The Change User Profile Nbr 2 command is designed to be used by
Assistant Security Officers that are given limited authority by the
Security Officer. The command allows a subset of the parameters of a
user profile to be changed.
A typical command would be entered as:
The CHGUSRPRF command prompt would appear with the current values
displayed (not all parameters need be displayed).
To allow a user to use CHGUSRPRF2, the Security Officer must do the
** Grant the user to the authorization list TAACHGPRF2.
** Specify the parameter names that are valid to be changed in
the CHGUSRPRF2 data area in TAASECURE.
The CHGUSRPRF2 data area should contain only the names of the
parameters that the Assistant Security Officer may change. The data
area is maintained with the CONARR tool using the command:
For example, if INLPGM and INLMNU are the only parameters identified
in the data area, the CHGUSRPRF command would show only those values
as valid to change. An option on the CHGUSRPRF2 command determines
whether the other parameters are displayed in a protected mode.
The parameters PWD and DOCPWD cannot be specified.
The parameters GRPPRF and SUPGRPPRF cannot be changed unless the user
is authorized to the group profile.
When CHGUSRPRF2 runs, it first ensures that the parameters specified
in the data area are valid.
The user profile named on CHGUSRPRF2 cannot be QSECOFR or any user
profile with one of the special authorities:
In addition, the specific profiles QSRV, QSRVBAS, and TAAJOBCTL
may not be changed.
If there are other profiles that should be prevented from being
changed, they may be specified in the INZPWD data area in TAASECURE
with the command:
This is the same data area used by the INZPWD tool.
To provide for an audit trail of the use of the CHGUSRPRF2 command,
the following occurs:
** If the QAUDJRN journal exists, an entry is sent to it
describing the use of CHGUSRPRF2, the profile that was
changed, and the user that made the change. The entry type is
** If the QAUDJRN journal does not exist, the same information as
described for the journal entry is sent as a message to QHST.
CHGUSRPRF2 is an option on the SECOFR2 menu. See the SECOFR2 tool.
Use with the TAADPTSEC Authorization List
An alternative approach is to allow for multiple assistant security
officers who can each manage a set of unique user profiles. This is
called a 'Departmental Security Officer'. See the discussion of the
TAADPTSEC authorization list in the SECOFR2 tool documentation.
Command parameters *CMD
USRPRF The user profile to be changed. It cannot be
QSECOFR or a user with *ALLOBJ, *SECADM, or *SERVICE
special authority. If any profiles exist in the
INZPWD data area in TAASECURE, they are also
prevented from being changed.
See the INZPWD tool for how to make entries in the
INZPWD data area.
DSPNONCHG A *YES/*NO option that defaults to *NO. *NO means
that only the values allowed to be changed will be
shown on the CHGUSRPRF prompt.
*YES means that all the current values will be
displayed on the CHGUSRPRF prompt, but only those
described in the CHGUSRPRF2 data area in TAASECURE
can be changed.
The user must be authorized to the TAACHGPRF2 authorization list and
the Security Officer must enter the valid parameters to be changed
into the CHGUSRPRF2 data area in TAASECURE with EDTCONARR.
The parameters GRPPRF and SUPGRPPRF cannot be changed unless the user
is authorized to the group profile.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CONARR Constant array
EDTVAR Edit variable
EXPVAL Expand value
RTVSPCAUT Retrieve special authority
The tool is ready to use, but the user must be authorized to the
TAACHGPRF2 authorization list and there must be a least one entry in
the CHGUSRPRF2 data area in TAASECURE.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
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