The Fix All Source command provides a method of making mass changes
to member data in a source file based on a 'From value' found in the
source. Any type of source is valid to be changed. Because
ACTION(*CHECK) is the default, no changes will be made allowing a
review of what would be made by ACTION(*CHANGE).
Obviously, FIXALLSRC can make a mess of your source if you are not
careful. Be sure to use ACTION(*CHECK) first and review what changes
will occur.
The source is not reformatted so you cannot effectively change
keyword values in CL source to a longer length value. For example,
you could not change the keyword form of the value FILEA to FILEABC
without causing invalid syntax in CL source.
You must have *CHANGE authority to the source file being changed.
A typical example of where FIXALLSRC can be helpful is if you have
misspelled a file name in several source members. Assume you named
the file PAYRULL in one or more members and it should be PAYROLL.
You could enter:
A listing would be displayed of all source statements where PAYRULL
was found and what the new statement would look like with the value
If you have text members where you have several misspellings of the
word 'elephant' as 'elephanz', you could change them with:
Entering the values in quotes causes a scan and replace of the lower
case values.
It is possible to change from a longer name to a shorter name such as
FILEABC should be changed to FILEA by using the ADDBLK keyword with a
value of 2 meaning 2 additional blanks should be added to the To
value. In CL source even with keywords, most of the changes would
make valid source such as 'FILE(FILEA )'.
Additional comments
If the From Value is found beyond position 76, the data shown is
shifted to the left by 20 positions from where the value was found.
If inserting the To value exceeds the length of the source statement,
the data is just truncated.
There is very little checking performed by the FIXALLSRC function.
You can easily cause a change to create invalid statements. Source
files up to a length of 240 may be used.
FIXALLSRC escape messages you can monitor for
None. Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
FIXALLSRC Command parameters *CMD
SRCFILE The qualified name of the source file to check or
make changes to. The library value defaults to
*LIBL. A specific library or *CURLIB may also be
FROMVAL The From Value to search the source for. To search
for a lower case value, enter the value in quotes.
Up to 20 bytes may be entered.
TOVAL The To Value to be used in making a change. To
change to a lower case value, enter the value in
quotes. Up to 20 bytes may be entered.
ADDBLK The number of blanks to be added to the length of
the To value. This allows you to change a From
Value such as FILEABC to FILEA by specifying 2
additional blanks be added to the To value.
If a value is entered, it must be in a range of
0-19. The length of the To value plus the number of
blanks cannot exceed 20.
MBR The name of the member, or generic member to be
searched in the source file. The default is *ALL
for all source members in the file.
TYPE The source type to be searched. Typical source
types such as PF, RPG, or TXT may be entered. The
default is *ALL for all source types.
ACTION The action to be performed.
*CHECK is the default meaning the listing will only
describe what would be changed by ACTION(*CHANGE).
*CHANGE may be specified to cause the source
statements to be changed.
OUTPUT How to output the results. * is the default to
display the spooled file if the command is entered
interactively. If the display is ended with F3/F12
or the Enter key, the spooled file is deleted after
it is displayed. To retain the spooled file, you
may use the the System Request 'Cancel' function and
the spooled file will exist in a HLD status.
If the command is entered in batch or *PRINT is
specified, the spooled file is output and retained.
You must have *CHANGE authority to the source file.
There is no reformatting performed on any changes. The To value is
just moved to the source where the From value was found.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CHKOBJ3 Check object 3
CVTMBRLST Convert member list
HLRMVMSG HLL Remove message
RSNLSTMSG Resend last message
RTVDAT Retrieve date
RTVDBFA Retrieve data base file attributes
RTVSYSVAL3 Retrieve system value 3
RTVVALA Retrieve value attributes
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCINF Send escape information
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
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