TAA Tools
NBRCTR          NUMBER COUNTER                         TAANBRB

The Number Counter tool  provides the best performing solution  for the
case  where a consecutive  number must  be assigned for  multiple jobs.
For   example,  the  NBRCTR  tool  should  be  considered  if  multiple
operators are  entering orders and  each order  should be assigned  the
next consecutive number.

The NBRCTR  function uses the  MI COMPSWAP instruction which  allows it
to  assign a number without locking an  object.  Note that the COMPSWAP
instruction will operate correctly on a system with multiple CPUs.

The control values are  kept in a user space  which must be created  by
the  CRTNBRCTR  command.    The  values can  also  be  changed  by  the
CHGNBRCTR command.

A typical CRTNBRCTR command would be:

             CRTNBRCTR    NBRCTR(LIB1/CTR1)

This  creates a  user space  by the  name of  CTR1 in  LIB1.   Since no
other parameters  were specified,  the  counter would  start at  1  and
have a maximum value of 4,294,967,250.

The normal  solution for  accessing the  next consecutive number  would
be  to call  the  processing program  TAANBRBR directly.    A RTVNBRCTR
command is also available.

A typical series of commands for RTVNBRCTR would be:

             DCL           &RTNNBR *DEC LEN(10 0)

The  &RTNNBR value would be the next  number and would be unique across
the system.

To call  the  program TAANBRBR  from a  HLL  program, three  parameters
must be passed.

        ACTION   *CHAR   LEN(4)       Pass *STD, *GET, or *END
        QLFSPC   *CHAR   LEN(20)      Pass user space and library
        RTNNBR   *DEC    LEN(10 0)    Return number

The ACTION  parameter should be  passed as *GET  or *STD when  the next
number is  needed.  *STD causes the number to  be returned and LR to be
set on.    *GET causes  the  number to  be  returned and  the  TAANBRBR
program remains active  waiting for the next call  (the program returns
with LR  off).  If *GET  is used for repeated  accesses, *END should be
passed when no  number should  be returned  and the  program should  be
ended (the program returns with LR on).

The QLFSPC  parameter should be  the name of  the Number Counter  (user
space) that was created by CRTNBRCTR in the format:

       1 - 10   Number counter name
      11 - 20   Number counter library

The following is an example of RPG III code:

     C                     CALL 'TAANBRBR'                 Get nbr ctr
     C                     PARM           ACTION  4        Action
     C                     PARM           QLFSPC 20        Qlf space
     C                     PARM           RTNNBR 100       Rtn number

NBRCTR Options

The NBRCTR function provides several options:

  **   You  can specify  an initial  value.   The default  is 1.   This
       will  be the  first number  returned by  RTVNBRCTR.   The number
       must be 1 or greater (a 0 is never returned).

  **   You can decide  on a maximum  value that will  be allowed.   For
       example, if  you have a 6  digit Order Number, you  would want a
       maximum value of 999,999 or less.

       The  maximum value that is allowed is  4,294,967,250.  This is a
       few numbers  short of the  maximum value  in a  4 byte  unsigned
       field (the  COMPSWAP instruction  is limited to  4 bytes).   The
       return value is always a 10 digit packed decimal field.

  **   If  the maximum  is exceeded,  you have a  choice of  sending an
       escape message or 'wrapping' the  counter meaning that the  next
       number assigned would be your initial value.

       Using the default,  an escape message  would be sent to  any job
       that attempts to go beyond the maximum.

  **   You  can  specify a  'threshold  value', 'threshold  increment',
       and  a  'threshold message  queue' For  example,  if you  want a
       warning that you  are approaching a  6 digit maximum, you  could
       request  a threshold  of 900,000  and a  threshold  increment of
       10,000.   If  the threshold  is exceeded, a  message is  sent to
       the message queue  you specified  (default is  QSYSOPR).   After
       the threshold is  exceeded, the threshold increment  is added to
       the threshold  value to allow warning messages  to be sent after
       each 10,000 increment is reached.

The options are kept as data within  the user space.  They should  only
be changed by the CHGNBRCTR command.

Security considerations

The default for  CRTNBRCTR is to  create a *USRSPC object  with *PUBLIC
having  *USE  authority.   The  RTVNBRCTR  command  adopts the  program
owner's  authority  to  allow the  *PUBLIC  user to  update  the number
counter using the supplied interface.

All NBRCTR commands are set for *PUBLIC to have *USE authority.

The  CHGNBRCTR  command can  only  be  used  by  a  user  with  *OBJMGT
authority to the Number Counter.

The  ADDNBRCTR and  DLTNBRCTR commands  require a  user  with *OBJEXIST
authority to the Number Counter.

Because  a *USRSPC  object is  created, there is  nothing to  prevent a
user from  operating directly on  the user  space with  TAA User  Space
commands  or  APIs.    'Read  only'   functions  will  not  impact  the
integrity of the application.

System  security  is   used  to  prevent  a  non-authorized  user  from
updating  the  user  space  other  than  thru  the  supplied  RTVNBRCTR

The owner of  the *USRSPC can perform  any function on the  user space.
Normal  authorization functions will  allow other  users to  operate on
the  user  space.   To ensure  application  integrity, only  the NBRCTR
commands should be used on a Number Counter.

Abnormal system termination considerations

When the  COMPSWAP instruction  runs, the value  in the  user space  is
changed.   Normal system paging will  write the updated value  to disk.

If the system terminates normally, the correct value will exist.

However,  if the  system abnormally  terminates, there is  no guarantee
that the  user space has  been updated  on disk  with the  last use  of
COMPSWAP.   There is  also no  guarantee that  a job  actually wrote  a
record to  disk based on the number that  was retrieved (it is possible
that a 'gap' in the consecutive numbers will exist).

Good programming  practice would  be  to provide  a program  that  runs
only   on  an   abnormal  termination   (before   starting  any   other
subsystems) that  will determine the last value that  was used based on
the  last data base  record in a file.   This value  would be bumped by
one and  the CHGNBRCTR  command used to  provide a  new initial  value.
This type of  program could be called from a Start  up program (see the
QSTRUPPGM  system value)  and would use  the QABNORMSW  system value to
determine if an abnormal termination had occurred.

A manual  solution is provided  with the  ADDNBRCTR command.   You  can
use  it to  bump  the number  counter  so  that the  next  value to  be
assigned  will be  in  synch with  the last  record found  in  the data

NBRCTR Commands

Several commands are provided:

        CRTNBRCTR        Create number counter
        RTVNBRCTR        Retrieve number counter
                            May call directly with TAANBRBR
        DSPNBRCTR        Display number counter
        CHGNBRCTR        Change number counter
                            A prompt override program exists
        RTVNBRCTRD       Retrieve number counter description
        ADDNBRCTR        Adds a number (intended for synchronization)
        DLTNBRCTR        Delete number counter
        DMONBRCTR        Demo number counter - Builds a file
        DMONBRCTR2       Demo number counter 2 - Analyzes file

Demo Function

To assist you in understanding the  NBRCTR function and in testing  it,
two DMO commands are provided.

To use the  DMO function, you must  first create a number  counter with
the options you want to test:

             CRTNBRCTR    NBRCTR(xxx) ...

You  then enter the  DMONBRCTR command  to submit multiple  batch jobs.
The  concept is that  the batch jobs run  simultaneously (default is to
submit  to QINTER),  to  demonstrate  how  multiple jobs  can  use  the
NBRCTR function at the same time.

             DMONBRCTR     NBRCTR(xxx) NBRACCS(nnn) NBRJOBS(nnn)

With  DMONBRCTR, you  describe the  number  of accesses  you want  each
batch  job to  use  (the number  of RTVNBRCTR  functions) and  how many
batch jobs should run.

The output of these  batch jobs is to write  a record in the  DMONBRCTR
file  in TAAWORK.    Each  job will  output  records  until the  number
specified for NBRACCS is reached.

The  DMONBRCTR2 command analyzes  the file  to ensure that  all numbers
are unique and  no gaps exist.   The command has  no parameters and  is
entered as:


Completion messages  from the  command describe  how to  view the  file
for your own satisfaction.

If your  system has a single CPU,  each job shares the CPU  for a given
amount  of time  (based on the  Job's Class  Timeslice).  Consequently,
you will  see bursts  of consecutive  numbers retrieved  from each  job
that is running.

Because  the output  file  is written  in  blocks of  records (not  one
record  at a  time), you  will see blocks  of consecutive  records from
each batch  job  written  to  the  DMONBRCTR file.    If  the  data  is
displayed in physical  sequence, the consecutive number  field will not
be in sequence.

When you are completed testing, delete the file:

             DLTF          FILE(TAAWORK/DMONBRCTR)

Each use of DMONBRCTR clears the TAAWORK/DMONBRCTR file.

It is  possible to use CHGNBRCTR while the batch  jobs are running.  To
simulate a real condition, do the following:

  **   Use  CHGNBRCTR   with  values   such  as   INLVAL(1000000)   and

  **   Use DMONBRCTR

  **   While the  batch  jobs are  running, use  CHGNBRCTR and  specify
       INLVAL(1).    This  simulates what  you  might  do  if you  were
       receiving  threshold  messages  and want  to  reset  the initial
       value  while  users  are  using  RTVNBRCTR.    The  next  number
       assigned will start at 1.

  **   After the batch  jobs complete, use DMONBRCTR2.   It should show
       that there is a gap with the first gap number as 1000000.

NBRCTR escape messages you can monitor for

None  of the commands  produce error messages  that are  intended to be
monitored for.    Escape  messages  from based  on  functions  will  be

CRTNBRCTR Command parameters                          *CMD

CRTNBRCTR creates the Number Counter.

   NBRCTR        The  qualified  name  of  the  Number  Counter  to  be
                 created.  The library value defaults to *CURLIB.

                 A  'Number Counter'  is created  as a  *USRSPC object.
                 The  values  are  placed  in  the  user  space.    The
                 *PUBLIC  is  given  *USE  authority.    The  RTVNBRCTR
                 command  adopts  authority  to  allow the  *PUBLIC  to
                 update the user space.

   INLVAL        The  initial  value  to be  used.   This  will  be the
                 first number returned.  The default is 1.

   MAXVAL        The maximum  value to  be  returned.   The default  is
                 *MAX   which    produces   the   maximum    value   of

                 If  the  maximum is  exceeded, the  counter  will wrap
                 back  to   your  initial   value  if   WRAP(*YES)   is
                 specified.    If  WRAP(*NO) is  specified,  an  escape
                 message  will be  sent to  each  job that  attempts to
                 retrieve a number greater than the maximum.

   THRVAL        The threshold value  to be  used to  determine when  a
                 message is sent  to the threshold message queue.   The
                 default  is *NONE, meaning  no threshold  message will
                 be sent.

                 If  a value  is entered, it  must be  greater than the
                 initial value  and less  than the maximum  value.   If
                 the  threshold is  exceeded, an  'information message'
                 is sent to the specified threshold message queue.

                 If  WRAP(*YES)  is  specified,  THRVAL(*NONE) must  be

   THRINC        The threshold  increment value  to be  used after  the
                 threshold value  is exceeded.   The default  is *NONE.

                 The   intent  of  THRINC  is   to  provide  additional
                 messages as  the maximum  value  is approached.    For
                 example,  if  the  threshold  value   is  900  and  is
                 exceeded, a  message is sent.   If 10 is  used for the
                 threshold  increment value,  additional messages would
                 be sent when the  counter exceeds 910, 920, 930,  etc.

   THRMSGQ       The  qualified message  queue  assigned for  threshold
                 messages.    The  default  is  QSYSOPR  in  QSYS.   No
                 messages are  sent  unless  a value  is  provided  for
                 THRVAL.  The message queue must exist.

                 If  QSYSOPR in  QSYS  is  specified and  QSYSMSG  also
                 exists in  QSYS, the same message  is sent to QSYSMSG.

   WRAP          Whether to 'wrap'  the number counter  if the  maximum
                 is exceeded.    The default  is *NO  meaning each  job
                 which  requests  a  number  greater than  the  maximum
                 would receive an escape message.

                 *YES  may be specified to  reset the number counter to
                 the INLVAL  parameter value  (this value  may also  be
                 changed  by  the  CHGNBRCTR   command).    No  message
                 occurs when the counter is 'wrapped'.

   TEXT          The  text  description  of the  number  counter.   The
                 default  is  *DFT  meaning   that  standard  text   is

RTVNBRCTR Command parameters                          *CMD

RTVNBRCTR retrieves the unique next number from a Number Counter.

   NBRCTR        The  qualified  name  of  the  Number  Counter  to  be
                 retrieved  from.     The  library  value  defaults  to

                 The Number Counter must have  been created by the  TAA
                 CRTNBRCTR command.

   ACTION        Whether  to  return  a number  and  keep  the  program
                 active  or to end  the program.   The default  is *STD
                 which  causes the  program to  return the  next number
                 and LR to be set on.

                 *GET causes  the next number  to be  returned, but  LR
                 is  not set  on  which allows  the  program to  remain
                 active.   This  provides  better performance  the next
                 time the function is needed in the same job.

                 If *GET is  used for  repeated accesses,  *END may  be
                 specified  when the  program  is no  longer needed  in
                 the  job.   Note that  when *END  is used,  the RTNNBR
                 parameter  is  not  updated.    The  program  does  an
                 immediate end (LR is set on).

                 If  the  job  ends  without  using  ACTION(*END),  the
                 system cleans  up the program and the  user space will
                 be   properly  updated   on  disk.     See   the  tool
                 documentation  for a  discussion  of  Abnormal  System

   RTNNBR        The  return number  if ACTION  = *STD  or *GET.   This
                 must  be declared  as *DEC  LEN(10 0) (a  packed field
                 is returned).

                 A 0 value is never returned.

RTVNBRCTRD Command parameters                         *CMD

RTVNBRCTRD retrieves  the  description  values  that  were  entered  on
CRTNBRCTR (they can be changed by CHGNBRCTR).

   NBRCTR        The  qualified  name  of  the  Number  Counter  to  be
                 retrieved  from.     The  library  value  defaults  to

                 The Number Counter must have  been created by the  TAA
                 CRTNBRCTR command.

   RTNLIB        The  library name  where  the Number  Counter  exists.
                 This  is  an optional  return  variable  that if  used
                 must be declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

                 The  value  may be  helpful if  *LIBL  is used  as the
                 qualified name for the Number Counter.

   NXTNBR        The next number to  be assigned.  This is  an optional
                 return  variable  that if  used  must  be declared  as
                 *DEC LEN(10 0).

                 Retrieving  this value does not cause  a change in the
                 next number to be assigned.

   RTNINLVAL     The initial  value that  is specified  for the  Number
                 Counter.   This is  an optional  return variable  that
                 if used must be declared as *DEC LEN(10 0).

   RTNMAXVAL     The  maximum value  that is  specified for  the Number
                 Counter.   This is  an optional  return variable  that
                 if used must be declared as *DEC LEN(10 0).

   RTNTHRVAL     The threshold value  that is specified for  the Number
                 Counter.   This  is an  optional return  variable that
                 if used must be declared as *DEC LEN(10 0).

                 If *NONE was specified, a 0 will be returned.

   RTNTHRINC     The  threshold increment  value that  is specified for
                 the  Number  Counter.   This  is  an  optional  return
                 variable  that  if  used  must  be  declared  as  *DEC
                 LEN(10 0).

                 If *NONE was specified, a 0 will be returned.

   RTNTHRMSGQ    The  threshold message  queue value that  is specified
                 for the Number  Counter.  This  is an optional  return
                 variable  that  if  used must  be  declared  as  *CHAR

   RTNTHRMSGL    The  threshold  message queue  library  value  that is
                 specified  for  the  Number  Counter.    This  is   an
                 optional  return  variable   that  if  used   must  be
                 declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

   RTNWRAP       The  'wrap' value  that  is specified  for  the Number
                 Counter.   This  is an  optional return  variable that
                 if used must be declared  as *CHAR LEN(4).  A  *YES or
                 *NO will be returned.

   RTNTEXT       The text  description value that is  specified for the
                 Number  Counter.  This is  an optional return variable
                 that if used must be declared as *CHAR LEN(50).

DSPNBRCTR Command parameters                          *CMD

DSPNBRCTR displays  the values  that were  entered  on CRTNBRCTR  (they
can be changed by CHGNBRCTR).

   NBRCTR        The  qualified  name  of  the  Number  Counter  to  be
                 displayed.  The library value defaults to *LIBL.

                 The Number  Counter must have been  created by the TAA
                 CRTNBRCTR command.

   OUTPUT        How to output the results.   The default is *  meaning
                 that  if the  command is  entered  in the  interactive
                 environment, a display will appear.

                 If  in batch or  *PRINT is  specified, a  spooled file
                 is output.

CHGNBRCTR Command parameters                          *CMD

CHGNBRCTR   allows  changes  to   the  values  that   were  entered  on

Each parameter  value  defaults to  *SAME  meaning the  existing  value
will be retained.

A  prompt override program  exists so  that if  the command  is entered
with  a Number Counter  name and F4  is used, the  existing values will
be displayed.

Caution must  be  taken  with the  INLVAL  parameter.   If  the  prompt
override program  is used, the  value is  still shown as  *SAME.   If a
value  (or   *RESET)  is  specified,  the   next  number  retrieved  by
RTVNBRCTR will be the new value.

It is valid to use CHGNBRCTR  while other users are using RTVNBRCTR  on
the same Number  Counter.  No  locking occurs while using  CHGNBRCTR to
allow a  dynamic change to occur.   The command will  prevent two users
from using CHGNBRCTR at the same time on the same Number Counter.

The  command will attempt to ensure that  a valid change is being made.
However, there  are situations where  the use  of CHGNBRCTR being  used
at the same time numbers are being retrieved can lead to errors.

   NBRCTR        The  qualified  name  of  the  Number  Counter  to  be
                 changed.  The library value defaults to *LIBL.

   INLVAL        The  initial  value to  be  used.   This  will  be the
                 first number returned.   The default is *SAME  meaning
                 no change will occur.

                 Caution must be  taken with the INLVAL  parameter.  If
                 the  prompt  override program  is used,  the  value is
                 still shown  as *SAME.    If a  value (or  *RESET)  is
                 specified,  the  next number  retrieved  by  RTVNBRCTR
                 will be the new value.

                 If  *RESET is  specified, the  existing  initial value
                 is  used to  reset the  current number.   For example,
                 if you had used  INLVAL(1) for CRTNBRCTR and  the next
                 number  to  be  assigned  is 502,  using  *RESET  will
                 cause the next number to be assigned to be 1.

                 A  specific number  may  be entered  as a  new initial
                 value.    This  will  cause  the  next  number  to  be
                 assigned to be the value you specified.

   MAXVAL        The  maximum value  to be  returned.   The default  is
                 *SAME  meaning  no change  will  occur.   The  maximum
                 value that may be entered is 4,294,967,250.

                 If the  maximum is  exceeded,  the counter  will  wrap
                 back  to   your   initial  value   if  WRAP(*YES)   is
                 specified.    If  WRAP(*NO)  is specified,  an  escape
                 message  will  be sent  to each  job that  attempts to
                 retrieve a number greater than the maximum.

   THRVAL        The threshold  value to be  used to  determine when  a
                 message is  sent to the threshold message  queue.  The
                 default is *SAME meaning no change will occur.

                 *NONE   may  be  entered   which  means  no  threshold
                 message will occur.  If  *NONE is entered, the  THRINC
                 value is assumed to be *NONE.

                 If a  value is  entered it  must be  greater than  the
                 next number  to be assigned and  less than the maximum
                 value.      If   the   threshold   is   exceeded,   an
                 'information  message'   is  sent  to   the  specified
                 threshold message queue.

                 If  WRAP(*YES)  is  specified, THRVAL(*NONE)  must  be

   THRINC        The  threshold increment  value to  be used  after the
                 threshold value  is exceeded.   The default is  *SAME.

                 The  intent   of  THRINC  is   to  provide  additional
                 messages  as  the maximum  value is  approached.   For
                 example,  if  the  threshold  value  is  900   and  is
                 exceeded, a  message is sent.   If 10 is used  for the
                 threshold  increment value, additional  messages would
                 be sent when the counter is at 910, 920, 930, etc.

                 If THRVAL(*NONE)  is specified,  the value  of  THRINC
                 is assumed to be *NONE.

   THRMSGQ       The  qualified message  queue  assigned for  threshold
                 messages.   The  default is  *SAME.   No  messages are
                 sent  unless  a value  is  provided for  THRVAL.   The
                 message queue must exist.

                 If QSYSOPR  in  QSYS  is specified  and  QSYSMSG  also
                 exists in  QSYS, the same message is  sent to QSYSMSG.

   WRAP          Whether  to 'wrap' the  number counter  if the maximum
                 value is exceeded.  The default is *SAME.

                 If  *NO  is  specified   and  the  maximum  value   is
                 exceeded,  an  escape  message  is  sent  to  the  job
                 requesting the next number.

                 *YES may  be specified to reset  the number counter to
                 the INLVAL parameter  value.  No  message occurs  when
                 the counter is 'wrapped'.

   TEXT          The  text description  of  the  number counter.    The
                 default is *SAME.

                 A new text description may be entered.

ADDNBRCTR Command parameters                          *CMD

ADDNBRCTR  adds an  amount to  an existing  Number  Counter.   You must
have  *OBJEXIST rights  to the  Number Counter  to use ADDNBRCTR.   The
command is  intended as a  synchronization function  to allow a  manual
correction  following an  abnormal system  termination.   By  adding an
amount,  you can synchronize the  last data base record  and the number

   NBRCTR        The qualified name of the  Number Counter to be  added
                 to.  The library value defaults to *LIBL.

                 The  Number Counter  must  have  been created  by  the
                 CRTNBRCTR command.

   AMT           The  amount  to  add  to  the  Number  Counter.    The
                 default is  1.   It must  be a  number  between 1  and

DLTNBRCTR Command parameters                          *CMD

DLTNBRCTR deletes an existing Number Counter.

   NBRCTR        The  qualified  name  of  the  Number  Counter  to  be
                 deleted.  The library value defaults to *LIBL.

                 The  Number  Counter must  have  been  created by  the
                 CRTNBRCTR command.

DMONBRCTR Command parameters                          *CMD

DMONBRCTR  provides  a  demonstration  of  the  NBRCTR  function.   The
demonstration occurs  by submitting a  user specified  number of  batch
jobs.   Each batch job uses  the RTVNBRCTR function  a specified number
of  times.  Each time a  number is retrieved, a record  is added to the
DMONBRCTR file  in  the  TAAWORK library.    This file  is  created  by
DMONBRCTR before  the batch jobs  are submitted.   If the  file already
exists, the data is cleared.

After  the  batch  jobs  complete,  analyze  the  output with  the  the
DMONBRCTR2 command.

   NBRCTR        The qualified name  of the Number  Counter to be  used
                 in  the demonstration.   You  must  create the  Number
                 Counter using  CRTNBRCTR.  The  library value defaults
                 to *LIBL.

   NBRACCS       The  number of  RTVNBRCTR accesses  that will  be made
                 from each  job  that is  submitted.   The  default  is
                 10,000.   The value must  be between 1  and 1,000,000.
                 Each  access  causes a  record  to be  written  to the
                 DMONBRCTR file in the TAAWORK library.

   NBRJOBS       The number  of  batch  jobs  to  be  submitted.    The
                 default is  5.  The  value must be  between 1  and 25.
                 Providing  multiple  jobs provides  a  reasonable test
                 of the  function  of  different  jobs  retrieving  the
                 next number from the number counter.

                 Each job will  have a name  of NBRCTRnn where nn  is a
                 consecutive number.

   JOBQ          The  qualified  name  of the  job  queue  to be  used.
                 QINTER is the default.

                 The  intent of using QINTER  is to allow multiple jobs
                 to  be  active  at  the  same  time  that  are  making
                 requests   for  the  next   number  from   the  number

                 The library name defaults to *LIBL.

DMONBRCTR2 Command parameters                         *CMD

DMONBRCTR2  provides  an analysis  of  the DMONBRCTR  file  in TAAWORK.
The file  is  sequenced  by the  number  that was  retrieved  from  the
RTVNBRCTR  function.   The  data  is checked  to  ensure  there are  no
duplicates  and no gaps  (consecutive numbers  must exist).   A summary
of the file is output to a spooled file.

The command has no parameters.


  **   See the  section  describing  the number  counter  following  an
       abnormal system termination.

  **   Only the TAA  Commands for NBRCTR  should be used to  create and
       maintain the user space used as a NBRCTR.

  **   Multiple  users should  not use  CHGNBRCTR at  the same  time on
       the same Number Counter.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHGUSRSPC       Change user space
     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     CRTUSRSPC       Create user space
     CVTBIN8         Convert from binary 8
     CVTTOBIN8       Convert to binary 8
     DUPFILFMT       Duplicate file format
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     RTVUSRSPC       Retrieve user space
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


The  tool is ready to  use, but you must first  create a Number Counter
with the CRTNBRCTR command.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   RTVNBRCTR     *CMD                   TAANBRB       QATTCMD
   CRTNBRCTR     *CMD                   TAANBRB2      QATTCMD
   RTVNBRCTRD    *CMD                   TAANBRB3      QATTCMD
   DSPNBRCTR     *CMD                   TAANBRB4      QATTCMD
   CHGNBRCTR     *CMD                   TAANBRB5      QATTCMD
   DLTNBRCTR     *CMD                   TAANBRB6      QATTCMD
   DMONBRCTR     *CMD                   TAANBRB7      QATTCMD
   DMONBRCTR2    *CMD                   TAANBRB8      QATTCMD
   ADDNBRCTR     *CMD                   TAANBRB9      QATTCMD
   TAANBRBC      *PGM       CLP         TAANBRBC      QATTCL
   TAANBRBC2     *PGM       CLP         TAANBRBC2     QATTCL
   TAANBRBC3     *PGM       CLP         TAANBRBC3     QATTCL
   TAANBRBC4     *PGM       CLP         TAANBRBC4     QATTCL
   TAANBRBC5     *PGM       CLP         TAANBRBC5     QATTCL
   TAANBRBC6     *PGM       CLP         TAANBRBC6     QATTCL
   TAANBRBC7     *PGM       CLP         TAANBRBC7     QATTCL
   TAANBRBC8     *PGM       CLP         TAANBRBC8     QATTCL
   TAANBRBC9     *PGM       CLP         TAANBRBC9     QATTCL
   TAANBRBC15    *PGM       CLP         TAANBRBC15    QATTCL
   TAANBRBC17    *PGM       CLP         TAANBRBC17    QATTCL
   TAANBRBC18    *PGM       CLP         TAANBRBC18    QATTCL
   TAANBRBR      *PGM       RPG         TAANBRBR      QATTRPG
   TAANBRBR4     *PGM       RPG         TAANBRBR4     QATTRPG
   TAANBRBR8     *PGM       RPG         TAANBRBR8     QATTRPG
   TAANBRBR17    *PGM       RPG         TAANBRBR17    QATTRPG
   TAANBRBP      *FILE      PF          TAANBRBP      QATTDDS

The TAANBRBP file exists in TAATOOL.   It is used as a model  to create


   TAANBRBC   CL pgm

   TAANBRBC2   CL pgm

   TAANBRBC3   CL pgm

   TAANBRBC4   CL pgm
     TAANBRBD    Dsp file
     TAANBRBR4    RPG program for printed output

   TAANBRBC5   CL pgm
      TAANBRBC15 is prompt override CL pgm

   TAANBRBC6   CL pgm

   TAANBRBC7   CL pgm
     Submits  TAANBRBC17   CL pgm
                TAANBRBR17   RPG pgm writes to DMONBRCTR file

   TAANBRBC8   CL pgm
     TAANBRBR8   RPG pgm
       TAANBRBC18   CL pgm      Does RTVNBRCTRD

   TAANBRBC9   CL pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 2000

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