TAA Tools

The Remove Old Messages  command removes messages that were  sent prior
to  a  specified expiration  date.    This is  a  cleanup command  that
should be run in off hours.

Because  the system  creates various  messages queues  or the  user may
create certain  message  queues, messages  may  sit on  queues  without
anybody bothering  to clean them  out.  The RMVOLDMSG  command provides
a house cleaning function.

A typical command would be entered as:

       RMVOLDMSG    LIB(*ALL) DAYS(14)

This  will remove all messages  from all message  queues that were sent
prior to  14  days ago  (Certain  QSYS  message queues  are  implicitly

In order  to provide  the support, the  RMVOLDMSG command  must specify
CHGMSGQ  to make  all  of the  messages new.   This  allows  the RCVMSG
command to receive all  of the messages.   Because RCVMSG is  receiving
all  of  the messages,  all  messages  will  be consider  'old'.    For
interactive  users,  this normally  presents  no  difficulty as  DSPMSG
will  display all  of the messages  regardless of whether  they are old
or new.

However, if  you  have programs  that  normally read  specific  message
queues, there  could be  a difference.   If RMVOLDMSG  is run  when the
system  is  quiesced,  your  normal  application  logic  will  probably
properly receive  the  messages and  you  would  normally not  see  any

If you expect there  may be a difference, you  can specify that certain
message   queues  be  explicitly   bypassed  from   the  processing  of

Certain  message  queues  in  QSYS  such  as  QSYSOPR  are   implicitly
bypassed by RMVOLDMSG.  See the LIB parameter.

If a  message queue  exists in QSYS,  it may  be a  workstation message
queue.    A workstation  message  queue cannot  be  allocated, but  the
device  can be allocated  in many cases.   If the  message queue exists
in  QSYS,  the  processing  program  attempts  to  allocate   a  device
description  of  the same  name.   If  the  device  description can  be
allocated,  the  processing program  proceeds normally  to  receive the

There  are  certain  reasons  that  a  device  description  cannot   be

  **   A virtual device cannot be allocated.

  **   When the  system is IPLed,  the system  arbiter gains a  lock on
       the  devices if  they are  requested to  be varied  on.   If the
       signon display  cannot  be placed  on  the display  because  the
       device  is  powered  off, the  device  remains  in  a  'Vary  on
       pending  state'.    If the  device  is  powered  on, the  system
       arbiter  releases the  lock to  the appropriate  subsystem which
       obtains a lock.  The signon prompt is displayed.

       The subsystem  retains the  lock even  if the  device is  signed
       off  or powered  off.   Thus  the subsystem  has a  lock if  the
       signon  prompt was  ever displayed.   As long  as the  device is
       not signed  onto,  but  the  signon  prompt  has  appeared,  the
       device can be allocated.

       If the  system arbiter is holding  a lock, the device  cannot be

       For  this reason, it is  desirable to run  the RMVOLDMSG command
       just prior to  powering off  the system rather  than just  after
       powering on.   This will give more  time for the users  to power
       on  their devices  which causes  the system  arbiter to  give up
       its lock.

When  the  RMVOLDMSG  queue  command  completes,  either  a  completion
message  or  an  escape  message  is  sent.    The  completion  message
contains counts for  such things as the total  message queues read, the
total messages that exist and the number removed.

An  option exists to send  a completion message if  the only errors are
those caused by an allocated message queue.

Some errors  are monitored for  within the  program such  as a  message
queue cannot  be allocated and  will cause  an escape message  when the
command  completes.  If  this occurs,  the escape message  will contain
the previously  described counts  as well  as a  count of  the  errors.
Messages describing the errors will be included in the job log.

Security considerations

The  user  of the  command  should  be  authorized to  operate  on  the
libraries and  message queues named.  If  not, authorization exceptions
will occur.

Normally,  the command  is intended for  a user  with *ALLOBJ authority
such as the security officer.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   LIB           The library  name to  check for message  queues.   You
                 may  also specify  *ALL  or *USRLIBL.   The  following
                 message  queues are  implicitly  bypassed if  the QSYS
                 library is processed.

                      Msg queue    Library

                      QSYSOPR      QSYS
                      QSYSMSG      QSYS
                      QHST         QSYS
                      QSWMSGRPY    QSYS

                 If  you  specify  LIB(*ALL),  you  will  need  *ALLOBJ
                 authority  to successfully  operate  on all  libraries
                 and all message queues.

   MSGQLST       A  list of  message queues  in a  named library  to be
                 processed.   The  default  is *ALL  for  *ALL  message
                 queues.   *ALL must be  used if  the LIB parameter  is
                 *ALL or *USRLIBL.

                 If a  specific library is  entered, up to  300 message
                 queues  may  be entered  to be  processed.   Any other
                 message queues in the library will be bypassed.

                 If any message queue  is entered, LIST(*NONE) must  be

   DAYS          The  number  of days  to  consider  for expiration  of
                 messages.   The  default is 14.   This  means that any
                 messages sent prior to 14  days from the current  date
                 will be removed.

   LIST          An optional  list of  200 message  queues that  should
                 not  be  considered.   These  message  queues  will be
                 bypassed.  *NONE is the default.

   LIST          The fully qualified object name must be specified.

   LIST          If one  or more  MSGQs is  specified for  the  MSGQLST
                 parameter, LIST(*NONE) must be specified.

   BYPALC        A *YES/*NO  option for  whether to  send a  completion
                 message  if  the only  errors  are  caused by  message
                 queues that cannot be allocated.

                 *NO  is  the default  meaning  an escape  message will
                 occur if any message queue cannot be allocated.

                 *YES may  be specified  to send  a completion  message
                 if  the  only  errors  found  are  due  to  allocation
                 problems.   The  message will  contain a count  of the
                 number  of   message   queues  that   could   not   be


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

         ADDDAT         Add date
         CHKALLOBJ      Check all object authority
         EDTVAR         Edit variable
         EXTLST         Extract list


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   RMVOLDMSG     *CMD                      TAAMSGC        QATTCMD
   TAAMSGCC      *PGM          CLP         TAAMSGCC       QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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