TAA Tools

The  Restore  Many  Libraries  command  allows  the  restore  of  named
libraries  or generic libraries  found on  a tape.   Up to  300 library
names may be entered.  This differs from the following support:

  **   The  system RSTLIB  command allows only  a single  library to be
       restored per  command unless a  special value  was used for  the
       library on SAVLIB (e.g.  *NONSYS).

  **   The TAA  Tool RSTALLLIB  restores all libraries  on a tape.   No
       selection capability exists.

RSTMNYLIB  provides a solution  when you have  saved multiple libraries
on a tape, but only  want to restore some  of them.  A typical  command
would be:

             RSTMNYLIB    DEV(xxx) LIB(LIB1 LIB2 LIBA* ...)

There are a few important restrictions with RSTMNYLIB:

  **   The  user must  be  authorized to  the TAARSTALLC  authorization
       list.   This is  the same  authorization list used  by RSTALLLIB
       and RSTALLCHG.

  **   The  tape  must  have  been  saved  with  the  SAVLIB   command.
       Objects  saved  by SAVOBJ,  SAVCHGOBJ,  SAVSECDTA,  SAVDLO  etc.
       will not be restored.

  **   The  file on tape  must be the  same name  as the library  to be
       restored.    You must  default  the LABEL  parameter  when using

  **   If the files  were saved to multiple  tape media (more than  one
       volume),   the  command   will  complete   after  each   volume.
       Mounting  succeeding volumes and re-entering  the command (using
       the default of SEQNBR(*FIRST) to  access the first file)  should
       restore all required libraries.

The  RSTMNYLIB  command uses  CHKTAP  to  determine each  library  that
exists  on  the tape  and  compares it  to  the list  specified  on the
command.  If  a match is  found, RSTLIB is  used.   When the media  has
been processed,  the  list of  libraries specified  is  checked and  an
error message  is sent if  a library was  specified that was  not found
on the media.

The   library  does  not  have  to  exist  on  the  system  when  using
RSTMNYLIB.  The same rules  for restoring over an existing  library are
in  effect as  with RSTLIB.   RSTMNYLIB  supports the  same  options as
does  RSTLIB (e.g.  OPTION, MBROPT, ALWOBJDIF)  to allow you to specify
various actions if objects already exist.

If the  TAATOOL library  is named,  it is  bypassed with  a message  to
prevent the deletion of the program performing the restore.

Printed output occurs  to TAAPRT3 with one line  per library containing
counts  for  how many  objects  were or  were  not restored.    For the
specific objects  which were  not restored  and the  reasons, you  will
need either the:

  **   RSTLIB OUTPUT listing

  **   Job log.   This can be provided  in a more readable  fashion, by
       use of  the CHKSAVRST command  which is the  default provided on
       the  command.   For some low  level messages, you  will need the
       job log.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   DEV           The tape  device name.   Only a  single device may  be

   LIB           The  list of  libraries to  be restored.    A specific
                 library  or  generic name  may  be  used.   Up  to 300
                 names may be entered.   If the library does not  exist
                 on the media, an error message is sent.

   SEQNBR        The  beginning   tape  file  sequence  number.     The
                 default is  *FIRST for the first file  on the tape.  A
                 specific number should  be used if  you have  multiple
                 files of the same  name on the tape and want  to use a
                 later version.

                 If  multiple volumes  exist, a  separate  command must
                 be  used  for  each  volume.    Using  the  default of
                 *FIRST will find the libraries to be restored.

   ENDOPT        Whether  to  rewind  the  tape  at  the  end   of  the
                 command.   The default is *REWIND.   *LEAVE or *UNLOAD
                 can  be specified.   The  option you specify  does not
                 take  affect  until   the  last   RSTLIB  command   is

   OPTION        Whether  to  restore  all objects,  new  objects  etc.
                 This  is  the  same  parameter  as  on  RSTLIB.    The
                 default is *ALL (the same as RSTLIB).

   MBROPT        Whether to restore data base  files if the members  do
                 not completely match.   This is the same  parameter as
                 on  RSTLIB.    The  default  is *MATCH  (the  same  as

   ALWOBJDIF     Whether  to  allow  object differences  or  not.   The
                 default is *NONE  (the same as  RSTLIB).  *ALL may  be
                 specified.        If     MBROPT(*MATCH)    is    used,
                 ALWOBJDIF(*ALL) cannot be specified.

   OUTPUT        Whether  to print a  listing of  the restored objects.
                 This is the  same option  as on RSTLIB.   The  default
                 is *NONE  (the same as RSTLIB).   A listing  to QPRINT
                 (one line per library restored) will always occur.

   CHKSAVRST     A  *YES/*NO option for  should the  TAA Tool CHKSAVRST
                 command be run.  The  default is *YES.  The  CHKSAVRST
                 command will  produce a listing  to QPRINT of  all the
                 S/R  messages  which  have  occurred during  the  job.
                 When   the  RSTMNYLIB  command   begins  and  ends,  a
                 message is  sent  to  the  job log  with  the  CPF9898
                 message.   This  will be  picked up  by  the CHKSAVRST
                 command  to assist  you in determining  which messages
                 belong to the RSTMNYLIB command.

   ERRORSONLY    A  *YES/*NO  value  which  defaults  to  *NO.     This
                 minimizes  the   number  of  messages  that   will  be
                 printed.    This parameter  is passed  through  to the
                 CHKSAVRST command.    See  CHKSAVRST  for  a  complete


  **   Only libraries saved by  SAVLIB can be restored.   Saving by the
       use  of SAVOBJ, SAVCHGOBJ  etc.   will create files  that cannot
       be restored by RSTMNYLIB.

  **   You  must take the default of  LABEL(*LIB) on the SAVLIB command
       in order for RSTMNYLIB to be successful.

  **   The TAATOOL library may  not be specified as this would  cause a
       deletion  of the  program performing  the restore.    The RSTLIB
       command must be used to restore the TAATOOL library.

Security considerations

The  RSTMNYLIB tool must be  created by a user  with Security Officer's
rights.  This will avoid any  security restrictions on a restore.   For
this  reason, the  objects are  created by  CRTTAATOOL so  that only  a
user with  *USE authority to the TAARSTALLC  authorization list may use
them.  The CL program TAARSTFC is created as USRPRF(*OWNER).


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

      CHKGENERC  Check generic
      CHKSAVRST  Check save/restore
      EDTVAR     Edit variable
      EXTLST     Extract list


The tool  is  ready to  use,  but a  user  must be  authorized  to  the
TAARSTALLC authorization  list.   This is  the same authorization  list
used by  RSTALLLIB and RSTALLCHG.  To authorize  a user, use EDTAUTL or


Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   RSTMNYLIB     *CMD                      TAARSTF        QATTCMD
   TAARSTFC      *PGM          CLP         TAARSTFC       QATTCL
   TAARSTFR      *PGM          RPG         TAARSTFR       QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 1996

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