TAA Tools
PMTOPR       PROMPT OPERATOR                       TAAPMTA

The PMTOPR  command places  a prompt  on the users  display and  allows
validity  checking   of  the  response.     This  is   useful  in  some
environments  where a specific input  value is needed before proceeding
into  some further  processing  (e.g.    some  System  System  Operator
functions).   The prompt is always  made to the  requester (the command
must occur from an interactive program).

The advantage of this command is::

  **   PMTOPR  can simplify the  amount of code needed  to validate the
       entry of  a parameter.    The coding  required to  properly  use
       SNDUSRMSG  includes  checking  for  a  blank  entry,  additional
       processing for  simple validations and looping  back on an error
       etc.  is not simple.

  **   PMTOPR can provide  a standard means  of communicating with  the
       operator when a single value is needed.

For a simpler version, see the PMTOPR2 tool.

For example, the programmer could specify in a CL Program:

             DCL        &RTNVAR *CHAR LEN(16)
             PMTOPR     RTNVAR(&RTNVAR) +
                        LEN(10) +
                        PROMPT('Enter the file name to be processed +
                          by the BILLING function') +
             CALL       ....

The following shows the prompt which would appear to the operator

*                                                                  *
*                      Prompt Operator                  3/17/09    *
*                                                                  *
*    Enter the file name to be processed by the BILLING function   *
*                                                                  *
*                                                                  *
*    __________                                                    *
*                                                                  *
*    Validation performed                                          *
*                                                                  *
*         Must be a valid name                                     *
*                                                                  *
*                                                                  *
*         Required entry (cannot be all blank)                     *
*                                                                  *

Note  that in  the CL  program,  the return  variable  is described  as
*CHAR  LEN(16).    This  is  a  requirement  for  the  standard  return
variable,  but the  input area  shown on  the display  is length  10 as
described by  the LEN parameter  of the PMTOPR  command.  The  operator
can only enter 10 positions.

The PMTOPR command  would ensure that an entry was made,  that it was a
valid  name (e.g.   did not  start with  a digit)  and that it  did not
exceed 10  characters.  If  an invalid  entry is  made, an  appropriate
error  message is  displayed.   The operator  must enter  a valid  name
(i.e.  a command key or a blank value will be rejected).

Note that  the operator must respond.   The default is  that F3=Exit is
not allowed.

It would also be possible to enter  a list of values that the  operator
can enter and/or a  default.  For example, the command  could have been
entered as:

             PMTOPR     RTNVAR(&RTNVAR) +
                        LEN(10) +
                        PROMPT('Enter the file name to be processed +
                          by the BILLING function') +
                        TYPE(*NAME) +
                        DFT(NEWORDER) +

The display would appear as follows:

*                                                                  *
*                      Prompt Operator                 3/17/09     *
*                                                                  *
*    Enter the file name to be processed by the BILLING function   *
*                                                                  *
*                                                                  *
*    NEWORDER                                                      *
*    --------                                                      *
*                                                                  *
*                                                                  *
*    Validation performed                                          *
*                                                                  *
*         Must be a valid name                                     *
*         Values                                                   *
*                                                                  *
*           NEWORDER         OLDORDER          PREBILL             *
*           BACKORDER                                              *
*                                                                  *

The  operator must enter  one of the  names in the  list.  If  enter is
pressed, the default is accepted.

All  letters entered by  the operator appear  in upper case  (i.e.  the
DDS CHECK(LC) specification is not used).

It would  also be  possible to  enter a  list  of values  along with  a
description of the  choices.  For example, the  command could have been
entered as:

             PMTOPR     RTNVAR(&RTNVAR) +
                        LEN(1) +
                        PROMPT('Do you need to go on vacation?')
                        LINE1('Y  Yes, immediately') +
                        LINE2('N  No, not right now') +
                        LINE3('L  No, I love it here') +
                        TYPE(*CHAR) +
                        VALUES(Y N L)

The display would appear as follows:

*                                                                  *
*                      Prompt Operator                 3/17/09     *
*                                                                  *
*    Do you need to go on vacation?                                 *
*                                                                  *
*      Y  Yes, immediately                                         *
*      N  No, not right now                                        *
*      L  No, I love it here                                       *
*                                                                  *
*    -                                                             *
*                                                                  *
*                                                                  *
*    Validation performed                                          *
*                                                                  *
*                                                                  *
*         Values                                                   *
*                                                                  *
*           Y                N                 L                   *
*                                                                  *
The  display describes the validity  checking that will  be used so the
operator can better  understand what  is to  be keyed.   If values  are
specified, each of the values appears on the display.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   RTNVAR        The  return variable  which  is  passed back  to  your
                 program   which   contains  the   data   the  operator
                 entered.   The  variable  must  be  defined  as  *CHAR
                 LEN(16).   The actual type  and length  are determined
                 by the TYPE and LEN parameters.

   LEN           The  length of the  prompted field.   Even  though the
                 field  is returned  to your  program as  16 bytes, you
                 determine  the  length of  the  prompted  field  (i.e.
                 the  length  of  the  input  field is  from  1  to  16

   PROMPT        The  prompt line  which appears  on the display.   You
                 may enter up to 235 bytes.

   FMTPROMPT     Whether the PROMPT text should  be formatted.  *NO  is
                 the  default in  which case  your string  of text  may
                 split  a  word at  the  end of  the  workstation line.
                 *YES causes the  FMTLIN TAA  Tool to be  used so  that
                 no word is split  at the end of the  workstation line.
                 Excess   blanks  are   squeezed  out   of   the  text.
                 *FMTCHAR   may  be  specified   to  use  the  function
                 supported  on FMTLIN  to  have  formatting  characters
                 within the text.

   LINE1         The first  of four  indented lines that  appears after
                 the   PROMPT  value.     This   is  intended   for  an
                 explanation of the  response values.   The length  can
                 be up to 70 bytes.

   LINE2         The second indented explanation line.

   LINE3         The third indented explanation line.

   LINE4         The fourth indented explanation line.

   TYPE          The  type  of field  to  be  entered.   The  following
                 entries are supported:

        *CHAR         Any data can be entered.

        *NAME         Only  a  valid name  (restricted  set  of values)
                      can be entered.   A  period ('.')  is not  valid.
                      The  3  special  characters  ('$'  '#'  '@')  are
                      valid.  An underscore is valid.

        *DEC          Only  digits  (without a  decimal  point) can  be

        *DATE         Only  a  6  digit  date  in  job  format  can  be
                      entered.   Note  the other  parameters  (DAYHIRNG
                      DAYLORNG   CURYEAR)    which   allow   additional
                      validity checking on the date.

   DFT           An  optional entry  to  allow a  default to  appear on
                 the display.   It will  be validity  checked when  the
                 operator  presses  enter.    Up to  16  bytes  can  be
                 entered  but  the  LEN  parameter  will determine  how
                 many will be displayed.

   RQD           A *YES/*NO  entry  that  determines  if  the  operator
                 must make an  entry.  The  default is *YES.   Entering
                 blanks or  not entering anything is  not considered an

   FILL          A  *YES/*NO  entry  that  determines  if  the operator
                 must  completely  fill  the  input  field  (i.e.    no
                 leading,  embedded or trailing  blanks).   The default
                 is *NO allowing blanks.

   ALARM         A  *YES/*NO  entry that  determines if  the  DDS ALARM
                 keyword will be used.   *NO is the default meaning  no
                 alarm is used.

                 *YES may be  specified to cause the  alarm (the 'beep'

   ALWCNL        A  *YES/*NO entry  that determines  if  the F3  key is
                 valid.  The default is  *NO meaning the operator  must
                 enter a value.

                 If *YES is  entered, F3 is  valid to exit  and TAA9893
                 is sent as an escape message if F3 is used.

   RELOPR        A  relational operator to  allow a  comparison against
                 the  input  field.   The default  is  *NO.   The valid
                 entries are *GT  *GE *NE *LT  *LE.  The comparison  is
                 made against the next parameter value.

   RELVAL        The  value  to be  used  to  compare  with the  RELOPR
                 parameter.   Up to  16 bytes may  be entered.   If the
                 TYPE is defined as *DEC,  the fields are converted  to
                 decimal before the comparison is made.

   LOWRNG        The lower  portion of a range  check.  Up to  16 bytes
                 may be  entered.  If the TYPE  is defined as *DEC, the
                 fields   are   converted   to   decimal   before   the
                 comparison is made.

   HIRNG         The higher portion of  a range check.  Up  to 16 bytes
                 may be  entered.  If the TYPE is  defined as *DEC, the
                 fields   are   converted   to   decimal   before   the
                 comparison is made.

   VALUES        A list  of entries that  will be  used to ensure  that
                 the input  must match.   Up to  12 entries  may appear
                 in the list each being 16 bytes long.

   DAYLORNG      This  parameter and DAYHIRNG are  used to provide some
                 additional  checking  if  TYPE(*DATE)  is   specified.
                 You may enter  a value that will be used  to check the
                 input  so it must  be within a  range of the  days you
                 describe added to the current  date.  For example,  if
                 the operator  should not  be allowed  to enter a  date
                 in  the past,  enter  0.   The default  is  -365 days.
                 You  may enter  a plus  value signifying  the operator
                 cannot enter a date that is current plus N days.

   DAYHIRNG      This parameter and  DAYLORNG are used to  provide some
                 additional  checking  if   TYPE(*DATE)  is  specified.
                 The  default is  +365 days.   If  the operator  is not
                 allowed to  enter a date  in the  future enter  0.   A
                 minus value may also be entered.

   CURYEAR       This  parameter   provides  additional   checking  for
                 TYPE(*DATE).   It is a *YES/*NO value  with *NO as the
                 default.   If  *YES  is entered  the  operator  cannot
                 enter a date that is other than the current year.

   ERRTXT        An  optional parameter  that  allows  you to  do  some
                 added  checking in your  CL program  and if  the input
                 fails,  you may specify some  text in this field which
                 will appear  on  the display  in a  highlighted  form.
                 The parameter  defaults to  *NONE.  After  the command
                 is  executed,  the  value is  reset  to  *NONE.   This
                 avoids you  having  to  reset the  parameter  in  your
                 program.  You may enter up to 150 bytes.

The following PMTOPR  command requests a date (6 digits)  in job format
which must be within the last week of the current system date:

             PMTOPR     RTNVAR(&RTNVAR) LEN(6) PROMPT('Enter the +
                          date of the WEEK SUMMARY report') +
                          TYPE(*DATE) DAYLORNG(-7) DAYHIRNG(0)

The  following  PMTOPR command  requests  a one  character  value which
must be Y or N.  A value of Y is shown as the default.

             PMTOPR     RTNVAR(&RTNVAR) LEN(1) PROMPT('Should the off +
                          site sales be included in the WEEK SALES +
                          report?') TYPE(*CHAR) DFT(Y) VALUES(Y N)

The following PMTOPR command  requests a 5 digit  value that is 100  or

             PMTOPR     RTNVAR(&RTNVAR) LEN(5) PROMPT('Enter the +
                          number of boxes to ship') TYPE(*DEC) +
                          RELOPR(*GE) RELVAL(100)

The  following  PMTOPR  command  requests  a   7  character  field  and
performs validity  checking within the  CL program to  check the value.
If  it  fails,  an  error  message  is  displayed  and  the  command is
re-executed.   Note that  if an error  exists, the  return variable  is
moved to the DFT parameter so the incorrect value is re-displayed.

             DCL        &DFT *CHAR LEN(7)
             DCL        &ERRTXT *CHAR LEN(150) VALUE(*NONE)
 LOOP:       PMTOPR     RTNVAR(&RTNVAR) LEN(7) PROMPT('Enter the warp +
                          factor') TYPE(*CHAR) DFT(&DFT) +
             IF         (&RTNVAR *EQ '...') DO /* Bad warp factor */
             CHGVAR     &DFT &RTNVAR
             CHGVAR     &ERRTXT ('This is a bad warp factor')
             GOTO       LOOP
             ENDDO      /* Bad warp factor */




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

      CHKDAT     Check date
      FMTLIN     Format line


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   PMTOPR        *CMD                      TAAPMTA        QATTCMD
   TAAPMTAD      *FILE         DSPF        TAAPMTAD       QATTDDS
   TAAPMTAC      *PGM          CLP         TAAPMTAC       QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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