TAA Tools
The Copy From Comma  Delimited File tool provides two  commands to copy
comma delimited  files (such as  from a spread sheet)  to an externally
described  file.   CPYFRMCSV should be  used for one  time functions or
for  the  first  time  to  help  you  create  a  customized  externally
described  file.    CPYFRMCSV2   should  be  used  when  an  externally
described  file already  exists.  You  may optionally  specify a period
as a delimiter and a comma as a decimal point.

Either a  stream file  with the  comma delimited  data or  a data  base
file (normally created from CPYFRMSTMF) may be input.

One time usage of CPYFRMCSV

Assume you have  copied spread sheet data to the  PF200A file (probably
using  CPYFRMSTMF).   Comma delimiters  exist in  the file  to separate
the fields.    You  want  to  convert the  file  to  a  new  externally
described file named PF200B.   Assume this is a one time  use (you have
no plans  to copy the  similar information in  the future).   You would

             CPYFRMCSV  FROMFILE(PF200A) TOFILE(xxx/PF200B)

A  library must  be named  for the TOFILE  parameter.   The PF200B file
must not exist and will be created by CPYFRMCSV.

The data  in PF200A would  be read  twice.   The first pass  determines
the  type and  longest  length of  each  field (and  number of  decimal
positions).   Only two types of DDS  field types are created (Character
or Packed  Decimal).   If  only  decimal data  exists  for a  field  (a
decimal  point may  be  included),  the DDS  will  be  generated for  a
packed decimal  type of field.   If any character data  exists, the DDS
will be  generated  for  a  character  field  (see  the  exception  for
negative values in the section on 'Numeric data').

After the  DDS  is generated  to a  temporary source  file, the  PF200B
file is created as an externally described file.

The  second pass  of the  data  writes the  data to  the  newly created
file.   The file  could be placed in  QTEMP.  The  file is created with

The  field  names  used  would  be  FLD001,  FLD002,  etc  (see  an  an
alternative in the  next section).  You can then process  the file as a
normal externally described file.

If a stream file existed, a typical command would be:

             CPYFRMCSV  FROMSTMF('/home/usera/PF200A.csv')

A  temporary file  would  be created  in QTEMP  and CPYFRMSTMF  used to
copy from the stream  file to the QTEMP file.   The processing is  then
the same as if the FROMFILE parameter had been used.

First time usage of CPYFRMCSV

Assume the  same PF200A  file, but now  you have plans  to make  a copy
periodically.    Therefore,  you  want  to  set  up a  customized  file
definition by  modifying  the  generated  DDS  for  your  requirements.
Instead of the  default field names  (FLD001, FLD002 etc), you  want to
supply  your own  field  names  as this  will  make the  DDS  easier to

You would specify:

             CPYFRMCSV  FROMFILE(PF200A) TOFILE(xxx/PF200B)
                          FLDNAM(CUST ADDRESS AMT ...)

The field names should be listed in order in which the data occurs.

When  the  command  completes, the  file  would  be created  as  in the
previous example.    The source  file TAATMPSRC  in  QTEMP with  member
PF200B  will exist with  the generated  DDS because  DLTDDSSRC(*NO) was

You  would then use  a source  editor and copy  the generated  DDS to a
permanent source file.  You would  probably want to edit the source  to
add  such  things  as  column  headings, edit  codes,  etc.    You  can
increase  the  length of  the fields,  but  you must  not  decrease the
lengths or change  the type  of fields.   Additional fields  (character
or packed decimal) may exist  at the end of the file that  are not used
during CPYFRMCSV  (they will default to blanks and  zeros).  Create the
file  in  a  permanent library  (assume  you  used the  name  PF200C in
library ABC).

You could then copy and map the data as follows:

             CPYF       FROMFILE(xxx/PF200B)

The file is now ready to be processed.

Typical usage of CPYFRMCSV2

Assume you did the previous  example, and now have file  PF200C created
as an  externally described file.   The next  time a copy is  needed to
refresh the data from the comma delimited file, you would specify:


If  the  data  does  not agree  with  the  file  definition,  an escape
message will be  issued.  For  example, if there  are 10 characters  of
data that are  read before the next  comma, it cannot be  placed into a
*CHAR LEN(8)  field.  The text of the  escape message will describe the
record number and field that caused the mismatch.

Copying directly from spread sheet data

The CPYFRMSTMF command  supports copying from  an IFS named  file.   If
it is a spread sheet,  the normal method of copying the file  is to use
'.csv' at  the end of the name.   This causes the spread  sheet data to
be formatted so there are comma separators.

A  typical command to convert  from a spread sheet  directly to the BBB
file in library AAA would be:


Blank records

Records with all blank values are implicitly bypassed.

Additional options on CPYFRMCSV

  **   If you  have  column headings  at the  beginning  of the  spread
       sheet  data,  you will  not  want  to  consider these  as  data.
       Specify  the BYPHDGLIN parameter for how  many heading lines you
       have.  Note  that if the  column headings are  also embedded  in
       the data,  you must remove  these or they  will treated  as data
       (see the section on 'Deleting data').

  **   If  you have  totals at the  end of  the spread sheet  data, you
       will  not  want  to  consider  these  as  data.    Specify   the
       BYPFNLLIN parameter for how  many total lines exist.   Note that
       if  sub totals are  embedded in the  data you must  remove these
       or  they  will treated  as data  (see  the section  on 'Deleting

  **   Debugging aids.  One of  the typical problems that can  occur is
       that  a field  that  you want  to  be considered  as numeric  is
       created  as  a character  type  in DDS.    This is  due  to some
       non-numeric data  in the  field.   See the  later discussion  of
       'Debugging Aids'.

Field ending considerations

The separator character  (normally a comma) must exist  to separate the
fields  in  the From  file.   Character  field data  may  optionally be
enclosed in  double  or  single  quotes.    If  an  embedded  separator
character  exists in  a  field  such as  'Jones,J'  the field  must  be
quoted with a single or double quote.

The following are valid conditions for character fields:

               Input                         Output
               -----                     ---------------

                                         Fld1       Fld2

               hello,abc,                hello      abc
               "hello","abc",            hello      abc
               "hello",abc,              hello      abc
               'hello','abc'             hello      abc
               'Jones,J','abc'           Jones,J    abc
               "Jones,J",'abc'           Jones,J    abc
               'he"llo','a'bc'           he"llo     a'bc
               "he"llo",'a"bc'           he"llo     a"bc
               he"llo,abc                he"llo     abc
               ""hello"",abc             "hello"    abc
               "hello,abc                hello,abc
               "123","789"               123        789

If  a  single  or double  quote  immediately  follows  a  comma, it  is
considered  the beginning of a character  field and the quote character
is not placed in the data.   The field is not considered ended  until a
comma  immediately follows a  quote character  and the  quote character
is not placed in the data.

If  a single or double  quote does not immediately  follow or precede a
comma, it is placed in the data.

If you begin the  field with a  quote and do  not have an ending  quote
followed by a comma,  the next set of data is considered  to be part of
the same field.

Null data (no value) is also valid such as:

               Input                         Output
               -----                     ---------------

                                         Fld1       Fld2

               hello,abc                 hello      abc
               hello,,                   hello
               "hello",""                hello

Deleting records

If  you have  records  that should  be deleted  before  using CPYFRMCSV
(such as  embedded heading  or sub  totals), two  tools  that could  be
considered are:

  **   CNFDLTRCD.    You  specify the  relative  record  number  and  a
       confirmation  prompt  appears  along  with  the  data  from  the

  **   DLTDBFRCD.   Allows  deletion of  a record  based on  a contains
       (*CT) value.

Numeric data

If a  field  contains only  digits (0-9)  (and/or  an optional  decimal
point character)  in all records,  the data will be  considered numeric
and  a packed decimal  field definition  will be generated  to hold the

A leading or trailing minus  sign is valid to describe negative  values
such as:


A 'CR' trailing  symbol may also be  used to denote negative  data such


Blanks  may not  exist in  a field to  be recognized  as numeric.   For
example, '500 CR' would be considered a character field.

Separator characters  may  not  exist  in  the  field.    For  example,
'123,456,789' would be considered as 3 different fields.

If a  decimal notation  character (eg  '.') exists, the  data with  the
largest number  of decimal positions determines the  maximum.  The data
with  the  largest  number  of  whole  numbers  determines  the maximum
number.  The  sum of the two  maximums determines the number  of digits
defined for DDS.

You may  optionally specify  a comma  as a decimal  point instead  of a

Assume you have the following data for a field:


The  maximum number of  decimal positions is  2 and  the maximum number
of whole numbers is  3.  Therefore, the field  would be defined in  DDS
as 5 digits with 2 decimals.

The data is decimal  aligned when placed in the data base  and would be
formatted as:


Fields containing both character and numeric data

If  a field contains  both character and  decimal data, the  field will
be specified as character.   The length of  the field may be  increased
to account for the decimal point and possible minus sign.

For example, assume you have the following:


If only the  first record existed, the  field would be defined  as *DEC
LEN(8  2).   Since the  character  field is  then processed,  it  has a
length  of 9.   However,  the field  length will  be assigned as  10 to
account for the  decimal point  and minus sign.   The value  123456.78-
would be placed in the character field.

Debugging aids

Two listings are optional:

  **   Summary  of all  fields (PRTSUM).   This  provides one  line for
       each  field with the  name and DDS definition  that was created.
       A count exists for the number of processed records that have:

              - No data (null)
              - Character data
              - Numeric data

       if you have fields  that should be  defined as numeric, but  are
       being  defined  as  character,  you can  scan  the  listing  and
       determine  the fields that have  a large number  of records with
       numeric data that  are specified as  character types because  of
       one or  a few records  that have character  data.  You  may want
       to review  the specific records that have  character data to see
       if they should be deleted.

  **   Single  field data  (PRTFLD).   This will  list by  default each
       record processed  that causes a  change in  the definition of  a
       specified  field.   This  will  allow  you  to easily  determine
       which record(s) are creating the definition of the field.

       You  may specify  PRTOPT(*CHAR)  to list  every record  that has
       character data.  This could be  useful if you want the field  to
       have  only  numeric  data,  but   some  records  are  causing  a
       character definition.

       Use PRTOPT(*ALL) to list every value for the field.

Null fields

If a  field contains only null data, a character  field of length 10 is

CPYFRMCSV escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9892    No records exist in the From file

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CPYFRMCSV2 escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    A mismatch exists between the data and the
                   file definition.
      TAA9892    No records exist in the From file

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CPYFRMCSV Command parameters                          *CMD

   FROMSTMF      The From  stream  file  that  contains  the  delimited
                 data.    Either the  FROMSTMF  or  FROMFILE  parameter
                 must be entered, but not both.

                 If  the  data is  being  read directly  from  a spread
                 sheet,  you would  normally name  the stream extension
                 as '.csv'.   This  will  cause the  system to  convert
                 the data to a comma separated file.

                 If the  spread sheet file  is in your  home directory,
                 you would typically specify FROMSTMF(stmf.csv).

   FROMFILE      This  is the qualified name of  the From file.  Either
                 the FROMSTMF or  FROMFILE parameter  must be  entered,
                 but not both.

                 The library qualifier  defaults to *LIBL.   A specific
                 library or *CURLIB may also be used.

   TOFILE        The   Externally  Described  To  file   that  will  be
                 created by CPYFRMCSV.  The  file must not exist as  it
                 will  be  created.    A   library  qualifier  must  be
                 specified or the special value *CURLIB.

                 A member  of the same  name will be added  to the file
                 and will contain the data.

   FROMMBR       The  member of  the From file  to be used.   *FIRST is
                 the  default.   *LAST  or  a specific  member  may  be

   TOTXT         The  text description  of the  To file  which  will be
                 created.   *DFT is  the default which  produces a text
                 description of 'Created by TAA  CPYFRMCSV'.  Up to  50
                 bytes of text may be entered.

   BYPHDGLIN     The  number   of  heading   records  that   should  be
                 bypassed and not considered as data.

                 0 is the default.

                 A  value  of  1-9  may  be  entered to  describe  that
                 heading records  exist in  the From  file that  should
                 be bypassed.

                 Note that  if  heading data  is embedded  in the  data
                 (not just  in the first  n records), the  heading data
                 must  be removed or  it will be  considered as data to
                 be converted.

                 The tools CNFDLTRCD  and DLTDBFRCD  may assist you  in
                 deleting records.

   BYPFNLLIN     The  number  of  final  records such  as  totals  that
                 should be bypassed and not considered as data.

                 0 is the default.

                 A  value  of 1-9  may be  entered  to describe  that a
                 number of records  at the  end of the  file should  be

                 Note that  if sub  total records  are embedded  in the
                 data,   they  must   be  removed   or  they   will  be
                 considered as data.

                 The tools CNFDLTRCD  and DLTDBFRCD may  assist you  in
                 deleting records.

   DLTDDSSRC     A   *YES/*NO   parameter  that   determines   if   the
                 internally  created source  file (TAATMPSRC  in QTEMP)
                 will be deleted when the command completes.

                 *YES   is  the  default,  meaning  the  generated  DDS
                 source in file TAATMPSRC  is deleted.  If  you deleted
                 the source,  but want  a copy of  it, you can  use the
                 RTVPFSRC command.

                 *NO   may  be  specified  to   retain  the  source  in
                 TAATMPSRC in  QTEMP.   The member  name  used will  be
                 the name  of the  To file.   This  allows you to  copy
                 the  source  to  a  permanent  source  file  and  make
                 changes such as column headings, edit codes, etc.

   FLDDLM        The field delimiter to  be used.  A  comma ',' is  the

                 A period '.' or a bar '|' may be specified.

   DECPNT        The decimal  point  character to  be used.   A  period
                 '.' is the default.

                 A comma ',' may be specified.

   FLDNAM        A  list  of field  names  to be  used  instead of  the
                 internally generated names (FLD001, FLD002 etc).

                 The  default is *GEN meaning  to generate the names as
                 FLD001, FLD002, etc.)

                 A list  of names may  be provided  which will be  used
                 instead  of  the  internally  generated  names.    The
                 names must appear in the same order as the data.

                 If  the  list of  names does  not  match the  count of
                 fields found in  the data,  the command will  complete
                 normally  and a  diagnostic  message  will be  issued.
                 If  there are not enough  field names provided, FLDnnn
                 will be used.

   PRTSUM        A *YES/*NO option  for whether a  one line summary  by
                 field should be listed.

                 *NO is the default to prevent the listing.

                 *YES may  be specified  to output  the summary.   Each
                 field  is  shown  with  the  DDS  definition  and  the
                 number  of records that contain  1) no data (null), 2)
                 character data and 3) numeric data.

   PRTFLD        The field  to  be printed.    This parameter  and  the
                 PRTOPT  parameter are  intended as  debugging aids  to
                 assist   in  determining  how   the  field  definition
                 created by the program was arrived at.

                 The default  is  *NONE  which means  that  no  listing
                 will occur.

                 If  a field  name is  entered,  the PRTOPT  determines
                 the type of printing that will occur.

   PRTOPT        The  type of  printing to be  performed if  the PRTFLD
                 parameter names a field.

                 *CHGS is the default to print  a line only when a  new
                 record  is  read  that changes  the  definition  of  a

                 For  example,  if  the first  record  has  a value  of
                 '1234.56',  the  field  would  be  defined  as decimal
                 with  6  digits  and  2  decimal  positions.     If  a
                 subsequent record  had a value of  '12.567', the field
                 would   be  defined  as   7  digits   with  3  decimal
                 positions.   If a  subsequent record  had  a value  of
                 'AB32',  the field  would  be defined  as a  character
                 type  with a length  of 7.   This allows room  for the
                 decimal point.   If a  negative field  was input,  the
                 size would also  be increased to contain the  minus or
                 CR symbol.   The last  record shown will  describe the
                 DDS field definition used.

                 *CHAR  may be specified to  list all records that have
                 character data.   This would be  useful if you want  a
                 field  to  be defined  as  numeric,  but some  records
                 have   character   data   which   cause  a   character

                 *ALL may  be specified  to print  all  values for  the
                 field for each processed record.

CPYFRMCSV2 Command parameters                         *CMD

   FROMSTMF      The  From  stream  file that  contains  the  delimited
                 data.    Either  the  FROMSTMF  or FROMFILE  parameter
                 must be entered, but not both.

                 If the  data  is being  read  directly from  a  spread
                 sheet, you  would normally  name the stream  extension
                 as  '.csv'.   This will  cause  the system  to convert
                 the data to a comma separated file.

                 If  the spread sheet  file is in  your home directory,
                 you would typically specify FROMSTMF(stmf.csv).

   FROMFILE      The qualified  name  of the  From  file.   Either  the
                 FROMSTMF  or FROMFILE parameter  must be  entered, but
                 not both.

                 The  library  qualifier  and  defaults  to  *LIBL.   A
                 specific library or *CURLIB may also be used.

   TOFILE        The qualified name  of the  Externally Described  file
                 to copy to.  The file must exist.

                 *LIBL  is the  default.   A  specific  library or  the
                 special value *CURLIB may also be used.

   FROMMBR       The  member of the  From file to  be used.   *FIRST is
                 the default.  *LAST or  a specific member name may  be

   TOMBR         The member of the  To file to be used.   *FIRST is the
                 default.   *LAST or a specific member  may be entered.

   MBROPT        The member option to be used.

                 *NONE  is the default which  will cause the command to
                 fail.  You must specify *ADD or *REPLACE.

                 *ADD causes  the copied  records  to be  added to  the

                 *REPLACE  causes the  member to  be cleared  first and
                 then the records are copied.

   BYPHDGLIN     The   number  of   heading  records  that   should  be
                 bypassed and not considered as data.

                 0 is the default.

                 A value  of  1-9  may  be  entered  to  describe  that
                 heading records  exist in  the From  file that  should
                 be bypassed.

                 Note  that if  heading data  is  embedded in  the data
                 (not just in  the first n  records), the heading  data
                 must be removed  or it will  be considered as  data to
                 be converted.

                 The  tools CNFDLTRCD and  DLTDBFRCD may assist  you in
                 deleting records.

   BYPFNLLIN     The  number of  final records that  should be bypassed
                 and not considered as data.

                 0 is the default.

                 A value  of  1-9 may  be entered  to  describe that  a
                 number  of records  at the  end of  the file  (such as
                 containing totals) should be bypassed.

                 Note  that if  sub total  records are embedded  in the
                 data,  they   must  be   removed  or   they  will   be
                 considered as data.

                 The tools  CNFDLTRCD and  DLTDBFRCD may assist  you in
                 deleting records.

   FLDDLM        The  field delimiter to be  used.  A comma  ',' is the

                 A period '.' or a bar '|' may be specified.

   DECPNT        The decimal  point character  to be  used.   A  period
                 '.' is the default.

                 A comma ',' may be specified.


The maximum file length is 9998 using CPYFRMCSV.

The data must appear as described earlier.

When CPYFRMCSV2  is used, the  data must  match or be  a subset of  the


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     EXTLST2         Extract list 2
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     RTVDBFA         Retrieve data base file attributes
     RTVIFSED        Retrieve IFS entry description
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDDIAGMSG      Send diagnostic message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CPYFRMCSV     *CMD                   TAADBLX       QATTCMD
   CPYFRMCSV2    *CMD                   TAADBLX2      QATTCMD
   TAADBLXC      *PGM       CLP         TAADBLXC      QATTCL
   TAADBLXC2     *PGM       CLP         TAADBLXC2     QATTCL
   TAADBLXR      *PGM       RPG         TAADBLXR      QATTRPG


   TAADBLXC   CL pgm
       TAADBLXC11   CL pgm   Creates the Ext Dsc file

   TAADBLXC2  CL pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 15, 2009

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