TAA Tools

The  Display Source  List  command provides  a  work subfile  for  your
source  member header information.   Options  on the subfile  allow you

       - Display the detail member header
       - Use SEU in browse mode
       - Use the TAA Tool PRTSRCF

The  advantage of DSPSRCLST  is that the  information is available very
quickly (faster  than using SEU  or PDM  to access the  members).   You
can also scan  for a string of characters in the  member name or member

The command defaults to display the source in the sequence of:


You  can  request  an  option  to  have  the  source  displayed in  the
sequence of:


Unlike PDM or SEU,  you do not have to  worry about making any  changes
with DSPSRCLST.  The only options are display or print functions.

The disadvantage  of DSPSRCLST  is that  the member  header information
is  only as current  as the last  time you ran  the companion CPYSRCLST
command.  You can  minimize the disadvantage  by running the  CPYSRCLST
command  on  a periodic  basis  to  refresh  the  file (e.g.    run  it

CPYSRCLST lets  you name the source  files that you want  to keep track
of  or specify all source  files in a library.   DSPFD *MBRLIST is used
for  each source  file  named and  the  information  is placed  in  the

You  can have  one SRCLSTP  file  per library.   The  file can  contain
source  from  many files  in  multiple  libraries.   The  logical files
SRCLSTL and SRCLSTL2 are also created.

The DSPSRCLST command  lets you name  where you want  to start  viewing
the subfile on the command.  For example,


would start the subfile  with the first member named PAY.   If there is
no member  named PAY, the first record prior  to PAY would be displayed

You can can  scan either  the member  name or the  member text  fields.
For example, you could specify:


and you would find all of the members that had OBJ within the name.

You could scan the member text by specifying:


and  the subfile  would  contain  those  records that  had  the  string
OBJECT  within  the member  text  (either upper  or  lower case  values
would be found).

If  scanning is requested,  you can limit the  records that will appear
by specifying  a  file  and/or library  name.    If a  member  name  is
specified, the subfile will begin with the member specified.

When  the  subfile  is  displayed,  a  'position  to'  option  is  also

CPYSRCLST Command parameters                          *CMD

CPYSRCLST is used to build or refresh the SRCLSTP file.

   SRCFILE       The   name  of   the  source   file  to   capture  the
                 information from.

   SRCFILE       Up to  40 files  can  be named  on a  single  command.
                 All files  named on  a single command  must be  in the
                 same library.

   SRCFILE       *ALL  may  be  specified  for  all  source files  that
                 exist  in   a  library.     If   *ALL  is   specified,
                 SRCLIB(*LIBL) may not be used.

   SRCLIB        The library  where the  source files  are.  *LIBL  may
                 be  used.  If  *LIBL is used,  the first file  that is
                 found  determines  the  library  used  for  all source
                 files specified on the command.

   SRCLSTPLIB    The library where  the SRCLSTP, SRCLSTL,  and SRCLSTL2
                 files exist.   The default is *LIBL.   If the files do
                 not  exist, you  must name  a library  for them  to be
                 created in.   Both the SRCLSTP  and SRCLSTL files  are
                 created automatically.

   REPLACE       Whether  the  data  in  the  SRCLSTP  file  should  be
                 replaced.    The  default  is  *YES.   *NO  should  be
                 specified when you are adding to the file.

   NOMBRS        What action to  take if  there are no  members in  the
                 file.   The  default  is  *ERROR  which will  cause  a
                 diagnostic  message  to  be  sent  and  the  remaining
                 files  will be  processed normally.   The command will
                 end with an escape message.

                 *IGNORE should  be specified when  you have  specified
                 a list  of source files and  one or more  may not have
                 any  source  members.   A diagnostic  message  will be
                 sent, but the  command will  end normally  as long  as
                 one of  the source  files has  members.   If the  file
                 does   not  exist,   the   command  will   always  end

DSPSRCLST Command parameters                          *CMD

DSPSRCLST provides a work subfile  display.  You can provide  selection
criteria and also start the display at a specific record.

   MBR           The member to  start the subfile  at.  The  default is
                 blank.   If HIGHKEY(*MBR)  is specified, the  value in
                 MBR  will  direct  the  first  record  displayed.   If
                 HIGHKEY(*LIB) is  specified, the  member value is  the
                 low order part of the key.

   FILE          The  file to  start the  subfile at.   The  default is
                 blank.    This  value works  in  conjunction  with the
                 high  order  key  value  to  determine  which   record
                 appears first in the subfile.

   LIB           The library to  start the subfile at.   The default is
                 blank.   If HIGHKEY(*LIB)  is used,  the library value
                 controls  which  record  will  appear  first  in   the
                 subfile.   If HIGHKEY(*MBR)  is used,  the library  is
                 the low order part of the key.

   HIGHKEY       Which key  to use to  access the source.   The default
                 is  *MBR meaning access  occurs by member  name as the
                 high  order  key.    *LIB  may  be  specified  meaning
                 access     occurs    by     the    key     order    of

   SCAN          The  value (string)  that you want  to scan  for.  The
                 default is *NONE.  If  a value is entered, OPNQRYF  is
                 used to scan the data.

   SCANTYPE      Which  field to  scan.   The  default  is *MBRNAME  to
                 scan   the  member  name.     *MBRTEXT   may  also  be
                 specified to  scan  the member  text.   The  value  is
                 ignored if SCAN(*NONE) is specified.

   SRCLSTPLIB    The  library  where  the  SRCLSTP  and  SRCLSTL  files
                 exist.    The files  must  have  been  created by  the
                 CPYSRCLST command.  The default is *LIBL.


The  member  header information  is only  as current  as the  last time
CPYSRCLST was used.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system.

     CVTLIBDBF    Convert library data base files
     FILEFDBCK    File feedback
     HLRMVMSG     HLL Remove message
     PRTSRCF      Print source file
     SNDCOMPMSG   Send completion message
     SNDDIAGMSG   Send diagnostic message
     SNDESCMSG    Send escape message
     TAAARC       TAA Archive
     WRTSRC       Write source


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CPYSRCLST     *CMD                   TAASRDC       QATTCMD
   DSPSRCLST     *CMD                   TAASRDC2      QATTCMD
   TAASRDCC      *PGM       CLP         TAASRDCC      QATTCL
   TAASRDCC2     *PGM       CLP         TAASRDCC2     QATTCL
   TAASRDCC9     *PGM       CLP         TAASRDCC9     QATTCL
   TAASRDCR2     *PGM       RPG         TAASRDCR2     QATTRPG
   TAASRDCK      *FILE      LF          TAASRDCK      QATTDDS
   TAASRDCL      *FILE      LF          TAASRDCL      QATTDDS

Note that  the  TAASRDCA file  does not  exist.   It  is created  using
DSPFD  *MBRLIST  during  CRTTAATOOL  and  then deleted  after  the  RPG
program has been created.


  TAASRDCC     CL Program
         SRCLSTP  using DSPFD *MBRLIST
         SRCLSTL  using TAASRDCK and WRTSRC

  TAASRDCC2    CL Program
    TAASRDCR2     RPG Program
        TAASRDCC9     CL Program
      TAASRDCA      Overridden to SRCLSTP
      TAASRDCK      Overridden to SRCLSTL
      TAASRDCL      Overridden to SRCLSTL
      TAASRDCD      Display file

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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