TAA Tools

The  Resend Message  Key  command resends  messages  from the  job  log
(intended for  low level messages).   You must first  run the RTVMSGKEY
command  (part of  the RMVMSGKEY  tool) to  set a  mark in the  job log
prior  to  running  a  function  that  produces  low   level  messages.
RSNMSGKEY may  then be used to  resend either a specific  message ID or
all messages from the RTVMSGKEY mark.

The original message is removed when a message is re-sent.

RSNMSGKEY  may also be used for  any message(s) in the  job log, but is
intended for  low  level messages  created  by  programs which  are  no
longer active.

The  definition of  a  low level  message  is  one that  is  sent to  a
program  that is inactive  (no longer in  the program stack).   You can
determine this by using  F1 on a  message and then F9  to see the  name
of the TOPGMQ.

If  a single  low level  message  is to  be re-sent  and  the MSGID  is
known, the following would be typical code:

             DCL        &MSGKEY *CHAR LEN(4)
                        /*                                 */
                        /* Some function that causes one   */
                        /*   or more low level messages    */
                        /*                                 */
             RSNMSGKEY  MSGKEY(&MSGKEY) MSGID(xxxxxxx)

If  only a  single message  exists  and the  message ID  is  not known,
specify MSGID(*ALL).

To   resend  all  messages  from  a  function  that  causes  low  level
messages, the following would be typical coding:

             DCL        &MSGKEY *CHAR LEN(4)
                        /*                                 */
                        /* Some function that causes one   */
                        /*   or more low level messages    */
                        /*                                 */

RSNMSGKEY escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    The message ID was not found if a specific
                   message ID was requested or no messages
                   exist and *ALL was requested.

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

RSNMSGKEY Command parameters                          *CMD

   MSGKEY        The message key  retrieved from the  RTVMSGKEY command
                 (part  of  the RMVMSGKEY  tool).    RTVMSGKEY must  be
                 issued  prior to  using a  function which  creates low
                 level messages  that  you want  to  resend.   A  *CHAR
                 LEN(4) variable must be used.

   MSGID         The  message ID  to  be re-sent.    If  only a  single
                 message  is  to  be  re-sent  and  the message  ID  is
                 known, specify  it.   If  a single  message is  to  be
                 re-sent  and the  message  ID  is not  known,  specify

                 If all  messages that exist between the  time that the
                 RTVMSGKEY   message   key   was   retrieved   and  the
                 RSNMSGKEY command, specify *ALL.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     RTVMSGTYPD      Retrieve message type description
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   RSNMSGKEY     *CMD                   TAAMSJR       QATTCMD
   TAAMSJRC      *PGM       CLP         TAAMSJRC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 15, 2011

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