TAA Tools

The Display Spooled File  Use command displays spooled files  from one,
generic, or  all output queues that  have not been used  in a specified
number  of days.  This provides an  assist in cleanup where users claim
they need spooled  files kept  online.  The  DLTOLDSPLF command may  be
used to clean  up old spooled files  that are not being used.   See the
COMPDATE parameter.

A typical DSPSPLUSE command would be:

             DSPSPLUSE   OUTQ(xxx) LSTUSEDAYS(30)

This  would display all  spooled files  in the named  output queue that
have not been used  in 30 days.   The 'use date'  of a spooled file  is
initialized to  the current  date when  it is  opened and changes  when
the  file is displayed, copied,  printed, sent, or  when the attributes
are changed.

You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use OUTQ(*ALL/*ALL).

DSPSPLUSE escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9894    No spooled files exist prior to the use date.

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

DSPSPLUSE Command parameters                          *CMD

   OUTQ          The output queue to be  analyzed.  A specific name,  a
                 generic name, or  *ALL may be specified.   The library
                 value  defaults   to  *LIBL.     A  specific  library,
                 *CURLIB or *ALL may also be used.

   SEQ           The  sequence  of the  output.   *OUTQ is  the default
                 meaning  the  spooled  files  will  appear  in  output
                 queue order  within library  name.  The  spooled files
                 within  each output queue  are listed in  date of last
                 use order (oldest date first).

                 *USEDAT may  be specified  to list  the spooled  files
                 in  last  use  order  will   the  oldest  date  first.
                 Within each  date, the spooled files  appear in output
                 queue order within library name.

   PAGBRK        A *YES/*NO value  for whether  to cause  a page  break
                 in the  output  if the  major sequence  changes.   The
                 intent  of  this   parameter  is  to  allow  a  simple
                 distribution  by  page  to  specific  individuals  for

                 *NO  is the  default  meaning  no  page  breaks  occur
                 other than for page overflow.

                 *YES may be  specified to cause a page  break when the
                 major sequence changes.

                      If  SEQ(*OUTQ) is specified,  the break occurs if
                      either the output queue or library changes.

                      If SEQ(*USEDATE) is  specified, the break  occurs
                      when the date of last use changes.

                      If SEQ(*USRPRF)  is specified,  the break  occurs
                      when a different user profile owner is read.

   LSTUSEDAYS    The  number  of  days to  consider  as  the comparison
                 date.   The default  is 14  days meaning  any  spooled
                 files that  have not  been used  in the  last 14  days
                 would appear in the listing.

   OUTPUT        How  to  output the  results.   *  is  the default  to
                 display  the spooled  file if  the command  is entered
                 interactively.  The  spooled file is deleted  after it
                 is displayed.

                 If  the  command is  entered  in  batch  or *PRINT  is
                 specified,  the spooled  file is output  and retained.


You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use OUTQ(*ALL/*ALL).


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADDDAT2         Add date 2
     CHKALLOBJ       Check *ALLOBJ special authority
     CHKGENERC       Check generic
     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     CVTDAT          Convert date
     CVTOUTQ         Convert output queue
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SORTDBF         Sort data base file


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   DSPSPLUSE     *CMD                   TAASPOI       QATTCMD
   TAASPOIC      *PGM       CLP         TAASPOIC      QATTCL
   TAASPOIR      *PGM       RPG         TAASPOIR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools March 21, 2008

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