The Clear Tape command clears the information about the tape labels
on a specified device. This allows new data to be written to the
tape. CLRTAP can be used for any purpose, but can be helpful when
using DUPTAP which does not have a CLEAR parameter. An option exists
on CLRTAP to prompt INZTAP using the current values found on the
A typical command would be:
CLRTAP assumes that the tape has already been initialized.
Unlike INZTAP, the command is simpler to use and retains the Volume
ID, the owner ID, and the existing density.
No inquiry message occurs if active files are found on the tape.
They are just cleared without any warning.
The command is slower than INZTAP as it must determine the current
Volume ID, Owner, and density.
As with most tape functions, the previous files still exist on the
tape (they are not erased), but the use of tape marks prevents their
access. A CLEAR option exists to clear the remainder of the tape.
If the tape is already clear (no data files exist), a completion
message is sent.
Command parameters *CMD
DEV The device where the tape is mounted.
VOL The tape volume to be cleared. *MOUNTED is the
default to mean the volume that is currently on the
A specific volume ID may be entered.
If the device specified is a media library device,
then the volume specified should be the cartridge
identifier to be mounted and used.
ENDOPT Whether to rewind the tape at the end of the
command. The default is *REWIND. *UNLOAD may also
be specified.
CLEAR A *YES/*NO option for whether to clear the remainder
of the tape. See the INZTAP CLEAR parameter for a
full explanation.
*NO is the default. This retains whatever data
exists on the tape after the new label is written.
The operating system prevents access of this data.
New data will be written over the top of any
existing data.
*YES may be specified to clear the remainder of the
tape of any data. Note that this causes the entire
tape to be written which can take a long time.
PROMPT A *YES/*NO parameter for whether to prompt for the
INZTAP command with the current values. *NO is the
*YES may be specified to cause the prompt for INZTAP
with the current values.
INQMSG A *YES/*NO parameter for whether an inquiry message
should be sent to the device's message queue if the
CPF6760 message (tape not ready) occurs. The
typical cause is that no tape has been loaded. If
CPF6760 occurs, the system does not send an inquiry
message to the device's message queue (only the
escape message occurs).
*NO is the default. CPF6760 is sent as an escape
*YES may be specified to send an inquiry message to
the device's message queue and wait for a C = Cancel
or R = Retry response.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
RTVTAPID Retrieve tape ID
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
------ ---- --------- ---------- ----------
Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 1996