TAA Tools
CHGDDMF2        CHANGE DDM FILE 2                      TAADDMA
The Change DDM File 2  command allows a change to one,  generic, or all
DDM files  in a library.  This simplifies  making changes when the type
of  communication  has  changed (such  as  SNA  to TCP)  or  other mass

A typical command would be:

             CHGDDMF2    FILE(xxx) RMTLOCNAME((yyy)(*SNA))

All of the  parameters except FILE  default to *SAME.   Only the  named
parameter would be changed.

Each  DDM  file  that  is  successfully  changed  causes  a  completion
message  to be sent.  Each  DDM file that cannot  be changed causes the
attempted command  to be  sent  to the  job log  along along  with  any
diagnostic and escape message.

For a  more detailed  description of  the parameters,  see the  CHGDDMF

CHGDDMF2  escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    Some errors occurred.  See previous messages.

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   FILE          The  qualified  name of  the  DDM file.    The library
                 value defaults to  *LIBL.  *CURLIB  may also be  used.

   RMTLOCNAME    The name  of the  remote (target)  system location  or
                 address  used  with  the  DDM  file.    *SAME  is  the
                 default meaning the name does not change.

                 *DEVD  may be entered  to use the  device specified on
                 the DEV parameter.

                 The  second  part  of  the  parameter  identifies  the
                 address  type.    *SAME  is the  default  meaning  the
                 address type does not change.

                 *SNA  may  be entered  to describe  a  Systems Network
                 Architecture address type.

                 *IP may  be  entered  to  mean  an  Internet  Protocol
                 address type.

   LVLCHK        Whether  to   check  the  level  identifiers   in  the
                 program  which  were  captured  when  the program  was
                 compiled.   *SAME is  the  default meaning  the  value
                 remains the same.

                 *RMTFILE   may   be  entered   to   mean   the   level
                 identifiers are checked when the file is opened.

                 *NO may  be entered to mean the  level identifiers are
                 not checked.

   DEV           The  name  of  the  APPC  device  description  on  the
                 source system.    *SAME  is the  default  meaning  the
                 existing device description remains unchanged.

                 *LOC  may be  entered  to mean  the system  determines
                 which device to use.

   LCLLOCNAME    The  local  location  name.    *SAME  is  the  default
                 meaning the name remains the  same.  The parameter  is
                 ignored  if  *IP  is   specified  for  the  RMTLOCNAME

                 *LOC  may  be specified  to mean  the  name associated
                 with the remote location.

                 *NETATR may  be  specified to  mean  the name  of  the
                 system network attributes.

   MODE          The  mode name  used with  the  remote location  name.
                 *SAME  is   the  default  meaning   the  mode  remains
                 unchanged.    The  parameter  is  ignored  if  *IP  is
                 specified for the RMTLOCNAME parameter.

                 *NETATR may  be  specified to  mean  the name  of  the
                 system network attributes.

   RMTNETID      The name  of the remote network identifier.   *SAME is
                 the  default meaning the  name remains  unchanged.  If
                 the parameter is changed,  it must be consistent  with
                 the RMTLOCNAME  parameter.   The parameter  is ignored
                 if *IP is specified for the RMTLOCNAME parameter.

                 *LOC  may  be specified  to mean  the  name associated
                 with the remote location.

                 *NETATR may  be  specified to  mean  the name  of  the
                 system network attributes.

   PORT          The TCP/IP  port used at  the remote location.   *SAME
                 is  the  default meaning  the  port  does not  change.
                 The  parameter is ignored if  *IP is specified for the
                 RMTLOCNAME parameter.

                 *DRDA may be  entered to mean  the well-known port  of
                 446 will be used.

                 A number in the range of 1-65535 may be entered.

   ACCMTH        The  access  method  used  to open  the  remote  file.
                 *SAME  is the default  meaning the  access method does
                 not  change.     Specifying   a  value   may   improve
                 performance  when   requests  to   remote  files   are
                 processed  on  the remote  system.   The  parameter is
                 ignored when  the remote  system is  an S/38  or  when
                 using i5/OS.

                 *RMTFILE  may be  entered to  mean  the source  system
                 selects  the  access method  that  is compatible  with
                 the RMTFILE parameter.

                 *COMBINED   may  be  entered   to  mean  the  combined
                 capabilities  of  combined  by  key  and  combined  by
                 record number.

                 If  *ARRIVAL or  *KEYED  is entered,  the default  for
                 the  second value is  *BOTH.  See  the CHGDDMF command
                 for a more detailed description.

   SHARE         Whether the  open  data  path  (ODP)  is  shared  with
                 other  programs.   *SAME is  the default  to mean  the
                 value does not change.

                 *NO may be entered to mean the ODP is not shared.

                 *YES may be entered to mean the ODP is shared.

   PTCCNV        Whether   the  conversation   started   is  protected.
                 *SAME is  the  default  to mean  the  value  does  not

                 *NO may  be entered  to mean  the conversation is  not

                 *YES  may  be  entered  to  mean the  conversation  is




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CHGDDMF2      *CMD                   TAADDMA       QATTCMD
   TAADDMAC      *PGM       CLP         TAADDMAC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools June 15, 2001

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