TAA Tools

The Submit  FTP  Command command  submits a  single command  to run  on
another System i  that is connected via FTP.   It could be another LPAR
partition   on  the  same   physical  hardware.     Like  SBMNETJOB  or
SBMRMTCMD, SBMFTPCMD provides  a simple method  of submitting a job  to
another system, but uses the more popular FTP protocol.

A typical command would be:

             SBMFTPCMD   RMTSYS(rrr) RMTUSER(uuu) RMTPWD(ppp) +

The  user, password,  and the  remote system  would be  described along
with the command to be run.

The RMTPWD value will not be described in the job log.

Some  FTP connections  may hang  if either  or both of  the user  ID or
password exceeds the maximum size supported by the FTP server.

SBMFTPCMD may only be run in an interactive environment.

FTP Trouble shooting

If SBMFTPCMD fails, check  the log by  using DSPPFM QTEMP/FTPOUT.   You
must  have a  valid user  profile and  password on  the remote  system.
You can check this by trying to signon to the remote system.

The following are some unusual errors that may occur:

  **   530.   The  job  description is  not valid  or the  user  is not
       authorized to one of the libraries in the job description.

SBMFTPCMD escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

SBMFTPCMD Command parameters                          *CMD

   RMTSYS        The name of the remote  system.  Up to 255  characters
                 may  be entered.    *NETADR  may  not be  used.    The
                 proper  TCP/IP   connections  and  configuration  must

                 In  some situations the name must  be in the same case
                 as its host table entry.

   RMTUSER       The remote user  name to be used  to run a job  on the
                 remote system.   The user  name must exist as  a valid
                 profile  on the remote system.   A mixed case value of
                 up to 100 bytes may be entered.

   RMTPWD        The password  for  the  remote  user.   A  mixed  case
                 value of up to 100 bytes may be entered.

                 The password will not appear in the job log.

   CMD           The System i  command to be run on  the remote system.
                 Use F4 if needed to prompt for the command.


SBMFTPCMD may only be run in an interactive environment.

The proper TCP/IP connections and configuration must exist.

Some  FTP connections  may hang  if either or  both of  the user  ID or
password exceeds the maximum size supported by the FTP server.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADJAPOST        Adjust apostrophe
     FTP2            FTP 2
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   SBMFTPCMD     *CMD                   TAAFTPE       QATTCMD
   TAAFTPEC      *PGM       CLP         TAAFTPEC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 15, 2012

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