The CPYMNYSRCF command allows you to copy multiple source members
from one or more source files to the same source file names in a
different library. The system supplied names for source files
(QCLSRC, QDDSSRC, etc.) must be used.
This command can be useful when copying from a production source
library to a test library and vice versa. The command is also useful
when preparing source to be shipped to another system.
A typical command would look as follows:
(PAY105 *RPG))
The command would copy 4 members from three different source files
from one library to another.
The CPYSRCF command is used internally to copy each member.
Therefore if the member does not exist, it is added. If the member
does exist, it is replaced. The TOMBR parameter is defaulted to be
the same as the FROMMBR parameter. The TO source file must exist.
The type of source is identified by the standard abbreviations (*CLP,
*RPG, *PF etc.) which correspond to the system supplied names for
source files.
Command parameters *CMD
FROMLIB The library containing the source to be copied.
TOLIB The library containing the source to be copied to.
RMVM A *YES/*NO value that allows you to remove the
member before the copy takes place. This allows a
new member to be added which will include any
changes to the text description and the source type
of the member. The default is *NO.
LIST This is a double entry of:
Member name Member to be copied
Member type *RPG *PF *CLP etc.
If an error occurs during processing (e.g. the member name cannot be
found), a diagnostic message is sent and the command will continue.
This will normally allow you to see the cause of the problem although
in some cases the low level messages must be reviewed. When all
members have been processed, an escape message will be sent stating
the number of members copied and the number not copied.
Because this can be a long running command, it should be submitted to
batch. However, there is a restriction on how large a command (256
bytes) can be submitted to batch. Executing a large CPYMNYSRCF
command interactively may still be the best solution because the
overhead to process separately entered interactive CPYSRCF commands
is more expensive in total.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
EDTVAR Edit variable
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDDIAGMSG Send diagnostic message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
------ ----- --------- ---------- -----------
Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995