TAA Tools

The Retrieve  Release  ID command  provides return  variables  to a  CL
program  to  allow you  to  determine the  current  release in  several
forms and the status of the last TAA update.

A typical command would be entered as:


Different options to return the current release are supported:

      - RELID     VnnRnnMnn
      - RELID2    VnRnMn
      - RELID3    VnR1.
      - RELID4    VnRn if the M0 release exists or VnRn.m if not

The   RELID  value  should  be  used  if  you  are  going  to  use  the
information to program  with (e.g.  compare).   The other values  could
be used if you are going to print the information.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   RELID         The  release ID  in the  form VnnRnnMnn.    The return
                 variable  must  be  declared as  *CHAR  LEN(9).   This
                 value should  be used  if  you are  going to  use  the
                 information to program with (e.g.  compare).

   RELID2        The  release  ID  in  the form  VnRnMn.    The  return
                 variable  must be declared  as *CHAR  LEN(9).  If  a 2
                 digit  version,   release,   or   modification   level
                 occurs,  the value  will expand.    This accounts  for
                 the  fact   that  a  9  character   variable  will  be
                 returned.   This  form should be  used if  you want to
                 print a value like V2R2M0.

   RELID3        The  release  ID in  the  form  VnRn3..    The  return
                 variable must  be declared  as *CHAR LEN(9).   If  a 2
                 digit   version,   release,   or   modification  level
                 occurs, the  value will  expand.   This  accounts  for
                 the  fact  that   a  9  character  variable   will  be
                 returned.   This form  should be  used if you  want to
                 print a value like V2R2.0.

   RELID4        The release ID in  the form VnRn if  Mod 0 exists  and
                 VnRn.m if it  does not.   The return variable  must be
                 declared  as  *CHAR LEN(9).    If a  2  digit version,
                 release,  or  modification  level  occurs,  the  value
                 will expand.   This  accounts for  the fact  that a  9
                 character  variable  will  be  returned.    This  form
                 should  be  used if  you want  to  print a  value like
                 V2R1 or V2R1.1.

   TAAREL        The  TAA  Productivity  Tools  release.    The  return
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(9).

   TAAINSDAT     The  date   the  last  TAA  Productivity   Tools  were
                 installed.   The return  variable must  be declared as
                 *CHAR LEN(6) and will contain  the date in the  format

   TAAINSTYPE    The type  of install  of the  TAA Productivity  Tools.
                 The  return   variable  must  be   declared  as  *CHAR


Because  the command returns variables, it  can only be executed from a
CL program.




None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type        Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----        ---------      ----------    ----------

   RTVRELID      *CMD                       TAASYSJ       QATTCMD
   TAASYSJC      *PGM           CLP         TAASYSJC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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