TAA Tools
CHKDAT2             CHECK DATE 2                           TAADATY

The  CHKDAT2  command  provides  a   method  of  performing  validation
against a  date field.  Not  only must the date be  valid, but optional
parameters  allow  you  to perform  some  range checking  on  the value
entered.  Any system supported date format may be used.

A typical  command would  ensure that the  date entered  is within  365
days after today.


Since the  date format  was specified as  *YYMMDD, the value  for &DATE
must be in a yymmdd format.

The following escape messages may be monitored for:

        CPF0555   Invalid date format
        TAA9883   Date not in current year
        TAA9884   Date not in ranges provided

Comparison with CHKDAT

CHKDAT  requires  the  input date  to  be  in *JOB  format.    It sends
CPF9898 regardless of the error condition.

Calling the CPP directly

The CPP may be  called directly.  The following  RPG III code shows  an
example which is in a format ready to be copied:

     C                     CALL 'TAADATYC'                 Call
     C                     PARM           INPDAT 10        Input date
     C                     PARM '*JOB'    DATFMT  8        Date format
     C                     PARM -365      LORNG   50       Low range
     C                     PARM +365      HIRNG   50       High range
     C                     PARM '*YES'    CURYR   4        Current yr

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   DATE          The date to  be checked.  Any  system supported format
                 may  be entered,  but it  must  agree with  the DATFMT

   DATFMT        The format of the  value in the  DATE parameter.   All
                 of the  standard  system date  formats are  supported.
                 For a full list, prompt for the allowed values.

   DAYLORNG      The  low range  in days  from the  current date.   For
                 example,  if  the  date  should not  be  in  the past,
                 enter 0.   The default is  -365 days meaning the  date
                 must be  within the last year.   You may also  enter a
                 plus  value  such as  7 meaning  the  date must  be at
                 least 7 days greater than the current date.

                 *MAX may be specified to allow any value.

   DAYHIRNG      The high range  in days  from the current  date.   For
                 example,  if the  date should  not be  in the  future,
                 enter  0.   The default  is  +365 days  meaning within
                 the following  year.    You may  also  enter  a  minus
                 value such as -7  meaning the date must be  at least 7
                 days less than the current date.

                 *MAX may be specified to allow any value.

   CURYEAR       A  *YES/*NO  value  for  whether  to ensure  the  year
                 entered  is the same as the  current year.  *NO is the
                 default meaning that any year may be entered.

                 A *YES  requires that  the  year of  the date  entered
                 match the current year.


The tool uses  ADDDAT2 which has some restrictions on  days to be added
or  subtracted  (such as  the  number of  days  must be  plus  or minus
within 35000 days.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

         ADDDAT2       Add date
         SNDESCMSG     Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   CHKDAT2       *CMD                      TAADATY        QATTCMD
   TAADATYC      *PGM          CLP         TAADATYC       QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools August 1, 1998

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