TAA Tools

The Retrieve  User Space Initialization  command has a  special purpose
to  work with  the system  provided  APIs in  a CL  program  to provide
lists (e.g.  lists of members or objects) in user spaces.

The steps required to use a list are:

  1.   Create  a user space  (See the QUSCRTUS program  or the TAA tool

  2.   Fill the space with a list  by using a CALL to a  system program
       such as QUSLOBJ.

  3.   Retrieve the  initialization information from the  list (See the
       QUSRTVUS   program  or  the   command  provided   by  this  tool

  4.   Retrieve one entry  at a time  from the list  (See the  QUSRTVUS
       program or the TAA tool RTVUSRSPCE).

  5.   In  some  cases,  the  entry  you  receive  is  only  enough  to
       identify  the  job,  the  object  etc.    that you  really  want
       information on.   In  this  case you  must  do another  call  to
       retrieve the specific information.

Many functions that want to  use an API list use a CL  program to begin
processing.  The  first three steps can be done from CL.   Step 4 and 5
(retrieving  of an  entry and  specific information)  can be  done from
either CL or a HLL program.   Depending on what is to be done  with the
information, you can use either either approach.

For example,  if you are  going to perform  a CL command on  each entry
of  the list,  it is probably  easier to  perform the  retrieve step in
CL.  If you are going  to print the information, it is probably  easier
to use a HLL program.

Each  of the  API list  functions produces  a standard  heading set  of
information  in the  user  space.   Following this  information  is the
list.  The  offset of  where the  list starts  and the  length of  each
entry may  change on a  future release.   The heading area  contains an
offset  to where  the list starts  and the  length of  each entry.   To
protect  your program against future  release changes, this information
should be accessed  as an initialization  step rather than hard  coding
the offset and entry length into your program.

The purpose  of RTVUSRSPCI is to access  the initialization information
and  return it so it  is ready to be  used in the next  step.  The next
step can  be  either in  CL  or  the values  may  be passed  to  a  HLL

The initialization information you need to process a list is:

  **   The offset (start position) to where the list starts.

  **   The number of entries in the list.

  **   The  length  of each  entry  (Each  entry is  normally  multiple
       fields.    These are  passed as  a  data structure.    The entry
       length is the length of the data structure).

A typical command is entered as:

                        NBRENT(&NBRENT) ENTLEN(&ENTLEN)

The last three  parameters are  'return values'  where the  information
is passed back to your CL program.

The  RTVUSRSPCI command  calls  the QUSRTVUS  program  with the  proper
parameters to access the information needed for initialization.

A few important points:

  **   The STRPOS field  must be declared as *CHAR  LEN(4).  It holds a
       binary  value.  Unlike the  QUSRTVUS program, the value returned
       is not the  offset, but the actual  start position.  You  do not
       need to add 1 to the value to begin processing.

  **   The  NBRENT field  must be  declared as  *DEC LEN(9  0).   It is
       returned  in decimal format to allow  a simple count and compare
       in CL or a HLL to  determine when the end of list has  occurred.

  **   The ENTLEN field must  be declared as *CHAR LEN(4).   It holds a
       binary value which describes the length of each entry.

CL Example

The following  shows the code necessary to  produce and process a list.
CL is used for  the entire example.   The example, shows the  structure
of what needs  to be done for  any list, but the function  performed is
not very  practical.  A list  of *JOBQ objects in the  QGPL library are
accessed  and a message is  sent for each one  found.  In this example,
Step 5 (retrieve specific  information) is not needed because  the list
entry itself contains all the necessary information.

             DCL        &ENTLEN *CHAR LEN(4)
             DCL        &NBRENT *DEC LEN(9 0)
             DCL        &FULLSPACE *CHAR LEN(20)
             DCL        &FULLOBJ *CHAR LEN(20)
             DCL        &OBJ *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL        &LIB *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL        &SPACE *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL        &SPACEL *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL        &OBJTYPE *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL        &STRPOS *CHAR LEN(4)
             DCL        &RTNVAR *CHAR LEN(1000)
             DCL        &COUNT *DEC LEN(9 0)
                        /* Create space using TAA command */
             CHGVAR     &SPACE 'SPACE2'
             CHGVAR     &SPACEL 'QTEMP'
                        /* Next two CHGVARs build up 20 byte     */
                        /*   variables as needed for the CALL    */
                        /*   to QUSLOBJ                          */
             CHGVAR     &FULLOBJ   ('*ALL      QGPL')
                        /* Call to QUSLOBJ is the API to fill    */
                        /*   the space with an object list. It   */
                        /*   requests the *JOBQ objects in QGPL. */
                        /*   OBJL0100 is the format name of the  */
                        /*   list produced.                      */
             CALL       QUSLOBJ PARM(&FULLSPACE 'OBJL0100' +
                          &FULLOBJ '*JOBQ')
                        /* Retrieve the initialization values    */
                        /*   as described in this tool           */
                          NBRENT(&NBRENT) ENTLEN(&ENTLEN)

LOOP:                   /* Start processing loop                 */
                        /*   Count and check for total in list   */
             CHGVAR     &COUNT (&COUNT + 1)
             IF         (&COUNT *LE &NBRENT) DO /* Process entry   */
                        /* Retrieve the entry using TAA command    */
                        /*   The &STRPOS value is initially set    */
                        /*     by the RTVUSRSPCI command. On each  */
                        /*     use of RTVUSRSPCE, the next &STRPOS */
                        /*     value is automatically returned.    */
                        /* The ENTLEN is the same for each use  */
                          STRPOS(&STRPOS) RTNVAR(&RTNVAR)
                        /* Extract individual fields from RTNVAR */
                        /*   The format of each list differs.    */
                        /*   See the list data section for the   */
                        /*   API that you are using              */
             CHGVAR     &OBJ %SST(&RTNVAR 1 10)
             CHGVAR     &LIB %SST(&RTNVAR 11 10)
             CHGVAR     &OBJTYPE %SST(&RTNVAR 21 10)
                        /* This example only sends a message  */
             GOTO       LOOP
             ENDDO      /* Process entry */
                        /* RTVUSRSPCE defaults to return with LR  */
                        /*   off to allow faster access. When the */
                        /*   loop is complete, use SETLR(*ON) or  */
                        /*   RCLRSC                               */
                          STRPOS(&STRPOS) RTNVAR(&RTNVAR) SETLR(*ON)

In this example,  Step 5 was not needed because  the entry retrieved by
RTVUSRSPCE  contains all the  necessary information to  send a message.
If this were  not the case, another  call would have  to be done  using
the information received by RTVUSRSPCE.

For example,  assume that you  want the  detail information for  all of
the spooled  files for a specific user.   After RTVUSRSPCE is executed,
the identifying  information about  one  spooled file  is known.    You
would  then do  a  call to  QUSRSPLA  to retrieve  the  details of  the
spooled file (e.g.   page length, the form type).   It is possible that
the  spooled file  will no  longer exist.   After  the list  of spooled
files was generated, it  is possible that the spooled file  was printed
or deleted by the  time the call to QUSRSPLA is done.   You can monitor
for this condition.

RPG Example

If  you need  a  HLL program  to process  the  list entries,  the first
three steps  (Creating the space,  filling the  space with  a list  and
retrieving  the  initialization  values)  can  still  be  done  in  CL.
Assume you  have copied all of  the previous CL statements  down to the
label LOOP.

Instead of performing  the processing  loop function in  CL, you  would
call  a HLL  program  with the  information  retrieved from  RTVUSRSPCI
such as:

                          &ENTLEN &STRPOS)

The  following is the  complete RPG  program.   It prints one  line per
entry in the list.

     FQPRINT  O   F     132     OF     PRINTER
     I* DS for the entry length
     IDSLEN       DS
     I                                    B   1   40ENTLN
     I* DS for the start position
     IDSSTR       DS
     I                                    B   1   40STRPS
     I* DS for the makeup of each list entry
     I*   The information is hard coded to assist in understanding.
     I*   The information could have been copied in using PSOBJL0100
     I*     member in QATTRPG. See the LIST DS provided
     I*     in the described member.
     IDSRCV       DS
     I                                        1  10 OBJECT
     I                                       11  20 LIB
     I                                       21  30 OBJTYP
     C           *ENTRY    PLIST                           Parm list
     C                     PARM           USRSPC 20        User space
     C                     PARM           NBRENT  90       Nbr of entrs
     C                     PARM           DSLEN            DS entry len
     C                     PARM           DSSTR            DS str pos
     C* Do for the number of entries passed in
     C                     DO   NBRENT                     Do nbr of
     C                     CALL 'QUSRTVUS'                 Call extract
     C                     PARM           USRSPC           User space
     C                     PARM           STRPS            Start pos
     C                     PARM           ENTLN            Entry length
     C                     PARM           DSRCV            Data struct
     C* Print a line for each entry
     C                     EXCPTPRINT                      Print a line
     C* Bump for next start position
     C                     ADD  ENTLN     STRPS            Bump
     C                     END                             Do nbr of
     C* End of program
     C                     SETON                     LR    Set LR
     C                     RETRN                           Return
     OQPRINT  E  1             PRINT
     O                         OBJECT    10
     O                         LIB       22
     O                         OBJTYP    34

See  the previous  discussion in the  CL example about  the handling of
Step 5 and  how it may  be necessary to monitor  for a situation  where
the  specific  information  cannot  be  received  because  the  job  or
spooled  file etc.   is no longer in  the system.   In RPG, you monitor
by specifying an indicator on the  call and then looking in the  status
area.  You would need to add the following to your program:

     I* DS for exception status conditions
     IEXPSTS     SDS
     I                                       40  46 MSGID
     C                     CALL 'xxxxxxxx'             42  Job info
     C* Check for error on CALL
     C   42                DO                              Call error
     C           MSGID     IFEQ 'xxxxxxx'                  Specific err
     C* Your processing such as ignore the condition
     C                     ELSE                            Other error
     C* Your processing for other errors such as SETON Hx and return
     C                     END                             Other error
     C                     END                             Call error

RTVUSRSPCI Command parameters                         *CMD

   USRSPC        The qualified  name of the  user space to  be created.

   STRPOS        Start  position.  This  is a return  variable and must
                 be declared  as *CHAR  LEN(4).   It will  contain  the
                 offset  plus 1  in  binary.   This  means that  it  is
                 ready  to  use as  the  start  position  of the  first
                 entry in any list.

   NBRENT        Number  of  entries.   This is  a return  variable and
                 must be declared  as *DEC LEN(9  0).  It will  contain
                 the  number  of entries  in  the  list.   It  is  your
                 responsibility  to stop  processing the list  when the
                 total number of entries has been processed.

   ENTLEN        Entry length.  This must  be declared as *CHAR  LEN(4)
                 and will be passed back as a binary value.


Because RTVUSRSPCI has  return variables, it can only be  executed in a
CL program.




None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type        Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----        ---------      ----------    ----------

   RTVUSRSPCI    *CMD                       TAASPCB       QATTCMD
   TAASPCBR      *PGM           RPG         TAASPCBR      QATTRPG

Note  that there is no  CL program.   The RPGLE program  is the command
processing program.

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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