TAA Tools
DSPSAVTAP       DISPLAY SAVE TAPE                      TAASAVM

The Display  Save Tape  command is  a simple  front end  to the  DSPTAP
command.   It  defaults  to display  *SAVRST labels  and  device TAP01.
This  avoids a typical error where  the DATATYPE parameter is defaulted
on DSPTAP and the  error is not discovered  until after the tape  label
is displayed.

A typical command would be entered as:


This  would display  the  first  label in  save/restore  format on  the
TAP01 device.

You   can  also  display  a  single   library  (label)  from  TAP01  by

           DSPSAVTAP        LABEL(xxxx)

On most  tape devices  this will  correctly position  the  tape to  the
label and then cause  the DSPTAP command to be  run from that position.

However, 1/4  inch cartridge devices do not  provide for back space and
cannot  provide  an   efficient  solution.     The  correct  label   is
displayed, but the tape must be processed twice.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   DEV           The device name.  The default is TAP01.

   LABEL         The label (library)  to be displayed.  The  default is

   VOL           The  tape volume  to be  displayed.   *MOUNTED  is the
                 default  to mean the  volume that is  currently on the

                 A specific volume ID may be entered.

                 If the  device specified  is a  media library  device,
                 then  the volume  specified  should  be the  cartridge
                 identifier to be mounted and used.

   SEQNBR        The  sequence  number to  be displayed.    In general,
                 you would do the following:

                 1)  To  display  all  or  the  first  file,  take  the
                 defaults for both LABEL and SEQNBR.

                 2)  To display  a  specific  label (library),  specify
                 LABEL(xxx) and take the default for SEQNBR.

                 3)  To display  a specific  sequence number,  take the
                 default for LABEL and specify the sequence number.

                 The default for  SEQNBR is *DFT  which means that  the
                 LABEL  parameter  is evaluated.    If  LABEL(*ALL)  is
                 specified,  the   default  acts  as   SEQNBR(1).    If
                 LABEL(xxx)   is   specified,  the   default   acts  as

                 A number value (such  as 2) means to display  the file
                 at the specified sequence number.

                 *SEARCH may  be specified in conjunction  with a label
                 name  to cause the tape to be  read until the label is

                 On  most  tape  devices,   *SEARCH  is  an   efficient
                 technique.   However,  1/4 inch  cartridge devices  do
                 not  provide for  'back space'  and cannot  provide an
                 efficient solution.  The  correct label is  displayed,
                 but the tape must be processed twice.

                 If both a  label and a sequence number  are specified,
                 the label  must exist at  the file sequence  number or
                 an error will occur.

   DATATYPE      The  data type of the label.   The default is *SAVRST.
                 *LABELS may also be specified.

   OUTPUT        The  type  of output.    This  is  the  normal  output
                 parameter  with  a  default  of  *.    *PRINT  may  be




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

         SNDCOMPMSG     Send completion message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   DSPSAVTAP     *CMD                   TAASAVM       QATTCMD
   TAASAVMC      *PGM       CLP         TAASAVMC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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