TAA Tools

In some  environments, it is  desirable to determine  a time N  seconds
from the  current time.   The ADDTIM command  performs the calculations
necessary  to add N seconds  to the current time  (or a specified time)
and returns the new  time.  A beginning  date field is optional and  an
ending date  is optional.   The command handles the  potential rollover
of a new day, new month etc.

The  command also allows  a negative number  of seconds to  be added to
determine  a  previous  time.    This  can  be  of  value  if  you  are
attempting to process  by a time value  and want all the  entries for N
seconds prior to a specific time.

The  following  describes  how  the  command  could  be used  with  the
SNDTIMMSG TAA Tool command to send  a message two hours (7200  seconds)
after the current time.

             DCL        &ENDDAT *CHAR LEN(6)
             DCL        &ENDHR *CHAR LEN(2)
             DCL        &ENDMIN *CHAR LEN(2)
             SNDTIMMSG  MSG('Do your thing now') HOUR(&ENDHR) +
                          MIN(&ENDMIN) DATE(&ENDDAT)

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   NBRSECS       The  number of  seconds  to  be added  or  subtracted.
                 For  subtraction,  enter a  minus  number.    Up to  9
                 digits may be entered.

   ENDTIM        The  optional return  variable which  will contain the
                 new time  in the format  HHMMSS.   It must be  defined
                 as *CHAR LEN(6).

   ENDDAT        The optional  return variable  which will  contain the
                 new  ending date.   This  allows a  rollover to  a new
                 day.   It must  be defined  as *CHAR  LEN(6).   It  is
                 returned in *JOB format.

   ENDDAT2       The optional  return variable  which will  contain the
                 new  ending  date  in  CYMD  format.   This  allows  a
                 rollover to  a new  day.   It differs  from ENDDAT  in
                 that  a  century  value is  supported.    It  must  be
                 defined as *CHAR LEN(7).

   ENDHR         The  optional return variable  which will  contain the
                 new  ending  hour.    This  may  be  used  to simplify
                 processing.  It must be defined as *CHAR LEN(2).

   ENDMIN        The optional  return variable which  will contain  the
                 new  ending minute.    This may  be  used to  simplify
                 processing.  It must be defined as *CHAR LEN(2).

   BGNTIM        Specifies  a beginning time.   The  default is *CURTIM
                 meaning the current  system time.   If specified,  the
                 value should be entered as HHMMSS.

   BGNDAT        Specifies a  beginning date.   The default  is *CURDAT
                 meaning  the current system  date.   If specified, the
                 value must  be entered  in  system date  format  (e.g.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

          ADDDAT      Add date


None, the tool is ready to use:

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   ADDTIM        *CMD                      TAATIMA        QATTCMD
   TAATIMAC      *PGM          CLP         TAATIMAC       QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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