TAA Tools

The  Display Command  Keyword  command lets  you  display the  keywords
used  by  commands.   Two  files  of  command/keywords  are shipped  in
TAATOOL which can be accessed by special values:

       *QSYS        All command/keywords from library QSYS
       *TAATOOL     All command/keywords from library TAATOOL

A typical command would be:


This  would  display  all  the  command/keyword  combinations  with the
keyword JOBD.  A subfile is  used and you can position to  any keyword.
A  command option will  allow the  keyword you  enter to  be used  as a
'set  lower  limit'  rather  than  restrict  the  display  to  matching

Options exist for each combination to:

  **   DSPCMD.  Use DSPCMD.

  **   Prompt.  Prompt for  the command.   From the prompt display  you
       can access the command help text and/or run the command.

  **   DSPOBJD2.   Use  the TAA  Tool DSPOBJD2  to look  at the  create
       details of the command.

  **   DSPCMDHLP.   Use the TAA  Tool DSPCMDHLP to  directly access the
       command help.

Creating your own file

You can create  a file of  command/keywords for your  own commands  and
use the DSPCMDKWD function.

To  create your  own  file,  you must  use  the  CVTCMDKWD tool.    For
example, to  convert the command/keywords  found in the  library CMDLIB
and create the required files in the library USRLIB:


The  files CMDKWDP and CMDKWDL would  be created in the library USRLIB.

To review the keywords in these files, you would specify:


You can have as  many CMDKWDP/CMDKWDL files, but only one  per library.

You  can  have  a  single  file with  command/keywords  from  different
libraries  (including QSYS  and  TAATOOL).   Use CVTCMDKWD  and specify
REPLACE(*NO) for all, but the first library.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   KEYWORD       The keyword to position to.

                 If SELECT(*YES)  is used,  only  the keywords  in  the
                 file that  match the  value will  be displayed in  the

                 A  blank   value  is  only  meaningful   if  you  have
                 specified SELECT(*NO).

   SELECT        Whether to  select only  the  records that  match  the
                 keyword  or use  the  value  to position  the  search.
                 *YES  is the default  meaning only those  records that
                 match the KEYWORD entered will be displayed.

                 *NO  may be  entered which  will position  the subfile
                 to the value  entered as a  'set lower limit' type  of
                 request.    Use *NO  when  you  are  not sure  of  the
                 spelling  of the  keyword or  want to look  for values
                 that are close in spelling.

                 *SCAN may be entered to  scan all of the keywords  for
                 the  string of  characters  entered  into the  KEYWORD

   CURSYS        A  *YES/*NO  values for  whether to  display  only the
                 commands that  exist  on  the  current  system.    The
                 default is *YES  to display only those on  the current

                 *NO may  be specified to  display all commands  in the

   OUTPUT        How  to  output  the results.    * is  the  default to
                 provide  an  interactive display  if  the  command  is
                 entered interactively.

                 If  the  command is  entered  in  batch  or *PRINT  is
                 specified, a spooled file is output.

   CMDKWDP       The library containing the CMDKWDP file.

                 *QSYS  is   the  default  and  displays  the  file  in
                 TAATOOL that  is  provided  by  the  TAA  Productivity
                 Tools    for   the    commands   in    QSYS.       The
                 command/keywords  already exist  in  the file  for all
                 Operating System  commands  and many  Program  Product

                 When  a  product   is  installed,  any   commands  are
                 normally    duplicated    to    the   QSYS    library.
                 Consequently,  all  commands from  i5/OS  and programs
                 installed using GO LICPGM  (or the default install  of
                 the  system)  exist in  QSYS.    The TAA  Productivity
                 Tools  commands exist in  TAATOOL and  a duplicate may
                 be created in another  library.  The TAATOOL  commands
                 would normally not exist in QSYS.

                 *TAATOOL may  be used to  display the file  in TAATOOL
                 that is provided for the commands in TAATOOL.

                 *LIBL  or  *CURLIB may  be  used or  your  own library
                 name where you have created the CMDKWDP files.


Not all system  commands can be  converted.   There is a  limit of  the
number of keywords that  may be output from a  command of approximately
44.   Commands  associated with  the BR1  product have  old definitions
and are not supported.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CVTCMDKWD       Convert command keyword
     DSPOBJD2        Display object description nbr 2
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   DSPCMDKWD     *CMD                   TAACMDN       QATTCMD
   TAACMDNC      *PGM       CLP         TAACMDNC      QATTCL
   TAACMDNC10    *PGM       CLP         TAACMDNC10    QATTCL
   TAACMDNR      *PGM       RPG         TAACMDNR      QATTRPG
   TAACMDNS      *FILE      PF          TAACMDNS      QATTDDS
   TAACMDNT      *FILE      LF          TAACMDNT      QATTDDS
   TAACMDNU      *FILE      PF          TAACMDNU      QATTDDS
   TAACMDNV      *FILE      LF          TAACMDNV      QATTDDS

The   TAACMDNS  and  TAACMDNU   files  are  created   without  data  by
CRTTAATOOL.  During the install, the data is copied to the files.

Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 1996

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