue on a color display.

                 The  default is  *DFT  which causes  the text  to vary
                 based on  the WAIT  parameter.   If no  WAIT value  is
                 entered,  the   text  will  describe  that   Enter  is
                 required.   F3 or  F12 may also  be used, but  are not

                 If a WAIT  value is  entered, the  text will  describe
                 the amount of wait time.

                 You may enter  your own version  of the text  as well.

   F6ESCAPE      Whether  the F6  key is  allowed  to send  the TAA9897
                 escape message if pressed.

                 *NO is the default meaning F6 is not allowed.

                 *YES  may be specified to allow the  use of F6.  If F6
                 is pressed, the TAA9897  message is sent as  an escape
                 message  to  allow  unique  processing  following  the
                 display.   Use  the LINE24  parameter to  describe the
                 use of F6.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADJVAR          Adjust variable
     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     EDTVAR          Edit variable


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   PAUSE         *CMD                   TAAMSHQ       QATTCMD
   TAAMSHQC      *PGM       CLP         TAAMSHQC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools July 1, 1999

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