TAA Tools

The  Print  System   Analysis  command  provides  an  easy   method  of
performing the  major TAA Tool  analysis programs related  to a system.
This includes:

        PRTSYSSUM        Print system summary
        PRTQHSTANL       Print QHST analysis
        PRTCMDUSE        Print command use of QSYS
        PRTLIBANL        Print library analysis
        WRKDSKSTS        Work Disk Status (System command)

The   PRTSYSANL  command  is  intended   to  be  used  periodically  to
summarize the important information about a system and its usage.

A typical command is entered as:


The command submits a batch job  to perform the sub functions.   If the
command is run in batch, it calls the sub functions.

Different  spooled  files  are   created  depending  upon  the  options
requested on the command.

You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use the command.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   PRTSYSSUM     A  *YES/*NO value  that  defaults to  *YES to  run the
                 PRTSYSSUM command.

   CUSTHDG       A *YES/*NO value  that defaults to  *NO.  *YES  causes
                 a  heading page  to  be printed  at  the beginning  of
                 PRTSYSSUM.   This allows a  written description of the
                 system which  is desirable  if the  printed output  is
                 to  given to  someone  else  to  review.   *NO  avoids
                 printing the  heading page.  The  parameter is ignored
                 if PRTSYSSUM(*NO) is specified.

   PRTQHSTANL    A  *YES/*NO  value that  defaults to  *YES to  run the
                 PRTQHSTANL command.

   PRTCMDUSE     A *YES/*NO  value that  defaults  to *YES  to run  the
                 PRTCMDUSE command against the QSYS library.

   PRTLIBANL     A  *YES/*NO value  that defaults  to *YES  to  run the
                 PRTLIBANL command.

   PRTJRNSUM     A  *YES/*NO value  that  defaults to  *YES to  run the
                 PRTJRNSUM command.

   WRKDSKSTS     A *YES/*NO  value that  defaults to  *YES  to run  the
                 WRKDSKSTS command.

   PRTFILE       The qualified  name of  the printer  file to be  used.
                 The default is QPRINT in *LIBL.

   OUTQ          The  qualified name  of the output  queue to  be used.
                 The default  is  *CURRENT  to use  the  current  job's
                 output queue.   *PRTFILE may also be specified  to use
                 the output queue from the PRTFILE parameter.

   JOBQ          The qualified  name of the job queue to  be used.  The
                 default is QBATCH in *LIBL.

   COPIES        The  number of copies  to be printed.   The default is

   DLYHRS        The number of hours  to delay execution.  The  default
                 is 0 meaning  to execute immediately.  If  a number is
                 specified,   the  job  will   delay  after  it  begins

                 Note that  the delay  occurs after  the  job has  been
                 removed from the  job queue and is in  execution.  The
                 DLYJOB command is used to perform the delay.

                 The  intent  of  this parameter  is  to  allow you  to
                 enter the  command  before  going home  at  night  and
                 allow the command  to execute after your  normal batch
                 work  is done.    If you  specify a  value,  you would
                 normally  want to use  a job queue  other than the one
                 where your  normal  nighttime work  is  occurring.   A
                 choice could be the QINTER job queue.


You must have *ALLOBJ special authority.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     BLDCALL      Build call
     PRTSYSSUM    Print system summary
     PRTQHSTANL   Print QHST analysis
     PRTCMDUSE    Print command use
     PRTLIBANL    Print library analysis
     PRTJRNSUM    Print journal summary
     RTVSPCAUT    Retrieve special authority
     SNDCOMPMSG   Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG    Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type        Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----        ---------      ----------    ----------

   PRTSYSANL     *CMD                       TAASYSD       QATTCMD
   TAASYSDC      *PGM           CLP         TAASYSDC      QATTCL
   TAASYSDC2     *PGM           CLP         TAASYSDC2     QATTCL


    Submits or calls TAASYSDC2 CL

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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