TAA Tools
TAAARC          TAA ARCHIVE                            TAAARCA

The TAA  Archive is a  series of commands  that operates on  the source
for  TAA Productivity  Tools.  The  source is  shipped in  a compressed
form  in an  archive.   The compressed  form significantly  reduces the
amount of storage required to hold all of the source.

The TAAARC  tool  provides  the following  commands  to work  with  the
compressed source:

   WRKTAA     - Basic work display that allows typical options
   DSPTAA     - Display (or print) any member in the TAA Archive
   CPYTAA     - Copy out (decompress) the source to a normal member
                  (An option exists for all source for a tool)
   CPYTAA2    - Copies all members of a tool (front end to CPYTAA)
   CPYTAAALL  - Copies all members of a source type
   PRTALLTAA  - Print all TAA Tools
   SCNTAA     - Scan the archive for an argument
   RTVTAAD    - Retrieve the description for a TAA Archive member
   CHGTAAINQ  - Change TAA inquiry message queue

You must  have *USE  authority to the  TAASRCACC Authorization  List to
display  a non-text  member in the  archive.   You must  also have *USE
authority to copy any member from the archive or use SCNTAA.

You must have a full license  (not a demonstration license) to be  able
to see or copy the source.

The WRKTAA  command is the  basic method  of operating on  the archive.
A typical command would be entered as:


This would  display a subfile with  all of the TAA  Tools.  A 'position
to' option is supported.  For  each tool, options exist to display  the
heading  information  about  the  tool,  display   or  print  the  tool
description,  copy out  the tool  description to  a normal  source file
member, or copy out the source for the tool to source file members.

An  option exists  on the  display to  show all  of the  source members
associated with the tools.

The DSPTAA command  can be used  independently to display/print a  tool
description or  any source  member in the  archive.  A  typical command
to display the description for the ADDDAT tool would be:

         DSPTAA    ADDDAT

No source is shipped for the commands that work with the archive.

The  archive  data  can  only be  read.    No  update,  delete, or  add
capability exists.

Object only tools

The RTVMSKPWD tool does not ship  the source for the RPG program  which
contains the  algorithm for masking  the password.   The source  can be
shipped  to  the  technical  representative  of  your  organization  if

TAA source files

QATTxxx source files  exist in  TAATOOL and  are used  in the  archive.
When source is  copied from the archive  or a tool is  created, QATTxxx
source files are required.

The current list of required TAA source files are listed in the
RTVSRCF tool documentation.

The CRTTAASRCF  command may be used  to create all of  the source files
in a user library such as:

            CRTTAASRCF   LIB(xxx)


The  commands CPYTAATOOL  and SCNTAATOOL were  used with  the TAA Tools
of QUSRTOOL.   They still  exist in  the product, but  only operate  on
normal  source members.   The source  from the  archive must  be copied
out  with the  CPYTAA  command or  by use  of an  install option.   The
commands such as WRKTAA or DSPTAA only operate on the TAA Archive.

An exception  is made  for DSPTAATOOL.   It  searches  the source  file
named first.  If the member cannot be found, DSPTAA is used.

WRKTAA Command                                         *CMD

The WRKTAA  command displays a  subfile of  members in the  TAA Archive
and allows various options.

   TOOL          The  TAA Tool  to 'position  to'  when the  subfile is
                 displayed.   The  default  is  *FIRST  for  the  first
                 tool.   A  specific  tool name  does  not have  to  be
                 entered.   The  value  entered  acts as  a  'set lower
                 limit' into the file of tools.

DSPTAA Command                                         *CMD

The  DSPTAA command  displays or  prints a  member in the  TAA Archive.
To print all members, see the PRTALLTAA command.

   TAAARCMBR     The member  name in  the  archive to  be displayed  or
                 printed.   Member  names are  either tool  names (e.g.
                 ADDDAT)  or the source that  represents the tool (e.g.
                 TAADATA).   No source  type is  needed  as the  member
                 names are unique in the archive.

   OUTPUT        How  to  output  the  results.    *  is  the  default.
                 *PRINT   may  be   specified.     This  is   the  same
                 definition as most DSP commands.

CPYTAA Command                                         *CMD

The CPYTAA  command  copies a  member  from  the archive  to  a  normal
source file member.

   TAAARCMBR     The member name in  the archive to be copied.   Member
                 names  are either  tool names  (e.g.   ADDDAT)  or the
                 source  that represents the tool  (e.g.  TAADATA).  No
                 source type is needed  as the member names are  unique
                 in the archive.

   TOMBR         The  member name  to be  copied  to.   The default  is
                 *TAAARCMBR or the same name as being copied from.

   TOSRCFILE     The  qualified name of  the source file  to be written
                 to.  The file must  exist.  The default is *DFT  which
                 means a  QATTxxx file  name associated  with the  type
                 of source  being copied.  For  example, QATTCMD is the
                 default  for  command  type   source.    The   library
                 qualifier defaults to TAATOOL.

   REPLACE       Whether to  replace any  existing source  of the  same
                 name.   The default is  *NO which will  cause an error
                 if  the  member  exists.   *YES  may  be  specified to
                 replace the  source in  the existing member.   If  the
                 member does  not exist, it  is added using  the source
                 type and text description of the archive member.

   ALLSRC        Whether  to  copy all  of the  source  associated with
                 the tool.  The default is *NO.

                 When *YES  is specified,  all of  the  source for  the
                 tool  (not including  the  text  information) will  be
                 copied  to the QATTxxx  files in the  library you name
                 (the default  is  TAATOOL).    If  you  are  going  to
                 change any  of the  source, you  should describe  your
                 own  library, but the  appropriate QATTxxx  files must
                 exist.    See the  CRTTAASRCF TAA  Tool to  create the
                 QATTxxx source files.

                 You may  specify ALLSRC(*YES)  for any  member of  the
                 tool (any member  having the same Tool ID).   It would
                 be  normal to specify this option  for the text source
                 even though the  text source will  not be copied  out.

                 If    *YES   is    specified,    you   must    specify
                 TOMBR(*TAAARCMBR),         TOSRCFILE(*DFT),        and
                 REPLACE(*YES).   You can  name a  source file  library
                 other than the default of TAATOOL.

   CRTSRCF       If  CRTSRCF(*NO) is  specified  or defaulted,  then  a
                 CPF9898  will be resent  if the  file does  not exist.
                 If  CRTSRCF(*YES) is  specfied, then  the command will
                 create the target  source file if  it does not  exist.
                 In this  case, TOSRCFILE must  be a known  QATT source
                 file.   If the  file already exists, then  it is used.
                 CRTSRCF(*YES) can only  be specified  if TOSRCFILE  is
                 not *DFT and ALLSRC is *NO.

   ESCAPE        If ESCAPE(*YES)  is specified  or defaulted,  then the
                 command  sends TAA9891 if  the member is  not found in
                 the archive.   If  ESCAPE(*NO) is  specfied, then  the
                 escape message is not sent.

CPYTAA2 Command                                        *CMD

The CPYTAA2 command copies  the source associate with a  tool to normal
source file  members.  The text information is  not copied.  CPYTAA2 is
a  simple front end to CPYTAA  to avoid some of  the prompts.  The same
function can be achieved with CPYTAA.

   TOOL          The tool  name to  be copied.   Either  the tool  name
                 (or  one of  the member  names  of the  tool) must  be
                 specified  to copy  all  of the  members that  make up
                 the source  for  the  tool.   The  text  documentation
                 member is not copied.

   TOLIB         The  library  where  the  source will  be  copied  to.
                 QATTxxx  files must  exist.   TAATOOL is  the default.
                 If you  are going  to change  any of  the source,  you
                 should   describe   your   own    library,   but   the
                 appropriate  QATTxxx  files   must  exist.    See  the
                 CRTTAASRCF  TAA  Tool to  help  create these  files or
                 use the CRTSRCF parameter.

   CRTSRCF       Whether to  create  the QATTxxx  source  files in  the
                 TOLIB.    The  default  is *NO  meaning  the  required
                 QATTxxx source files already exist.

                 The  required source files  are listed  in the RTVSRCF
                 tool documentation.

                 *YES may  be specified  to create  the QATTxxx  source
                 files in  the TOLIB.   If *YES  is specified,  none of
                 the QATTxxx source files may exist in the TOLIB.

   REPLACE       Whether  to replace  any existing  source of  the same
                 name.  The  default is  *YES and  must be  used.   The
                 purpose of  the parameter  is to  remind you that  any
                 existing  source  will be  replaced.    If the  member
                 does  not  exist, it  is added  using the  source type
                 and text description of the archive member.

CPYTAAALL Command                                      *CMD

The CPYTAAALL command copies all  of the source for a  specified source
type to  normal source file  members.  This  is a slow  running command
and should be submitted to batch.

To  convert all of the  archive to normal  source files, CPYTAAALL must
be run for  each of the  source types TXT,  CMD, CLP (including  CLLE),
DDS, and RPG (including RPGLE).

   SRCTYP        The source  type to  be copied.   Only the  types TXT,
                 CMD, CLP, DDS, or RPG may be specified.

   TOSRCFILE     The  qualified name of  the source file  to be written
                 to.  The file must exist.   The default is *DFT  which
                 means a  QATTxxx file  name associated  with the  type
                 of source  being copied.  For example,  QATTCMD is the
                 default   for  command  type   source.    The  library
                 qualifier defaults to TAATOOL.

PRTALLTAA Command                                      *CMD

The PRTALLTAA  command  prints  all the  TAA  Tool documentation  in  a
single member.   This  will be  a very large  spooled file  (about 5000
pages).  To print a single tool, use DSPTAA.

SCNTAA Command                                         *CMD

The  SCNTAA command scans the  archive for an argument.   This provides
for a method of answering such questions as:

       What members use CRTLF
       What RPG members use the API QUSRTVUS

A report is  output with  one line for  any member in  the TAA  Archive
that contains the argument.

   ARGUMENT      The  argument to  scan for.   Up  to 20  bytes may  be
                 specified.   The argument  must not contain  2 or more
                 consecutive  blanks   or   2   or   more   consecutive
                 asterisks.   Blanks  at the  end of  the argument  are
                 automatically trimmed off.

   SRCTYP        The  source type  to be scanned.   It  must be  one of
                 TXT, CMD, CLP, PF, LF, DSPF, RPG, or *ALL.

   TRANSLATE     A  *YES/*NO value  that defaults  to *NO.   Enter *YES
                 to  translate   the  source  to   upper  case   before
                 scanning the data.

RTVTAAD command                                        *CMD

The RTVTAAD  command retrieves the  heading information about  a member
in the TAA Archive.

   MBR           The  member  name  in  the  archive  to  be retrieved.
                 Member names are either tool  names (e.g.  ADDDAT)  or
                 the source that  represents the tool (e.g.   TAADATA).
                 No  source  type is  needed  as the  member  names are
                 unique in the archive.

   DTLKEY        The key  to  the  detail records  which  make  up  the
                 source.   The  return variable  must  be specified  as
                 *DEC  LEN(5  0).    Normally, this  information  would
                 only be used by other TAA archive functions.

   SRCTYP        The  source type of  the member.   The return variable
                 must be  specified as *CHAR  LEN(10).  Typical  source
                 types of CMD, CLP, etc.  are returned.

   NBRRCDS       The  number of  records for  the detail  source.   The
                 return  variable must be  specified as  *DEC LEN(5 0).

   TEXT          The text  description  of  the  member.    The  return
                 variable must be specified as *CHAR LEN(50).

   FILE          The file  name for  the source.   The return  variable
                 must  be  specified as  *CHAR LEN(10).    The standard
                 names  QATTCMD,  QATTINFO,  etc.    will  be  returned
                 depending on the source type.

   TOOLID        The tool  ID  associated with  the tool.   The  return
                 variable  must be  specified  as *CHAR  LEN(4).   Each
                 tool  has  a unique  ID such  as  DATA for  the ADDDAT
                 tool.   All of  the  source associated  with the  tool
                 uses the unique ID.

   OBJNAM        The  name of  the  object that  was  created from  the
                 member.    The return  variable must  be  specified as
                 *CHAR  LEN(10).    If  no  object  exists,   *NONE  is

   OBJLIB        The  library where  the  object  exists.   The  return
                 variable  must be specified  as *CHAR LEN(10).   If no
                 object exists, blanks are returned.

   OBJTYPE       The object  type of  the  object if  it exists.    The
                 return variable  must  be specified  as *CHAR  LEN(8).
                 If no object exists, blanks are returned.

   TOOL          The  tool  the  member  is  a  part of.    The  return
                 variable must be specified as *CHAR LEN(10).

   INTDAT        The  date  that  the  tool  was  integrated  into  the
                 product  in   the  format   CYYMMDD.     This  is   an
                 approximate  date.    The   return  variable  must  be
                 specified as *CHAR LEN(7).

CHGTAAINQ command                                      *CMD

   MSGQ          The  message  queue  for TAA  inquiry  messages.   The
                 message queue  must  exist  in  QSYS  or  in  QUSRSYS.
                 Command prompting  will display  the current  value by
                 use  of  a command  prompting  program.   The  shipped
                 default is  QSYSOPR.   Inquiry messages  are sent  for
                 such things  as an  expiring demonstration version  or
                 a  mismatch in the  system and TAA  Productivity Tools




Not a consideration as only the object form exists on your system.


None, the tool is ready to use.

Object only tool

The  TAA Archive is shipped  in object form only.   The source does not
exist on your system.

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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