The Display IFS Authorities command displays or prints the IFS
authorities from the file created by the CVTIFSAUT TAA command. You
must first run CVTIFSAUT for the IFS objects that you want to
analyze. DSPIFSAUT provides a simple query like function including
selection capability such as by user (including *PUBLIC), by type of
authority (e.g. *CHANGE), by authorization list, etc.
A typical command after using CVTIFSAUT to create the IFSAUTP file
would be:
A display would appear describing what authorities the *PUBLIC user
has to the objects found in the IFSAUTP file.
CVTIFSAUT escape messages you can monitor for
TAA9891 The IFSAUTP file cannot be found.
Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
Command parameters *CMD
USER The user name to display authorities for. The
default is *ALL for all users. A specific user may
be entered to display the authorities for that user.
*PUBLIC may be entered to display the authorities
specified for the *PUBLIC user.
*NONPUBLIC may be entered to display the authorities
for all but the *PUBLIC user.
AUT The authorities to select. The default is *ANY
meaning any authority to the object.
*USE, *CHANGE, *ALL, or *EXCLUDE may be specified.
For *USE and *CHANGE, this means any user who has at
least that authority. For example, if *USE is
specified, any user with *CHANGE or *ALL authority
will also be selected.
AUTL The authorization list to select on. The default is
*ALL for all authorization list information. A
specific authorization list may be entered.
*NONE may be entered to select those objects that
are not tied to an authorization list.
*ANY may be entered to select those objects that are
tied to an authorization list.
OWNED Whether to include or exclude the information about
the owner. The default is *INCLUDE meaning that a
line will appear for each owners authority.
*OMIT may be used to omit the owners line. This can
be helpful in minimizing the amount of output that
must be reviewed.
*ONLY may be specified to print only the owners line
(one line per object).
LIB The library where the IFSAUTP file exists. The file
must have been created by the CVTIFSAUT TAA command.
*LIBL is the default to find the library on the
library list.
A specific library may be entered or *CURLIB.
MBR The member of the IFSAUTP file to be processed. The
default is IFSAUTP which is the default member name
used by CVTIFSAUT.
OUTPUT Whether to display or print the output. * is the
default which will display the result if entered in
an interactive job. If in a batch job or *PRINT is
specified, the results are listed in a spooled file.
You must first convert the authorities to be analyzed by using the
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
RTVSYSVAL3 Retrieve system value 3
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
------ ---- --------- ---------- ----------
Added to TAA Productivity tools June 1, 2002