TAA Tools
FNDWRD          FIND WORD                              TAATXTM

The  Find Word  command lets  you  find an  English  word beginning  or
ending  with the  letters you  specify or  you may  scan for  all words
containing  the value  that was entered.   Wildcards ('_')  may also be
used.   An option exists  to include  proper names such  as 'John'  and
place  names such  as 'Johnstown'.    The supplied  dictionary that  is
searched  has about  80,000 words  and names.   FNDWRD is  helpful when
you do not know how to spell a word or name.

A typical command would be:

             FNDWRD        WORD(STRUG)

A display would  appear with the  words that begin  with STRUG such  as
'struggle', 'struggling', etc.

The default of  WORD(*DISPLAY) allows you to just enter  the command in
an interactive job to see the base display.

Either  on the command or  on the display  you can specify  a scan such

            FNDWRD         WORD(UGGL) SCAN(*YES)

All the words with  the value 'UGGL' would  be displayed.  In  addition
to  words   like  'struggle',  words   like  'juggle'  would   also  be

You may scan for ending characters in the word such as:

           FNDWRD          WORD(CASE) SCAN(*END)

Words such  as 'case' and 'encase' would be  displayed, but 'cases' and
'cased' would not.

One  or more wildcard characters  (denoted by the underscore character)
may be entered such as:

            FNDWRD         WORD(S_T)

Any word  with beginning with  S as the  first character  and T as  the
3rd character  would be  displayed such as  'sat' and 'set'.   Multiple
wildcards  are valid such as  S_T_B or S__T.   You may  also use one or
more wildcards with SCAN(*YES).

Your search  can include  people names  and place  names by  specifying
NAMES(*YES) such as:

            FNDWRD         WORD(JOH) SCAN(*YES) NAMES(*YES)

In addition to  'demijohn', names such as 'John'  and 'Johnstown' would
be displayed.   Not all possible names  are included in the dictionary.

If NAMES(*ONLY) was specified, only names would be displayed.

FNDWRD escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   WORD          The word or  value to  be searched for.   *DISPLAY  is
                 the default which  may only be used in  an interactive
                 job to display the base display with no words.

                 Any  word beginning  with the  value entered  would be
                 displayed assuming SCAN(*NO) was specified.

                 Only  characters A-Z, underscore,  and trailing blanks
                 are valid.

                 One or more wildcard  characters '_' may be  specified
                 such as  'S_T' would find  all words beginning  with S
                 as  the first  letter, T as  the third  letter and any
                 letter in the second position.   A value such as  S__T
                 or S_T_B  is also  valid.   A value  such as S__T_  is
                 the same as S__T.

                 The  command processing program prevents  the use of a
                 word that  starts  with  an underscore  such  as  _ALT
                 unless  surrounded  by quotes  such  as  WORD('_ALT').
                 The  interactive  interface  allows  a value  such  as

   SCAN          A  *YES/*NO/*END value  for whether to  scan the words
                 in the dictionary for the value specified.

                 *NO is  the default  to  search the  beginning of  the
                 words  in  the dictionary.    For  example  a scan  of
                 'BIG',  would include words like  'big', 'bigger', but
                 not 'ambiguous'.

                 *YES may be  specified to  scan for the  value in  any
                 of the  words.   For example,  a scan  of 'BIG'  would
                 display  words like 'big',  'bigger', and 'ambiguous'.

                 *END may be specified to  scan for ending letters.   A
                 value of 'UNNY'  would display words like  'bunny' and
                 'funny',  but  not  'gunnysack'.    A value  of  'BIG'
                 would  result  in  only 'big'  being  displayed  as no
                 other words in the dictionary end with 'big'.

   NAMES         A *NO/*YES/*ONLY value for  whether to scan the  words
                 in  the  dictionary  for  names of  people  and  place
                 names.   Specify  NAMES(*YES) if  you want a  scan for
                 'JOH' to  include  proper  names such  as  'John'  and
                 place  names  such  as   'Johnstown'  in  addition  to
                 regular  words  such as  'demijohn'  (assuming  SCAN =
                 *YES).  Not  all possible  names are  included in  the

                 *NO is the default to bypass names.

                 *YES may be specified to include names.

                 *ONLY may be specified to display only names.

   OUTPUT        How to output the results.

                 *  is  the  default  to  display  if  the  command  is
                 entered interactively.

                 *PRINT  may  be specified  to  cause  a listing  which
                 also occurs if the command is entered in batch.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     HLRMVMSG        HLL remove message
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   FNDWRD        *CMD                   TAATXTM       QATTCMD
   TAATXTMC      *PGM       CLP         TAATXTMC      QATTCL
   TAATXTMR      *PGM       RPG         TAATXTMR      QATTRPG
   TAATXTMP      *FILE      PF          TAATXTMP      QATTDDS

Added to TAA Productivity tools August 15, 2005

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