TAA Tools
The Find Renamed  Restore File command  outputs a spooled file  for any
files  found that  have a  name  ending in  4 digits.    This typically
occurs  if  a file  has been  saved, the  format of  the file  has been
changed, and you have requested  a restore of the original  object with
ALWOBJDIF(*ALL).   One or more  libraries may be searched.   FNDRNMRSTF
can assist you in cleaning up your system.

Because  the QADBXREF  system file  is used to  determine the  files to
process, the performance is probably faster than you would expect.

You must have  *USE authority to the  TAACVTLIBD authorization list  to
use  LIB(*ALL) or  other special  values  that imply  running over  the
entire system.

A typical command would be:

             FNDRNMRSTF   LIB(*ALLUSR)

A  listing of all files  that have a  name ending in 4  digits would be

Example of how the system creates a file name ending in 4 digits

You can create such a file by performing the following steps:

  **   CRTPF xxx/FILEX RCDLEN(50)

  **   SAVOBJ xxx/FILEX ...  /* Such as to a SAVF */

  **   DLTF xxx/FILEX

  **   CRTPF xxx/FILEX RCDLEN(100)


The RSTOBJ command  senses that the  formats of the  saved version  and
the current version  differ.  The  current version would be  renamed to
FILEX0001.     If  FILEX0001  already   existed,  the  name   would  be

If  the same  type of restore  happened to file  ABCDEFGHIJ the current
version would be renamed to ABCDEF0001.

ALWOBJDIF parameter on RSTxxx

The ALWOBJDIF parameter on  RSTxxx command help text  describes several
conditions   where   a  mismatch   on   restore   (such  as   different
authorization lists) can occur.

In  V5R3, a new  value *FILELVL was  added to help  the situation where
data base formats differ on restore,  but it does not make the  problem
go away.  Using  *FILELVL, the file on the media will  not be restored.
This means  you find out at  restore time and the  current object still
exists without being renamed.

FNDRNMRSTF escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   LIB           Specifies  1  to  300  libraries  or  generic  library
                 names  to  be  searched.    QTEMP  may  not  be  named
                 because  it  is  not   in  the  system  file  that  is

                 The  special value *LIBL  may be used  to describe all
                 libraries on the  current library  list.  The  current
                 library  is  also  considered  to be  part  of  *LIBL.
                 QTEMP  is  bypassed if  *LIBL is  requested.   Product
                 libraries are not considered.

                 The special  value *USRLIBL  may be  used to  describe
                 all user libraries  on the current library  list.  The
                 current  library  is  also considered  to  be  part of
                 *USRLIBL.     QTEMP  is   bypassed  if   *USRLIBL   is
                 requested.  Product libraries are not considered.

                 The  special  value  *ALL may  be  used  to  mean  all
                 libraries  (except   QTEMP).    You   must  have  *USE
                 authority  to  the  TAACVTLIBD  authorization  list to
                 use *ALL.

                 The special  value *ALLUSR  may  be used  to mean  all
                 user libraries.   These  are the same  libraries saved
                 by  SAVLIB LIB(*ALLUSR).   For a  full definition, see
                 the SAVLIB prompt.   You must  have *USE authority  to
                 the TAACVTLIBD authorization list to use *ALLUSR.

                 The special  value *ALLUSR2  may be  used to mean  all
                 normal  user libraries.   This includes  all libraries
                 that do  not begin  with the  letter Q  plus the  QGPL
                 library  and  excludes the  S/36  libraries  #LIBRARY,
                 #CGULIB,    #COBLIB,   #DFULIB,    #RPGLIB,   #SDALIB,
                 #SEULIB,  and #DSULIB.   You must  have *USE authority
                 to   the  TAACVTLIBD   authorization   list   to   use

                 The  special value *ALLNONQ  may be  used to  mean all
                 libraries  that  begin  with a  letter  other  than Q.
                 You  must  have  *USE  authority  to  the   TAACVTLIBD
                 authorization list to use *ALLNONQ.

                 The special  value *IBM may be  used to mean  the same
                 libraries  saved  by  SAVLIB LIB(*IBM).    For  a full
                 definition, see  the SAVLIB  prompt.   You  must  have
                 *USE authority  to the  TAACVTLIBD authorization  list
                 to use *IBM.

   OBJTYPE       The object  type to be accessed.   The default is *ALL
                 meaning  all data base file object  types.  *PF or *LF
                 may be  specified.   Type *PF also  includes the  type
                 TB and  type *LF  also includes the  type VW  found in
                 the  QADBXREF file which  are SQL  type created files.

   FILETYPE      The file type  to be  accessed.  The  default is  *ALL
                 meaning all  data base file types.   *DTA or  *SRC may
                 be specified.

   FILE          The name  or generic name of the  file to be accessed.
                 The default is *ALL meaning all file names.

   OMITLIBS      A list  of  up to  300  libraries or  generic  library
                 names to be omitted.

                 The  omit  function  takes  precedence  over  the  LIB
                 parameter.       If    you   specify    LIB(ABC)   and
                 OMITLIBS(AB*),  the  ABC  library  files  will  not be


You must have  *USE authority to  the TAACVTLIBD authorization list  to
use  LIB(*ALL) and  other special  values that  imply running  over the
entire system.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CVTLIBDBF       Convert library data base files
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     EXTLST          Extract list
     RTVOBJD2        Retrieve object description 2
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDSTSCNT       Send status count


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   FNDRNMRSTF    *CMD                   TAARSTJ       QATTCMD
   TAARSTJC      *PGM       CLP         TAARSTJC      QATTCL
   TAARSTJR      *PGM       RPG         TAARSTJR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools June 1, 2005

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