TAA Tools
RTVDAT2         RETRIEVE DATE 2                        TAADATL
The  Retrieve  Date  2  tool  provides  a  program  interface  for  the
function performed  by the TAA Tool RTVDAT.   This allows simple access
to  a date in a variety of formats  with a few statements added to your
HLL Program.

The RTVDAT  tool provides a  command interface  with return  variables.
It is designed to  be used in a CL program.   RTVDAT2 is designed to be
used directly from a HLL program.

RTVDAT2  returns a variety of  date formats in a  data structure.  This
includes such things as the name of  the day, the name of the month,  a
full  date, an  abbreviated  date, etc.    An  external description  is
provided for the data structure.

Two parameters are passed on the call.

  **   The  date  to  be retrieved.    This  must be  declared  as  a 7
       position field.  To  request the current  date, use the  special
       value *SYSDAT.   To request any  other date, enter the  value in
       job format surrounded by quotes such as:

                           MOVE '010109 ' INPDAT  7

  **   The  return data  structure.   You  would normally  describe the
       data  structure  using  the  external  description  provided for

The following  RPG code is  in a format  ready to  be copied into  your

     C                     CALL 'TAADATLC'
     C                     PARM '*SYSDAT' INPDAT  7        Input date
     C                     PARM           DATEDS           Date DS

All  of the  fields in  the data  structure begin  with the  prefix DT.
Thus to use the day name value, you would specify:

     C                     MOVE DTDYNM    xxxxxx

Fields provided in the Data Structure

    Field name   Length  Description        Sample for Jan 1, 2009
    ----------   ------  -----------        ----------------------

    DTDYNM         10    Day name           Thursday
    DTMTNM         10    Month name         January
    DTDTFL         20    Full date          January 1, 2009
    DTDTAB         12    Abbrev date        Jan 1, 2009
    DTDY3U          3    Day upper case     THU
    DTDY3L          3    Day lower case     Thu
    DTMT3U          3    Mth upper case     JAN
    DTMT3L          3    Mth lower case     Jan
    DTDYWK          1    Day of the week    5
    DTDYYR          3    Day of the year    001
    DTWKYR          2    Week of the year   01
    DTYMD           6    YYMMDD             090101
    DTCYMD          7    CYYMMDD            1090101
    DTYEAR          4    Year               2009
    DTCENT          1    Century            1
    DTTIME          6    Time (HHMMSS)      nnnnnn
    DTSYSN          8    System name        ssssssss

Only dates between Jan 1, 1940 and Dec 31, 2039 may be retrieved.

A year  of 40 - 99 is considered to be  the 20th century.  A year of 00
- 39 is  considered to be the  21st century.   This is consistent  with
the system definition.

The  'Week  of  year'  value  is   based  on  sets  of  Sunday-Saturday
increments.    Because  Jan  1  of  2009  is  a  Thursday, the  1st  is
considered to be Week 1.


The standard support is English.   There is no need for translation  if
you want the results in English.

To provide  for translation for  both the RTVDAT2  and RTVDAT tools,  a
command is  provided (CRTRTVDAT2) which  will create a  data area which
contains  the values  for day and  month names in  the various formats.
You should  place the  data  area in  one of  your  own libraries  (not

You create the data area with the command:

        CRTRTVDAT2   LIB(xxxx)

You then edit the data area with the EDTDTAARA2 TAA Tool command:

        EDTDTAARA2   DTAARA(xxxx)

When  the display  appears, you  follow  the instructions  in the  data
area to key over the English values with your native language.

When  the RTVDAT2 tool program  is called, it  checks for the existence
of a RTVDAT2 data area on the  library list.  If a data area is  found,
it retrieves  the data  area value  and overlays  the English  literals
that are used in the program.

Using this approach provides the following:

  **   Translation need  only be done once.   On the next release, your
       data area will still exist and be  used by a new version of  the
       RTVDAT2 tool.

  **   You can  have multiple  RTVDAT2 data  areas on  your system  and
       provide  a  different  language  version  for  any  user.    For
       example,  you could  have a system  standard in  QGPL that would
       be used  unless  a RTVDAT2  data  area was  found  prior on  the
       library list.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

The RTVDAT2  function is  a program which  you call directly  from your
HLL as described previously.  No command is provided.

The  command  CRTRTVDAT2 is  used  for translation.   You  do  not need
CRTRTVDAT2 if your native language is English.

The following parameter exists for CRTRTVDAT2:

   LIB           The library  which  contains  the  RTVDAT2  data  area
                 used for language translation.


  **   Only  dates between  January 1,  1940 and  Dec 31,  2039 may  be


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     SNDCOMPMSG   Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG    Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CRTRTVDAT2    *CMD                   TAADATL2      QATTCMD
   TAADATLC      *PGM       CLP         TAADATLC      QATTCL
   TAADATLC2     *PGM       CLP         TAADATLC2     QATTCL
   TAADATLP      *FILE      PF          TAADATLP      QATTDDS


RTVDAT2 program (Call the program TAADATLC)


   TAADATLC2   CL pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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