TAA Tools

The End Old  Job Queue Jobs command ends  jobs which are on one  or all
job queues  based on a specified  number of retention days.   Jobs that
have  a schedule  date are bypassed.   An Action  parameter exists that
allows  a   determination  of  the   jobs  that   would  be  ended   if
ACTION(*END) had been specified.

You must have *JOBCTL special authority to use ENDOLDJBQJ.

A typical command would be:


A  spooled file  would be  displayed  of all  jobs on  all job  queues.
Since  ACTION(*CHECK) was specified, no jobs would  be ended.  Any jobs
that are not  in a SCD  (scheduled) status would  be compared for  when
the  job was  placed on  the job  queue versus  the date  based on  the
retention  date.    Any jobs  that  have  an entry  date  prior  to the
retention date would be flagged.   If ACTION(*END) had been  specified,
the jobs would be ended without a job log.

ENDOLDJBQJ escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9892    No jobs exist for the specified job queue

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

ENDOLDJBQJ Command parameters                         *CMD

   JOBQ          The qualified  name of  the job  queue to be  checked.
                 *ALL  may  be  specified  for  all job  queues,  if  a
                 specific  library  or  *ALL is  used  for  the library

   RTNDAYS       The number  of days  to retain jobs  on the  specified
                 job queue.  180 days is the default.

                 Jobs in  a SCD (scheduled) status  are not considered.

                 If  a  job was  entered on  the  job queue  before the
                 date generated  by  the  number of  RTNDAYS,  the  job
                 will be ended if ACTION(*END) is specified.

   ACTION        The action to  be taken if the job was  entered on the
                 job  queue prior  to the  retention date.   Jobs  in a
                 SCD (scheduled) status are not considered.

                 *CHECK is the  default to  report on  what jobs  would
                 be ended if ACTION(*END) had been specified.

                 *END  may be  specified  to  end  the jobs  that  were
                 entered  on  the  job  queue  prior to  the  retention
                 date.  No job log is output.

   OUTPUT        How  to  output  the results.    * is  the  default to
                 display the  spooled file  if the  command is  entered
                 interactively.   The spooled file is  deleted after it
                 is displayed.

                 If  the  command  is entered  in  batch  or  *PRINT is
                 specified, the spooled  file is  output and  retained.


You must have *JOBCTL special authority to use ENDOLDJBQJ.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADDDAT          Add date
     CHKJOBCTL       Check *JOBCTL special authority
     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     CVTDAT          Convert date
     CVTJOBQ         Convert job queue to an outfile
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     UPDFLD          Update data base field (used for testing)


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   ENDOLDJBQJ    *CMD                   TAAJOFB       QATTCMD
   TAAJOFBC      *PGM       CLP         TAAJOFBC      QATTCL
   TAAJOFBC2     *PGM       CLP         TAAJOFBC2     QATTCL
   TAAJOFBR      *PGM       RPG         TAAJOFBR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools July 15, 2009

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