The Check Data Base File Member command simplifies checking for a
data base file and authority to it. This provides clear messages
when the file or member does not exist, the file is not the requested
file type, or the user does not have the proper authorization.
A typical series of commands would be:
The xxx file would be ensured to be a data base source file and exist
on the library list. The yyy member would be ensured to exist and by
default the user must have *USE authority to the file.
MBR(*NONE) may be specified to check the file.
CHKDBFMBR escape messages you can monitor for
CPF3027 Not a data base file
CPF9801 The file does not exist
CPF9810 The library does not exist
CPF9815 The member does not exist
TAA9893 Authority failure
TAA9894 The file type does not match the request
TAA9895 The file attribute does not match the request
Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
CHKDBFMBR Command parameters *CMD
FILE The qualified name of the data base file to be
checked. The library value defaults to *LIBL. A
specific library or *CURLIB may also be used.
MBR The member to be checked. The default is *FIRST.
*LAST, *NONE, or a specific member may be named.
Using *NONE allows a check of the file.
FILETYPE The file type to be checked. *ALL is the default.
*DATA or *SRC may be specified.
FILEATR The file attribute to be checked. *ALL is the
default. *PF (meaning PF or PF38) or *LF (meaning
LF or LF38) may be specified.
AUT The authority to be checked. Either one of the
single values *USE, *CHANGE, *ALLMBR, or *ALL may be
entered. *USE, *CHANGE and *ALL have the same
meanings as used by the system.
*ALLMBR should be used to determine if the user can
do typical operations against a member such as read,
add, update, delete, add a new member, and clear an
existing member. This is the same as *CHANGE plus
*OBJMGT. It would appear on DSPOBJAUT as 'USER
DEF'. *ALLMBR does not include the ability to
remove a member. If the ability to remove a member
should be checked, use AUT(*ALL).
A list of individual authorities may be specified
including the same values as supported by the system
*ADD, *READ, *DLT, and *UPD.
Note that ALWDLT and ALWUPD functions which can be
specified for a file are not checked by *DLT and
RTNLIB A return parameter for the library where the file
was found. This is an optional return parameter
that if used must be specified as *CHAR LEN(10).
RTNMBR A return parameter for the member name that was
found. This may be helpful if the MBR parameter was
*FIRST or *LAST. This is an optional return
parameter that if used must be specified as *CHAR
RTNFILTYPE A return parameter for the file type found. It will
contain either *DATA or *SRC. This is an optional
return parameter that if used must be specified as
RTNATR A return parameter for the attribute of the file.
It will contain either PF, PF38, LF, or LF38. This
is an optional return parameter that if used must be
specified as *CHAR LEN(10).
RTNFMT A return parameter for the format name of the file.
If a LF has multiple physical files, the format name
of the first file is returned. This is an optional
return parameter that if used must be specified as
*CHAR LEN(10).
RTNRCDLEN A return parameter for the record length. This is
an optional return parameter that if used must be
specified as *DEC LEN(5 0).
RTNFLDS A return parameter for the number of fields in the
format. This is an optional return parameter that
if used must be specified as *DEC LEN(5 0).
RTNLVLID A return parameter for the level ID of the format.
This is an optional return parameter that if used
must be specified as *CHAR LEN(13).
RTNSRCTYPE A return parameter for the source type of the member
if a source file was found. This is an optional
return parameter that if used must be specified as
*CHAR LEN(10).
Because the CHKDBFMBR command returns parameters, the command may
only be used in a CL program.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
EXTLST2 Extract list 2
RSNLSTMSG Resend last message
RTVFMT Retrieve format
SNDESCINF Send escape information
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
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