TAA Tools

The  Scan and  Update  Variable  command allows  a  CL variable  to  be
changed  based  on  an  existing  pattern  within the  variable.    The
replace  value must be the  same length as the  pattern to be replaced.
The same pattern can be replaced if it occurs multiple times.

The variable to  be scanned and  updated must be  *CHAR LEN(999).   You
would typically  move the  value to  be scanned and  updated to  a work
variable and then move back.

A typical series of commands would be:

             DCL           &WRKVAR *CHAR LEN(999)
             DCL           &RPLCOUNT *DEC LEN(3 0)
             CHGVAR        &WRKVAR &VAR1 /* Move from your variable */
             IF            (&RPLCOUNT *EQ 1) DO /* Replaced */
             CHGVAR        &VAR1 &WRKVAR /* Move back to your var */
             ENDDO         /* Replaced */
             IF            (&RPLCOUNT *EQ 0) DO /* Not found */

The  variable &WRKVAR would be scanned for  the pattern.  If found, the
first occurrence would be replaced with the value DEF.

The RPLCOUNT variable is  returned with a count  of how many times  the
pattern was replaced.   No escape message occurs if  the pattern is not
found.   You should specify  RPLCOUNT and check the  result if required
in your program.

You may optionally  replace multiple of  identical patterns within  the
variable or start the scan  at a position other than 1.   The length of
the scan  is determined by  the length of  data in UPDVAR  parameter or
the  ENDPOS value  which ever  is less.   The ENDPOS  value defaults to
*END meaning the length of the data in the UPDVAR.

A special function exists  with the FRCLEN parameter to  allow scanning
for and replacing blanks or Hex 00s.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   UPDVAR        The  variable   to  be  scanned  and   updated.    The
                 variable  must  be declared  as *CHAR  LEN(999).   The
                 length of the variable to  be scanned is based on  the
                 length  of  the  data within  the  variable  (trailing
                 blanks are not considered).

   PATTERN       The  pattern to scan  for within  the UPDVAR variable.
                 A maximum of  32 bytes  is supported.   If a  variable
                 is  specified,  the  length of  data  within  the  the
                 variable  can  be less  than  the full  length  of the
                 variable.    The  actual  length  of  the  pattern  is
                 determined  by  the  length  of  the   data  (trailing
                 blanks are not considered).

                 For  example,  assume  the   UPDVAR  has  a  value  of
                 'ABCDEFGHI    ' and  the PATTERN has a  value of 'DEF
                 '.  The  PATTERN is  trimmed of  trailing blanks,  and
                 'DEF'  would be  scanned  for and  found beginning  at
                 location 4  of the UPDVAR value.   The trailing blanks
                 in the UPDVAR value would not be scanned.

   RPLVALUE      The  replace  value.    A  maximum  of  32  bytes   is
                 supported.   The  data within  the value  must be  the
                 same length  as the data  length of the  PATTERN value
                 or TAA9892 is sent as an escape message.

                 For   example,  if  the   PATTERN  contains  DEF,  the
                 RPLVALUE must  also be 3  bytes such as  XYZ.  If  the
                 replace  value is less  than or  greater than  3 bytes
                 (excluding  trailing  blanks), the  escape  message is

                 If the  RPLVALUE  is a  variable,  the length  of  the
                 data  within  the  value   (without  trailing  blanks)
                 determines  the length to compare  against the PATTERN

   RPLCOUNT      The number of  times the pattern  was replaced.   This
                 is  an  optional return  variable  that  if  specified
                 must  be declared  as  *DEC LEN(3  0).   Note  that no
                 escape message occurs if the pattern is not found.

   STRPOS        The  start position  to begin  the scan.   The default
                 is 1.

   ENDPOS        The end  position to  end the  scan.   The default  is
                 *END  which  means  the  length  of the  data  in  the
                 UPDVAR  parameter.  If  a value is  specified, it must
                 be greater than the STRPOS value.

                 If the  value  is ABCDEFGHIJ  and  a scan  occurs  for
                 GHI, it will  be found if the ENDPOS is  7 or greater.

   MULTSCAN      Whether   to    scan   the   variable   for   multiple
                 occurrences.    The  default  is  *NO.    If  *YES  is
                 specified,  every  occurrence  of  the  PATTERN  found
                 after  the  start position  will  be  replaced by  the

   FRCLEN        Whether  to force the length  of the PATTERN value and
                 RPLVALUE  value.   The  default  is  *NO  meaning  the
                 length  of each  is determined  by scanning  the field
                 from the right for the first non-blank.

                 A  value from  1  to 32  may be  entered to  force the
                 length of  both the  PATTERN and  the  RPLVALUE to  be
                 the  length  specified.   The  intent  of  using  this
                 parameter  is  to allow  for  the case  where  a blank
                 (X'40') must be  replaced by  a null  (X'00') or  vice
                 versa.   Because blanks  have no  length (scan  occurs
                 from  the  right for  the  first  non-blank), using  a
                 FRCLEN  value  of  1  describes  the  length  of  both


Because the  command returns variables,  it may  only be used  in a  CL

Because trailing blanks  are trimmed off, they cannot  be considered to
be part of a valid pattern or replace value.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     RTVVALA         Retrieve value attributes
     SCNVAR          Scan variable
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   SCNUPDVAR     *CMD                   TAACLQU       QATTCMD
   TAACLQUC      *PGM       CLP         TAACLQUC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools January 1, 1999

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