TAA Tools
The RTVSPLFA  command  allows you  to extract  one  or more  parameters
from an  existing spooled file  into a CL  program.  Because  more than
40   parameters  exist,   the  companion  command   RTVSPLFA2  is  also
included.    These commands  can  be  used  for  various  functions  in
working with spooled files.

A  typical  use of  the  command  is to  extract  the  ALIGN option  to
determine if alignment may be necessary.

        DCL         &ALIGN *CHAR LEN(4)
        RTVSPLFA    SPLF(xxxxxx) ALIGN(&ALIGN)
        IF          (&ALIGN *EQ '*YES') DO .....

The  command parameters  may  be prompted  for with  the command.   The
value in the  parenthesis for each parameter  describes the length  and
type  of field  to  be specified  in  your CL  program  to receive  the

Uses the API QUSRSPLA to access the information.

RTVSPLFA Command parameters                           *CMD

   SPLF          The spooled file name to be retrieved.

   JOB           The  qualified job  name.   An  * is  the  default and
                 means the current job.

   SPLNBR        The spooled  file  number.    *ONLY  is  the  default.
                 *LAST  may be  specified or  a  specific spooled  file

   SYSNAM        The  serial  number of  the  system  to retrieve  for.
                 *ANY  is the  default.   A specific  serial number may
                 be entered.

   RTNSPLNBR     The number  of the  spooled file being  returned.   If
                 SPLNBR  is a  special value,  the number  returned may
                 be  helpful.    If  specified,  the  variable must  be
                 declared as *CHAR LEN(6).

   FORMTYPE      An optional  return  variable that  will  contain  the
                 form  type  used for  the  file.   If  specified,  the
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

   OUTPTY        An  optional  return variable  that  will  contain the
                 output priority.  If  specified, the variable must  be
                 declared as *CHAR LEN(1).

   CPYLEFT       An  optional return  variable  that will  contain  the
                 number  of copies  left to  be output.   If  no output
                 has  occurred,  the  value  will be  the  same  as the
                 COPIES parameter.   If  specified,  the variable  must
                 be declared as *CHAR LEN(3).

   COPIES        An  optional return  variable  that  will contain  the
                 number  of   copies  specified.    If  specified,  the
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(3).

   MAXRCDS       An optional  return  variable that  will  contain  the
                 maximum number  of records  valid for  the file.   For
                 printer  output, the number of  records written cannot
                 be determined.   For the  number of  pages that  exist
                 in  the   file,  see   the  TOTPAG   parameter.     If
                 specified,  the  variable must  be  declared as  *CHAR

   FILESEP       An  optional  return  variable that  will  contain the
                 number  of   file  separators  for   the  file.     If
                 specified,  the variable  must  be  declared as  *CHAR

   SCHEDULE      An  optional  return variable  that  will  contain how
                 the  file  is  scheduled   for  output.    The   value
                 returned will  be *IMMED,  *FILEEND, or  *JOBEND.   If
                 specified,  the  variable must  be  declared  as *CHAR

   HOLD          An  optional   return  variable   that  will   contain
                 whether the file  is held before  it is written.   The
                 value  comes  from  the  CRT/CHG/OVRPRTF command.    A
                 *YES  or *NO  value will  be returned.   If specified,
                 the variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(4).

   SAVE          An  optional   return  variable   that  will   contain
                 whether the  file is to  be saved after it  is output.
                 A  *YES or *NO value will  be returned.  If specified,
                 the variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(4).

   DEVTYPE       An optional  return  variable that  will  contain  the
                 device  type of  the file.   For  printer output,  the
                 value  returned will  be PRINTER.   If  specified, the
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

   PRTTYPE       An optional  return  variable that  will  contain  the
                 printer type  of  the file.   The  value returned  for
                 printer  output will  be *SCS,  *IPDS,  *AFPDS, *LINE,
                 or  a truncated  version of  *AFPDSLINE or *USERASCII.
                 The  RTVSPLFA2 command  returns  a 10  byte  parameter
                 PRTTYPE2.     If  specified,  the   variable  must  be
                 declared as *CHAR LEN(5).

   DEVFILE       An  optional  return variable  that  will  contain the
                 name of  the  device  file  used.   For  example,  the
                 return  value  would  be QPRINT  if  the  program  had
                 specified  that  file.    If  specified, the  variable
                 must be declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

   DEVFILEL      An optional  return  variable that  will  contain  the
                 library where the  device file exists.   If specified,
                 the variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

   USRDTA        An  optional  return variable  that  will contain  the
                 user  data specified for the  file.  If specified, the
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

   ACGCDE        An optional  return  variable  that will  contain  the
                 accounting   code  specified   for  the   file.     If
                 specified,  the  variable must  be  declared  as *CHAR

   OPNPGM        An optional  return  variable that  will  contain  the
                 name  of  the  program  that  opened  the  file.    If
                 specified,  the  variable must  be  declared  as *CHAR

   OPNPGML       An optional  return  variable that  will  contain  the
                 library  where  the program  exists  that  opened  the
                 file.   If  specified, the  variable must  be declared
                 as *CHAR LEN(10).

   OPNDAT        An  optional  return  variable that  will  contain the
                 date the  file was  opened.  The  date is  8 bytes  in
                 the  form  yymmdd  with   separator  characters.    If
                 specified,  the  variable must  be  declared  as *CHAR

   OPNTIM        An optional  return  variable that  will  contain  the
                 time the  file was  opened.   The time  is 8 bytes  in
                 the  form   hhmmss  with  separator  characters.    If
                 specified, the  variable  must be  declared  as  *CHAR

   PAGWTN        An  optional return  variable  that will  contain  the
                 page  number  being  written.    If  the file  is  not
                 currently  being written  by a writer,  the value will
                 be 0.   If specified,  the variable  must be  declared
                 as *CHAR LEN(10).

   TOTPAG        An  optional return  variable  that  will contain  the
                 total  number  of  pages.    For  printer  files,  the
                 number of lines  written is  not a value  that can  be
                 returned.   If the  file is  not closed,  this is  the
                 number   of  pages   written  to   that  point.     If
                 specified, the  variable  must be  declared  as  *CHAR

   RCDLEN        An  optional return  variable  that will  contain  the
                 record length  of the file.  If  an externally printer
                 file  is  used, the  value  returned is  *RCDF (record
                 format).     If  specified,   the  variable  must   be
                 declared as *CHAR LEN(5).

   PAGLEN        An  optional return  variable  that  will contain  the
                 page  length of the file.   If specified, the variable
                 must be declared as *CHAR LEN(3).

   PAGWTH        An optional  return  variable that  will  contain  the
                 page width  of the file.   If specified,  the variable
                 must be declared as *CHAR LEN(3).

   LPI           An  optional  return variable  that  will  contain the
                 lines per  inch  of  the  file.    If  specified,  the
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(1).

                 See the  RTVSPLFA2  command for  the LPIDEC  parameter
                 to  retrieve the number  of decimal positions  and the
                 LPI2 parameter to return 2 character LPI values.

                 If  the LPI is  greater than 9,  the value returned is

                 If the LPI value is 7.5, the value returned is 6.

   CPI           An optional  return  variable  that will  contain  the
                 characters per  inch of the  file.  If  specified, the
                 variable  must be declared  as *CHAR LEN(2).   See the
                 RTVSPLFA2  command   for  the   CPIDEC  parameter   to
                 retrieve the number of decimal positions.

   OVRFLW        An  optional return  variable  that  will contain  the
                 overflow  line   of  the  file.    If  specified,  the
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(3).

   CODEPAGE      An optional  return  variable that  will  contain  the
                 code page  used.  If  specified, the variable  must be
                 declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

   FOLD          An   optional  return   variable  that   will  contain
                 whether  the  output lines  are to  be folded  if they
                 exceed the  printer  width.   A *YES  or  *NO will  be
                 returned.    A *YES  value  does  not  imply that  the
                 print  lines  have  been folded.    If  specified, the
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(4).

   CTLCHAR       An optional  return  variable that  will  contain  the
                 control character  type used  for the  file.  A  value
                 of  *NONE, or  *FCFC  (first character  forms control)
                 will be  returned.   If specified,  the variable  must
                 be declared as *CHAR LEN(5).

   RPLUNPRT      An  optional   return  variable   that  will   contain
                 whether  a  character  has  been  defined  to  replace
                 unprintable  characters.  A value  of *YES or *NO will
                 be returned.    If  specified, the  variable  must  be
                 declared as *CHAR LEN(4).

   ALIGN         An   optional  return   variable  that   will  contain
                 whether  the file should be aligned.   A value of *YES
                 or *NO will be returned.   If specified, the  variable
                 must be declared as *CHAR LEN(4).

   PRTQLTY       An  optional return  variable  that  will contain  the
                 print  quality of the  file.  The  value returned will
                 be *STD,  *DRAFT,  *NLQ,  *DEVD, or  *FASTDRAFT.    If
                 specified,  the variable  must  be declared  as  *CHAR

   FORMFEED      An  optional  return variable  that  will contain  the
                 form  feed of  the file.   If  specified, the variable
                 must be declared as *CHAR LEN(8).

   DRAWER        An  optional return  variable  that will  contain  the
                 Source  Drawer  used for  the  file  when *AUTOCUT  is
                 specified  for Form Feed.   If specified, the variable
                 must be declared as *CHAR LEN(7).

   FONT          An optional  return  variable that  will  contain  the
                 Font  specified  for  the file.    If  specified,  the
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(5).

   PAGRTT        An  optional  return variable  that  will  contain the
                 page rotation used for the  file.  The value  returned
                 will be *AUTO,  *DEVD, *COR, 0,  90, 180, or 270.   If
                 specified,  the  variable must  be  declared as  *CHAR

   JUSTIFY       An  optional  return  variable that  will  contain the
                 Justify value  (right  justify  the output)  used  for
                 the  file.    A  value  of  0,  50,  or  100  will  be
                 returned.     If  specified,   the  variable  must  be
                 declared as *CHAR LEN(3).

RTVSPLFA2 Command parameters                          *CMD

   SPLF          The spooled file name to be retrieved.

   JOB           The qualified  job name.    An *  is the  default  and
                 means the current job.

   SPLNBR        The  spooled  file  number.   *ONLY  is  the  default.
                 *LAST  may  be specified  or a  specific  spooled file

   RTNSPLNBR     The number of  the spooled  file being  returned.   If
                 SPLNBR is  a special  value, the  number returned  may
                 be  helpful.    If  specified,  the variable  must  be
                 declared as *CHAR LEN(6).

   OUTQ          The  output  queue containing  the  spooled file.   If
                 specified,  the variable  must  be declared  as  *CHAR

   OUTQL         The  output  queue   library  containing  the  spooled
                 file.   If  specified, the  variable must  be declared
                 as *CHAR LEN(10).

   CRTUSER       The user  that originally  created the  spooled  file.
                 If specified, the  variable must be declared  as *CHAR

   CRTSYS        The  system  that  the  spooled  file  was  originally
                 created on.    If  specified,  the  variable  must  be
                 declared as *CHAR LEN(8).

   STATUS        The status  of the spooled  file.  The  value returned
                 will  one  of  *CLOSED,  *DEFERRED,  *SENDING,  *HELD,
                 *MESSAGE,   *OPEN,   *PRINTER,   *READY,   SAVED,   or
                 *WRITING.   Also  see  STATUS4.    If  specified,  the
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

   STATUS4       The  status of  the spooled  file in  4  characters as
                 displayed   on  WRKSPLF   and  WRKOUTQ.     The  value
                 returned will  be one  of CLS,  DFR,  SND, HLD,  MSGW,
                 OPN, PRT,  RDY, SAV,  or WTR.   Also  see STATUS.   If
                 specified,  the  variable must  be  declared  as *CHAR

   DBCSDATA      A  *YES/*NO  value  for   whether  the  spooled   file
                 contains DBCS data.   If specified, the  variable must
                 be declared as *CHAR LEN(4).

   PRTTEXT       The  print text  assigned to  print  at the  bottom of
                 the  page.   The value  may be  blank.   If specified,
                 the variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(30).

   RPLCHAR       The  character  to  be  used  to  replace  unprintable
                 characters.    If  specified,  the  variable  must  be
                 declared as *CHAR LEN(1).

   MULTIUP       Whether  multiple-up pages  should  be printed  on the
                 same page.   The value returned  is 1,2,3, or  4.   If
                 specified,  the variable  must  be  declared as  *CHAR

   LPIDEC        An  optional  return variable  that  will  contain the
                 number of  decimal positions  for the  lines per  inch
                 of  the file.    If specified,  the  variable must  be
                 declared as *CHAR LEN(1).

                 See  the RTVSPLFA  command  for the  LPI  parameter to
                 retrieve  the  whole number  if 9  or  less.   Use the
                 RTVSPLFA2  command  LPI2  parameter  to  retrieve  the
                 whole numbers if greater than 9.

   LPI2          An  optional return  variable  that  will contain  the
                 number  of lines per inch of  the file.  If specified,
                 the variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(2).

                 This value will  contain whole  numbers such  as '6  '
                 or '12'.   The RTVSPLFA  command LPI parameter  may be
                 used  to  retrieve the  whole  number if  it  is  9 or
                 less.   The number  of decimal  positions is  returned
                 in the LPIDEC variable of RTVSPLFA2.

   CPIDEC        An  optional return  variable  that will  contain  the
                 number  of decimal  positions for  the  characters per
                 inch  of the  file.   If specified,  the variable must
                 be  declared  as  *CHAR  LEN(1).    See  the  RTVSPLFA
                 command for  the CPI parameter to  retrieve the number
                 of whole numbers.

   USRDFNTXT     An  optional  return variable  that  will  contain the
                 information from  the  interactive user  profile  when
                 the  spooled file  was  created.   If  specified,  the
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(100).

   USRDFNDTA     An  optional  return variable  that  will  contain the
                 information  from  the  USRDFNDTA  parameter  used  on
                 CRTPRTF or OVRPRTF.   If specified, the  variable must
                 be declared as *CHAR LEN(250).

                 See  also USRDFNDTA2 which  allows the full  255 bytes
                 allowed to be returned.

   USRDFNDTA2    An  optional  return  variable that  will  contain the
                 information  from  the  USRDFNDTA  parameter  used  on
                 CRTPRTF or  OVRPRTF.  If specified,  the variable must
                 be declared as *CHAR LEN(255).

   PRTTYPE2      An  optional  return variable  that  will  contain the
                 printer type  of the  file.   The  value returned  for
                 printer  output will  be *SCS,  *IPDS, *AFPDS,  *LINE,
                 *AFPDSLINE,  or  *USERASCII.    The  RTVSPLFA  command
                 returns a  5 byte  parameter PRTTYPE  which  truncates
                 some of the  values.  If specified, the  variable must
                 be declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

   STRPAGE       An  optional  return variable  that  will contain  the
                 starting  page number for  the file.   If CHGSPLFA has
                 been  used  to   change  the  starting  page   of  the
                 PAGERANGE parameter,  the value will be  returned.  If
                 neither  the start or end page  has been specified for
                 the PAGERANGE parameter,  a 0  is returned.   If  only
                 the end  page value  was specified,  a 1 is  returned.
                 If  *ENDPAGE  was specified,  a  -1 is  returned.   If
                 STRPAGE is specified,  the variable  must be  declared
                 as *DEC LEN(10 0).

   ENDPAGE       An  optional return  variable  that will  contain  the
                 ending  page number  for the  file.   If  CHGSPLFA has
                 been  used to change the  ending page of the PAGERANGE
                 parameter, the value will  be returned.  If the  value
                 has  not  been  changed,  a  0 is  returned  (see  the
                 TOTPAG  parameter on RTVSPLFA for  the total number of
                 pages).  If  ENDPAGE is  specified, the variable  must
                 be declared as *DEC LEN(10 0).

   FILEOPEN      An optional return  variable that will contain  a *YES
                 or  *NO  for  whether the  file  is  still  open.   If
                 FILEOPEN is specified, the  variable must be  declared
                 as *CHAR LEN(4).

   EXPDATE       An  optional  return variable  that  will  contain  an
                 expiration  date  (CYMD  format)  for  when  the  file
                 expires.    If no  expiration date  has been  set, the
                 value will  be blank.   If EXPDATE  is specified,  the
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(7).

   LSTUSE        An  optional return  variable  that  will contain  the
                 last  date   (CYMD  format)  for  when  the  file  was
                 displayed,  copied,   printed,  sent,   or  when   the
                 attributes  were changed.   The  initial  date is  the
                 same  as the date the  file was opened.   If LSTUSE is
                 specified, the  variable  must be  declared  as  *CHAR

   FIDELITY      An  optional return  variable  that will  contain  the
                 Fidelity attribute  of the spooled file.   *CONTENT or
                 *ABSOLUTE   will   be  returned.     If   FIDELITY  is
                 specified, the  variable  must  be declared  as  *CHAR

   REDUCE        An  optional return  variable  that  will contain  the
                 Reduce  attribute  of  the  spooled  file  when  doing
                 multiple  up  printing.    *TEXT  or  *NONE   will  be
                 returned.  If  REDUCE is specified, the  variable must
                 be declared as *CHAR LEN(5).

   DUPLEX        An  optional  return variable  that  will  contain the
                 Duplex  attribute  (print  on   both  sides)  of   the
                 spooled  file   when  doing   multiple  up   printing.
                 *FORMDF, *NO,  YES, or *TUMBLE  will be returned.   If
                 DUPLEX  is  specified, the  variable must  be declared
                 as *CHAR LEN(10).






None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   RTVSPLFA      *CMD                      TAASPLF        QATTCMD
   RTVSPLFA2     *CMD                      TAASPLF2       QATTCMD
   TAASPLFC      *PGM          CLP         TAASPLFC       QATTCL
   TAASPLFC2     *PGM          CLP         TAASPLFC2      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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