TAA Tools
The Display Spool  Create Date command  displays spooled files  for one
or  more  output queues  in  ascending create  date  sequence.   Totals
occur  for each day.  An outfile is  optional.  A beginning date may be
specified  to  allow  a   number  of  current  days  to   be  bypassed.
DSPSPLCRTD may assist in understanding cleanup requirements.

Depending  on the  number of  spooled files  to be  processed  (see the
OUTQ parameter), the performance can be very slow.

If  an outfile  is created, the  model file  is TAASPOZP  with a format
name of SPLCRTD.

The DLTOLDSPLF command may be used to cleanup old spooled files.

You must have *ALLOBJ authority to specify OUTQ(*ALL).

A typical command would be:


A listing  would be  displayed in  ascending order  by  create date  of
each spooled file that  was created prior to 10 days ago  in all output
queues on the system.

DSPSPLCRTD escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    No spooled files found in the OUTQs.

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

DSPSPLCRTD Command parameters                         *CMD

   OUTQ          The   qualified  name  of  the   output  queue  to  be
                 displayed or output.

                 A specific  name,  a  generic  name,  or  the  special
                 value  *ALL for  all output  queues  may be  specified
                 for the library qualifier.

                 The library  qualifier defaults to *LIBL.   A specific
                 library,   *CURLIB,   or   *ALL   libraries   may   be

   BYPDAYS       The number of days  to be bypassed.  The default  is 0
                 meaning no days are bypassed.

                 A number  (up to  9999) such as  10 may be  entered to
                 mean  bypass all spooled files created  in the last 10

   OUTPUT        How to  output  the results.    *  is the  default  to
                 display the  spooled file  if the  command is  entered
                 interactively.   The spooled file is  deleted after it
                 is displayed.

                 If the  command  is  entered in  batch  or  *PRINT  is
                 specified, the  spooled file  is output and  retained.

                 *OUTFILE  may be  specified to  output to  an outfile.
                 The  the model file is TAASPOZP  with a format name of

   OUTLIB        The  library  in  which  the  file  SPLCRTDP  will  be
                 placed.  The  default is *LIBL.  If  the SPLCRTDP file
                 does  not already exist, a  library must be specified.

   OUTMBR        The member of the  SPLCRTDP file to  be used.  If  the
                 member does  not exist, it is  added.  The  default is

   REPLACE       A  *YES/*NO  value for  whether the  member  should be
                 cleared before writing records  into it.  The  default
                 is *YES.

                 *NO may  be specified  to add  records to an  existing


You must have *ALLOBJ authority to specify OUTQ(*ALL).


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADDDAT2         Add date 2
     CHKALLOBJ       Check *ALLOBJ special authority
     CHKGENERC       Check generic
     CVTDAT          Convert date
     CVTOUTQ         Convert output queue
     DUPTAADBF       Duplicate data base file
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SORTDBF         Sort data base file


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   DSPSPLCRTD    *CMD                   TAASPOZ       QATTCMD
   TAASPOZC      *PGM       CLP         TAASPOZC      QATTCL
   TAASPOZR      *PGM       RPG         TAASPOZR      QATTRPG
   TAASPOZP      *FILE      PF

The TAASPOZP file is duplicated from TAASPLCP.

Added to TAA Productivity tools October 15, 2009

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