TAA Tools

The  Add Job  Description  library  tool  supports the  ADDJOBDLIB  and
RMVJOBDLIB  commands  to  add  or  remove  a single  library  from  the
INLLIBL  parameter  of  one,  all, or  generic  job  descriptions  in a
library.   A  POSITION  parameter  similar to  ADDLIBLE  is  supported.
This simplifies  mass changes  to job descriptions  or the  simple step
of adding or removing a library.

A  typical  command  to  add  library  LIBA  to  all  job  descriptions
beginning with the name ABC in library LIB1 would be:


By default, the library is added  at the end of the existing  libraries
in  the  INLLIBL  parameter  of  each  job  description.    A  POSITION
parameter  exists (similar  to  ADDLIBLE) to  allow the  library  to be
added as  the  first library,  the  last  library, after  or  before  a
reference library, or to replace a library.

A typical  command to add  LIBA after LIBB  to a job  description would


The   POSITION  parameter   may  also   be   used  when   multiple  job
descriptions are changed.

You  must be  authorized to  change all of  the job  descriptions to be
processed.  The  job description must  not already contain the  library
to be  added or be at the  maximum of 25 libraries  (unless an existing
library  is being replaced).  If the  library list is *SYSVAL, the list
of libraries in the QUSRLIBL  system is retrieved and becomes the  base
list (the new  library is added to the  list).  If the library  list is
*NONE,  the  specified library  will  become the  only  library  in the
initial library list.

If a generic  name or  *ALL job  descriptions are  requested, you  must
name a  specific library  where the  job descriptions  exist.   Spooled
output will occur with one line per job description.

You may add  a library that does not exist.   A diagnostic message will
be sent in this case.

A  typical command  to remove  library LIBA  from all  job descriptions
beginning with the name ABC in library LIB1 would be:


You must  be authorized to  change all  of the job  descriptions to  be
processed.   If the library  to be removed  does not exist,  CPF9898 is
sent as an escape message.

You  may remove  all libraries  specified by  entering LIB(*ALL).   The
value for  INLLIBL will be  either *SYSVAL  or *NONE  depending on  the
setting of the SPCVAL parameter.

ADDJOBDLIB Command parameters                         *CMD

   JOBD          The  qualified  name  of  the job  description  to  be
                 changed.   A generic name may be  used or *ALL for all
                 job descriptions  in a  library.   The  library  value
                 defaults to *LIBL.  *CURLIB may also be used.

                 If  a  generic  name  or  *ALL  is  used,  a  specific
                 library name or *CURLIB must be used.

   LIB           The library  to be added.   The library  does not have
                 to exist.

                 If  the INLLIBL  parameter contains  *SYSVAL, the list
                 of  libraries  in  the  QUSRLIBL  system   value  will
                 become the base list.

                 If   the  INLLIBL   parameter   contains  *NONE,   the
                 specified  library  will become  the  only  library in
                 the library list.

   POSITION      The position of  the library  to be added.   *LAST  is
                 the default  meaning the new  library is added  at the
                 end of the libraries in the library list.

                 *FIRST  may be  specified to  add  the new  library as
                 the first library in the library list.

                 *REPLACE may  be  specified  to  replace  an  existing
                 library  in the  library  list.    The library  to  be
                 replaced must be named as the reference library.

                 *AFTER  may be specified  to cause  the library  to be
                 added   after  the  library  named  as  the  reference

                 *BEFORE may be  specified to cause  the library to  be
                 added  before  the  library  named  as  the  reference

RMVJOBDLIB Command parameters                         *CMD

   JOBD          The  qualified  name  of  the  job  description  to be
                 changed.  A generic name  may be used or *ALL for  all
                 job  descriptions in  a  library.   The library  value
                 defaults to *LIBL.  *CURLIB may also be used.

                 If  a  generic  name  or  *ALL  is  used,  a  specific
                 library name or *CURLIB must be used.

   LIB           The library  to  be removed.    The library  does  not
                 have to exist on the system.

                 The special  value *ALL may  be entered to  remove all
                 the libraries.   The setting of  the INLLIBL parameter
                 will be based on the SPCVAL parameter.

   SPCVAL        The   special  value  to  be   used  for  the  INLLIBL
                 parameter  if  LIB(*ALL) is  used.    The  default  is
                 *SYSVAL.  *NONE may also be specified.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     EXPVAL          Expand value
     CHKGENERC       Check generic
     PRINT           Print from a CL program
     RTNCURLIB       Return current library
     RTVJOBD         Retrieve job description
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDDIAGMSG      Send diagnostic message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   ADDJOBDLIB    *CMD                   TAAJBDD       QATTCMD
   RMVJOBDLIB    *CMD                   TAAJBDD2      QATTCMD
   TAAJBDDC      *PGM       CLP         TAAJBDDC      QATTCL
   TAAJBDDC2     *PGM       CLP         TAAJBDDC2     QATTCL


   TAAJBDDC   CL pgm

   TAAJBDDC2  CL pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools November 1, 1997

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