TAA Tools

The Display  Object Description  4 command  is a problem  determination
aid  and   is  similar  to  DSPOBJD2.     DSPOBJD4  allows  any  object
description  on  the  system  to  be displayed  if  the  user  has *USE
authority  to  the  TAADSPOBJ4  authorization  list.    'Display  only'
functions  for additional  object level  information are  also provided
for most object types.  No data can be displayed.

If  the  user  has  *CHANGE  authority  to  TAADSPOBJ4,  the  DSPOBJAUT
function may also be used from the detail display.

The  F8  function  key  on  the  detail  display  allows   more  detail
information about the  object such as its description.   Certain object
types are excluded such as DSPUSRPRF, WRKJRNA, and DSPJRNRCVA.

A typical command is entered as:


If multiple  PGMA *PGM objects exist on the  library list, a subfile is
displayed.   Multiple  libraries are  displayed  on a  single  display.
F11  may be  used  to  flip/flop  between displaying  the  object  text
descriptions  and  the  storage  sizes.    Each  object  shown  may  be
selected for the detail display including the library object.

If  only  a  single PGMA  is  found  on the  library  list,  the detail
display is presented immediately.

The  detail display  combines  the  important information  provided  by
DSPOBJD  for  both  the  *FULL  and  *SERVICE  options  of  the  DETAIL
parameter.   This  allows a  good review  of the  important information
about an object including the  source member/file/library used for  the

TAADSPOBJ4 Authorization List

The  user  must  have  at  least   *USE  authority  to  the  TAADSPOBJ4
Authorization List to make any use of DSPOBJD4.

If  *CHANGE authority  exists, the F9  key for  DSPOBJAUT is  usable to
display all the authorizations to the object.

Differences with DSPOBJD2

DSPOBJD2 is the same function with the following differences:

  **   DSPOBJD4 requires  the  user  be authorized  to  the  TAADSPOBJ4

  **   DSPOBJD2 only  allows access to  objects the user  is authorized
       to.     DSPOBJD4  adopts  the  security   officer  profile  thus
       allowing access to all objects.

  **   DSPOBJD2  allows the  user to  use DSPOBJAUT  for any  object he
       has authority to,  but the system  function prevents seeing  all
       authorizations  unless   the  user  is  the   owner.    DSPOBJD4
       provides  a full  DSPOBJAUT display,  but only  if the  user has
       *CHANGE authority to the TAADSPOBJ4 *AUTL.

  **   Some F8 functions differ or are constrained such as:

         --   DSPUSRPRF is not valid on DSPOBJD4.

         --   DSPDTAARAD is used  instead of  DSPDTAARA which  displays
              both the description and the data.

         --   DSPUSRSPCA is  not valid because  it allows an  option to
              display the data.

         --   For  data base  file objects,  DSPFD  is used  instead of
              DSPF2 which allows a display of the data.

         --   WRKJRNA  and  DSPJRNRCVA  are   not  valid  on   DSPOBJD4
              because they allow 'work type' of options.

DSPOBJD4 escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9895    No objects exist for the selection criteria

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

DSPOBJD4 Command parameters                           *CMD

   OBJ           The  qualified  object  name to  be  displayed.    The
                 object  name  can  be  generic  or the  special  value

                 *ALLUSR  or  *IBM may  also be  entered if  the object
                 type is *LIB.

                 The  library  value defaults  to  *LIBL.    The  other
                 special  values  that  may  be  entered  are  *CURLIB,
                 *ALL, or *ALLUSR.

   OBJTYPE       The  object  type to  be  displayed.   The  default is
                 *ALL  for  all  object  types.    All  of  the  values
                 supported by DSPOBJD are provided.

   OBJATTR       The object  attribute to  be displayed.   The  default
                 is  *ALL.   An attribute  such  as RPG,  or PF  may be
                 entered to subset the object type being requested.

                 If  you  enter  a  value,  you  should  also  use  the
                 OBJTYPE parameter to improve the performance.

                 A generic  value  may be  entered such  as RPG*  which
                 would include  all generic values such  as RPG, RPG38,
                 and RPGLE programs.

   ASPDEV        Specifies  the  auxiliary  storage  pool  (ASP) device
                 name where  storage  for  the library  containing  the
                 object  is allocated.   If the  library resides  in an
                 ASP  that is  not  part of  the thread's  library name
                 space, this  parameter  must be  specified  to  ensure
                 the correct  library is  searched.  If  this parameter
                 is  used when the library  qualifier specified for the
                 Object prompt (OBJ  parameter) is  *CURLIB, *LIBL,  or
                 *USRLIBL, ASPDEV(*) is the only valid value.

                 This  parameter can  be  specified as  a  list of  two
                 values  (elements)   or  as  a  single   value.    The
                 possible single values are:

                 *  = The ASPs that are  currently part of the thread's
                 library name  space  will be  searched  to locate  the
                 library.   This includes the  system ASP (ASP  1), all
                 defined  basic  user  ASPs (ASPs  2-32),  and,  if the
                 thread has  an ASP  group, the  primary and  secondary
                 ASPs in the thread's ASP group.

                 *ALLAVL = All  available ASPs will be  searched.  This
                 includes  the system  ASP (ASP  1), all  defined basic
                 user ASPs (ASPs 2-32),  and all available primary  and
                 secondary  ASPs,  (ASPs  33-255)  with   a  status  of

                 *CURASPGRP  =  If the  thread  has an  ASP  group, the
                 primary  and secondary ASPs in  the thread's ASP group
                 will be searched  to locate the  library.  The  system
                 ASP (ASP  1) and defined  basic user ASPs  (ASPs 2-32)
                 will  not be searched.  If  no ASP group is associated
                 with the thread, an error will be issued.

                 *SYSBAS =  The  system ASP  (ASP  1) and  all  defined
                 basic  user  ASPs  (ASPs  2-32) will  be  searched  to
                 locate  the  library.   No primary  or  secondary ASPs
                 will be  searched  even  if  the  thread  has  an  ASP

                 Element 1: Device

                 The device  name of  the primary  or secondary ASP  to
                 be searched.   The primary or secondary  ASP must have
                 been  activated  (by varying  on  the ASP  device) and
                 have a  status of  'Available'.  The  system ASP  (ASP
                 1) and  defined user basic  ASPs (ASPs 2-32)  will not
                 be searched.

                 Element 2: Search type

                 *ASP  =  Specifies  that  only  the  single  auxiliary
                 storage pool (ASP)  device named  in element  1 is  to
                 be searched.

                 *ASPGRP  = Specifies  that  the  entire group  of  the
                 primary  auxiliary storage pool (ASP)  device named in
                 element 1 is to be searched.

   ESCAPE        Whether to  send  an  escape  message  if  no  objects
                 exist  for the  selection criteria.    The default  is
                 *YES which  means the TAA9895 escape  message would be

                 *NO  may  be specified  in which  case the  user would
                 see an empty subfile with an appropriate message.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKGENERC       Check generic
     CVTSYSLVL       Convert system level
     DSPDTAARAD      Display data area description
     DSPDTAQD        Display data queue description
     DSPMSGFA        Display message file attributes
     DSPOUTQA        Display output queue attributes
     DSPUSRSPCA      Display user space attributes
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     RTNLIBL         Return library list
     RTVASPSTS       Retrieve ASP status
     RTVDBFA         Retrieve data base file attributes
     RTVILEMODA      Retrieve ILE module attributes
     RTVPGMA         Retrieve program attributes
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDJLGMSG       Send job log message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   DSPOBJD4      *CMD                   TAAOBLK       QATTCMD
   TAAOBLKC      *PGM       CLP         TAAOBLKC      QATTCL
   TAAOBLKC2     *PGM       CLP         TAAOBLKC2     QATTCL
   TAAOBLKR      *PGM       RPG         TAAOBLKR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools September 15, 2007

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