TAA Tools
SNDLNGMSG       SEND LONG MESSAGE                      TAAMSIT

The Send Long  Message command is intended  as a debugging aid  to send
one or more  messages from a large variable.   This allows the value of
the  variable to be more  easily seen on a  command entry display or in
the job log.   The message length may be  between 10 and 512.   A ruler
is optional.

A typical series of commands would be:

             DCL        &CMD *CHAR LEN(3000)
             CHGVAR     &CMD (' ... ')
             SNDLNGMSG  MSG(&CMD)
             CALL       QCMDEXC PARM(&CMD 3000)

After building  up the  command, SNDLNGMSG sends  one or  more messages
to  the  program  message  queue  (by  default)  of  the program  using
SNDLNGMSG.   If  the  CALL  to  QCMDEXC  fails,  the  complete  set  of
messages  that were  sent will  exist  in the  job  log.   If the  CALL
completes normally,  a RMVMSG CLEAR(*ALL) may be  used to clear out the
job log messages.

The length of the  message defaults to 512  bytes (the largest  message
that can be sent).   A shorter length is often  desirable if attempting
to keep each  message on one line of text  for either the command entry
display or in the job log.

A  special value  *FMT exists  for the  MSGLEN parameter.   This allows
formatting of  the text  (words are  not split  over 2  lines) and  the
length of each line is constrained as follows:

  **   If the command  is run in an interactive  job, messages designed
       for  a  command entry  display  with a  length of  73  bytes are

  **   If the command is  run in a batch  job, messages designed for  a
       job log with a length of 58 bytes are used.

If  you do  not  want  the 'non'splitting'  function,  but  do want  to
specify a length of the line, typical lengths would be:

        Command entry line  = 73   Max on one line of a display
        Job log             = 58   Max on job log message

A  ruler  may be  requested  to assist  in  finding  specific positions
within the message.   If a  ruler is needed,  a typical message  length
would be 50.  This will allow you to more easily count positions.

The full  message value is  examined and  only those segments  (defined
by  the  MSGLEN parameter)  will  be  sent as  a  message  if they  are

SNDLNGMSG escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   MSG           The  message to  be split up  by the  MSGLEN value and
                 sent as separate  messages.  Up  to 5000 bytes may  be

                 The  full message  value  is examined  and only  those
                 segments  (defined by  the  MSGLEN parameter)  will be
                 sent as a message if they are non-blank

   MSGLEN        The message length  to be  sent.  The  default is  512
                 which  is  the  maximum  length message  that  can  be
                 sent.  The length must be between 10 and 512.

                 If  you just need  to see the  message text, 512  is a
                 good choice.

                 *FMT should be  specified if you  want formatted  text
                 (words are not  split between two lines).   The length
                 of  the  line  will  be  73  if  the  command  is  run
                 interactively  and 58 if the  command is run in batch.

                 If  you  want  words  to  be  split  over  the  lines,
                 typical  choices are  73 for  a command  entry message
                 and 58 for a job log message.

                 If  RULER(*YES) is specified, the  message length must
                 be between 20 and  80.  A typical  choice would be  50
                 to assist  you in  counting specific  positions within
                 the text.

   RULER         A  *YES/*NO  value for  whether  a  'ruler' should  be
                 sent as the first  message identifying the  positions.

                 *NO is the default to not send a 'ruler' message.

                 *YES may be specified  to send a 'ruler' as  the first
                 message.    If *YES  is  specified,  the MSGLEN  value
                 must be between 20 and 80.

                 A   typical   length   is  50   to   allow   a  simple
                 determination  of  the  exact  positions   within  the
                 message text.

   TOPGMQ        The  program message  queue  to send  the message  to.
                 The  default  is *SAME  meaning the  message  queue of
                 the  program  using  SNDLNGMSG.     This  allows   the
                 program  to clear  out  the  messages if  the  program
                 completes normally by using RMVMSG CLEAR(*ALL).

                 *PRV  may be entered to  have the message  sent to the
                 program prior in the call stack.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   SNDLNGMSG     *CMD                   TAAMSIT       QATTCMD
   TAAMSITC      *PGM       CLP         TAAMSITC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools November 15, 2005

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