TAA Tools

The Page Separator program  allows you to have large  block letters for
spooled separator  pages (either job  or file).   Up to 3  values of 10
characters  each may  be written  as large  block letters.   Each block
letter is  10 x  10  in space  with the  character taking  up  8 x  10.
Options exist  to tailor  the values that  print as block  letters such
as job, user name, system, user data, etc.

Optional  distribution information may  exist if you add  a simple user
exit  program to  supply  the  distribution  information.    A  working
sample is provided.

See the section  on 'Further customization' for how  to substitute your
required  fields  from the  spooled  file attributes  for  the standard
supplied fields.

The system  Print  Exit Program  for  a Customized  Separator  Page  is
used.   The  system calls  the  TAA supplied  program  with a  standard
parameter list.

Getting started

To use  the Page Separator  program, you must  specify the name  of the
TAATOOL  program on each printer device  description where you want the
function.   Two programs are  provided so  that you  may vary the  page
separator per printer - See the later discussion.

You cannot  change a  printer device description  unless the  device is
varied  off.     Therefore,  the  following  steps  would  normally  be

  **   Use WRKWTR and check if  any writers are started to the  printer
       device you want to change.  If so, end the writer.

  **   Use VRYCFG to vary off the device:

               VRYCFG      CFGOBJ(xxx) CFGTYPE(*DEV) STATUS(*OFF)

  **   Use CHGDEVPRT to specify the TAA Tool separator program:


  **   Use VRYCFG to vary on the device:

               VRYCFG      CFGOBJ(xxx) CFGTYPE(*DEV) STATUS(*ON)

To change  either the number  of job separators  or file  separators or
both, do the following:

  **   The  number  of  job  separators  is  specified on  the  CHGOUTQ
       command with  the JOBSEP  parameter.   The default  is  0.   The
       OUTQ must not  be allocated to a  print writer if you  intend to
       change the value.

  **   The number  of file separators  is specified on  the CRT/CHGPRTF
       or  OVRPRTF commands  with the  FILESEP keyword.   You  may also
       specify a  value on  the  STRPRTWTR or  CHGWTR commands  FILESEP

Options for block text

The  system level  options used  by the  Tool exist  in  the TAAPAGSEP1
application  value (a user  space) in  TAASECURE.  You  may choose what
data should print  for each of  the 3 values  that allow block  letters
for both job and file separators.  You may choose from:

             - *JOB     - Job name
             - *USER    - User who owns the spooled file
             - *JOBNBR  - Job number
             - *SPLF    - Spooled file name
             - *USRDTA  - User data (from a command like OVRPRTF)
             - *ORGSYS  - Originating system
             - *ORGUSER - Originating user
             - *DST1    - Distribution info 1 (see later discussion)
             - *DST2    - Distribution info 2 (see later discussion)

You may also  choose whether to overprint  the block letters.   See the
next section.

An *ALLOBJ user may change the values.  Enter the command:


Change the default values to meet your requirements.

Block letters and the overprint option

By  default, the large  block letters are  made up of  the character to
be printed.  Each character takes  up 10 positions in width  (including
two blanks two the right)  and 10 lines of printing.   For example, the
letter A appears as:

                AA      AA
                AA      AA
                AA      AA
                AA      AA
                AA      AA
                AA      AA

An  option  exists  in   the  TAAPAGSEP1  application  value  to  allow
overprinting  of  the large  block letters  (the detail  information at
the  bottom of  the  page  is  not  overprinted).   Use  the  EDTAPPVAL
command  previously   described  for  the   'Overprint  block  letters'

Depending  on  your  printer, overprinting  can  make  the  large block
letters darker or it may have little effect.

You  may  also  consider  the  overprint  option  to  print   a  'blob'
character by using  the *BLOB option.   This is caused by  printing the
letter N  and overprinting with the letter E.   For example, instead of
seeing many letter A's to  form the block letter  A as in the  previous
example, you  would see  the letter  A formed out  of blob  characters.
In  general, the  blob character will  produce a  much darker  image to
help identify the separator page and who it belongs to.

You  may try  the options  at any time.   When  a change  occurs to the
Application Value, it will  be considered when the next  separator page
is produced.

Detail information at the bottom of the separator page

At the bottom  of each separator page is  detail information which will
contain  all of  the values  that may be  specified in  the Application
Value  plus  some   additional  spooled   file  information  for   file
separators.  These  appear as standard size printed  output rather than
block letters.

The  *DSTn values  (described  later) will  only print  if  a non-blank
value exists.  It is possible to  fill the *DSTn values for the  detail
information without using the *DSTn data for block letters.

The constants (such  as 'Job name') can  be translated.  See  the later

Supplying distribution information

You may  want to add distribution information to  the separator page to
assist in distributing the hard copy output.

For example, you may want a separator page such as:

       Dept 132


       002 - 001R

By  supplying an  exit program and  specifying the name  of the program
in  the  TAAPAGSEP1   application  value,  you  can   add  distribution
information to the separator page.

A  sample exit  program is  supplied by  the program  TAASPMDC2.   This
program could be used 'as is'.

The   TAASPMDC2  program  assumes  that  you   have  changed  the  text
descriptions of your user  profiles so that the  last 10 bytes  contain
the  distribution  information   (See  the  later  discussion   of  the
CHGOBJD3  TAA  Tool for  a  simple solution).    The  TAASPMDC2 program
extracts the  last  10  bytes  of the  text  description  of  the  user
profile object that is the  owner of the spooled file and  places it in
the &DST1 return parameter.

If  you  change  your  user  profiles,  you  could  use  the  TAASPMDC2
program.   The  TAA Tool  CHGOBJD3 will  let you  do this easily.   You
would enter the command:


An interactive display is  presented with the current text  description
of the user  profile.  A ruler  is shown to identify positions  1 - 50.
Enter the distribution information beginning at position 41.

If  you have similar distribution  information in a  data base file and
want to access it with your own program do the following:

Copy out the source with the command:


This CL source should be used as a model to write your own version.

It is important to  note the following when  using a program to  supply
distribution information:

  **   The program must be written to receive 3 parameters:

          - User   *CHAR  10  - The name of the spooled file owner.
          - Dst1   *CHAR  10  - The value you want returned for *DST1.
          - Dst2   *CHAR  10  - The value you want returned for *DST2.

       It  is   not  required   that  any  value   be  placed   in  the
       Distribution  2   return  variable.    You   can  use  just  the
       Distribution 1 variable.

  **   The  page  separator  program  TAASPMDR  is  specified  on   the
       CHGDEVPRT  command as  described  earlier  (do not  specify  the
       program   you   are   creating   to  supply   the   distribution

       When  the spool writer runs, it  operates under the QSPLJOB user
       profile.   This profile has  no special  authority.  The  sample
       program  (TAASPMDC2)  uses  RTVOBJD  to access  a  user  profile
       object.    Most user  profiles  are created  without  any public
       authority to  allow access.   Consequently,  the sample  program
       is owned  by QSECOFR and is  created with OWNER(*USRPRF).   This
       adopts the QSECOFR profile to ensure access.

       Depending  on what your  program is  accessing, you may  need to
       create the program with OWNER(*USRPRF).

  **   When the spool  writer starts, the  QSPLPRTW job description  is
       used.  This  job description uses  *SYSVAL as the  library list.
       If you  describe user objects in the exit  program, you may need
       to  library qualify their use such  as with an OVRDBF command or
       a qualified user command.

  **   The TAAPAGSEP1  application value must  be changed  to name  the
       program  you create.   As  a user  with *ALLOBJ  authority, edit
       the application value with the command:


       Enter your program and library name for the values:

           - User program to provide *DSTn
           - User pgm lib to provide *DSTn

       You  are now ready to  specify the *DST1  and/or *DST2 value for
       the Job or File Separator values in TAAPAGSEP1.

Debugging the exit programs

The function  provided  by  the  system for  the  SEPPGM  parameter  on
CHGDEVPRT  assumes that  if the  user  exit program  fails, the  normal
system  separator page  will be  produced.   The  spool writer  job log
will contain any error messages sent to the exit program.

Consequently, if  you are  experiencing problems,  use WRKWTR  and  end
the writer  with OPTION(*IMMED).   Use WRKSPLF  QSPLJOB to display  the
job  logs  owned  by QSPLJOB.    Find  the  job  log for  the  specific
printer.    You should  be  able to  determine  from the  messages what
error occurred to cause the the normal system separator page.

The system  retains pointers to  the sub  programs in  some cases.   If
you  see a  message  that indicates  a  program no  longer exists,  try
ending the writer and starting again.

Further customization

In  some cases  you may  want to  print a field  from the  spooled file
attributes that is not  in the standard list (such  as the job name  or
user) supplied by the tool.

You can  achieve this by  first going thru  the previous steps  to name
the  SEPPGM  as  TAASPMDR.    Then  change  the  TAASPMDR  program  and
substitute the value you want for one of the supplied values.

Begin by:


By default,  the  source will  be  placed  in the  TAASPMDR  member  of
QATTRPG in  TAATOOL.   You  could specify  your own  member and  source

Scan the  source for *CUSTOM.  It  describes how to do a  move from one
of  the fields in the SPLDS  data structure to one  of the fields to be
printed such  as SPJOB  (job name)  or SPUSER  (user name).   Pick  one
that you don't need to be printed.

If  you don't  find the  field you  want in  the SPLDS  data structure,
look  at format SPLA0200  of the QUSRSPLA  API.  Add your  field to the
SPLDS data structure (remember that  fields are offset so you must  add
one to the starting and ending location).

Delete the existing program:


And recreate it (if  you used a different source  file and member name,
substitute yours):


Assume  you picked  SPUSER as  the field  to contain  your value.   You
then need  to  update the  TAAPAGSEP1  Application Value  and  describe
that you want to print *USER.


The default is to  print *USER (the user information) as  the first set
of block letters.

Multiple devices

You  may  specify  the  TAASPMDR  program  for all  or  specific  print

If  you have certain print devices where  you want to vary the contents
of  the  separator  pages, you  may  use  the  second  version  of  the
TAASPMDR  program  and  the   TAAPAGSEP1  application  value  that  are
shipped with the product.  To use the second version, specify:


This  version  of the  program  works with  the  TAAPAGSEP2 Application
Value (user space object).  Edit the values with the command:


If you  need  more than  2 versions,  the  following describes  how  to
create  a 3rd  version.   Create as  many  version as  needed, by  just
changing the last character from 3, to 4, 5, etc.

Use  CPYTAA to copy  out the  source for TAASPMDR  to a source  file in
your own library.

Edit the  source  for the  TAASPMDR  program.   Scan  for  the  letters
USRSPC.    You should  see  the  value  'PAGSEP1' being  moved  to  the
parameter for  USRSPC.  For the 3rd variation,  change this to PAGSEP3.

Create the program in your own library.

Change  the device  description for  the desired  printer file  for the
program you created.

The TAASPMDC program is standard and does not need to be changed.

Use CRTDUPOBJ  to  duplicate the  TAAPAGSEP1  user space  (*USRSPC)  in

Use EDTAPPVAL  on the new user  space and specify  the required values.

Translating the constants for the detail information

The  detail information  that appears at  the bottom  of each separator
page  is supplied  from  constants  and  the  TAASPMDR  program.    The
majority of  constants should  be automatically  changed by  the system
to your  native language by the use of  message IDs CPX070A and CPX0703

A few constants are stored in the  PAGSEP data area in TAASECURE.   Use
the command:


and key over the top  for your native language.  The text  to the right
'Limit of nn' describes the maximum length of each constant.

When the  next release of the TAA Productivity  Tools is installed, the
contents of any existing information will not be changed.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

No command exists.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     APPVAL          Application value


You  must  make  the  changes as  described  in  the  'Getting started'

You may optionally change  the values that appear in the  block letters
as  described  previously  and/or   add  an  exit  program  to  provide
distribution information.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   TAASPMDC      *PGM       CLP         TAASPMDC      QATTCL
   TAASPMDC2     *PGM       CLP         TAASPMDC2     QATTCL
   TAASPMDR      *PGM       RPG         TAASPMDR      QATTRPG
   TAASPMDR2     *PGM       RPG         TAASPMDR2     QATTRPG
   PAGSEP        *DTAARA

Both  the TAAPAGSEP1  and TAAPAGSEP2  user spaces  and the  PAGSEP data
area exist in the TAASECURE library.

TAASPMDC2 is  the  sample  exit  program  to  access  the  distribution
information from the user profile.

TAASPMDR2 is  the second  version of  the page  separator program  that
works with the TAAPAGSEP2 user space.

The PAGSEP  data area contains the constants  used for the Distribution
text that may be translated.

Added to TAA Productivity tools March 1, 1998

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