TAA Tools
PRTSEUTXT       PRINT SEU TEXT                         TAATXTA

The Print  SEU Text  command provides  an editor  using SEU.   Text  is
keyed in  using SEU with special  commands in the text.   The PRTSEUTXT
command is then used to format the printed output.

PRTSEUTXT  is  designed for  users that  know SEU.    It uses  a unique
'mark up'  or 'tag'  language that  is  not compatible  with any  other
product.     For  a  'short  course'  on   PRTSEUTXT,  see  approximate
statement  81  or  Page  3.   For  a  'medium  course'  see approximate
statement 186  or  Page  6.    A summary  (one  line  per  command  and
function) is available at approximately statement 2666 or Page 60.

The  next   set  of  statements  allow   you  to  quickly   access  the
description of various sections of this document.

Section                                          Statement   Prtd page
-------                                          ---------   ---------

PRTBCKBCK - Print back to back

Some printers allow printing of pages on both sides.

PRTSEUTXT command parameters                        661         16

Commands within the SEU source

   - Paragraphs                                     885         21
   - Miscellaneous (double space, comments etc.)   1097         25
   - Heading and footings                          1254         28
   - New page and skipping                         1363         31
   - Page size, margins, overflow                  1423         32
   - Keep request (keep block of lines on a page)  1487         33
   - File processing                               1535         34
   - Executing CL commands                         1714         38
   - Table of contents                             1758         39
   - Index                                         1898         42
   - Referencing another page in the document      2032         45
   - Chapter identification                        2117         47

Functions within the SEU source

   - Counters (page numbers) upper and lower case  2165         48
   - Dates                                         2324         51
   - Parameters passed in from the command         2344         52
   - Variables within the document                 2405         53

Data base access with PRTSEUTXT                    2452         54

Other TAA tools of interest

   - CPYSPLTXT for copying spooled files           2555         57
   - SORTTXT for sorting lists                     2604         58
   - PRTBCKBCK for printing on both sides          2640         58
   - CHKSPELL - spelling check                     2659         59

PRTSEUTXT   does  not  support  every   text  function.     It  does  a
significant  number  of  text  functions,  but  not  everything.    The
following is a rough summary:

     Included                           Not included
     --------                           ------------

     Paragraphs (plus indentation)      Spell check (See CHKSPELL tool)
     Headings/footings                  Footnotes
     Table of contents                  Superscript/subscript
     Index                              Underline
     Keep (blocks of text on a page)    Hilite (Bolding)
     Margins                            Hyphenation
     Dates                              Different fonts
     Printing selected pages
     Special functions
     Including other text members
     Access to CL
     Copying in WS and spooled files

                            Short course

There are two kinds of printed lines:

  **   Non-paragraph.   These do not  start with  a period in  position
       1.    If  there  is  no  special  formatting  requested  (called
       'functions')  within  the line,  what you  see  is what  you get
       (WYSIWYG).  The  line will be adjusted  to the left margin  (See
       later exception).

  **   Paragraphs.  A  paragraph begins with a .p in  position 1 and is
       followed  by at  least one blank.   Multiple  SEU statements can
       make up a  paragraph.  At  least one blank  will appear  between
       words.    An extra  blank  appears  at  the  end of  a  sentence
       (period  followed by a blank)  or after a colon  ':' followed by
       a blank.   Excess blanks within  the source will  be taken  out.
       By default, full paragraph  lines are right adjusted.   This may
       cause  extra   blanks  to  be  sprinkled   between  words  (this
       paragraph  is an example of  this).  A word  will never be split
       over two lines (there  is no hyphenation function).   You should
       not  split any  words across  two SEU  statements  when entering
       the data.

       The .p paragraphs begin at the left margin.

       A paragraph ends on one of the following:

          - Another .p (Or any other command)
          - A blank line

       By  default, one  blank line will  be printed  following the end
       of a paragraph.

      *         Sample of what you might key          *
      *   (Assume you added member TXT1 to QTXTSRC)   *

          This is a non-paragraph line which is WYSIWYG

.p The PRTSEUTXT command provides a 'low cost' editor using
the facilities        of SEU.
 All you have    to do   is enter the       text
and a few commands. As you can see, you
can have lots of blanks             within the lines that
will be squeezed out.             Do not split a word on an SEU statem
ent because the PRTSEUTXT command
will think it is a different word.
You can go on and on in the same paragraph.
.p By default there will be one blank line after
a paragraph.
.p To help you maintain the text, try to do
the following with each paragraph:

       - Start a new sentence in position 1
           (It's easy to move sentences, insert, delete etc.)

       - Don't put too many characters in a single SEU statement
           (It's easy to insert additional words later on)

          *          What you get by running          *
          *          PRTSEUTXT   TXTMBR(TXT1)         *
          *      (Submits a batch job named TXT1)     *

          This is a non-paragraph line which is WYSIWYG

The  PRTSEUTXT  command  provides  a   'low  cost'  editor  using   the
facilities of  SEU.  All  you have to  do is enter  the text and  a few
commands.   As  you can  see, you can  have lots  of blanks  within the
lines that  will be  squeezed out.    Do not  split a  word on  an  SEU
statem ent because the  PRTSEUTXT command will think it  is a different
word.  You can go on and on in the same paragraph.

By default there will be one blank line after a paragraph.

To  help you  maintain the  text,  try to  do the  following  with each

       - Start a new sentence in position 1
           (It's easy to move sentences, insert, delete etc.)

       - Don't put too many characters in a single SEU statement
           (It's easy to insert additional words later on)


Watch out for

You  must  be careful  when  mixing paragraph  lines  and non-paragraph
lines.  If  you want to follow  a paragraph with a  non-paragraph line,
you should  use a blank  line to denote  end of paragraph and  then the
non-paragraph  line.   Otherwise, PRTSEUTXT will  think it  is still in
the the same paragraph.

Short course summary

There is a  lot of capability  provided by PRTSEUTXT,  but this is  all
you need to know to  get going.  Start typing.  Try  a couple of things
before reading the next section.

                         Medium course

Now that  you are an expert  on the basics, this  section will move you
a step farther.

PRTSEUTXT supports two kinds of formatting requests:

  **   Commands.  Commands are  used to start  paragraphs, force a  new
       page,  initialize  such   things  as  heading   lines,  margins,
       counters,  etc.   A  command  always begins  with  a period  and
       starts  in  position  1.   A  blank  position  always  follows a
       command.    Sometimes  a  value  will  follow  the  blank  (e.g.
       describing the overflow line).

       Commands can be  entered in lower case (.p),  upper case (.P) or
       in  mixed  case  (.iLt1).   To  help  you  specify  the commands
       correctly, there are very strict  rules about spelling and  what
       can be on a command line.

  **   Functions.     Functions  are   used  within   non-paragraph  or
       paragraph  lines to  cause counters  to  print, date  formats to
       print, etc.   A function is  replaced in the  printed text  with
       whatever the  value  is at  the time.   Functions  begin with  a
       period and cannot  start in position 1.   They can be entered in
       lower  case (.ct1), upper case (.CT1)  or mixed case (.Ct1).  If
       you misspell  a function,  it is  not an  error and  it will  be
       considered as text.

       A  blank does not  have to  follow a  function.   Therefore, you
       can   completely  control  what  will   actually  appear.    For
       example, if you want to say  ')1.'.  where the '1' is a  counter
       that  will  be  automatically bumped  when  printed,  you  would
       place  in the  text ').ct1.'  and  it would  appear the  way you
       want when printed.

The following describes how to do some typical text functions:

How to print a heading line

       All you  need  to do  is  enter the  command  .ihd1  (initialize
       heading 1)  and follow it  with your text.   You must  center it
       in the remainder of the line.  For example:

.ihd1                    This is a heading

       By default,  the heading will print on line  6 and there will be
       2  blank lines  following the heading.   The  heading will print
       on the first page if  the command is entered before any  text is
       printed.    There  are  other commands  for  additional  heading
       lines,  footing  lines, how  much  to space  after  the heading,

How to print a heading line with a page number

       A page  number is  normally printed  by using  Counter  1.   You
       request to  print Counter 1  with the  function .ct1.   Just put
       it in  the line where you want the page  number to print.  Every
       time .ct1 is  printed, the  internal number will  be bumped  one
       before printing.

.ihd1                    This is a heading                Page .ct1

       There are  several  counters supported  as well  as commands  to
       initialize  them.   You  can also  repeat  the same  value  in a
       counter (so it is not bumped before printing).

How to skip to a new page

       PRTSEUTXT   will  cause  normal  page  overflow  and  print  the
       heading on the new page if  there is one.  To force a skip  to a
       new page enter the command .newp as follows:


How to make a comment

A comment appears  in the source, but not in the  printed output.  Just
enter .txt followed by a blank.

.txt This helps you document your text, but will not print.

How to end your text

       When  end of file is  found, that is  the end of  text.  You can
       end it earlier,  by specifying .eof.   No other statements  will
       be printed.


How to print the current date

       Three different  date functions  are provided  to let you  print
       the current date.  The following are samples:

           .dat1 - November 2, 2009
           .dat2 - Nov 2, 2009
           .dat3 - 11/02/09  (the format is the job format)

       So  if you begin a  letter with a non-paragraph  line, you could

    Date: .dat1

       and your printed output would look like:

    Date: November 2, 2009

How to indent a regular paragraph

       Indenting text  makes it  more  readable particularly  when  you
       have  sub-points  to  describe.     PRTSEUTXT  has  9  different
       indentation  points and  initializes  them to  default  to every
       5th  position (5, 10, 15 ...  45).   You can change the position
       of any indentation  point.  Each  indentation point is known  by
       the corresponding  entry of  .p1, .p2,  .p3 ...   .p9.   Thus if
       you  want the  paragraph to start  indented at  position 10, you
       would say:

.p2 This paragraph will start printing in position 10.

       The .p  (also  .p1-.p9) paragraphs  are  blocks  of text.    All
       lines of the paragraph begin at the same point such as:

            xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ......
            xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ......

How to right indent a paragraph

       You can  indent the first  line of  the paragraph to  the right.
       By  default, it  will indent  5  positions from  the indentation
       point.   These  types  of  paragraphs  are  requested  with  the
       commands .r1 - .r9.  For example, you could specify:

.r2 This paragraph will begin at point 10, but the first line
will be indented     to the   right by 5 positions.
After the first
line, all other lines in the paragraph start at 10.

       Your printed text would look like:

              This paragraph will begin at point 10, but the first line
         will be indented to  the right by 5 positions. After the first
         line, all other lines in the paragraph start at 10.

How to left indent a paragraph

       Left indented  paragraphs allow you  to place  some data to  the
       left  of the  paragraph.   This  can be  a word,  a  constant, a
       counter,  a request  for a  value from  the upper or  lower case
       table etc.   The paragraphs are  indented as with  .p1 - .p9  or
       .r1 .r9.   The left indented  paragraphs are specified as  .l1 -

       Assume  you  want  to  make  some  sub  points  which should  be
       numbered and  the  paragraphs  should  be indented.    For  each
       indentation  point  there  are two  associated  commands.    The
       commands  .ilt1  - .ilt9  (initialize  left  tag) describe  what
       should appear to the  left of the paragraph.   This is known  as
       a 'left  tag'.   The  commands .ilp1  -  .ilp9 (initialize  left
       point) describe  how far to  the left of the  paragraph to place
       the  tag.  The .ilp  values are all defaulted  to 5.  This makes
       it convenient to  place a symbol  or a number  as the left  tag.
       For example, if you said:

.ilt2 *
.l2 This is my first point.
It will discuss the difference between cabbages
and kings.
.l2 This is my second point.

       Your printed output would look like:

     *    This  is  my  first  point.  It will  discuss the  difference
          between cabbages and kings.

     *    This is my second point.

       You could  request the  points be numbered  by using one  of the
       counters.   There are 9  counters (.ct1 -  .ct9).  Normally, you
       will want .ct1 to be the page number.  So you could have said:

.ilt2 -.ct2.
.l2 This is my first point
.l2 This is my second point

       your printed output would look like:

     -1.  This is my first point

     -2.  This is my second point

       Notice how the -  is printed before  the counter and the  period
       is  printed after.   If  you wanted  a  space after  the -,  you
       would have said:

.ilt2 - 1.

       You can  also request the points  be consecutively numbered with
       lower case  (.lc) or  upper case  (.uc) or  even Roman  numerals

       Another example  of a  'left tag'  is where you  are creating  a
       script  with different  people  speaking.   As a  left  tag, you
       want  the persons name who  is supposed to speak.   Now you need
       to indent  the  left  tag further  away  from the  paragraph  to
       allow  for the  largest  name you  want  to enter.   To  achieve
       this,  you need to specify  one of the .ilp  commands.  You also
       need to set the left tag  for each use.  For example assume  the
       largest name to be  entered on the left is  10 characters so you
       want  the left  tag to  start 12  positions to  the left  of the
       paragraph.    To   print  the  script,   you  would  enter   the

.ilp3 12
.ilt3 Bob:
.l3 How about an ice cream cone?
.ilt3 Mary:
.l3 Sounds good.
.ilt3 Bob:
.l3 It's only 50 cents.

       Your printed output would look like:

   Bob:       How about an ice cream cone?

   Mary:      Sounds good.

   Bob:       It's only 50 cents.

       Another example  of left  tags is  when you  are outlining,  you
       might want a section to begin with:

          I.A.1.a   xxxxxxxxxx

       Since the  tag is going to  take more room than  the 5 character
       default, you need both a .ilp and a .ilt to do it correctly.

.ilp3 10
.ilt3 .rn..uc..ct2..lc

       When   the  Roman  numeral   function  .rn  is   used,  it  will
       automatically bump one  to the  next value.   The next item  you
       want  to   indicate  probably  uses  the   same  Roman  numeral.
       Therefore,  there are 'repeat' functions  which will reprint the
       same  Roman  numeral  without   bumping.    Different   'repeat'
       functions  exist  for  the  upper  and  lower  case  tables  and
       counters.    For  a  further  description,  see the  section  on

How to keep a paragraph (or lines of text) on the same page

       When you print  a paragraph or  a series of lines,  you may  not
       want to overflow to a  new page in the middle.   Keeping a block
       of  text on  a page is  called a  'keep'.   PRTSEUTXT determines
       whether  the 'keep' will fit  on the page.  If  not, it forces a
       new page and starts the 'keep' on the next page.

       There are three forms of  'keep'.  One is a simple  'k' modifier
       on the  end of any paragraph command  such as .p1k.   It keeps a
       single paragraph on the same page.

       The  second  form allows  any series  of  text including  one or
       more paragraphs  and/or  non-paragraph lines  to  be kept  on  a
       page.   To  use  the  latter form  you  must  specify where  the
       'keep' begins and ends (See the .bkp and .ekp commands).

       Assume  you want  to keep  the following  paragraph on  a single

.pk This paragraph would appear on a single page.
PRTSEUTXT buffers up all of the lines in the 'keep'
and determines if they will fit on the page.
If not, it forces an overflow before printing the paragraph.

       You can follow  any paragraph  line with a  'keep' request  such

.p2k This is an indented normal paragraph that will be kept on a page.

.r3k This is right indented paragraph that will be kept on a page.
.l2k This is a left indented paragraph that will be kept on a page.

       The second  form of  'keep' requires  you to  specify where  the
       'keep' begins and ends with .bkp and .ekp commands such as:


       You  can place  several  paragraphs and  non-paragraph  lines in
       the same 'keep'.  See the .bkp command.

       The  third form of 'keep'  is a parameter on  the command or the
       .kpar command.    On  the  PRTSEUTXT command,  you  may  specify
       PARAKEEP(*YES),  so that  no paragraph  will be  split  over two
       pages.   The value  of PARAKEEP  sets an internal  default.  You
       may override the default with  the .kpar command which allows  a
       Y or N value.

       For example,

.kpar y

       at the beginning  of the document would  prevent paragraphs from
       being split over multiple pages.

       If  PARAKEEP(*YES) is  specified or  .kpar,  the default  is set
       while PRTSEUTXT is running.   If you  have specified other  keep
       commands like .p1k,  no error occurs.   If you have  specified a
       .bkp command, no errors occur.

How to ensure you have enough room on a page

       When  you  are  printing  a  new  section  of  a  document  that
       includes  a  title,  you  normally  do  not  want  to  start the
       section title  and then  have the page  overflow.   If there  is
       room  for a  reasonable number  of lines  on the  page,  you may
       want to start the new section on the current page.

       The same  may be true of a new paragraph.   You may not want the
       first line of  5 line paragraph  to begin at  the bottom of  one
       page and  have the other 4  lines at the  top of the next.   You
       might  feel  it is  acceptable  to print  2  or 3  lines  on the
       current page and then cause overflow, but not just 1.

       This is  the  purpose of  the  .room  command.   You  specify  a
       conditional  skip  or  'If  there  enough  room,  print  on  the
       current  page'.   If there  is not  enough  room on  the current
       page  for the  number of lines  you have specified,  start a new

       To request a new  page if there is  not enough room for 5  print
       lines, you would specify:

.room 5

How to indent non-paragraph lines

       There  is one  exception to  the rule  that  non-paragraph lines
       are  WYSIWYG.    This  is if  you  specify  the  .ii  command or
       'indent'.  This allows you to  have a series of points that  you
       do  not want  to make  paragraphs out  of  and yet  you want  to
       indent them.

       Indenting  can be awkward in  that you may might  to indent them
       less  or  more  after  you  see  the  formatted  version.    The
       'indent' command  lets you key  the lines beginning  in position
       1  and then just  change the  value to  format it better.   When
       you  are done with  the indent function, you  should reset it to

       Here's a sample:

.ii 10
- This is my first point
- This is my second point
- This is my third point
.ii 0

       The  non-paragraph  lines would  be  indented  beginning  at  10
       positions from the left margin.

Draft printing options

       It is  fairly typical for a  document to go thru  several drafts
       before  a final version  is printed.   To assist  you in working
       with draft versions, several options are available.

       These options exist  on both  the PRTSEUTXT command  as well  as
       being commands within  the document.  On  the PRTSEUTXT command,
       you  can describe the parameters  for a draft document.   A more
       typical solution  for a  document requiring  several  iterations
       would be  to place  the commands  at the front  of the  document
       and then  change it for the final version.   The value specified
       on  the PRTSEUTXT command is used  until overridden by a command
       within the text.

  **   Double space.   The document is single  spaced by default.   You
       can request double  spacing to assist in reading  a draft by the

.dbls y

  **   Change  bar.  You  can request that  a change bar  be printed at
       the left of any printed  lines where the SEU statement has  been
       changed on  or after the  date you specify.   The change  bar is
       an  * which  will print in  position 1.   If any  SEU statements
       within  a  paragraph  are  changed,  the  entire  paragraph   is
       considered to  be  changed.   Change bars  are  very helpful  in
       evaluating what  has really changed when a  document has several
       iterations.   The change  bar date must be  entered with a value
       in the YYMMDD format such as:

.chgb 921117

  **   Print statement  numbers.   When  you are  making  changes to  a
       document, it  is not necessarily  easy to associate  the printed
       information  with an  SEU  statement that  needs to  be changed.
       You can  simplify  this by  requesting  that the  SEU  statement
       numbers be  printed to  the left  of the  draft printed  output.
       This can  make the output a  little awkward to read,  but can be
       very helpful when  making corrections.   To print the  statement
       numbers specify:

.prts y

How errors are handled

If you  do something  wrong such as  enter an  invalid command  name or
indent beyond  the left margin,  your printed output  will describe the
error.   Note that there is no error  when you enter the SEU statement.
Checking only occurs when the PRTSEUTXT command is run.

The PRTSEUTXT  command  is  submitted to  batch  by  default.   If  any
errors exist,  the command will send  an escape message  and your batch
job  will   end  abnormally.    You  should  assume  that  you  have  a
formatting error and  display the output  rather than look  at the  job
log.   The  job  log should  only  be  needed if  there  is no  printed

You can  use the SEU split  display to view the  spooled file while you
are correcting  the source.   An  error is  always presented  with  ###
beginning in  position 1  of the  output.   Therefore, you  just key  a
scan  for ###  and you'll  find any  errors.   The ###  line identifies
your  statement number that is in error  and the first several bytes of
your statement.  The next line  has an * in position 2 followed  by the
error text.

How to determine the real spacing used

When  DSPSPLF is  used, you  see the  formatting of  the lines  as they
will  be printed, but  not any  blank lines or  skipping.   You can see
the real spacing  by either printing the  text to hard  copy or by  use
of the TAA tool DSPPRTSPC.

To   simplify   the   use  of   this   function,   PRTSEUTXT   supports
PRTTYP(*DSP).    This  causes  the  document  to  be printed  and  then
displayed with DSPPRTSPC.   The  added advantage of  this technique  is
that the first  line of output  will describe whether any  errors exist
in  the   document.    Some   users  will  always   prefer  to  specify
PRTTYP(*DSP)  to quickly  determine if there  are errors  and to better
see what the document will look like.

Medium course summary

There are a  lot more text  commands and functions  that have not  been
described.    You  should  have  the   idea  now.    The  rest  of  the
documentation is like a reference manual.

The first section describes the command parameters.

Then  each unique command and  function is described  in detail.  These
are grouped  in logical  categories such  as commands  that operate  on
paragraphs, headings and footings, etc.

PRTSEUTXT Command parameters                          *CMD

   TXTMBR        The text member to be printed.

   SRCFILE       The  qualified  source  file  name.    The  file  name
                 defaults  to QTXTSRC.   The library  value defaults to

   PRTTYP        How the  printing  should be  done.   The  default  is

                 *SBM  (submit) specifies  that  the printing  will  be
                 done in  batch by submitting  a job.   PRTSEUTXT takes
                 a  good many  CPU cycles  to format  a large document.
                 You should  use the  default  for most  of your  work.
                 Using  the default  is a  simple method  of correcting
                 any  errors because you  can easily use  the SEU split
                 display  to  look  at  the  spooled  output  and  your
                 source at  the same time.   If *SBM  is used  within a
                 batch  job,  the  option is  forced  to  *JOB.   occur
                 within the  same job.    This can  be used  for  short
                 documents (e.g.  one page).

                 *DSP can  only  be used  in an  interactive  job.   It
                 performs  the printing immediately  and then  uses the
                 TAA  tool  DSPPRTSPC  to display  the  document  as it
                 will appear (blank  lines are  included).  The  normal
                 method  of displaying spooled  output is  with DSPSPLF
                 which does not include the blank lines.

                 *DSP80  can only  be used in  an interactive  job.  It
                 uses the  TAA DSPSPLF80  command without  blank  lines
                 (same as DSPSPLF).

                 *DSP80B can  only be used in  an interactive job.   It
                 uses   the  TAA  DSPSPLF80   command  including  blank

                 *JOB specifies  that the  printing should  be done  in
                 the current job.

                 *OUTFILE  should  be  used  when  an  outfile  of  the
                 printed data  is required.   If *OUTFILE is  used, the
                 OUTLIB  parameter must name a  library for the PRTTXTP

   CHGBAR        Whether a change  bar symbol should  be printed.   The
                 default  is *NONE.    To print  change  bars, enter  a
                 date  in the format YYMMDD.   The special value *TODAY
                 may be entered  for todays date.   Any SEU  statements
                 changed  on  or  after  that  date  will  be  flagged.
                 Years  between 00 and 40  will be treated  as the 21st

                 The flagging occurs by printing  an '*' in position  1
                 if  statement   numbers   are  being   printed.     If
                 statement  numbers  are   not  being  printed,  the  *
                 occurs  at  the  3rd  position  to  the  left  of  the
                 margin.  If anything  within a paragraph has  changed,
                 the entire paragraph is considered changed.

                 The value  you specify on  the command is  the default
                 when  the document starts to print.   You may override
                 this at any point during  the document with the  .CHGB
                 command.   For example,  you might  want to  use .CHGB
                 at  the  beginning  of  the  source  so that  you  can
                 always get change bars until the final version.

   DBLSPC        Whether to  double  space  the printed  output.    The
                 default  is  *NO.     When  *YES  is   specified,  the
                 document  is double spaced.   The heading  and footing
                 lines are never double spaced.

                 The  value you specify  on the command  is the default
                 when the document starts  to print.  You  may override
                 this at  any point during the document  with the .DBLS
                 command.   For  example, you  might want to  use .DBLS
                 at the  beginning  of  the  source  so  that  you  can
                 always get double spacing until the final version.

   PRTSTMT       Whether to  print the  statement numbers  at the  left
                 of  each  print  line.   The  default  is  *NO.   *YES
                 specifies that the statement  numbers from the  source
                 will be printed.

                 The intent of this  parameter is to allow you  to more
                 easily  relate the  print lines  of the  document with
                 the  source  statement  that  was  used.    If  errors
                 occur, the  statement number  is  shown.   If you  are
                 proofreading   the  document   and   want  to   modify
                 something   that   is  not   an  error,   it   is  not
                 necessarily easy to  determine which source  statement
                 to  change.   The *YES  value simplifies  this and  is
                 intended for draft copies.

                 When  *YES is  specified, the statement  number prints
                 beginning in  position  3 of  the  print line.    This
                 allows for  the  change bar  to print  in position  1.
                 Any data  you print may overlay  the statement number.
                 The  *YES  value  works  well  when  the  left  margin
                 begins  at position  10  or  greater (the  default  is
                 10).   The statement  number will  only appear  on the
                 first line of a paragraph.

                 If  the  statement  is  0025.00,  it  will  appear  as
                 '25.'.  If  the statement number  is 0025.02, it  will
                 appear  as  '25.02'.    The  intent  of  dropping  the
                 trailing 00  value is to allow  more space between the
                 statement number and your text.

                 The value you  specify on the  command is the  default
                 when the document  starts to print.  You  may override
                 this at  any point during the document  with the .PRTS
                 command.   For  example, you  might want  to use .PRTS
                 at  the beginning  of  the  source  so  that  you  can
                 always  get  the  statement  numbers until  the  final

   COPIES        The  number  of copies  to be  produced.   One  is the
                 default.  This  overrides any  value specified in  the
                 PRTFILE specified.

   PARAKEEP      Whether to keep  all paragraphs so they  are not split
                 across  pages.    *NO  is  the  default.   Any  'keep'
                 functions you  have specified  in the  source such  as
                 .pk will still be honored.

                 *YES  may be  specified  to  force all  paragraphs  so
                 that a  paragraph is not  split over two  pages.  This
                 essentially  adds  a  'k'  to  any  paragraph commands
                 that do not already have one.

                 The value you  specify on the  command is the  default
                 when the  document starts to print.   You may override
                 this  at any point during the  document with the .KPAR
                 command.  For  example, you  might want  to use  .KPAR
                 at  the beginning  of the  source so  that you  always
                 keep  the  paragraphs  on  a  page  regardless of  the
                 command option.

   FOOTING       Whether to print a footing line.

                 *NO is the default  and should be used  if you do  not
                 want a  footing or you  are printing your  own footing
                 lines with the '.ift' command in the source.

                 *PAGENBR  may be  entered to  print  'Page nnnn'  as a
                 footing line.

                 *DATE  may be entered to print  a date such as 'Nov 2,
                 2013' as a footing line.

                 *BOTH may  be entered  to print  'Page nnnn'  followed
                 by 8 spaces and then the date.

   PRM           This is  a list of up  to 9 values which  are 40 bytes
                 each.   The values  may be printed in  the document as
                 .prm1  -  .prm9.    This   allows  you  a  method   of
                 dynamically altering  the text based on  command input
                 such  as  a form  letter  where the  name  and address
                 information is in  the data  base.  It  is invalid  to
                 use one  of  the .prm  values if  the parameter  value
                 from  the command  is blank.    See the  discussion of
                 the .prm command.

   PAGEIDS       This  is a list of up to  40 page IDs which will cause
                 selective pages to print.   The default is  *ALL which
                 causes all pages to print.

                 A  4  character Page  ID  can  be  entered which  must
                 match   a  corresponding   value  set  by   the  .ipgi
                 command.  At the beginning  of each page, the  current
                 value for  .ipgi is checked to  see if it  matches one
                 of the  values specified on the command.   If so, that
                 page prints.

                 Note that  all pages  are  processed, but  only  those
                 that match  a Page ID  are printed.   Once a value  is
                 set  for .ipgi and  a matching  Page ID is  found, all
                 subsequent   pages  will  print  until  another  .ipgi
                 command in  the source  resets  the value.   An  error
                 will be  noted if the  parameter names a Page  ID that
                 does not exist in the source.

                 For more explanation, see the .ipgi command.

   PRTFILE       The  printer file to be used.   The default is QPRINT.
                 The page length  and overflow line  are ignored.   The
                 values specified within  the source are used  (See the
                 section on  Page size).  The print  width should be at
                 least as  large  as  the  margins  will  allow.    The
                 number  of   copies   is  specified   on  the   COPIES
                 parameter.    Other values  in  the  printer file  are
                 honored such as OUTQ.

   OUTLIB        The  library for an outfile of  the text.  The default
                 is *NONE.

                 If  a  library is  named,  the  file  to  receive  the
                 output will be  PRTTXTP.  If the file  does not exist,
                 it   will  be  created  with  a   length  of  256  and

                 If  you  name  a  library,  PRTTYP(*OUTFILE)  must  be

                 If you want  to create your own file,  you must ensure
                 enough  record length to  hold the width  of the print

   OUTMBR        The member to contain the  data for the PRTTXTP  file.
                 This  parameter   is  ignored   if  OUTLIB(*NONE)   is
                 specified.   The default  is *TXTMBR meaning  the name
                 of the member to be printed.

   REPLACE       Whether  the data  in the  member specified  by OUTMBR
                 will  be replaced.    This  parameter  is  ignored  if
                 OUTLIB(*NONE) is specified.

                 *YES  is  the default  and  causes  the  member to  be
                 cleared before any data is written.

                 *NO  may be  specified to cause  the data  to be added
                 to the member.

   NEWPAGE       The 'new  page'  indication that  will appear  at  the
                 beginning of each new page including the first.

                 The  default  is  **NEWPAGE**  which  will  appear  in
                 positions 1-11 of the data base record.

                 A  specific   value  (up  to  15  characters)  may  be
                 entered.    For  example,  if  the  medium  you   will
                 eventually  write  to  requires  a  special  value  to
                 cause  a skip  to a  new page,  you could  insert that
                 value for the NEWPAGE parameter.

   JOBD          The  qualified name of the JOBD  to be used if the job
                 is submitted to batch.  The default is *USRPRF.

   JOBQ          The qualified name of  the JOBQ to be used if  the job
                 is submitted to batch.  The default is *JOBD.

                     Text commands and Functions


   .p            The  basic  paragraph function.    Every  line of  the
                 paragraph  will start at the left  margin.  Any excess
                 blanks  (more  than   one  between   words)  will   be
                 squeezed  out.    By  default,  paragraphs  are  right
                 adjusted  which  causes a  sprinkling  of  blanks into
                 the  line.    Therefore,   extra  blanks  may   appear
                 between words.   Right adjust  can be turned  off with
                 the  .raj  command.    To  force  extra  blanks  in  a
                 paragraph,    see   the   .iblk   character   function
                 described later in this section.

                 To end a paragraph, use one of the following:

                  - Any command
                      - Another .p (or any of the paragraph commands)
                      - The special command .ep (End of paragraph)
                  - A blank line (See exception)

                 By  default,  one  blank  line  will  occur   after  a
                 paragraph  is printed.    To change  the default,  see
                 the .ipln command in this section.

                 There  is one exception to the  rule of one blank line
                 after a  paragraph.    That  is when  a  paragraph  is
                 followed by  a blank line.   This is the  typical case
                 when  you   want  to  follow  a  paragraph  with  some
                 non-paragraph  lines.    Without  the  exception,  you
                 would  normally  see   two  blank  lines   (you  would
                 actually  see  the number  of  blank  lines caused  by
                 .ipln  which  defaults  to  1 and  one  for  the blank

                 Since  this  is  the  typical  case,   it  is  handled
                 differently.   Only a  single blank line  will appear.
                 Stated  differently,  'When  a  blank  line follows  a
                 paragraph, one is  subtracted from  the current  value
                 for .ipln'.   If .ipln is  2, one would  be subtracted
                 (giving  one blank  line) followed  by the  blank line
                 from your  source (a  total  of 2  blank lines).    If
                 .ipln is  0, it  is treated  as 1 when  followed by  a
                 blank line.

                 The 'k'  for keep modifier can be used  (e.g.  .pk) to
                 keep  the  entire paragraph  on the  same page.   Also
                 see the section on Keep.

   .p1-.p9       Indented paragraphs.   Default indentation points  are
                 set to  correspond with  the 9 values  (5, 10,  15 ...
                 45).   You may change the  indentation points with the
                 .ipi1 -  .ipi9  commands described  in  this  section.
                 .p1 means  to indent to the  value set by .ipi1.   All
                 lines  of   the  .p1  -.p9  paragraphs  begin  at  the
                 indentation point.  The 'k'  for keep modifier can  be
                 used (e.g.    .p1k) to  keep the  entire paragraph  on
                 the same page.  Also see the section on Keep.

   .r1-.r9       Right  indented  paragraphs.     This  uses  the  same
                 indentation  points  as  for  the  .p1-.p9 paragraphs.
                 The only difference  is that the  first line of a  .r1
                 -  .r9  paragraph  is  indented  to  the  right  by  a
                 default  of  5  spaces.    See  the  .irin command  to
                 change the default.

                 The 'k' for  keep modifier  can be used  (e.g.   .r2k)
                 to keep the  entire paragraph on the same  page.  Also
                 see the section on Keep.

   .r1-.r9       Left   indented  paragraphs.    This   uses  the  same
                 indentation points  as  for  the  .p1-.p9  paragraphs.
                 The  only difference  is  that a  left  tag value  can
                 print  to  the  left  of  the  paragraph.   There  are
                 corresponding  left  tags  (.ilt1  -  .ilt9)  for each
                 indentation  point.    There  are  also  corresponding
                 values   that  determine  how   far  to   left  indent
                 (.ilp1-.ilp9).   You  must  enter a  value for  a left
                 tag (blanks are  not valid).   See  the discussion  in
                 the 'Medium  course' for  a full  explanation of  left

                 You must  ensure that there is  sufficient room to the
                 left of the  indentation point to  allow the left  tag
                 to print.  If not, an error will occur.

                 The 'k'  for keep modifier  can be  used (e.g.   .L2k)
                 to keep  the entire paragraph on the  same page.  Also
                 see the section on Keep.

   .ep           End   of  paragraph.    This  is  optional  because  a
                 paragraph can also  end with a  blank line or  another
                 command  (including  another  paragraph).    Normally,
                 the  .ep command  would not be  used.   If a paragraph
                 is ended  by  a blank  line,  the spacing  is  special
                 cased so  that the  automatic blank  line following  a
                 paragraph  will  not appear.    a  paragraph, see  the
                 .ipln command.  The command  to end a paragraph  would


   .ipi1-.ipi9   Initialize paragraph  indentation points.   These  are
                 defaulted to  5, 10, 15 ...  45.   You can change them
                 at  any time  in the  text and  they will  take effect
                 for the  next  paragraph to  be  formatted.   A  value
                 between 1  and 60 may be  entered.  If  you change one
                 of  the indentation  points, you  are changing  it for
                 the corresponding  right  and left  paragraphs.    The
                 command  to  allow  the  second  paragraph  to  indent
                 beginning  at position 8  (instead of  the 10 default)
                 would be:

                      .ipi2 8

   .ilp1-ilp9    Initialize left  paragraph  tag  points.    Each  left
                 paragraph has  an associated  left tag position  where
                 the  left   tag  will  begin   to  the  left   of  the
                 paragraph.   These are all initialized  to 5.  A value
                 between 1  and  30 may  be entered.    The command  to
                 allow  the third  left tag  to begin  12  positions to
                 the left of the paragraph would be:

                      .ilp3 12

   .ilt1-.ilt9   Initialize  left tags.   This  allows you to  print an
                 indication  of  the  paragraph  to  the  left  of  the
                 paragraph.   The indication could  be a  literal (e.g.
                 *  or --), a counter,  the lower case table  etc.  The
                 left tags  are  defaulted to  blanks.   If  you  don't
                 have  a left  tag  when the  corresponding  .l1 -  .l9
                 paragraph is  printed, blanks will print.   A left tag
                 can  contain any function  except for variables (.vr01
                 - .vr99).  The command  to cause a second left  tag of
                 -- would be:

                      .ilt2 --

   .ipln         Initialize  paragraph  lines.    The number  of  blank
                 lines  to   occur  after  a  paragraph  prints.    The
                 default is 1.   Any value  between 0 and  3 is  valid.
                 No blank lines  occur before a paragraph  prints.  The
                 command  to  cause  no  blank  lines after  paragraphs
                 would be:

                      .ipln 0

   .irin         Initialize right  indent.   The  number of  blanks  to
                 occur  on  the  first  line  of  a  .r1-.r9  paragraph
                 before  printing  begins.   The  default  is  5.   Any
                 value  between 1 and 60 is  valid.  You can initialize
                 the value at  different places in  the text.  It  will
                 effect  the  next  use  of  a right  paragraph.    The
                 command  to  cause  the  first  line  of  any  .r1-.r9
                 paragraph to be indented 3 positions would be:

                      .irin 3

   .raj          Right adjust paragraph lines.   When a paragraph  line
                 is  printed,  a  word is  never  split  over  multiple
                 print  lines.  This  tends to  cause a ragged  edge at
                 the right margin.   To  prevent the  ragged edge,  the
                 default is to  sprinkle extra blanks between  words of
                 a full  paragraph line so  that a smooth  right margin
                 is  shown.    This paragraph  was  printed  with right
                 adjust.  To turn off right adjust, specify:

                      .raj n

                 You can  turn right adjust  on or  off throughout  the
                 document  by specifying  Y or  N.   The  value can  be
                 entered in lower or upper case.

   .iblk         Initialize   blank   replacement   character.     This
                 command  allows   you  to   specify  that   a   single
                 character  is to  be  replaced by  a  space (a  blank)
                 during  the printing of  paragraphs.   This allows you
                 to  force  some  blank  spaces  in  the  middle  of  a
                 paragraph.   By  default, excess  blanks are  squeezed
                 out  of   paragraphs  between  words.     By  default,
                 paragraphs   are  right  adjusted  which  is  done  by
                 sprinkling extra blanks into the lines.

                 Assume you want  3 extra blanks  before and after  the
                 word HELP  (4 blanks on either side)  in the following
                 paragraph.   Assume  that you  are using the  ¢ symbol
                 as your blank character.  You would specify:

                      .iblk ¢

                      .p Do I need ¢¢¢HELP¢¢¢ here.

                 The output would appear as:

                      Do I need    HELP    here

                 If  you  take  the   default  for  the  right   adjust
                 function  (.RAJ),  there  may   be  additional  blanks
                 sprinkled into the line.

                 You  can  have  any  character  except  blank as  your
                 replacement character.   The way you  request to  stop
                 replacing  with a  blank character  is  by using  just
                 the command as:


                 If your  text now contains a ¢  symbol, it would print
                 normally.    You  may  flip/flop  as  often  as needed
                 between  having  a   replacement  character  and   not
                 having one.


   .chgb         Change bar.   This command overrides  what you specify
                 for  the CHGBAR  parameter  on the  PRTSEUTXT command.
                 This allows  you  to control  whether the  change  bar
                 will print  in the  source or  the PRTSEUTXT  command.
                 To request the change bar, spacing, specify:

                      .chgb 920725

                 You can  turn the change bar on  or off throughout the
                 document by specifying  a date  or *NONE.   You  could
                 have  different   change  bar  dates   throughout  the
                 document.   Only one  is in  effect at  a time.   If a
                 date  is entered, it  must be 6 digits  in the form of

   .dbls         Double  space.    This  command  overrides   what  you
                 specify  for the  DBLSPC  parameter  on the  PRTSEUTXT
                 command.   This allows  you to  control double spacing
                 from  the  source  or  the  PRTSEUTXT  command.     To
                 request double spacing, specify:

                      .dbls y

                 You can turn  double spacing on or  off throughout the
                 document  by specifying  Y  or N.   The  value  can be
                 entered in either lower or upper case.

   .prts         Print statement number.   This command overrides  what
                 you  specify   for  the   PRTSTMT  parameter  on   the
                 PRTSEUTXT  command.     This  allows  you  to  control
                 printing  of statement numbers from  the source or the
                 PRTSEUTXT command.   To request printing of  statement
                 numbers, specify:

                      .prts y

                 You can  turn 'printing  statement numbers' on  or off
                 throughout  the document  by specifying  Y or N.   The
                 value can be  entered in either  lower or upper  case.

                 The statement  numbers print  beginning in  position 2
                 and  may be  overlaid  if you  have a  left  margin of
                 less  than  10  (10  is   the  default).    For   more
                 discussion, see the PRTSTMT parameter.

   .ipgi         Print page IDs.   This command identifies the  page so
                 that   the   PAGEIDS   parameter   may  be   used   to
                 selectively  print  the  page rather  than  the entire
                 document.   The default for  the PAGEIDS parameter  is
                 *ALL  so that all  pages will  print.   Up to  40 Page
                 IDs may be named on the PAGEIDS parameter.

                 If  PAGEIDS  is  not *ALL,  just  before  printing the
                 heading of a new page,  the current value of .ipgi  is
                 checked  against the  list  of  IDs supplied  for  the
                 parameter.   If  it does  not  match, the  entire page
                 does  not  print.    All  processing  of  the   source
                 occurs, but the  printing of that page  is suppressed.
                 If  a match occurs,  the page  is printed.   The .ipgi
                 command  must occur in  the source before  any text is
                 printed for the page.

                 Note that once a  match occurs, subsequent pages  will
                 print  until  a  new  .ipgi command  is  entered  that
                 contains  a  value  that  was  not  specified  on  the
                 PAGEIDS parameter.

                 You may  use  any 4  characters (letters,  numbers  or
                 any combination)  as a Page ID.   A technique  you may
                 want  to use  is to  number the  pages as  0010, 0020,
                 0030 etc.  to  allow for insertion of  new pages.   It
                 is not  an error  to use  the same  value at  multiple
                 points  within  the source.    Any  matching Page  IDs
                 will  print as requested.  The  4 character IDs do not
                 have to be in any sequence.

                 If a  PAGEID is entered  as a  parameter and does  not
                 appear in  the source, an  extra page will  be printed
                 with  an  error indication.   Any  duplicate  Page IDs
                 entered on the command are considered an error.

                 The following would  identify the  page for  selective
                 printing   by  use   of  the   PAGEIDS  parameter   on
                 PRTSEUTXT.  Any 4 characters may be used.

                      .ipgi 0400

                 To  print the page,  you would use  either the default
                 of PAGEIDS(*ALL) or PAGEID(0400).

   .ii           Indent non-paragraph lines.   Normally,  non-paragraph
                 lines  begin at  the  left margin.    The .ii  command
                 allows you  to indent them.   This is  useful when you
                 have  a series of one line  bullets to make and do not
                 want to indent by using the space bar.

                 The following  would  indent the  non-paragraph  lines
                 10  positions from  the left  margin.   Note  that you
                 should  reset   the  indent  value  or  the  remaining
                 non-paragraph lines  in  the document  would  also  be

                      .ii 10
                      * This is my first bullet
                      * This is my second bullet
                      .ii 0

   .eof          End of file.   Normally, the end  of formatting occurs
                 when  end of file is  found in your text  member.  The
                 .eof command allows  you to have  additional lines  of
                 source that  will not  be printed.   The .eof  command
                 is  the  equivalent of  reaching  end  of  file.   The
                 command to cause end of file would be:


   .txt          Text  comment.   A  text  comment can  appear  in your
                 source, but will not  print.  A typical  command would

                      .txt This is the xxx documentation

   .iper         Period character.   If you need to  use the characters
                 that  represent a  command or  function in  your text,
                 the  'period  character'  command  is  needed.     The
                 characters that  represent functions  such as  .ct1 or
                 .lc  will invoke  the function if  they appear  in the
                 text.  Entering the characters  for a command in  your
                 text such  as  .l1 is  usually not  a problem  because
                 commands  are  only sensed  beginning  in position  1.
                 However,  if you need  to start a  line with a period,
                 PRTSEUTXT assumes it  is a command  and you will  need
                 the .iper command.

                 The  .iper command  allows you  to define  a character
                 that  will  appear  as  a period  in  the  text.   For
                 example, you  could decide  to use  ¢  as the  'period
                 character' and would enter:

                      .iper ¢

                 Then you  can enter  a value  such as  ¢ct1 into  your
                 text and  the value will be printed  as .ct1.  You can
                 enter a  value such  as .l1  beginning in  position  1
                 and it will appear in the text as .l1.

                 The  'period character'  is initialized  to  '.'.   To
                 reset the value, enter:

                      .iper .

                 You  can  set  and  reset  the 'period  character'  as
                 often as needed.

Heading and footings

   .ihd1-.ihd3   Heading   lines.    Up  to  3  heading  lines  can  be
                 printed.   The heading  starts at line  6 by  default.
                 The  position where  the  line prints  can be  changed
                 with  the  .itop command  described in  the  Page size
                 section.   If no  headings exist,  the  first line  of
                 text will  appear with the value  set by .itop.   If a
                 .ihd1-.ihd3  value  is  blank,  no  heading line  will

                 By default,  2  blank  lines  appear  after  the  last
                 heading  line.    This  is  controlled  by  the  .ihda
                 command  described in this  section.   You must  use a
                 .ihd1-.ihd3  before the first line  of text to get the
                 heading to print on the first page.

                 Heading lines can contain  a page number, the  current
                 date  or  any  other  function  except  for  variables

                 Heading  and footing lines  begin at  the heading left
                 margin.   You may  want a  different  left margin  for
                 the body  of the  text.   The command  .ihlm described
                 in this  section will let you  specify the left margin
                 of the heading and footing lines.

                 You must  center  the  heading yourself.    A  typical
                 command   to  initialize   the   first  heading   line
                 including a page number would be:

                      .ihd1         The Good Heading     Page .ct1

                 Sometimes  it  is   desirable  to  print  the  heading
                 beginning   on  the  second   page  including  a  page
                 number.  If you  want the page number to start  with 2
                 then  you must initialize  it with  a 1  (Counters are
                 bumped  before printing - See the  later section).  To
                 print  the  heading  on  the  second  page,  just  use
                 .ihd1-.ihd3  after the  first line  of  text has  been

                 If  you have used  a heading  line and no  longer have
                 use for it,  the special value  *NONE may be  entered.
                 This will return  the heading line to a  default state
                 so it will not print.

   .ift1-.ift3   Footing  lines.    Up   to  3  footing  lines  can  be
                 printed.    The  footing  starts  after  the  overflow
                 line.   The overflow  line  defaults to  line 60,  but
                 can  be  changed  with  the  .iofl  command  (See  the
                 section  on Page size).  The  default is for two blank
                 lines to  appear  before the  footing.   This  can  be
                 changed  with  the  .iftb command  described  in  this
                 section.   Footings are  optional.  If  the values are
                 blank, nothing prints.

                 Footing lines can contain  a page number, the  current
                 date  or  any  other  function  except  for  variables

                 Heading  and footing lines  begin at the  heading left
                 margin.    You may  want a  different left  margin for
                 the body  of the  text.  The  command .ihlm  described
                 in this  section will let you specify  the left margin
                 of the heading and footing lines.

                 You  must  center  the footing  yourself.    A typical
                 command  to   initialize   the  first   footing   line
                 including a page number would be:

                      .ift1         The Good Footing     Page .ct1

                 If you  want to  print the  same page  number on  both
                 the heading  of the page and the  footing, you need to
                 print it  at  the  footing using  one  of  the  repeat
                 commands   (.rct1-.rct9).     See   the   section   on

                 If  you have used  a footing  line and no  longer have
                 use  for it, the  special value *NONE  may be entered.
                 This will return the  footing line to a default  state
                 so it will not print.

   .ihda         Initialize  number of blank  lines after  the heading.
                 The  default is 2.  It can  be any value between 1 and
                 9.  The command to cause 3 blank lines would be:

                      .ihda 3

   .iftb         Initialize number of blank  lines before the  footing.
                 This is  the number of  lines from the  overflow line.
                 The default  is 2.  It can be  any value between 1 and
                 9, but you  must ensure  that the  overflow line  will
                 allow the  footing to fit  on the  page.  The  command
                 to cause 3 blank lines would be:

                      .iftb 3

   .ihlm         Initialize  the  left   margin  for  the  heading  and
                 footing  lines.   The left  margin may  differ for the
                 body of the  printed output.  The  default is 5.   Any
                 value  between  3  and  30  may  be  specified.    The
                 command  to set  the left  heading and  footing margin
                 at 10 would be:

                      .ihlm 10

New page and skipping

   .newp         Skip to  a new  page.   This  forces the  footing  and
                 heading to print such as:


                 It  is  invalid  to  have a  .newp  command  inside  a

   .room         If  enough  room,  print  on  same  page.   The  .room
                 command allows a  conditional new page.   You  specify
                 a  value  in  terms of  number  of  lines  before  the
                 overflow  line   that  are  still   available  on  the
                 current  page.    If sufficient  room  exist, printing
                 continues  on  the   current  page.     If  there   is
                 insufficient room, it acts like a .newp command.

                 The purpose  of the .room  command is to allow  you to
                 ensure  that a  new section  heading would  not appear
                 at  the bottom  of  the  page  and  then  all  of  the
                 description  on the  next  page.   Unlike  the  'keep'
                 function,  the  .room  function allows  you  to  say I
                 don't mind  splitting  up  a  block  of  text  on  two
                 different pages  as long as  there is  sufficient room
                 to make  a reasonable split.   A split  where only the
                 title  is  at  the  bottom  of  the  page  is probably

                 The following  would be  a  typical use  of the  .room
                 command to request  that a new page begin  if there is
                 not enough room for 5 print lines.

                      .room 5
                      Daily backup

                      .p This is the discussion of ...

                 The  .room  command  will  ensure  that  at least  the
                 title and the  first two lines  of the paragraph  will
                 appear on the same page.

   .skip         Skip a specified  number of lines.  The  number can be
                 between  1  and 50.    If  the skip  is  not  within a
                 'keep' request  and will  go past  the overflow  line,
                 the  function acts  as  if  you had  requested  .newp.
                 This  means that  the next  page  will not  start with
                 the remaining number of lines to skip.

                 If  you do a skip within  a 'keep' request, the number
                 you requested  will appear  on  a single  page.   This
                 would normally be  used if you were going  to paste an
                 overlay onto the page after printing.

                 The command to skip 10 lines would be:

                      .skip 10

Page size, margins overflow, top of the page

   .ipgl         Initialize  page length.  This is  the number of lines
                 to the page.   The default is 66.   The value must  be
                 between 20  and 200.  The  value should be  set before
                 any  printing  occurs.   Resetting  this  value during
                 the formatting  will do  what you  requested, but  you
                 must  change   the  paper  size   in  the   middle  of
                 printing.    The  command  to  specify that  the  page
                 length is 50 lines would be:

                      .ipgl 50

   .itop         Initialize  top  of  the page  (first  printing line).
                 If  a heading  exists,  it  will be  printed  on  this
                 line.   If no heading  exists, this is the  first line
                 of  text.    The default  is  6.   The  value  must be
                 between 1  and 20.   The  value should  be set  before
                 any  printing  occurs.    The  value  may  be  changed
                 during  the printing and  will effect  the printing of
                 the next  page.    The command  to  specify  that  the
                 first line of  printing should begin on line  10 would

                      .itop 10

   .iofl         Initialize Overflow  line.  This is where  the body of
                 printing  will stop and  the footing will  begin.  See
                 the section  on  footing.   The default  is  60.   The
                 value  must be  between the  value assigned  for .ipgl
                 and  .itop.  The  value should be  set before reaching
                 the bottom  of the  first  page.   You can  reset  the
                 value during  the printing.   The  command to  set the
                 overflow line at 55 would be:

                      .iofl 55

   .ilmg         Initialize  left  margin.   This  is  where  the print
                 lines are left adjusted  to.  The default  is 10.   It
                 must be  a value between  3 and 30.   The lower  limit
                 of  3 will  let  the CHGBAR  parameter  indication (or
                 .CHGB   command)  character   print  if   the  command
                 parameter is specified.   The command to set  the left
                 margin at 12 would be:

                      .ilmg 12

   .irmg         Initialize  right  margin.    This  is  the  rightmost
                 point  where printing can  occur.  The  default is 75.
                 The value  must be  25 greater  than  the left  margin
                 and must be 132 or less.

                 The  right  margin  is used  when  printing  paragraph
                 lines   to  determine   where   the  line   should  be
                 truncated.  If you  are printing non-paragraph  lines,
                 it is an  error if you  have any non-blanks  that will
                 be  truncated  by  the  right margin.    Non-paragraph
                 lines do not fold to the next line.

                 The command to set the right margin to 100 would be:

                      .irmg 100

Keep request

   .bkp          Begin  a keep request.   A 'Begin keep' request causes
                 PRTSEUTXT to buffer  up the  lines you have  requested
                 within the  keep and ensure that the  entire keep will
                 be  printed  on a  single page.    This allows  you to
                 ensure a list  of bullets  or statements  will not  be
                 split by a page overflow.

                 A 'keep'  request begins with a  .bkp and ends  with a
                 .ekp.     Any  lines,  paragraphs,  or  skip  commands
                 within the 'keep' will  appear on the  same page.   If
                 there is  insufficient room  on a  single page, a  new
                 page will be forced and an error printed.

                 The  following would keep  all of  the bullets  on the
                 same page:

                            - Bullet 1
                            - Bullet 2
                            - Bullet 3

                 There  is a special  form of 'keep'  that is used when
                 you want  to ensure  a single paragraph  is not  split
                 over  two pages.   This  is done  by the  'k' modifier
                 after  any paragraph request  (such as .pk).   This is
                 just a shorthand  to eliminate the  need for .bkp  and

                 If you want  all paragraphs to be kept on  a page, see
                 the command option PARAKEEP or the .kpar command.

                 You   can  include   paragraphs,   non-paragraphs  and
                 skipping within a 'keep' such as:

                    .p This is a paragraph describing the bullets:

                            - Bullet 1
                            - Bullet 2
                            - Bullet 3
                    .skip 5
                    .p This is the ending paragraph of the keep.

File processing

You can do the following:

  **   Include other  source  during SEU.    Use the  normal  SEU  copy
       option  (F15).   The  copied  data  becomes part  of  your  text

  **   Include WS  printer key or spooled file data  into the SEU text.
       The  copied  data becomes  part of  your text  member.   See the
       later section on copying spooled files.

  **   Include other source members  in the same document at  PRTSEUTXT
       run  time.   This  is a  dynamic  function and  the copied  data
       becomes  part of your document, but does  not exist in your text
       member.  There are two commands you may use.

         --   .cpys.   This causes  the source  data to  just print  in
              your  document.   If  any data  exists  beyond the  right
              margin, it  is truncated without error.   If any commands
              or functions exist within  the source, they are  ignored.

         --   .read.  This causes  the source data to be  considered an
              extension  of your text  member.  Commands  and functions
              within the source are honored.

  **   Include  spooled  file  data at  run  time.   The  .splf command
       copies in a spooled  file during the running of PRTSEUTXT.   The
       data is  just printed.   Truncation at  the right  margin occurs
       without error.

  **   Include  data base  (non-source) files at  run time.   The .cpyd
       command just prints  the data.  Truncation  at the right  margin
       occurs without error.   The program that placed the  data in the
       file must perform the proper formatting for your document.

The following describes the commands:

   .cpys         Copy  a source  member.   This lets  you copy  in text
                 from any source  member as data  during the  execution
                 of  PRTSEUTXT.    Any commands  within  the  data  are
                 ignored.    Truncation  occurs  at  the  right  margin
                 without error.

                 The  intent of this  command is for  use when you want
                 to  copy   in   something   like  CL   source   during

                 The  file  and library  are  initialized  to the  same
                 file  and   library  as  specified  on  the  PRTSEUTXT
                 command.   You  can change  them  with the  .ilib  and
                 .ifil  commands.   The  special  value *FIRST  may  be
                 used for  the first member.  To  copy member TXT15 you
                 would specify:

                       .cpys TXT15

   .cpyd         Copy a data member.  This  lets you copy in data  from
                 any data base  file (non-source) member.  The  data is
                 just  printed.    Any  commands  within the  data  are
                 ignored.    Truncation  occurs  at  the  right  margin
                 without error.

                 The intent of  this command is  for use when you  have
                 data in  a file  that you want  to include  during the
                 execution  of PRTSEUTXT.  No  formatting occurs on the

                 The file  and  library  are initialized  to  the  same
                 file  and  library  as   specified  on  the  PRTSEUTXT
                 command.    You can  change  them with  the  .ilib and
                 .ifil commands.    The  special value  *FIRST  may  be
                 used for the  member name.   To copy the  first member
                 from the  file and library  as specified by  .ifil and
                 .ilib, specify:

                       .cpyd *FIRST

   .read         Read  a source  member.   This lets  you copy  in text
                 from one or more  source members during the  execution
                 of  PRTSEUTXT.   It operates  as an  'include'  or the
                 RPG  /COPY  function.   The  source is  read  from the
                 member you describe on the .read command.

                 The file  and  library  are initialized  to  the  same
                 file  and  library  as   specified  on  the  PRTSEUTXT
                 command.    You can  change  them with  the  .ilib and
                 .ifil commands.

                 The source  that is  read in  is considered  to be  an
                 extension of  the primary  source member specified  on
                 the  PRTSEUTXT command.   Any commands you  execute in
                 the  secondary  source are  considered  to be  part of
                 the same document (Nothing  is reset when end  of file
                 is found on  a secondary member).  See  also the .inlz
                 command.   You can include as  many members as needed.
                 To include MBR2, you would specify:

                       .read MBR2

                 The member name must be specified in upper case.

                 You cannot  nest the  'read' commands.   For  example,
                 in the  above .read  command, it  would be invalid  to
                 have a .read command inside MBR2.

                 The  primary  member  can be  just  a  shell of  .read
                 commands such as:

                       .read MBR2
                       .read MBR3
                       .read MBR4
                       .read MBR5

                 This  would  allow  you   to  print  various   subsets
                 individually  and  then combine  them  into  a  single
                 document  for final  printing.   If  you  are creating
                 this  form of  document, you should  also consider the
                 .inlz command.

   .inlz         Initialize.   The  .inlz  command initializes  all  of
                 the  defaults  used  by  PRTSEUTXT.   The  purpose  of
                 .inlz  is  to allow  you to  initialize  defaults when
                 using a  shell  document which  is designed  to  print
                 multiple source  members as  if they  were one.   Just
                 prior  to  doing a  read  of each  document  after the
                 first, you  would  use  .inlz and  reset  all  of  the
                 defaults for the next sub document such as:

                       .read MBR2
                       .read MBR3
                       .read MBR4

   .ilib         Initialize  library  name  for  the  .read,  .cpyd  or
                 .cpys  commands.    The  default  is the  library  you
                 specified  on the  PRTSEUTXT command.   You can change
                 the  name as  often  as  needed.   The  name  must  be
                 specified in upper case.  For example:

                       .ilib LIB5

   .ifil         Initialize file  name for  the .read, .cpyd,  or .cpys
                 commands.   The default  is the file  you specified on
                 the PRTSEUTXT command.   You  can change  the name  as
                 often  as  needed.   The  name  must be  specified  in
                 upper case.  For example:

                       .ifil TEXT5

   .splf         Copy in  a spooled file.  You  can copy a spooled file
                 into a  document during  the execution  of  PRTSEUTXT.
                 The spooled file  must be created  in the same  job as
                 PRTSEUTXT (there  is no syntax to  specify a qualified
                 job name).  You just name the spooled file such as:

                       .splf QPRINT

                 Copying  in the spooled file  is done using CPYSPLF to
                 a data  base file  and  then reading  the records  and
                 printing  them as non-paragraph  lines.   No functions
                 are  looked for  in the  spooled records.   Truncation
                 occurs at  the  right  margin.   CPYSPLF  uses  'space
                 before'  on  each  record.   This  is  honored.    Any
                 skipping  is ignored.   There will  be one  blank line
                 after the spooled records are printed.

                 Because truncation  occurs at  the right  margin,  you
                 may want to  vary the left  and right margin  prior to
                 copying  spooled  file  information  to  allow  for  a
                 wider print line.

                 The   spooled  file  still   exists  after  the  .splf
                 command  completes.    If  you  want   to  delete  the
                 spooled  file,   you  could  do  so   with  the  .exec

Executing CL commands

   .icm1-.icm3   Initialize  command.    You  define  a  command to  be
                 executed and then execute  it with the .exec  command.
                 Three initialize  commands are  provided to  allow for
                 a  single long  command to  be  specified.   The three
                 commands  are  just  pieces   for  a  single   defined
                 command.  .icm1 causes a reset of the entire area.

                 You  need  at  least  .icm1   followed  by  the  .exec
                 command.   Use  .icm2 and  .icm3  if the  command does
                 not  fit in  70 bytes.   Do  not split any  keyword or
                 value over  two source statements.   You  do not  need
                 to enter a + symbol for continuation.

                 The following is valid.

                       .icm1 DSPLIB LIB(LIB1) OUTPUT(*PRINT)


                       .icm1 DSPLIB
                       .icm2 LIB(LIB1)
                       .icm3 OUTPUT(*PRINT)

                 Each  use of  .icm1  resets the  entire command  area.
                 You  can use as many commands  as needed, but only one
                 at a time.

   .exec         Execute a command.   You can  execute a command  which
                 is defined by  the .icm1-.icm3 commands.   You must be
                 LMTCPB(*NO)  to use  the .exec  command.   This allows
                 certain  users   to   be   restricted   to   PRTSEUTXT
                 functions only.    To execute  a CL  command you  must
                 first use .icm1-.icm3 and then the .exec command.


                 If  the command receives  an escape message,  an error
                 is printed and the text continues.

Table of contents

   .itc          Table  of  contents.   The  .itc  command  must appear
                 before any  print lines.   This denotes  that a  table
                 of contents  will be  printed.  A  number 1-9  must be
                 specified  to  indicate  which  counter  is  the  page
                 number counter.    The  page number  counter  will  be
                 saved  by  a  .tcd1-.tcd4 command  so  that  when  the
                 table of  contents prints, the correct  page number is

                 A table of  contents is printed  by making two  passes
                 of  the  text.   The  first  pass  captures  the  page
                 numbers  where  the  .tcd1.-tcd4  commands  exist  and
                 creates  an internal file.   When the  .itc command is
                 found during  the second  pass, the  internal file  is
                 printed  as the table  of contents  and then  the rest
                 of the text is printed.

                 By  default, the page  numbers will be  printed to the
                 right of  the  table of  contents  entries.   See  the
                 .itcl command to  print the page numbers  on the left.

                 If  page numbers are  printed on the  right, dots will
                 appear by  default to  fill  out the  text up  to  the
                 page  number.     To   print  a  different   character
                 (including blanks), see .itcc.

                 You can  enter blank lines into the  table of contents
                 to help control the format (See the .tcb command).

                 You  can  enter  descriptions  (without  page numbers)
                 into the  table of contents  to help describe  various
                 sections  in the table  of contents  (See the  .tct1 -
                 .tct4 commands).

                 When  the .itc command  is found,  the current heading
                 and footing lines  are stored away  and will print  as
                 part of  the table of contents.   Thus you can  have a
                 separate   heading  and  footing  for   the  table  of
                 contents.   You would  achieve  this by  entering  the
                 table  of contents  heading  and footing  followed  by
                 the .itc  command.  Then enter the  normal heading and
                 footing you want for the rest of the text.

                 For  the table  of contents  heading and  footing, you
                 must not use  the same counter  for page numbering  as
                 for  the  rest of  the  text.   If  you  want to  page
                 number  the table of  contents, you must  use a unique
                 counter (it  cannot  be  the  one  you  specified  for
                 .itc).   No error  occurs if  you incorrectly  specify

                 To request  that counter 1 is to  be used for the page
                 numbers in the table of contents, specify:

                       .itc 1

   .itcl         Left side  page numbers  for  the table  of  contents.
                 Entering this  command after  the .itc command  causes
                 the  page  numbers of  the  table  of  contents to  be
                 printed  on the left of  the description from the .tcd
                 command.  To use left page numbers, specify:


   .itcc         Table of  contents character.   If  table of  contents
                 page  numbers  print  on  the  right,  this  character
                 fills  out the  text so  that the page  numbers (which
                 are in  a  column)  can  be  easily  determined.    By
                 default, alternating dots are printed.

                 To  specify that  the table  of  contents should  have
                 alternating  dashes   print  after  the  descriptions,

                       .itcc -

                 To specify  that the  table  of contents  should  have
                 blanks print after the descriptions, specify:


   .tcd1-.tcd4   Table  of  contents  description  with  page  numbers.
                 The  number  (1-4) indicates  how  far  to indent  the
                 table  of contents  description when  it prints.   The
                 command .tcd1 starts printing  at the left margin.   A
                 .tcd2  command will start  printing 5  positions after
                 the  left  margin, .tcd3  at  the margin  plus  10 and
                 .tcd4 at the margin plus 15.

                 These commands  should  be  entered  after  the  first
                 line  of  printing  on  any page  where  you  want  to
                 capture  the page  number for  the table  of contents.
                 For example, assume you want  a table of contents  and
                 you have just  started a new section  (entitled 'Daily
                 backup')  which should  be entered  into the  table of
                 contents.  Your text might look like:

                    Daily backup
                    .tcd1 Daily backup

                 The  .tcd1-.tcd4  commands  store  the  text  you have
                 entered and captures  the page number you  assigned on
                 the .itc  command.   On the second  pass of  the text,
                 the  description and  page number  will be  printed as
                 part of the table of contents.

                 You  can  have  up  to  55  bytes  of  text   in  your

   .tct1-.tct4   Table  of  contents  title   (without  page  numbers).
                 This  is   like  the  table  of  contents  description
                 commands except that no page  number will print.   You
                 would use  it for  Chapter headings  or whatever  need
                 you have.

                 You  can  have  up   to  55  bytes  of  text  in  your

                 To describe Chapter 8, you could specify:

                    .tct4 Chapter 8 - Backup

   .tcb          Table  of contents  blank line.   This  command allows
                 you to  control  the  number  of blank  lines  in  the
                 table of  contents.  For each .tcb  command, one blank
                 line  appears.  For example, for  a new section in the
                 table of contents  you could enter  a .tcb before  and
                 after the  .tct command and  use .ict4 to  indent such

                    .tct4 Chapter 8 - Backup
                    .tcd1 Daily backup


   .ixe          Index  should  be  printed.    The  .ixe command  must
                 appear before any of the  other index commands.   This
                 denotes that  an index  should be  printed at the  end
                 of  the  text.   A  number 1-9  must  be specified  to
                 indicate  which  counter is  the page  number counter.
                 The  page number  counter  will  be saved  by  a  .xed
                 command  so that  when the  index prints,  the correct
                 page number is shown.

                 An  index entry  is made up  of 2  commands which must
                 appear  in  sequence.     The  first  command   (.isc)
                 identifies a 10  character 'sort code'.   This will be
                 used  to sort the  index entries.   The second command
                 can be a description (.xed),  a blank line (.xeb),  or
                 a title (.xet).   An index title does not  have a page
                 number associated with it.

                 An index  is printed by capturing  the index commands,
                 determining  which  page  numbers  they  are  on,  and
                 saving the information in  an an internal file.   When
                 all of  the text has  been printed, the  internal file
                 is  sequenced by the 'sort code'  and printed.  Only a
                 single pass is required.

                 An optional chapter ID can  be printed in addition  to
                 the page  numbers in  the index.   See the  section on
                 Chapter Identification.

                 When   the  .ixe  command  is   entered,  the  current
                 heading and  footing lines  are stored  away and  will
                 print as  part  of the  index.   Thus you  can have  a
                 separate  heading  and footing  for  the  index.   You
                 would  achieve this by entering  the index heading and
                 footing followed  by  the .ixe  command.   Then  enter
                 the normal  heading and footing you want  for the rest
                 of  the text.   Because  the .ixe command  must appear
                 before any  index entries,  you would  normally  enter
                 the index  heading and  footing followed  by the  .ixe
                 command at the beginning of your source.

                 If  you want  a page  number on  the index  pages, you
                 can use the same  counter as is used  for the rest  of
                 the text.   By default it  would continue at  the next
                 page number.   You could  also start the  page numbers
                 of  the index at  1 (Use a  counter initialize command
                 as the  last line of  your source)  or use a  separate

                 To specify that  counter 1 is to be  used for the page
                 numbers in the index, specify:

                       .ixe 1

   .isc          Initialize  sort  code.    The  .isc  command  must be
                 paired with an  index entry (.xed,  .xet, or .xeb)  or
                 a  reference (.iref).    The  .isc command  identifies
                 the  sort  code  for  the  next  command.    You  must
                 determine a sort code to  control the sequence of  the
                 index  (ascending  sequence).   Duplicate  sort  codes
                 appear in arrival sequence.

                 Up to  10 characters may be entered.   To specify that
                 an  index  entry would  be  sequenced as  BACKUPD, you
                 would specify:

                       .isc BACKUPD
                       .xet1 Daily backup

                 You can  use the  same sort  code for  both index  and
                 reference  functions.     Separate  records  are  kept
                 within the internal file.

   .xed1-.xed4   Index  entry   description  with  page  number.    The
                 number after .xed (must be  1-4) indicates how far  to
                 indent the  index entry when  it prints.   The command
                 .xed1  starts printing at  the left margin.   An .xed2
                 command will  start  printing 5  positions  after  the
                 left margin.   .xed3 starts at 10 positions  and .xed4
                 starts at 15 positions from the left margin.

                 If  no Chapter  ID  (.ich command)  exists,  the index
                 entry would appear as (where nn is the page number):

                      xxxxxxxxx   nn

                 See  the  section  on Chapter  Identification  for how
                 the entry appears if a chapter ID is assigned.

                 A .xed1-xed4  command  must  be paired  with  a  prior
                 sort code command such as:

                       .isc BACKUPD
                       .xed2 Daily backup

   .xet1-.xet4   Index  title without  page number.   The  number (must
                 be  1-4) indicates how  far to indent  the index title
                 when it  prints.   The command  .xet1 starts  printing
                 at  the  left margin.    A  .xet2 command  will  start
                 printing  5 positions  after the  left margin.   .xet3
                 starts  at  10  positions  and  .xet4  starts  at   15
                 positions from the left margin.

                 An .xet1-.xet4  command must  be paired  with a  prior
                 sort code command such as:

                       .isc BACKUP
                       .xet1 Backup

   .xeb          Index blank  line entry.   This command just  lets you
                 put blank lines into the index to help format it.

                 A  .xeb  command  must  be  paired  with  a  sort code
                 command.    Normally, you  would  include  some  blank
                 lines around a major section in the index such as:

                       .isc BACKUP
                       .isc BACKUP
                       .xet1 Backup
                       .isc BACKUP
                       .isc BACKUPD
                       .xet2 Daily

                 The index would appear as:

                           (blank line)
                           (blank line)
                           Daily    1


   .iref         Initialize reference.   The reference  function allows
                 you  to  store  descriptions  at  the  page where  the
                 information exists and  then use  the description  and
                 the page number at a different point in the text.

                 For example,  assume you are  describing a  section on
                 'Daily  backup'.   You want  to reference  the section
                 from a  different  place  in the  text  and  have  the
                 actual page  number described.   When  you describe  a
                 section,  you  use an  .iref  command.   This  must be
                 paired  with a prior  sort code command  (See the .isc
                 command).   When you want  to use  the reference,  you
                 use the  .rref command  to describe the  reference and
                 the  function  .ref to  print the  reference  with the
                 page number.

                 While you  are  describing 'Daily  backup'  you  would
                 specify   (assume  you   are  using   .ct1  for   page

                       .isc BACKUPD
                       .iref Daily Backup on page .rct1

                 Anywhere  else  in the  document, you  could  refer to
                 the reference as:

                       .rref BACKUPD
                       .p ... Also see the section .ref.

                 The printed text would appear as:

                       ... Also see the section Daily Backup on page 5.

                 You can also  include the  current Chapter  ID in  the
                 reference.  See section on Chapter Identification.

                 You can refer to  a section either before or  after it
                 appears in  the text.   If you refer to  it before the
                 .iref  command, you must place  a dummy .iref with the
                 same sort code such as:

                       .isc BACKUPD
                       .iref Dummy
                       .rref BACKUPD
                       .p ... Also see the section .ref.
                       Daily backup
                       .isc BACKUPD
                       .iref Daily Backup on page .rct1

                 When you use  an .iref command,  a second pass of  the
                 text must  occur.  During the first  pass, an internal
                 file   is  created  with   the  sort   codes  and  the
                 reference  information.    Any  duplicate  sort  codes
                 update  existing  records (only  unique  keys  exist).
                 During  the   second  pass,  the  .iref  commands  are
                 ignored and  the .ref  functions pick  up the  correct

                 You can  use the  same sort  code for  both index  and
                 reference  functions.     Separate  records  are  kept
                 within the internal file.

   .rref         Reference  a sort code.   The .rref command stores the
                 sort code  you describe.    When an  .ref function  is
                 used,  the last stored  sort code  is found  and used.
                 You  do  not  have  to  pair  the  .rref command  with
                 anything else.

                 To refer to  the BACKUPD  sort code and  then use  it,
                 you would specify:

                       .rref BACKUPD
                       .p ... Also see the section on .ref.

   .ref          Use  a reference.   The  .ref function  uses the  sort
                 code  stored by the last  use of .rref  to extract the
                 information stored  away by  the .iref  command.   See
                 the example with the .iref command.

Chapter identification

   .ich          Chapter ID.   You can  store a  chapter identification
                 for  use with  the  index or  the  reference function.
                 It  must be  a literal of  8 characters or  less.  You
                 cannot use a counter,  the upper case table etc.   The
                 intent  is  that  you  only  need  to  hard  code  the
                 literal once per chapter.

                 For  example, you would normally  begin a chapter with
                 a new  page  and  initialize  the page  number.    You
                 could specify:

                      .ixe 1
                      .ict1 0
                      .ihd1          Chapter 3 - Backup
                      .ich 3
                      .isc BACKUP1
                      .xed1 Daily backup

                 The index  entry for  'Daily backup'  would appear  in
                 the index as:

                      Daily backup   3 - 1

                 The   chapter  ID  does   not  impact   the  table  of
                 contents.  You  would normally hard  code the  chapter
                 ID in the name in the table of contents.

                 If  you set  a  Chapter ID,  it  must be  a  non-blank
                 value.    You may  use  the special  value  *BLANK, to
                 cause a blank value.

   .rch          Retrieve  chapter.   The intent  of the  .rch function
                 is to  let you  place  the current  chapter (the  last
                 value  assigned  by  .ich)  into  your text.    It  is
                 useful  if  you are  referencing  a  different chapter
                 with the .iref command.

                 For example, when  describing a  reference, you  could
                 include  the current  chapter without  hard coding  it
                 into the text.

                      .isc BACKUPDAY
                      .iref See 'Daily backup' on .rct1 in Chapter .rch

Counters, upper case table, lower case table, Roman numerals

Counters, the  upper and lower case tables  and the Roman numeral table
all work much the same.   Each of these  concepts has a print  function
which  will increase  the  value  by 1,  a  repeat function  (does  not
increase  the value) and  an initialization  command.   The explanation
of counters will be made in full.

   .ct1-.ct9     Print  a  counter.   There  are 9  counters  which are
                 initialized to  0.  Normally,  you would want  counter
                 1 (.ct1)  for page  numbers.  Each  time a  counter is
                 requested  to be printed,  it is bumped by  1 and then
                 printed.   You can  initialize the  counters and  also
                 request  repeating of  the  same value.    To print  a
                 counter  is  a  function  (not  a  command).   It  can
                 appear in the  heading or footing,  in a paragraph  or
                 non-paragraph line, a left tag etc.

                 When a  counter prints,  your specification (.ct1)  is
                 replaced  by   the  value  of  the   counter  with  no
                 additional  spaces placed in the  output.  If you want
                 a  character  before   or  after  the  counter,   just
                 specify it.  For example if you specified:

                     Page .ct1.

                 The output would be:

                     Page 1.

                 If you specify:


                 The output would be:


   .rct1-.rct9   Repeat a  counter.  The .ct1-.ct9 functions  add 1 and
                 then  print.   Sometimes you  may want the  same value
                 to  appear.    This  would  be  typical  if  you  were
                 printing  the page  numbers on  both the  top and  the
                 bottom  of  the  page or  you  were  doing  a form  of
                 outlining  where  you  want  an  identification   like
                 1.12.1 where the  individual pieces are  counters, but
                 you want to control when each piece is bumped.

                 It  is an  error  if you  request an  .rct(n)  and the
                 corresponding  .ct(n) has  not been  done.   The value
                 must be greater than 0 to repeat it.

                 Repeating a counter is  a function and not  a command.
                 You can  specify it  in a heading,  a footing,  a left
                 tag etc.  The function to repeat counter 3 would be:


   .ict1-.ict9   Initialize  a counter.   You may  initialize a counter
                 at any  time.    If  you want  the  counter  to  first
                 appear  as  2, you  must  initialize  it  to 1.    The
                 command to  initialize the second counter  to 0, would

                     .ict2 0

   .uc           Print the  next  value  from  the  upper  case  table.
                 There is an  table of A, B,  ...  Z that you  can bump
                 thru  for outline  numbers  or notations.    Each time
                 you  specify .uc, one  is added and  the next value in
                 the table  is printed.   A  typical use  is with  left
                 tags.   The  command to  initialize the  left  tag for
                 the  third indentation point  so that it  will use the
                 upper case table would be:

                     .ilt3 .uc

   .ruc          Repeat the upper  case table.   The  current value  is
                 printed.  No  bumping to the next value  occurs.  This
                 would  typically be  used for  outlining.   To reprint
                 the same value you would specify:


                 It is an error if you  request .ruc and a .uc has  not
                 been done.    If you  initialize with  .iuc, you  must
                 also issue a .uc before .ruc.

   .iuc          Initialize  the upper  case table.   This  just resets
                 the  table so that  the next use of  .uc will print an
                 'A'.  You can  initialize as often as needed  with the


   .lc           Print  the  next  value  from the  lower  case  table.
                 There  is an table of a,  b, ...  z  that you can bump
                 thru for  outline numbers  or  notations.   Each  time
                 you specify  .lc, one is added  and the next  value in
                 the  table is  printed.   A typical  use is  with left
                 tags.  The command to set  the left tag for the  third
                 indentation point so  that it will use the  lower case
                 table would be:

                     .ilt3 .lc

   .rlc          Repeat  the lower case  table.   The current  value is
                 printed.   No bumping to the  next value occurs.  This
                 would typically  be used  for outlining.   To  reprint
                 the same value you would specify:


                 It is an  error if you request .rlc and  a .lc has not
                 been  done.   If  you initialize  with .ilc,  you must
                 also issue a .lc before .rlc.

   .ilc          Initialize the  lower case  table.   This just  resets
                 the table  so that the next  use of .lc will  print an
                 'a'.   You can initialize as often  as needed with the


   .rn           Print the  next value  from the  Roman numeral  table.
                 There is an  table of I, II, III  ...  C that  you can
                 bump  thru for  outline  numbers or  notations.   Each
                 time  you  specify  .rn,  one is  added  and  the next
                 value in  the  table is  printed.   A  typical use  is
                 with left tags.   The command to set  the left tag for
                 the  third indentation point  so that it  will use the
                 Roman numeral table would be:

                     .ilt3 .rn

                 The size of  the value  to be printed  depends on  the
                 number.    One  hundred values  are  supported.    The
                 largest  number  of characters  which  would  occur is
                 for LXXXVIII (88).   Trailing blanks  will not  print.

   .rrn          Repeat  Roman numeral  table.   The  current value  is
                 printed.   No bumping to the next  value occurs.  This
                 would  typically be  used for  outlining.   To reprint
                 the same value you would specify:


                 It is an error if  you request .rrn and a .rn  has not
                 been  done.   If you  initialize with  .irn,  you must
                 also issue a .rn before .rrn.

   .irn          Initialize  the   Roman  numeral  table.    This  just
                 resets the  table so  that the  next use  of .rn  will
                 print an 'I'.   You can initialize as  often as needed
                 with the command:



All  the date formats print  the job date  (not the system  date).  Any
trailing blanks will not print.

   .dat1         Print the current  date as 'November  2, 2009'.   This
                 prints the  long  form of  the date.   The  date is  a
                 function and  can appear in the heading,  a footing, a
                 paragraph  or non-paragraph  line, etc.   To print the
                 date  at  the   beginning  of  a  letter,   you  would

                     Date: .dat1

   .dat2         Print the current date as 'Nov 2, 2009'.

   .dat3         Print  the current  date as  '11/02/09' The  format of
                 the date is dependent upon the job format.


   .prm1-.prm9   Print  a parameter.   Parameters are passed  in by the
                 PRTSEUTXT command.   It is an  error if the  parameter
                 you try  to print  is all blank  (this is  the default
                 on  the  command).   Trailing blanks  will  not print.
                 Each parameter  can be  up to  40 bytes.    Parameters
                 are  functions and  can  appear  in the  heading,  the
                 footing, a  paragraph line, a  non-paragraph line etc.
                 If  you  want to  print the  first parameter  value as
                 specified on the PRTSEUTXT command, specify:


                 Parameters can  be used  in an  application where  you
                 are extracting  information from  the data base.   You
                 could  use OPNQRYF to select  the customer records you
                 want to print  and then use PRTSEUTXT  to send each  a
                 form   letter  personalized   with   their  name   and
                 address.   The  TAA tool  EDTVAR can  be used  to edit
                 decimal amounts.

                 Assume you want  to print  a letter  to all  customers
                 who owe more than  $5000.00.  The amount field  in the
                 data base is AMTOWE.  Your CL might look like:

             DCLF      FILE(CUSTMSTR)
             DCL       &AMT *CHAR LEN(22)
             OPNQRYF   FILE(CUSTMSTR) QRYSLT('AMTOWE *GT 5000.00')
 LOOP:       RCVF
             MONMSG    MSGID(CPF0864) EXEC(GOTO EOF)
                        &STATE &ZIP &AMT)
             GOTO      LOOP
 EOF:        ENDPGM

                 Your text member for LETTER might look like.

 To:    .prm1
        .prm3, .prm4 .prm5

 .p Thanks for your business, but you owe .prm6 and
 I need the money.
 Send the check today.

                 The PRTSEUTXT output would look like:

To:    David A. Smith
       122 West Lake St.
       Chicago, IL 60611

Thanks for  your business, but you  owe $7231.15 and I  need the money.
Send the check today.

                 Note  that you  are invoking  PRTSEUTXT for  each form
                 letter.  This  is not as  efficient as other  editors.


A variable lets  you set a value once that can  be reprinted many times
by  just  specifying the  variable  name at  a  later point.    This is
useful  when  you  have  a  long  name  or  description  that  must  be
re-printed in several  places in the text.   It is even  more useful if
the description is subject to change.

You  could also use  a variable  as a shorthand  for a long  word (e.g.
'initialization' could be  'inz').  There  are 99 variables.   Each  is
100 positions  long.  There  is a print  and an initialize  command for

You cannot specify a variable within:

     - Another variable
     - The footing or heading
     - A left tag

You  can put  other  functions within  a  variable such  as  a counter,
print  from the upper case  table, etc.  Trailing  blanks do not print.

   .ivr01-.ivr99 Initialize a variable.   Variables can  be set at  any
                 time  and  can be  up  to  100  bytes.   Any  trailing
                 blanks  will not  print.   If  you want  to initialize
                 variable 01  with  a description,  the  command  would
                 appear as:

                     .ivr01 Language Dictionary XX-3145-2

   .vr01-.vr99   Print a  variable.   Previously initialized  variables
                 can  be  printed at  any  time.   It  is  an  error to
                 request to print  a variable  that is  all blank  (the
                 default  value).   Trailing  blanks  will  not  print.
                 Assume you  initialized .vr01 as  shown previously and
                 now  want to print it.   Your source text would appear

                  .p For a description of languages provided
                  see the manual .vr01.

                 The formatted text would appear as:

                 For  a  description  of  languages  provided  see  the
                 manual Language Dictionary XX-3145-2.

Data Base Access

The most common form  of data base access is where you  want to copy in
text  from another  text member and  make it  a permanent  part of your
source member.  Or you want to  copy in a spooled file as part of  your
documentation.    This type  of  copy  occurs  during  SEU and  is  not
influenced  by  the  PRTSEUTXT  command.    See  the later  section  on
copying spooled files during SEU.

You  can  also  dynamically  copy  in  data  during  the  execution  of
PRTSEUTXT.   You would do  this if  the data was  volatile and you  did
not  want  it hard  coded  in  your text  member.    There are  several
methods  of dynamically  including data  base information  in your text
during the execution of PRTSEUTXT.

  **   As an 'include'.  If  your data base member is exactly  what you
       want  to   print  (has  the  exact   formatting  required),  the
       simplest  solution is  to treat  it as an  'include'.   The data
       can contain  special  PRTSEUTXT  commands  (e.g.   .p)  or  just
       non-paragraph lines.  See the .read command.

  **   As parameters to  a form letter.   This means you want  to print
       the  same text over and  over with different  parameters such as
       name and address.  See the .prm command.

  **   As printed output.  You may  have a print program that  prepares
       the data and  prints a spooled file.   You can copy  the spooled
       file into the text with the .splf command.

       In  some applications, you  may want  to dynamically  access the
       system  information  (such  as  a DSP  command  with  an OUTFILE
       parameter) or  use a  query against  an existing  data base  and
       include   some  of   the  fields   from  the   desired  records.
       PRTSEUTXT  does not support  this directly, but  you can achieve
       the results using a combination of functions.

       Assume you  want to  print the  name, object  type  and size  of
       every object  in QGPL  that is owned  by QSECOFR.   You  can use
       the following technique:

         --   Use  DSPOBJD  to  create an  outfile  of  all objects  in

         --   Use OPNQRYF to select those owned by QSECOFR.

         --   Use a  print program  to print  the data  in the  desired
              format.   A good  choice for  a print program  is to  use
              the  TAA tool  CRTPRTPGM  to create  a  generalized print
              program  for  any externally  described  file (e.g.   the
              DSPOBJD outfile).   Then you can  use the PRTDBF  command
              (part of CRTPRTPGM)  to print the fields you  want in the
              desired  sequence.  PRTDBF supports  an option to prevent
              the printing  of the  heading and  final totals  normally
              printed.   Thus you can create  a spooled file  with just
              the columnar information that you want.

         --   Use  the .SPLF  command to copy  the formatted  data into
              your text.

       All of this could  be done by using  1) multiple .exec  commands
       within  PRTSEUTXT  or  2)  a  CL   program  that  also  included
       PRTSEUTXT.   You would  at least  need the .splf  command within
       your   source  member.    For  example,  assume  you  have  used
       CRTPRTPGM to create  a program for the  file DSPOBJDP.  Your  CL
       program would specify:

             DSPOBJD    OBJ(QGPL/*ALL) OBJTYPE(*ALL) +
                          OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) OUTFILE(QTEMP/DSPOBJDP)
                          DSPSPLF(*NO) FILE(QTEMP/*PGM) HEADINGS(*NO)
             CLOF       OPNID(DSPOBJDP)

                 Your text  member only needs to use  .splf when needed

                      .splf ZDSPOBJDP

                 To  code the same commands within  the text member you
                 would specify a series of commands such as:

.icm2   SHARE(*YES)

             Other TAA tool commands of interest

CPYSPLTXT - For copying spooled files into your text

There is often a need to  show a workstation display or sample  printed
output  when  creating  a  document.   There  is  a  special  TAA  tool
designed to assist you.  It is the CPYSPLTXT tool.

Assume you  have printed a spooled  file named ABC and  want to copy it
into your SEU text.  You could just use the command:


By default, the spooled file will  be read and converted to the  member
SPL1 in QTXTSRC.   You can then use the SEU  browse/copy function (F15)
to bring in  the spooled file.  Either a group  job or a system request
job  works well while  you are in the  middle of SEU  and want to bring
in a spooled file.

CPYSPLTXT inserts  blank  lines for  any skipping  or  spacing so  that
what you see in  SEU is closer to what you will  see if you printed the
spooled file.

CPYSPLTXT  also has some special  options so you  can truncate the data
to fit the print line you are  going to use, put a border of  asterisks
around the information  and show '...' where there  is more information
on a  print line, but not  enough room to print it  when you print your
SEU text.

Assume you have a spooled  file that is 132  wide and your SEU  printed
output will only  allow for 80 wide.   The following command  will take
your  spooled  file,  truncate  it  to  80  bytes, place  a  border  of
asterisks  (a  box) around  the information  and  insert '...'  if data
exists that cannot be shown:


Note that  the request to  truncate to 80  and print  a box means  that
you  will see positions  1-76 of  your spooled  output within  the box.
The  output goes to  the SPL1  member in QTXTSRC  and then  you copy it
with the SEU  copy function.  You  will probably want  to use .bkp  and
.ekp to keep the information on a single page.

Copying  a workstation  display is  simple  with CPYSPLTXT  also.   You
just  use the print key  when the display  you want appears  and make a
spooled file, Then  use CPYSPLTXT.   Copying workstation displays  will
probably work  better  if you  specify CHGJOB  PRTKEYFMT(*NONE).   This
prevents the  system from placing  any other data  (e.g.  job  ID) into
the spooled file.

SORTTXT - For sorting text information

Sometimes  you may  want to  keep a  list of  names or some  other list
that should appear  in the final  document in sequence.   The TAA  tool
SORTTXT  can  help you.    You  should keep  the  names  in a  separate
member.   Assume you have a list of people  in the LIST1 member and the
groups they belong to.  It might look like this.

     Smith                545
     Miler                545
     Williams             200
     Thompson             545
     Jones                200

When you want to  sort the list, you  enter the special control  record
as the first SEU  statement.  You can have up to  4 control fields with
'1'  being the most  important.  If  you wanted name  within group, the
control record would look like:

     2222222222           111
     Smith                545

Then execute the command:


SORTTXT reads the  control record,  generates the  sort specs  required
and executes  FMTDTA.   By default,  the data  is written  back to  the
same member  and the control  statement is removed.   If you  write the
sorted  results to  a temporary  member, you  could maintain  the LIST1
member  separately  and leave  control  record  in  the  source.    The
SORTTXT  command could  be executed  within PRTSEUTXT  using  the .exec

PRTBCKBCK - Print back to back

Some  printers allow printing  of pages on  both sides.  If  you do not
have such a printer, it is  still possible to print on both sides  with
the PRTBCKBCK tool.   PRTBCKBCK splits your spooled file  into one file
for the  even numbered pages and  one file for the  odd numbered pages.
The even  numbered pages  are printed  first and  then  you reload  the
paper to print the odd numbered pages.

Two commands are provided:

  **   PRTBCKBCK operates on a single spooled file.

  **   PRTBCKBCK2 operates  on all files  in an output  queue.  All  of
       the  spooled files  would be  treated as  a single  document and
       printed  back  to  back.    command  could  be  executed  within
       PRTSEUTXT using the .exec command.

CHKSPELL - Check spelling

The Check Spelling tools will  check the source used for PRTSEUTXT.   A
special  dictionary is  provided (PRTSEUTXT)  in TAATOOL  that includes
the formatting commands so they do not appear as spelling errors.

             Summary of commands and functions

Each  Command  (Cmd)  and  Function  (Fun)  is  listed in  alphabetical
order.  Defaults are shown in parenthesis.

  .bkp          Cmd    Begin 'keep' operation
  .chgb         Cmd    Change bar date in YYMMDD fmt (PRTSEUTXT cmd)
  .cpyd         Cmd    Copy a data file member as data
  .cpys         Cmd    Copy a source member as data
  .ct1-.ct9     Fun    Print a counter - add one before printing
  .dat1         Fun    Print a date as 'November 2, 2009'
  .dat2         Fun    Print a date as 'Nov 2, 2009'
  .dat3         Fun    Print a date as '11/02/09'
  .dbls         Cmd    Double space the output (PRTSEUTXT cmd)
  .ekp          Cmd    End 'keep' operation
  .eof          Cmd    End of file - no more text will print
  .ep           Cmd    End of paragraph
  .exec         Cmd    Execute a CL command - See also .icm1-.icm3
  .iblk         Cmd    Initialize blank replacement character
  .ich          Cmd    Inlz a chapter ID for index or reference
  .icm1-.icm3   Cmd    Define a command for the .exec command
  .ict1-.ict9   Cmd    Initialize a counter
  .ifil         Cmd    Inlz the file for the .read cmd (PRTSEUTXT cmd)
  .iftb         Cmd    Inlz number of blank lines before footing (2)
  .ift1-.ift3   Cmd    Footing lines (*NONE)
  .ihda         Cmd    Inlz number of blank lines after heading (2)
  .ihd1-.ihd3   Cmd    Heading lines (*NONE)
  .ihlm         Cmd    Inlz the left margin for heading and footing (5)
  .ii           Cmd    Inlz indentation of non-paragraph lines (0)
  .ilc          Cmd    Inlz lower case table
  .ilib         Cmd    Inlz the lib for the .read cmd (PRTSEUTXT cmd)
  .ilmg         Cmd    Inlz left margin (10)
  .ilp1-.ilp9   Cmd    Initialize left paragraph tag points
  .ilt1-.ilt9   Cmd    Initialize left tags
  .iofl         Cmd    Inlz overflow line (60)
  .inlz         Cmd    Inlz all PRTSEUTXT defaults
  .iper         Cmd    Inlz the 'period character' (.)
  .ipgi         Cmd    Inlz page ID for PAGEIDS parameter
  .ipgl         Cmd    Inlz page length (66)
  .ipi1-.ipi9   Cmd    Inlz paragraph indentation points (5, 10...45)
  .ipln         Cmd    Initialize blank lines after a paragraph (1)
  .iref         Cmd    Initialize reference
  .irin         Cmd    Initialize right indent point (5)
  .irmg         Cmd    Inlz right margin (75)
  .irn          Cmd    Inlz Roman numeral table
  .isc          Cmd    Initialize sort code for index or .ref
  .itc          Cmd    Table of contents - Describe the page counter
  .itcc         Cmd    Table of contents right alternating char (.)
  .itcl         Cmd    Left side table of contents page numbers
  .itop         Cmd    Inlz top of the page - first printing line (6)

  .iuc          Cmd    Inlz upper case table
  .ivr01-.ivr99 Cmd    Initialize a variable
  .ixe          Cmd    Index should be printed - describe the page cntr
  .kpar         Cmd    Keep paragraphs on page (N)
  .lc           Fun    Print next lower case table letter
  .l1-.l9       Cmd    Left indented paragraphs
  .newp         Cmd    New page - Forces footing and heading
  .p            Cmd    Basic paragraph
  .prm1-.prm9   Fun    Print a passed parameter (PRTSEUTXT cmd)
  .prts         Cmd    Print SEU stmt nbrs on the left (PRTSEUTXT cmd)
  .p1-.p9       Cmd    Indented paragraphs
  .raj          Cmd    Right adjust paragraphs (Y)
  .rch          Cmd    Reference the current chapter
  .rct1-.rct9   Fun    Repeat a counter - no addition before printing
  .read         Cmd    Read a text member - See also .ilib and .ifil
  .ref          Cmd    Use a reference - uses prior sort code
  .rlc          Fun    Repeat current lower case table letter
  .rn           Fun    Print next Roman numeral value from table
  .room         Cmd    If enough room, print on same page.
  .rref         Cmd    Reference a sort code
  .rrn          Fun    Repeat current Roman numeral value
  .ruc          Fun    Repeat current upper case table letter
  .r1-.r9       Cmd    Right indented paragraphs
  .skip         Cmd    Skip a number of lines
  .splf         Cmd    Copy in a spooled file
  .tcb          Cmd    Table of contents blank line for formatting
  .tcd          Cmd    Table of contents description
  .tct          Cmd    Table of contents title
  .txt          Cmd    Text comment - does not appear in printed output
  .xeb          Cmd    Index blank line for formatting
  .xed1-.xed4   Cmd    Index entry description with indentation
  .xet1-.xet4   Cmd    Index title with indentation
  .uc           Fun    Print next upper case table letter
  .vr01-.vr99   Fun    Print a variable




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHGBIGPARM   Change big parameter
     CPYSPLF2     Copy spooled file 2
     CRTDUPPF     Create duplicate PF
     EDTVAR       Edit variable
     EXTLST       Extract list
     HLRMVMSG     HLL Remove message
     DSPPRTSPC    Display printer space
     RTVDAT       Retrieve date
     SNDCOMPMSG   Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG    Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG    Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type        Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----        ---------      ----------    ----------

   PRTSEUTXT     *CMD                       TAATXTA       QATTCMD
   TAATXTAC      *PGM           CLP         TAATXTAC      QATTCL
   TAATXTAC2     *PGM           CLP         TAATXTAC2     QATTCL
   TAATXTAR      *PGM           RPG         TAATXTAR      QATTRPG
   TAATXTAP      *FILE          PF          TAATXTAP      QATTDDS
   TAATXTAS      *FILE          PF          TAATXTAS      QATTDDS



Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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