TAA Tools
The  Status  Message  tool provides  a  solution  for  turning  certain
message IDs sent to a message queue into status messages.

To invoke  the function for your *USRPRF  message queue, specify within
your job:


By default, the following messages will be sent as status messages:

       CPF1240   Batch job ended normally
       CPF1241   Batch job ended abnormally
       TAA9851   TAA Tool message (see later discussion)

The status messages are not removed from the queue.

It  is possible that you will not see  or notice a status message.  For
example, two  messages  may arrive  almost  simultaneously or  you  are
switching to a Group job.

DSPMSG  is  still a  useful  function to  review  the  messages and  to
remove  messages.  The  advantage of the  STSMSG tool is  that you will
probably see most of the messages without being interrupted.

The default for STRSTSMSG  is to use the  *USRPRF message queue.   This
is the  default message queue assigned  for SBMJOB so that  the CPF1240
and  CPF1241 messages  produced by  the  batch job  will be  handled as
status messages.

You can also  set the  *WRKSTN message queue  or any  message queue  on
the MSGQ parameter.

Message Handling Review

When a  message is sent  to your message  queue, you normally  have two
choices to deal with the message:

  **   Use *BREAK mode and interrupt your job.

  **   Use  *HOLD or  *NOTIFY mode  and  continually check  the message
       queue to determine what messages exist.

If  you are  busy keying, neither  of these choices  is ideal.   If you
are   programming   and  normally   submit   many   batch   jobs,   the
interruptions can  degrade productivity.   If the  message queue  is in
break mode, you can lose keystrokes when a message arrives.

It  is possible  to turn  the received  messages into  status messages.
This provides you with  the important information without  interrupting
your work  flow.  A  break handling program  is needed.   The STRSTSMSG
command  sets  your  workstation  message  queue  to a  standard  break
handling program.

Default use of STRSTSMSG

If no  STSMSG data  area exists,  defaults are  used  when you  specify

The following messages will be turned into status messages:

       CPF1240   Batch job ended normally
       CPF1241   Batch job ended abnormally
       TAA9851   TAA Tool message (see later discussion)

Another message  (TAA9852) is  always ignored.   It does  not become  a
status message and will never cause the DSPMSG function.

Any other message IDs will by default cause the DSPMSG function.

Defining your own rules

The  defaults occur  if a  data area  by the  name  of STSMSG  does not
exist  on the library list.  You can  create a STSMSG data area that is
system wide or  one for your  own personal use.   The first one  found,
determines how the message IDs will be handled.

The data area must be created with the CONARR TAA Tool:

         CRTCONARR   DTAARA(xxx/STSMSG) TEXT('Used by STSMSG tool)
                       ENTLEN(7) ENTTXT('Message ID')

You edit the data area with the EDTCONARR command:


If you want  certain message IDs in addition  to the defaults described
previously, you must enter the default message IDs:


You can then add your own message IDs.

If  you do  not want one  or more  of the  default message  IDs, do not
enter it.

You cannot change the following by using entries in the data area:

      - All inquiry messages cause DSPMSG
      - TAA9852 is ignored (left in the message queue)

TAA9851 and TAA9852 message IDs

Two special messages exist  in the TAAMSGF tool  in TAATOOL for use  by
other  TAA  Tools or  for  your  application  use.   Both  message  IDs
contain  no text  and  insert the  value passed  as MSGDTA.    They are
similar to the CPF9897 or CPF9898  message IDs.  Any message data  that
is sent is the entire message.

  **   TAA9851.  By default,  the message is sent as  a status message.
       You may change this as described previously.

  **   TAA9852.   The  message ID  is always  ignored.   The  intent of
       this  message is  when you want  to sent  multiple messages, but
       only want  to  break or  cause  a status  message  on the  final
       message.   You would send all  but the last message  as TAA9852.

STRSTSMSG escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    The message queue could not be allocated

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   MSGQ          The  qualified   name  of  the  message  queue  to  be
                 handled by  a break  program  that will  send  certain
                 messages as status messages.

                 The default is  *USRPRF.  This is  the default message
                 queue  assigned  for SBMJOB  so that  the  CPF1240 and
                 CPF1241 messages  produced by  the batch  job will  be
                 handled as status messages.

                 The special value *WRKSTN may also be used.

                 The library  defaults to *LIBL.   *CURLIB may  also be

Using the CPP Directly

The old  form of the tool  did not support the STRSTSMSG  command.  You
may still use this form to set the break handling program as:



If  the  user has  specified CHGJOB  BRKMSG(*HOLD), the  break handling
program will not be invoked.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

          CONARR       Constant array


None, the tool is ready to use.

You must specify the STRSTSMSG command in your job.

If you  want to  add additional  message IDs  to be  treated as  status
messages, see the previous instructions.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   TAAMSGD       *CMD                      TAAMSGD        QATTCMD
   TAAMSGDC      *PGM          CLP         TAAMSGDC       QATTCL
   TAAMSGDC2     *PGM          CLP         TAAMSGDC2      QATTCL

Note  that  TAAMSGDC2 is  the  CPP.   This  is  done for  compatibility
reasons  when  the  tool  did  not  support  a  command,  but only  the
TAAMSGDC program.

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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