The Delete Grace Key command is a companion command to CRTGRCKEY.
CRTGRCKEY is used to allow the use of the TAA Tools for a grace
period on a system that does not have a valid license. CRTGRCKEY may
only be used once on a system unless a reset occurs. DLTGRCKEY
provides a reset function, but requires a special software code that
may be requested from the TAA Productivity Tools owner.
A typical scenario for the use of DLTGRCKEY is when a backup system
exists who's only function is for usage if a disaster occurs to the
production system. The backup system would normally not have a valid
TAA license. If a disaster occurred, operations could begin on the
backup system and CRTGRCKEY could be used to allow TAA functions to
run while the production system is being recovered. When the
production system is recovered, the backup system would remain idle
again. Because CRTGRCKEY may only be used once on a system unless
reset, it could not be used again if another disaster occurred. The
purpose of DLTGRCKEY is to reset the function to allow the use of
CRTGRCKEY if it is needed again.
You must contact the TAA Productivity Tools owner for the software
code value to be entered on DLTGRCKEY. DLTGRCKEY must be entered on
the date you describe to the TAA Productivity Tools owner that you
will use the command. Normally, this would be the same day you
contact the TAA Productivity Tools owner.
Note that if you use the backup system on a regular basis (not just
in a disaster recovery situation) and want to run TAA functions, you
will need a full license for the backup system.
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use DLTGRCKEY.
A typical command would be:
DLTGRCKEY CODE1(xxxx) CODE2(yyyy) ...
DLTGRCKEY may be used when operating with a grace key, or a valid or
invalid license. The license is not changed by DLTGRCKEY.
DLTGRCKEY escape messages you can monitor for
None. Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
DLTGRCKEY Command parameters *CMD
CODE1 A 4 byte value supplied by the TAA Productivity
Tools owner to reset the grace key information.
CODE2 A 4 byte value like CODE1.
CODE3 A 4 byte value like CODE1.
CODE4 A 4 byte value like CODE1.
CODE5 A 4 byte value like CODE1.
CODE6 A 4 byte value like CODE1.
CODE7 A 4 byte value like CODE1.
CODE8 A 4 byte value like CODE1.
CODE9 A 4 byte value like CODE1.
CODE10 A 4 byte value like CODE1.
You must contact the TAA Productivity Tools owner for the software
code value to be entered on DLTGRCKEY.
None, the tool is ready to use.
Added to TAA Productivity tools January 15, 2011