TAA Tools

The  Delete  User  Profile tool  is  designed  for  Assistant  Security
Officers  to be  able to  delete  a user  profile.   QSECOFR  cannot be
deleted  nor  can any  user profile  in  a Security  Officer controlled
list.  The  user of the  command must be  authorized to the  TAADLTUSR2
authorization list.  DLTUSRPRF2 is an option on the SECOFR2 menu.

A typical command would be:


This would delete the users profile.

The  same parameters  that exist  on the  system DLTUSRPRF  command are
supported  on DLTUSRPRF2  to allow  such functions as  transferring any
owned objects to another user profile.

The  user  of  the  command  must  be  authorized  to   the  TAADLTUSR2
authorization list.

The DLTUSRPRF2  data area in  TAASECURE can be  used to specify  a list
of additional  profiles that cannot be deleted  using the command.  The
Security Officer can  use the following  command to specify  additional
user profiles:


If the  user  entering DLTUSRPRF2  has *ALLOBJ  special authority,  the
user  can delete any  user profile  except QSECOFR, QSRV,  QSRVBAS, and
TAAJOBCTL.     In  addition,  those  user  profiles  specified  in  the
DLTUSRPRF2 data area in TAASECURE cannot be deleted.

If the user  does not have *ALLOBJ  authority, the following cannot  be

  **   QSECOFR  or any  user in  the list  described by  the DLTUSRPRF2
       data area in TAASECURE.

  **   Any  user  profile  that has  a  special  authority  of *ALLOBJ,
       *SECADM,  or  *SERVICE.     These   profiles  have   significant
       security  aspects to  them and  should  only be  deleted by  the
       Security Officer.

To  provide  for  an  audit  trail  of  the  use  of the  command,  the
following occurs:

  **   If the QAUDJRN journal exists, an  entry is sent to the  journal
       describing  the  use   of  DLTUSRPRF2,  the  profile   that  was
       deleted, and  the user that did  the delete.  The  entry type is

  **   If  the QAUDJRN journal does not  exist, the same information as
       described for the  journal entry is sent  as a message to  QHST.

Use with the TAADPTSEC Authorization List

An  alternative approach is  to allow  for multiple  assistant security
officers  who can each manage a  set of unique user  profiles.  This is
called a 'Departmental  Security Officer'.  See  the discussion of  the
TAADPTSEC authorization list in the SECOFR2 tool documentation.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   USRPRF        The user  profile to  be deleted.   QSECOFR  cannot be
                 deleted  nor any user profile  found in the DLTUSRPRF2
                 data area in  TAASECURE.   If the user  does not  have
                 *ALLOBJ  special  authority,  any  user  profile  with
                 *ALLOBJ, *SECADM, or *SERVICE cannot be deleted.

   OWNOBJOPT     Specifies  the type of  operations to be  performed on
                 the  owned objects of the  user profile being deleted.
                 This is the same  function as on the  system DLTUSRPRF

                 *NODLT is  the default  and prevents the  user profile
                 from being deleted if any objects are owned.

                 *DLT  may be specified to delete  any objects owned by
                 the user profile.

                 *CHGOWN may be  specified to  change the ownership  of
                 any owned  objects to  a named user  profile.   A user
                 profile name must be specified as the new owner.

   PGPOPT        Specifies  the type of  operations to  be performed on
                 the objects  the user  profile  being deleted  is  the
                 primary group for.   This is  the same function  as on
                 the system DLTUSRPRF command.

                 *NOCHG  is the default  and prevents the  user profile
                 from  being deleted if  the user is  the primary group
                 for some objects.

                 *CHGPGP may be specified  to transfer the objects  the
                 user  profile  is the  primary  group  for to  another
                 user  profile.  If  *CHGPGP is specified,  a user name
                 must be specified  or the  value *NONE.   If *NONE  is
                 specified,  the  objects  will  no longer  be  in  the
                 primary group.

                 The  possible user profile values  for the New Primary
                 Group are:

                 User profile  name.   The  user  profile must  have  a
                 group ID (gid).

                 *NONE.  The objects do not have a primary group.

                 *OLDPGP.    The   new  primary  group  has   the  same
                 authority as the old primary group.

                 *PRIVATE.     See  the   discussion  for   the  system
                 DLTUSRPRF command.

                 *ALL.    The new  primary group  has all  authority to
                 the object.

                 *CHANGE.  The  new primary group has  change authority
                 to the object.

                 *USE.   The  new primary  group has  use  authority to
                 the object.

                 *EXCLUDE.     The   new  primary  group   has  exclude
                 authority to the object.

   DLTUSRSPLF    A *YES/*NO parameter for  whether spooled files  owned
                 by the  user should be deleted.   The system  does not
                 delete  spooled files  owned by the  user if  the user
                 profile is deleted.

                 *YES is  the  default  to  delete  any  owned  spooled
                 files.  The  TAA tool DLTUSRSPLF  is used.   A listing
                 will be output if any are deleted.

                 *NO  may  be specified  to  retain  any spooled  files
                 owned by the user.


See previous comments.

The major restrictions are:

  **   The  user  must be  authorized  to the  TAADLTUSR2 authorization

  **   If the user  does not have  *ALLOBJ special authority, any  user
       profile with  *ALLOBJ, *SECADM,  or *SERVICE cannot  be deleted.

  **   Additional  restrictions  exist if  the  TAADPTSEC authorization
       list  exists.     See  the  discussion   in  the  SECOFR2   tool


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     UNADOPT      Unadopt security


The tool  is ready  to use,  but a user  must be  be authorized  to the
TAADLTUSR2 authorization list.  For example,


The  Security  Officer  may also  specify  certain  user profiles  that
cannot be changed  by entering them  into the DLTUSRPRF2  data area  in
TAASECURE.  To edit the list of invalid profiles, use the command:


You do not  need to enter  QSECOFR as it is  always prevented.   You do
not  need  to add  a  user  profile that  has  a  special authority  of
*ALLOBJ,  *SECADM,  or *SERVICE  unless  you do  not  want a  user with
*ALLOBJ authority  to be able  to delete these  profiles.  Any  profile
with one  or more of these  special authorities will be  prevented from
being deleted by other code in the program.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   DLTUSRPRF2    *CMD                   TAASEDT       QATTCMD
   TAASEDTC      *PGM       CLP         TAASEDTC      QATTCL

The DLTUSRPRF2 data area is in the TAASECURE library.

The TAASEDTC program is created with USRPRF(*OWNER).

Added to TAA Productivity tools June 1, 1997

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