TAA Tools

The Convert  Character to  Decimal command  converts a character  field
to  a  decimal  value and  allows  for  editing  and validity  checking
options.   The command  is similar to CHGVAR,  but provides for options
to simplify CL program  coding.  CPF9898 is  sent as an escape  message
on any invalid data.

CVTCHRDEC may  be used when  the data is  input as a parameter  to your
program or from a display file.

A typical command would be:

             DCL           &OUTDEC *DEC LEN(15 0)
             CVTCHRDEC     INPCHAR(&xxx) OUTDEC(&OUTDEC)


Options exist to allow for:

          - Leading minus sign
          - Trailing minus sign
          - Leading plus sign
          - Decimal character
          - Separator characters

If  a decimal notation  exists in the  INPCHAR value and  is allowed by
ALWDECPOS(*YES),  the value  is  returned  as  a  whole  number.    For
example, if the INPCHAR value is 12.3, the value 123 is returned.

Optional return variables

Optional return  variables exist for  the integer count  (whole numbers
in  the input value) and  the number of decimal  positions in the input
value.  For example:

             DCL           &OUTDEC *DEC LEN(15 0)
             DCL           &RTNINTCNT *DEC LEN(3 0)
             DCL           &RTNDECCNT *DEC LEN(3 0)
             CVTCHRDEC     INPCHAR(&xxx) OUTDEC(&OUTDEC) +
                             RTNINTCNT(&RTNINTCNT) +

If the INPCHAR value is 12.3, the following would exist:

             OUTDEC      123
             RTNINTCNT     2
             RTNDECCNT     1

Validity checking  values exist  for the  number of  decimal  positions
and a range of values.   The range of values test must  be specified in
integers.    For  example,  if  a  range  of  .01  to  9.01  is  valid,
LOWRANGE(1) and HIGHRANGE(901) should be specified.

If  the INPCHAR  value is  not in  a range  of .01  to 9.01,  the error
message would  state 'Not  in range  of 1  to 901.   To  provide for  a
better  error message when  a range  value including  decimal positions
is   specified,  you  should  specify  the   RANGEDEC  parameter.    If
RANGEDEC(2) had  been specified,  the error  message would  be 'Not  in
range of .01 to 9.01'.

Error conditions

The CPF9898  escape message is sent  if errors occur such  as non-valid
characters,  two minus signs,  or a  decimal character exists  when the
option does not allow it.  Embedded blanks are not valid such as:

           1 23
           1.2 3

The text of the  CPF9898 escape message varies  depending on the  error

If you  are using a  display file, typical  coding would be  as follows
where the  &MSG field is defined  in the display file  as *CHAR LEN(80)
and would appear on an error line.

             CHGVAR     &MSG ' '
             CVTCHRDEC  ...
             MONMSG     MSGID(CPF9898) EXEC(DO) /* Some error */
             RCVMSG     MSGTYPE(*EXCP) MSG(&MSG)
             GOTO       DISPLAY
             ENDDO      /* Some error */

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   INPCHAR       The  input  value  to  be converted.    It  must  be a
                 character  field  and   cannot  exceed  22  bytes   in

   OUTDEC        The  converted decimal  value  that is  returned.   It
                 must  be  declared  as  *DEC  LEN(15  0).   The  value
                 returned is  always in  whole numbers.   For  example,
                 if  INPCHAR  is  12.3,  OUTDEC   would  be  123.    To
                 determine  the number of decimal  positions entered by
                 the user, use the RTNDECCNT parameter.

   RTNINTCNT     The return count  of the number  of integers  entered.
                 This is  an  optional return  variable.   If used,  it
                 must be  specified as *DEC  LEN(3 0).   If the INPCHAR
                 value  is 12.3,  the integer  count returned  would be

   RTNDECCNT     The return  count of the  number of decimal  positions
                 entered.   This is  an optional  return variable.   If
                 used,  it must be specified as *DEC  LEN(3 0).  If the
                 INPCHAR value  is  12.3, the  decimal  count  returned
                 would be 1.

   RQDDECPOS     An  optional parameter  that  defaults  to *NONE  that
                 determines  if the  input value  should be  checked to
                 see if a  decimal position  exists.   *NONE causes  no
                 check to occur.

                 If a  value is entered,  the number  of digits to  the
                 right  of the decimal  position is  checked to  see if
                 it  is the same count.   For example, if the user must
                 always enter two  digits to the  right of the  decimal
                 value  (eg.   1.00), then  an  entry of  2 will  force
                 this  check.   If all  blanks are entered,  this value
                 is  not  checked.    To  require  an  entry,  use  the
                 LOWRANGE and HIGHRANGE parameters.

   ALWLDGMIN     A *YES/*NO  parameter for  whether to allow  a leading
                 minus  sign.    The  default  is  *NO.   *YES  may  be
                 specified to allow a leading minus sign.

                 Specifying both  ALWLDGMIN(*YES)  and  ALWTRLMIN(*YES)
                 is  valid, but  the  INPCHAR  value  may only  have  a
                 single minus sign.

   ALWTRLMIN     A *YES/*NO  parameter for whether to  allow a trailing
                 minus  sign.    The  default  is  *NO.    *YES  may be
                 specified to allow a trailing minus sign.

                 Specifying  both ALWLDGMIN(*YES)  and  ALWTRLMIN(*YES)
                 is  valid,  but the  INPCHAR  value  may  only have  a
                 single minus sign.

   ALWLDGPLS     A  *YES/*NO parameter for  whether to  allow a leading
                 plus  sign.    The  default  is  *NO.    *YES  may  be
                 specified to allow a leading plus sign.

                 Specifying  both ALWLDGMIN(*YES)  and  ALWLDGPLS(*YES)
                 is valid,  but the INPCHAR value may  only have one of
                 the signs.

   ALWDECPOS     A *YES/*NO parameter  for whether to  allow a  decimal
                 position character.   The  default is  *NO.  *YES  may
                 be  specified to allow  a decimal  position character.

                 The   character  used  is   determined  based  on  the
                 QDECFMT system value.

   ALWSEPCHR     A *YES/*NO  parameter for whether  to allow  separator
                 characters  such  as  the   comma  in  123,456.    The
                 default  is *NO.   *YES  may be  specified to  allow a
                 separator character.

                 The  character  used  is   determined  based  on   the
                 QDECFMT system value.

   LOWRANGE      The  Low Range  value to  test  for.   The default  is
                 *NONE.   If  a  value is  entered, the  value  must be
                 greater than or equal to the LOWRANGE value.

                 The Low  Range  value  should  be  specified  ignoring
                 decimal positions.   For example, if the low  range is
                 .01, specify LOWRANGE(1).

                 If  decimal  positions are  allowed  to  exist in  the
                 input  value,  you  should  improve  the  Range  Check
                 validity  error message  by  specifying  the  RANGEDEC

   HIGHRANGE     The  High Range  value to  test for.   The  default is
                 *NONE.    If a  value is  entered,  the value  must be
                 less than or equal to the HIGHRANGE value.

                 The High  Range  value should  be  specified  ignoring
                 decimal positions.   For  example, if  the high  range
                 is 99.01, specify HIGHRANGE(9901).

                 If  decimal  positions are  allowed  to  exist in  the
                 input  value,  you  should  improve  the  Range  Check
                 validity  error  message by  specifying  the  RANGEDEC

   RANGEDEC      The  number of  decimal positions  in the  range check
                 error message.  The default is *NONE.

                 If  you want a  low range of  .01 to 9.01, LOWRANGE(1)
                 and  HIGHRANGE(901)  should  be  specified.    If  the
                 input  value  is  not  within  the  range,  the  error
                 message  would state 'Not  in range  of 1 to  901.  To
                 provide for  a  better  error  message  when  a  range
                 value is  specified including  decimal positions,  you
                 should  specify a RANGEDEC value.   If RANGEDEC(2) had
                 been specified,  the error  message would  be 'Not  in
                 range of .01 to 9.01'.


Because the  command returns  variables, it may  only be  used in  a CL


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CVTCHRDEC     *CMD                   TAACLQT       QATTCMD
   TAACLQTC      *PGM       CLP         TAACLQTC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools March 1, 1998

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