TAA Tools

The Right Adjust Variable command  takes a value such as '23      ' and
adjusts  it  to  '       23'.    RGTADJVAR  is  intended for  character
variables  that  contain decimal  values.   Both character  and decimal
return variables are  supported.  A  value such as '-23,112.38    '  is
also  valid.   Options exist  to  determine if  special characters  are

See the ADJVAR tool for adjusting character values.

The following is typical code:

             DCL        &INPUT *CHAR LEN(22)
             DCL        &OUTDEC *DEC LEN(15 0)

If the  INPUT value was '123,456.78        ', the OUTDEC value would be
'     12345678' as  the decimal format  and separator characters  would
be ignored.

An OUTCHR  return variable  is also  available and  would return  '
123456.78'.   This  value could be  moved to  a *DEC LEN(9  2) variable
for further processing.


  **   The INPUT variable  may be up  to 22 characters  in length,  but
       may not exceed 15 digits.

  **   The OUTDEC variable must be *DEC LEN(15 0).

  **   The OUTCHR variable must  be *CHAR LEN(17).  This  allows for 15
       digits, a decimal format character, and a minus sign.

  **   Decimal  and separator characters  are determined by  the DECFMT
       of  the job such  as USA=blank means  a decimal format character
       of '.' and a separator character of ','.

  **   A minus sign must precede or  follow the value such as '-12    '
       or '12-  '.

  **   A  'CR' symbol  may exist  to the  immediate right  of  the data
       such  as '123CR     ' if  ALWCR(*YES) is  specified.   The value
       will be treated as negative.

  **   A decimal format character must be to the left of a digit.

  **   A list  of up  to  10 characters  may be  entered that  will  be
       bypassed.  This is intended for money symbols such as '$'.

  **   The  code  checks  for   invalid  characters,  multiple  decimal
       format  characters,  and multiple  minus  signs.   If  separator
       characters are valid  by ALWSEP(*YES),  any separator  character
       found is ignored.

  **   Blanks may  not appear to  the left of  a digit such  as '    12

RGTADJVAR escape messages you can monitor for

      CPF9898    Invalid input.  Text describes the error

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

RGTADJVAR Command parameters                          *CMD

   INPUT         The  input  value to  be  right adjusted.    Up to  22
                 bytes  may  exist.   The data  must be  left justified
                 such as '123     '.

   ALWMINUS      A *YES/*NO value  for whether a  minus sign should  be
                 considered a  valid value.   *YES is the default.   No
                 error  occurs if a  minus sign  does not exist.   If a
                 minus exists, the  OUTCHR field  with have a  trailing
                 minus and the OUTDEC field will be negative.

                 *NO may  be specified  to cause  an error  if a  minus
                 sign exists.

   ALWDEC        A   *YES/*NO  value  for  whether   a  decimal  format
                 character (such as '.')  should be considered a  valid
                 value.   *YES is the  default.  No  error occurs if  a
                 decimal format character does not exist.

                 *NO may  be specified to  cause an error  if a decimal
                 format character exists.

   ALWSEP        A  *YES/*NO  value  for  whether  a  separator  format
                 character (such as  ',') should be considered  a valid
                 value.   *YES is  the default.   No error occurs  if a
                 separator format character does not exist.

                 *NO   may  be  specified  to  cause   an  error  if  a
                 separator format character exists.

   ALWCR         A *YES/*NO value for whether  a 'CR' symbol may  exist
                 to the right of  the digits such as '123CR     '.  *NO
                 is  the  default.    If  a  CR  value  exists,  it  is
                 considered an error.

                 *YES may  be  specified  to allow  the  CR  symbol  to
                 exist  and  if   it  does,  the  data   is  considered
                 negative.   No  error  occurs if  a CR  symbol  is not

   BYPCHRLST     A  list of  up to  10 characters  may be  entered that
                 will be bypassed  such as '$'.   The default is  *NONE
                 meaning   any   non-recognized   character   will   be
                 considered an error.

                 This  is primarily intended  for a  money value symbol
                 (could be 2 characters), but  could be used to  bypass
                 a string of characters  such as 'US$123.45      ' Just
                 enter   the   list   as   a   character  value   (case

   OUTDEC        The  adjusted  return  decimal  value.    This  is  an
                 optional  return  variable   that  if  used   must  be
                 specified as *DEC LEN(15 0).

   OUTCHR        The  adjusted  return  decimal  value in  a  character
                 field.   This is  an optional return  variable that if
                 used must  be specified  as  *CHAR LEN(17).   This  is
                 large  enough   to  contain   15  digits,   a  decimal
                 separator character and a trailing minus sign.

                 The  major intent of  this field is that  if the INPUT
                 data has a  number of  decimal positions,  the use  of
                 OUTDEC  will  ignore  the  decimal  positions  as  the
                 return  field must  be *DEC LEN(15  0).   Using OUTCHR
                 allows a  following CHGVAR  command to  move the  data
                 to a  variable  declared with  decimal positions  such
                 as *DEC LEN(9 2).


Because RGTADJVAR  returns variables, the  command may only  be used in
a CL program.

See  the previous comments about the rules  for valid input and how the
output is formatted.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     RTVVALA         Retrieve value attributes
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   RGTADJVAR     *CMD                   TAACLTD       QATTCMD
   TAACLTDC      *PGM       CLP         TAACLTDC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools October 15, 2008

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