TAA Tools

The Work  All  Spooled Files  command allows  a  user designed  WRKSPLF
display  in terms  of Options and  Function keys.   The  normal WRKSPLF
functions  may be  chosen along with  TAA commands  (such as PRTPAGRNG)
plus  user  defined  options   and  function  keys.    'Sort   by'  and
'sequencing' options  are also provided.   There is no  command line by

The command is intended for:

  **   End  user use via a  menu option.   The command parameters would
       be pre-specified.

  **   Programmer use.   It defaults  to act like  WRKSPLF, but  allows
       more function.

  **   A  search  function  for  users  authorized  to  the  TAAALLSPLF
       authorization  list  to let  them  find spooled  files  based on
       different criteria.

To try most  of the  options and  Function key  capabilities enter  the
sample command:


You can see all the  Options by using F23 and all the  Function Keys by
using F24.

For simple use, all the defaults may be taken as:


The display  would be similar  to WRKSPLF displaying  the spooled files
for  the current  user, but additional  options would  be available for
certain TAA Tool commands.

The options (such as 5=DSPSPLF) can be:

  **   The standard  system functions  supported by WRKSPLF.   This  is
       the  default.   If you  don't want  one or  more of  the options
       they can be eliminated individually.

  **   Certain  TAA commands including  PRTPAGRNG, DSPPRTSPC, DSPSPLF3,
       and CVTSPLSTO  are  provided by  default.   One  or all  can  be
       eliminated  or renumbered.   An  option exists  for a  CHGTOOUTQ
       function  to allow  the  user to  have his  own  personal output
       queue and  control  when  spooled  files are  moved  to  a  'hot
       queue'.   Another option  allows a  change of  the 'hot  queue'.
       There  are  also  special  options  such  as  *CHGSPLFCPY  which
       invokes  the TAA CHGSPLFCPY  command which are  specified like a
       user defined option.

  **   User  defined options  for  your  own  requirements.    An  exit
       program must be written.  A sample is provided.

       Special options  are supported such as *CHGSPLFCPY  which do not
       require a user exit program.

To  eliminate one of  the default  system or TAA  options, just specify
*NO to the proper command parameter such as:

             SNDNETSPLF    ...  DLTSPLF(*NO)

in which case the  user would not see  the '4=Delete' option and  would
not be able to delete any spooled files.

Different option  numbers may be  assigned.   For example, if  you want
1=DSPSPLF (instead of the default for 5=DSPSPLF), specify

             DSPSPLF       ...  DSPSPLF(1)

By  default, the  SNDNETSPLF option  is 1.   You  would either  have to
change  the  SNDNETSPLF  default  to   an  unused  option  or   specify
SNDNETSPLF(*NO).  Any assigned option numbers must be unique.

Assume you  want to add  your own option  to send a  fax for  a spooled
file.  You want to assign Option 15 with a text of 'F15=Send fax'.

The command prompt would be entered as:

 User option:
   Name . . . . . . . . . . . . .   SNDFAX____    Name
   Number . . . . . . . . . . . .   15__          1-99
   Text . . . . . . . . . . . . .   Send fax_________________
 Exit pgm for user Opt an Fn  . .   xxx_______    Name, *NONE
   Library  . . . . . . . . . . .     __________  Name, *LIBL

If entered in SEU, the command would be returned as:

             WRKALLSPLF    ... USEROPTION(SNDFAX 15 'Send fax')

The name SNDFAX  would would be passed to  the named Exit program along
with  other values to  assist you in  specifying the required function.
In the  exit program,  you can use  selective prompting  to prompt  the
user for who  to send the fax  to.  See the later  discussion about how
to write an Exit program (a sample is provided).

If  there are  more  option descriptions  than fit  on  2 lines  of the
display, F23 may be  used to roll  thru the valid  options.  This is  a
dynamic function  based on  what options  are specified.   The  options
always appear in numeric order.

Command key usage allows:

  **   Standard  F keys  such as  F3=Exit, F5=Refresh,  F18=Bottom, and
       F21=Sort prompt.

  **   User defined  F keys  for use  with supplied  functions such  as

  **   User  defined F  keys  for  user function.    This could  be  as
       simple as DSPJOB or your own command.

For example,  assume you want  to use F7  for your own  function DSPYYY
and F8 for the TAA command WRKSPLSTO.

The command prompt would be entered as:

 User F Keys:
   Function key . . . . . . . . .   *F7_          *F6, *F7, *F8...
   Text . . . . . . . . . . . . .   'Display YYY'____________
   Special support  . . . . . . .   *NONE_____    *NONE, *SPLSTO...

   Function key . . . . . . . . .   *F8_          *F6, *F7, *F8...
   Text . . . . . . . . . . . . .   'Work spool store'
   Special support  . . . . . . .   *SPLSTO       *NONE, *SPLSTO...

If you were keying in SEU, the command would be returned as:

             WRKALLSPLF    ... USERFKEYS((*F7 'Display YYY')
                                 (*F8 'Work Spool Store' *SPLSTO))

For  each user  defined function (such  as DSPYYY), you  must provide a
routine in the same  exit program used for  User Options.  The  special
options such as *SPLSTO are automatically provided for.

If  there are  more F  key descriptions  than fit  on one  line  of the
display,  F24 may be used  to roll thru  the Function key descriptions.
This  is a  dynamic  operation  based  on  what  is  specified  on  the
command.    With  the  exception  of F23  and  F24,  the  Function  Key
descriptions are always presented from lowest to highest.

Sort and sequence options allow:

  **   A prompt screen which is accessed by using F21.

  **   The  'Sort  by' entry  may  be *NONE  (same  order  as WRKSPLF),
       *FILE, *OUTQ, *JOB (fully qualified job name), or *USER.

  **   Each 'Sort by'  entry can  be sequenced in  either ascending  or
       descending sequence.

Processing multiple options

Multiple options may be requested  with one use of the Enter  key.  The
spooled  files with options  are processed in  order as they  appear on
the  display  with  the  exception of  DLTSPLF  requests.    All delete
requests  are processed  last  and  a Confirmation  Prompt  appears  to
allow the user to confirm his request.

If an  option fails, option  processing is interrupted and  the display
re-appears  with  the option  number  that failed  and  any unprocessed
option numbers.

F3/F12 may be used  during a series of  functions such as 5=Display  to
return  to the  WRKALLSPLF subfile  display.   Some  functions such  as
DSPSPLFA do not respond to a F3 request.

CHGTOOUTQ parameter

Some  installations want  to prevent  end  users from  changing spooled
files.  However,  they may want  their users to  have their own  output
queue and be able to decide when a spooled file should be printed.

The CHGTOOUTQ  function is  designed for  this purpose.   It allows  an
option that will  cause a spooled file to be  moved to a 'print queue'.
By  default, the  'print queue',  is the  output queue assigned  to the
job (See the PRTQ parameter).

The special EXITPGM  parameter option of  *CHGTOOUTQ allows a  Function
Key to be  named which will cause  a prompt for a change  to the Output
Queue to be used.

'Display only' requirements

If  your requirement is  to provide  a 'display only'  function for end
users,  you  should  prevent  options  that  allow  the  user  to  make
changes.  This includes DLTSPLF, CHGSPLFA, and WRKPRTSTS.

If you  want to  control the  CHGSPLFA options,  a solution  is to  use
separate  options for some of  the sub-functions.  This  is the purpose
of the CHGTOOUTQ function and the following special options:

      - *CHGSPLFCPY  - Allows a change to the number of copies
      - *CHGSPLFORM  - Allows a change to the form type
      - *CHGSPLFPTY  - Allows a change to the output priority

Instead of the WRKSPLF  '9=Work with printing  status' option, you  may
want to consider  the TAA DSPFSTSPLF function supported  as *DSPFSTSPLF

You  may  or may  not  want  to prevent  options  such as  HLD/RLSSPLF,
SNDNETSPLF,  or PRTPAGRNG.   You  can tailor  the display for  your own

Also see the section on Spool Store and Spool Archive.

Special Options supported

The  following  options are  supported  as  command  parameters.    For
additional details, see the command prompt:

   PRTPAGRNG     Prints  a subset spooled  file.   Simpler to  use than
                 the  system support  and  produces a  separate spooled

   DSPPRTSPC     Displays spooled file with  blank lines as opposed  to
                 the system support which squeezes out blank lines.

   DSPSPLF3      Displays   spooled   file   without   heading   lines.
                 Command  prompt allows which lines  should be skipped.

   CVTSPLSTO     Allows spooled files  to be stored  in an online  data
                 base.  See later discussion of the Spool Store.

   CHGTOOUTQ     Provides  a simple  means  of transferring  a  spooled
                 file to  an output queue  that is being  printed.  See
                 also the special Function key *CHGTOOUTQ.

The  following  options  may  be  entered  as  special  values  on  the
USEROPTION parameter.

   *CHGSPLFCPY   Allows a simple change of the number of copies.

   *CHGSPLFORM   Allows a simple change of the form type.

   *CHGSPLFPTY   Allows a simple change  of the spooled file  priority.

   *CPYIFSTXT    Prompts  for the  CPYSPLFIFS  command to  copy to  the
                 IFS in 'text' format.

   *CPYIFSRTF    Prompts  for  the CPYSPLFIFS  command to  copy  to the
                 IFS in 'rich text format'.

   *CPYIFSHTM    Prompts for  the  CPYSPLFIFS command  to copy  to  the
                 IFS in 'HTML' format.

   *CPYIFSSYS    Prompts  for  the  CPYSPLFIFS   command  to  copy  the
                 spooled  file to the  IFS in  a format that  allows it
                 to be re-converted to a  spooled file.  The intent  of
                 the function is  to allow a  spooled file on  a source
                 system  to be  transferred to  a  target system  as an
                 E-mail  attachment and  then made into  a spooled file
                 on the target system.   See the CPYIFSSPLF  command to
                 convert to a spooled file on the target system.

                 *CPYSPLIFS converts  the spooled  file to a  data base
                 file  in  QTEMP using  by the  TAA  CVTFRMSPLF command
                 which  uses  APIs.    All  attributes  and   data  are
                 converted.  The  data base file is then  copied to the
                 IFS.   On  the target  system, the  CPYSPLFIFS command
                 is used

   *CPYIFSPDF    Prompts for  the CPYSPLFIFS  command  to copy  to  the
                 IFS in PDF format.

   *CPYSPLF      Prompts for  the system CPYSPLF  command to  convert a
                 spooled  file  to a  data  base file  (no  blank lines
                 appear in the data base file).

   *CPYSPLF2     Prompts  for  the CPYSPLF2  TAA  command to  convert a
                 spooled file to  a data base  file (blank lines and  a
                 new page indication appear in the data base file).

   *DSPSPLF4     Provides  DSPSPLF followed  by  a  prompt that  allows
                 the spooled file to be retained or deleted.

   *DSPSPLF80    Provides  the TAA DSPSPLF80  command which displays in
                 an 80  wide  format regardless  of the  screen  width.
                 Blank lines are excluded (same as DSPSPLF).

   *DSPSPLF80B   Provides the  TAA DSPSPLF80 command which  displays in
                 an  80  wide format  regardless of  the  screen width.
                 Blank lines are included.

   *DUPSPLF      Duplicates a  spooled file  with new  attributes  such
                 as a different output queue.

   *PRTPAGOF     Re-prints the spooled  file with a simple  Page number
                 such as 'Page n' to become 'Page n of n'.

   *PRTREVERSE   Duplicates  a spooled file  with the pages  in reverse

Special Function Key support

The   following  may  be  selected  as  Function  key  support  on  the
USERFKEYS parameter:

   *CHGALLSPLF   Prompts for the  CHGALLSPLF command.  This  provides a
                 simple means  of changing the  attributes for multiple
                 spooled files.

   *CHGTOOUTQ    Prompts  to   allow  a  change  of  the  Output  Queue
                 assigned if  the CHGTOOUTQ  parameter is  assigned  an
                 Option number.

   *DSPFSTSPLF   Displays  the status  of the  first  spooled file  for
                 the  user to  assist in  determining  when it  will be

   *DLTALL       Allows all spooled  files (that were  selected) to  be
                 deleted.   This operates as  if the delete  option was
                 specified  for  every spooled  file.   A  confirmation
                 prompt occurs.

   *DLTPAGE      Allows  all  spooled  files  that  are  shown  on  the
                 current page to be  deleted.  This operates as  if the
                 delete  option was  specified for  every spooled  file
                 on the page.

   *DSPALL       Allows  all spooled files  (that were  selected) to be
                 displayed.   This operates  as if  the display  option
                 was specified for every spooled file.

   *DSPALL4      Allows all  spooled files  (that were selected)  to be
                 displayed  with  the  DSPSPLF4  command (described  in
                 the Options).   Following  each  display is  a  prompt
                 that allows retention or deletion.

   *DSPPAGE      Allows  all  spooled  files  that  are  shown  on  the
                 current  page to be  displayed.   This operates  as if
                 the  display  option was  specified for  every spooled
                 file on the page.

   *QUSCMDLN     Allows the system command line to be displayed.

   *SPLARC       Prompts for  the  WRKSPLARC command.    This allows  a
                 re-display of  a stored spooled  file.  See  the later
                 discussion on the Spool Archive.

   *SPLSTO       Prompts  for  the WRKSPLSTO  command.   This  allows a
                 re-display of a  stored spooled file.   See the  later
                 discussion on the Spool Store.

   *WRKPRT       Allows  access to  the system  function  to start  and
                 stop  printers.    It  is  the  same  support  as  the
                 WRKSPLF F22=Printers function.

Spool Store Tool

The Spool Store  tool allows  you to  store spooled file  data on  line
(in a data  base file) where it can  be re-printed on request.   It can
be  used  conveniently  as  an  Option  and  a  supported  F  key  from

To  use a  Spool Store,  the CRTSPLSTO command  must be  used to create
the required  files.  CRTSPLSTO  defaults so  that any user  may add  a
spooled file  to the Spool  Store or re-print  a version, but  only the
owner may delete a spooled file.

The  CVTSPLSTO option  (default is  Option 13),  may be  used to  add a
spooled file to the Spool  Store identified by the SPLSTOLIB  parameter
(default is *LIBL).

If  an  automatic  spool  store is  used,  the  SPLSTOID  parameter  is

If  a manual spool  store is used,  the SPLSTOID parameter  defaults to
*PROMPT meaning the  end user  must enter a  value.   If the  parameter
has a  value other than  prompt, the value  is used as  the ID  and the
end user may not change it.

The  *SPLSTO special support  option for  F keys, causes  the WRKSPLSTO
command  to  be  used  for  the  same  Spool  Store.    This  allows  a
re-printing of stored spooled data.

Spool Archive Tool

The Spool Archive Tool is  similar to the Spool Store, but  is designed
to keep  old spooled  files offline after  a user determined  number of
days.    This  requires  less storage  space,  but  manual  handling to
re-print a version that is not online.

The spooled  files would  normally be  written to  the  archive by  the
STRSPLARC  function  which  converts  all  spooled  files  in  multiple
output  queues.  There is  no convenient method of  converting a single
spooled file.

The WRKSPLARC function (supported  as a special  type of Function  key)
will  allow a  user  to  search the  archive  for  a spooled  file  and
re-print those  that are online.   A prompt will appear if  the data to
be re-printed is not on line.  No delete option exists.

Exit program

You must supply an Exit program if:

  **   You  specify a  user defined option  (USEROPTION parameter) that
       is not supported by a special value (such as *CHGSPLFPTY) or

  **   You specify a  user defined Function  key that is not  supported
       by a special value (such as *SPLSTO).

A working  sample program is provided.   The intent of  the sample code
is  that  you would  copy it  to  begin your  own  version of  the Exit
program and  then  modify or  delete  the specific  examples  provided.
The majority of  the code can be  left as is for  future modifications.

The sample provides code for:

  **   The TAA  command DSPSPLFA (this is also  supported by default as
       option  8=Attributes,  but  provides   the  basic  code  to   be
       followed  to  operate  on a  spooled  file  where  no  selective
       prompting is required.  The option name assigned is DSPATR1.

  **   The   same  TAA  command   DSPSPLFA  with   selective  prompting
       provided  for the OUTPUT parameter.   The other parameters (such
       as  the  spooled  file  name  and  number)   are  protected  via
       selective  prompting   code.    The  option   name  assigned  is

  **   A Function key to allow a request for DSPJOB.

To  try the sample, specify the  following including the sample program
name TAASPMSC21:

        WRKALLSPLF    USEROPTION((DSPATR1 15 'Display attributes 1') +
                        (DSPATR2 16 'Display attributes 2')) +
                        USERFKEYS((*F6 'Display job')) +

The code provided  for the  sample should  be copied when  you want  to
write your  own exit  program.   The parameters  passed to the  program

   OPTNAM        The  option  name declared  as  *CHAR  LEN(11).   This
                 will  contain   the   name  you   specified   on   the
                 USEROPTION parameter  as DSPATR1.   Use this  value to
                 determine  what  option   or  Function  key  is  being
                 requested.    User  defined function  keys  are passed
                 with the Function  key name preceded  by an * such  as

   BIG           This  is  a large  data  structure  declared as  *CHAR
                 LEN(1000).   It  will contain  many of  the WRKALLSPLF
                 command   parameter   values   as   well   as   detail
                 information  about the  spooled  file  that an  option
                 has been  selected for.  The  data structure layout is
                 defined in the sample.

                 The major values that you  will probably want to  work
                 with  have  already  been  declared  with  unique  DCL
                 statements.     Standard  CHGVAR  commands   exist  to
                 extract  the major values from  the BIG data structure
                 to unique variable names.   You will probably  want to
                 leave these 'as is' in the program.

                 Note  that if  a  Function key  request  is made,  the
                 detail   spooled  file  information  will  exist,  but
                 should be  ignored (it  may be  from  the last  option
                 request  or the  last spooled  file  processed by  the

   RTNCDE        This is  a return code declared as  *CHAR LEN(3).  The
                 value is passed to  your program as  blanks.  If  your
                 option completes  normally, the  value should be  left
                 unchanged.   If  your option  fails, the  value should
                 be  set  to  'ERR'  and  you  should  also  provide  a
                 description in the MSGTXT parameter.

                 When  'ERR' is  sensed  by  the  WRKALLSPLF  function,
                 processing of  options is interrupted and  the list of
                 spooled  files  is re-displayed  retaining  the option
                 number that failed.   If  the RTNCDE is  blank on  the
                 return, the Option number is reset to blank.

                 Note   that  the   RTNCDE  should   be  ignored   when
                 operating  with Function key requests.   If a Function
                 key  request  fails,  use  the  MSGTXT  parameter   to
                 describe the error.

   MSGTXT        This  is a  return value  declared  as *CHAR  LEN(75).
                 It  is passed  as  blanks.   Any  description provided
                 will  be displayed on  line 24.  The  text may be used
                 as  either  a  completion  message  or   as  an  error


Any user  can use the command  by taking the default  of USER(*CURRENT)
to display his own spooled files.

If  the user  is authorized  to the  TAAALLSPLF authorization  list, he
can display  spooled  files  owned  by  other users.    Two  levels  of
authorization can  be used  to either  allow or disallow  authorization
to the  spooled files in a  private output queue (such  as used for the
printing of  payroll  checks).   The  definition of  a  private  output
queue is that it is created with the following attributes:


If the user  has *USE authority  to the TAAALLSPLF  authorization list,
he can  display all spooled  files except those  that are in  a private
output queue and he is not the owner of.

If  the  user has  *CHANGE  authority to  the  TAAALLSPLF authorization
list, he  can display  any spooled  file.   This is  the equivalent  of
*SPLCTL  special authority.   Note  that  an *ALLOBJ  user has  *CHANGE
authority to TAAALLSPLF.

To  authorize a  user  to display  any spooled  file regardless  of the
owner, use EDTAUTL or specify:


The authorized user  could then  display all  spooled files  regardless
of owner such as those beginning with PAY:


If  a user  is authorized  to TAAALLSPLF,  he can  perform display  and
read  functions  on  any  spooled  file  using  the  provided  support.
However, if the spooled file  is not owned by  the user, the user  must
have *JOBCTL special authority  to change a spooled file  or delete it.

To  allow access to  any output  queue and  the ability to  display any
spooled  file, WRKALLSPLF adopts  QSECOFR authority.   Because the user
must be  authorized  to the  TAAALLSPLF  authorization list  to  access
spooled  files other  than his  own, the  Security Officer  has control
over who is authorized to the function.

If  a user exit program is  provided, the information regarding whether
the user  is  authorized  to  TAAALLSPLF,  whether  USER(*CURRENT)  was
requested, and  whether *JOBCTL special  authority exists is  passed to
the  user program.   The user  program does  not operate  under adopted
authority.   This occurs  by  using an  intermediate program  which  is
specified  as  USEADPAUT(*NO)  which  calls   the  user  exit  program.
Consequently, a  user exit program  cannot be used to  change or delete
spooled  files that  are not owned  by the user  unless *JOBCTL special
authority exists.

The  standard program  to  perform  supplied  sub  functions  (such  as
PRTPAGRNG) also operates as USEADPAUT(*NO).

Significant differences with WRKSPLF

WRKALLSPLF  allows  more function  that  WRKSPLF,  but  is not  a  100%

WRKSPLF supports the following:

    - Single digit option field
    - A command line
    - Option 7 for handling messages
    - Additional alternate views
    - More spooled files (WRKALLSPLF supports 9999)
    - F22=Work Writers (WRKALLSPLF allows, but not standard)
    - Always allows changes (WRKALLSPLF can be 'display only')
    - F18 of a full page (WRKALLSPLF may show a partial page)

There  are  some subtle  differences  as well  such as  WRKSPLF  uses a
system  display  for  '8=Attributes'  while  WRKALLSPLF  uses  the  TAA
DSPSPLFA command which provides more information.

WRKALLSPLF escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9893    USER(*CURRENT) not used and not auth to TAAALLSPLF
      TAA9895    No SPLFs meet criteria (Optional based on ESCAPE parm)

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   USER          The  user name  of  the owner  of  the spooled  files.
                 The default is *CURRENT.

                 A specific  user name, a generic name,  or *ALL may be
                 used.   If  a  specific  user  name  (other  than  the
                 current user),  a generic name,  or *ALL is  used, the
                 user  must  have  *USE  authority  to  the  TAAALLSPLF
                 authorization list.

   OUTQ          The  output queue  containing the spooled  files to be
                 displayed.  The default is *ALL.

                 If a  specific output  queue is  entered, a  qualified
                 library name  may be used.   If the  qualified library
                 name is blank, *LIBL is assumed.

   SORTBY        How  the spooled file  records should be  sorted.  The
                 default is *NONE which  along with SEQ(*ASCEND)  would
                 cause the spooled  file records to appear  in the same
                 order as WRKSPLF (by open date and time).

                 Note  that the  sort/sequence function may  be altered
                 when the subfile appears by using F21.

                 *FILE may  be  specified  to  have  the  spooled  file
                 records appear by  open date/time within  spooled file
                 name order.

                 *OUTQ  may  be  specified  to  have the  spooled  file
                 records  appear by open  date/time within output queue
                 name order.   Note that  the output  queue library  is
                 not considered.

                 *JOB  may  be  specified  to  have  the  spooled  file
                 records appear by the fully qualified job name.

                 *USER  may  be  specified  to  have  the  spooled file
                 records appear  by  open date/time  within  user  name

   SEQ           The sequence  in which  the spooled file  records will
                 appear.     *ASCEND  is  the   default  for  ascending

                 *DESCEND may be specified for descending sequence.

   FILE          The spooled file  name to  be selected.   The  default
                 is *ALL.   A specific  name or a  generic name may  be

   JOB           The qualified  job name to  be selected.   The default
                 is  *ALL.  A  specific job name or  a generic job name
                 may be entered.

                 The user  portion of  the  qualified job  name may  be
                 entered  if  a  job  name (specific  or  generic)  was
                 entered.  The default is blank.

                 The  job number portion of the  qualified job name may
                 be entered if the job name is specific.

   FORMTYPE      The form type  to be selected.   The default is  *ALL.
                 A  specific name  or  the special  value  *STD may  be

   USRDTA        The  user data  to be selected.   This  is a  two part
                 parameter to  describe if  the user  data assigned  to
                 the spooled file should be used for selection.

                 The first part  defaults to *ALL meaning  no selection
                 occurs  on  the  user  data.    A 10  byte  string  of
                 characters may be entered to select on user data.

                 The  second part  is a *YES/*NO  value that determines
                 if the  first  part  is to  be  treated as  a  generic
                 value.  *NO  is the default to mean  the first part is
                 either  *ALL or the full string  of user data value to
                 select on.

                 If *YES is  specified for the  second part, the  first
                 part must end  with an *.  The characters  to the left
                 of  the *  describe the  value to  be checked  and the
                 length to be checked.   Note that  the value does  not
                 have to  follow  the rules  for generic  names on  the
                 system.   If ABC* is entered, any  user data beginning
                 with  ABC would be  selected.  If  'A BC*' is entered,
                 any  user  data   beginning  with  'A  BC'   would  be

                 If   the  USRDTA   is  not   generic,  the   selection
                 capability of the QUSLSPL API is used.

   STATUS        The  status of the spooled files  to be selected.  The
                 default is *ALL.  The  values *RDY, *HLD, or *SAV  may
                 be entered.

   OUTPTY        The  output  priority  of  the   spooled  file.    The
                 default  is  *ALL.    A  value  of  1  thru 9  may  be

   STRDATE       The start date that  a spooled file  was opened.   The
                 default is *START meaning any date is valid.

                 A  specific  date  may  be   entered  in  job  format.
                 *CURRENT  may be  used  for the  current date.    If a
                 specific  date is entered, the  spooled file must have
                 been opened  on  or after  the start  date  and on  or
                 before the end date.

   ENDDATE       The  end date  that a  spooled file  was opened.   The
                 default  is  *END meaning  the oldest  date  a spooled
                 was opened.    *CURRENT may  be  entered to  mean  the
                 current date.   A specific date may be  entered in job
                 format.   If a  specific date is  entered, the spooled
                 file must  have  been opened  on  or after  the  start
                 date and on or before the end date.

   OMITFILE      Whether to  omit a list  of spooled  file names.   The
                 default  is   *NONE  meaning  no   spooled  files  are
                 omitted  (all are included).  A  list of up to 10 file
                 names may be entered.

                 The special value *DMPLOG  may be used as  a shorthand
                 to  request QPJOBLOG,  QPSRVDMP, and  QPPGMDMP spooled
                 files  be omitted.   If  *DMPLOG is  used, it  must be
                 the only  value.    If  other files  are  also  to  be
                 omitted, you must name each file individually.

   SNDNETSPLF    Whether to  include the  option for  SNDNETSPLF.   The
                 default  is to  include SNDNETSPLF as  option 1.   *NO
                 should  be  specified  to  exclude  the  option.     A
                 different option number may be assigned.

   CHANGE        Whether  to include  the  option  for CHGSPLFA.    The
                 default  is  to include  CHGSPLFA  as option  2.   *NO
                 should   be  specified  to  exclude  the  option.    A
                 different option number may be assigned.

   HOLD          Whether to include the  option for HOLD.  The  default
                 is  to  include HOLD  as  option  3.   *NO  should  be
                 specified  to exclude the option.   A different option
                 number may be assigned.

   DELETE        Whether to  include  the  option  for  DLTSPLF.    The
                 default  is  to include  DLTSPLF  as  option 4.    *NO
                 should  be   specified  to  exclude  the  option.    A
                 different option number may be assigned.

   DISPLAY       Whether to  include  the  option  for  DSPSPLF.    The
                 default  is to  include  DSPSPLF  as  option 5.    *NO
                 should  be  specified   to  exclude  the  option.    A
                 different option number may be assigned.

   RELEASE       Whether  to  include  the  option  for  RLSSPLF.   The
                 default  is to  include  RLSSPLF  as option  6.    *NO
                 should  be  specified  to   exclude  the  option.    A
                 different option number may be assigned.

   ATTRIBUTES    Whether  to  include  the option  for  DSPSPLFA.   The
                 default is  to  include DSPSPLFA  as  option 8.    *NO
                 should  be  specified  to  exclude   the  option.    A
                 different option number may be assigned.

                 Note  that this is  a TAA  command and not  the system
                 function which occurs using WRKSPLF Option 8.

   PRTSTS        Whether to  include the  option  for WRKPRTSTS.    The
                 default is  to  include WRKPRTSTS  as option  9.   *NO
                 should  be  specified   to  exclude  the  option.    A
                 different  option number  may be  assigned.   You must
                 have *JOBCTL  or *SPLCTL in  the user  profile to  use
                 this option (neither can be adopted).

   PRTPAGRNG     Whether  to include  the  option for  the TAA  command
                 PRTPAGRNG.   The  default is  to include  PRTPAGRNG as
                 option 10.   *NO should  be specified  to exclude  the
                 option.   A different  option number may  be assigned.

   DSPPRTSPC     Whether  to  include the  option for  the  TAA command
                 DSPPRTSPC.   The default  is to  include DSPPRTSPC  as
                 option 11.   *NO  should be  specified to exclude  the
                 option.   A different  option number may  be assigned.

                 DSPPRTSPC  is the  same as  DSPSPLF except  that blank
                 lines  are  inserted  to  provide  a  formatting  that
                 approximates  what the  hard copy  will actually  look
                 like.    Skip  information  is  also  provided.    The
                 system DSPSPLF command squeezes  out all blank  lines.

   DSPSPLF3      Whether  to include  the option  for  the TAA  command
                 DSPSPLF3.    The default  is  to  include DSPSPLF3  as
                 option 12.   *NO should  be specified  to exclude  the
                 option.   A different option  number may  be assigned.

                 DSPSPLF3 allows  a display without  a specified number
                 of  heading  lines included.    This can  make certain
                 displays easier to work with.

   CVTSPLSTO     Whether to  include  the option  for the  TAA  command
                 CVTSPLSTO.   The  default is  to include  CVTSPLSTO as
                 option  13.   *NO should  be specified to  exclude the
                 option.  A  different option  number may be  assigned.

The Spool  Store allows you to  store versions of spooled  files online
and to be able to re-display or re-print when required.

                 To  use  this option,  a  Spool Store  must  exist and
                 must  be  found  in  the  library  specified  in   the
                 SPLSTOLIB  parameter.    Use  CRTSPLSTO  to  create  a
                 Spool Store.

   SPLSTOLIB     The  library  where the  Spool  Store  exists if  any.
                 *LIBL   is  the   default.     *CURLIB  may   also  be

   CHGTOOUTQ     Whether  to  include  the  option  for  Change  to  an
                 Output Queue.   The Output Queue is  identified in the
                 PRTQ parameter.  The default is *NO.

                 The  intent of the  parameter is to allow  the user to
                 have a personal  output queue  which is not  connected
                 to a spool  writer.  When the user wants  to print, he
                 uses  the option to  move the  spooled file to  a 'hot

   SPLSTOID      The ID for the  manual type of SPLSTO.   The value  is
                 ignored  for  an  automatic  type  of  SPLSTO.    This
                 parameter is used in conjunction with CVTSPLSTO.

                 The  default is  *PROMPT which  requires the  end user
                 to enter an ID if CVTSPLSTO is requested.

                 If  a value is  entered on the  command, that value is
                 used and cannot be changed by the end user.

   PRTQ          The output queue  assigned to print.   The default  is
                 *JOB meaning the output queue for the job.

                 If  the  CHGTOOUTQ  option  is  used,  this  parameter
                 would  be  used  to  specify  the  'hot  queue'  where
                 printing occurs.

   USEROPTION    Whether user options  (up to  40) are  assigned.   The
                 default is  that no user options  exist.  If  any user
                 options  exist that  do not use  one of  the supported
                 special options  (such as  *CHGSPLFPTY), a  user  exit
                 program must be named in the EXIT parameter.

                 To enter a user option, enter a 3 part list:

                 -- Name.   The  name of  the user option.   This  name
                 does not  appear on the display, but  is passed to the
                 user exit program if the option is selected.

                 Special  values are supported.   If a special value is
                 named,  you   must  supply   a  Number   and  a   Text
                 description.    You  do   not  need  an  Exit  program
                 function if a special value is used.

                 The  names (or  special values)  must be unique.   For
                 example, you  cannot assign  a name  XXX  to one  user
                 option and use  XXX for another user option.   You may
                 also not assign *DUPSPLF to two or more options.

                 The special values are:

                 *DUPSPLF  Prompts with the TAA  Duplicate Spooled File
                 command  to  allow  a  complete  duplication  of   the
                 spooled file.    Various spooled  file attributes  may
                 be  changed  including the  owner,  the output  queue,

                 *CHGSPLFCPY.    Prompts  with the  TAA  Change Spooled
                 File  Copies command.    This  describes  the  current
                 number  of remaining  copies  and allows  the user  to
                 make a change.

                 *CHGSPLFORM.    Prompts with  the  TAA  Change Spooled
                 Form Type command.   This  describes the current  form
                 type and allows the user to make a change.

                 *CHGSPLFPTY.   Prompts  with  the  TAA Change  Spooled
                 File  Priority command.    This describes  the current
                 Output  Priority  and  allows  the  user  to  make   a
                 change.  The user may  enter a value from 1 -  9.  The
                 user  cannot change  the  output priority  to  a value
                 lower  than that  assigned in the  user profile PTYLMT

                 The  special  value  *NEXT  may  also  be  entered  to
                 promote  the spooled  file to  the top  of  the output
                 queue  (it would be printed next).   *NEXT may only be
                 entered if  the user  has *JOBCTL  or *SPLCTL  special
                 authority (it cannot be adopted).

                 *DSPSPLF4 Does  DSPSPLF and follows  it with  a prompt
                 that  allows  the options  of  'Delete',  'Retain', or
                 'Re-display'.    This  allows  a  series  of  displays
                 where you  decide at the  end of each  display whether
                 to retain  the spooled file.  This  avoids the problem
                 of  doing multiple displays  in a row  and then trying
                 to determine which spooled files to delete.

                 *PRTREVERSE  Re-prints the  spooled  file  in  reverse
                 order  so  the last  page  appears  first.   Any  page
                 numbers  printed on the original  spooled file are not

                 *CPYIFSTXT Converts  the spooled  file to  the IFS  in
                 text format.

                 *CPYIFSHTML Converts  the spooled  file to the  IFS in
                 HTML format.

                 *CPYIFSRTF  Converts the  spooled file  to the  IFS in
                 RTV (rich text format).

                 *CPYIFSSYS Converts  the spooled  file to  the IFS  in
                 system format.

                 *CPYIFSPDF Converts  the spooled  file to  the IFS  in
                 PDF format.

                 --  Number.  The  number assigned  to the option.   It
                 must  be a number between 1  and 99 and is required if
                 a Name  is entered.   The  value must  be unique  from
                 all other options.

                 --  Text.  The  text description  of the  user option.
                 This  is required  if a Name  is specified  and may be
                 up to 25  bytes.  The text  should be entered  without
                 the  Option   number  which   will  be   automatically
                 included.    For example,  if  you  enter ((DSPYYY  22
                 'Display  YYY')),  the  option  would  appear  on  the
                 display as '22=Display YYY'.

   USERFKEYS     Whether user  Function keys  (up to  9) are  assigned.
                 The default  is for no user Function  keys (this means
                 that   only  the   standard  function   keys  will  be
                 allowed).  If  any user  Function keys exist  (without
                 using  the  Special  Support   option),  a  user  exit
                 program must be named in the EXIT parameter.

                 USERFKEYS is a 3 part list made up of.

                 --  Function key.   The  Function Key assigned.   Only
                 the values  *F6,  *F7, *F8,  *F13, *F14,  *F15,  *F16,
                 *F19,  and   *F20  may   be  specified.     The  value
                 describes  the Function  key that will  be used.   The
                 value (such as *F6) is  passed to the Exit program  to
                 describe the Function key request.

                 -- Text.   The text  description of the  Function key.
                 This is  required if a  Function Key is  specified and
                 may be up to 25 bytes.

                 The  text should  be entered without  the Function key
                 which will  be automatically  included.  For  example,
                 if  you   enter  ((*F6  'Display   job'  *NONE)),  the
                 Function   key  would   appear   on  the   display  as
                 'F6=Display job'.

                 -- Special.    Whether a  'special  support'  Function
                 key exists.   The  default is  *NONE meaning that  the
                 user  Exit   program  will  be  used  to  perform  the

                 Certain special support items are available:

                 *SPLSTO.   Whether to  prompt  for the  TAA  WRKSPLSTO
                 function.  If  specified, you must have a  Spool Store
                 created  which can be  found in the  library specified
                 for the SPLSTOLIB parameter.

                 *SPLARC.    Whether to  prompt  for the  TAA WRKSPLARC
                 function.    If  specified,  you  must  have  a  Spool
                 Archive  created which  can  be found  in the  library
                 specified for the SPLARCLIB parameter.

                 *CHGALLSPLF.     Whether   to   prompt  for   the  TAA
                 CHGALLSPLF command.    This  allows  changes  of  many
                 spooled file  parameters for  all spooled  files in  a
                 specified  output queue.   Selection  criteria exists.
                 The current job's  output queue is  the default.   The
                 spooled  file  information  is   refreshed  after  the
                 command completes.

                 *DSPFSTSPLF.   Whether to use the  TAA command Display
                 First   Spooled  File.    This  function  is  somewhat
                 similar to  the '9=Work  with printing status'  option
                 supported by  WRKSPLF.  DSPFSTSPLF  provides a display
                 describing  the  status  of  the  users first  spooled
                 file in  the  output  queue  described  for  the  PRTQ

                 *QUSCMDLN.   This  provides  a  command line  for  the
                 display by  using the system QUSCMDLN  program.  Users
                 with LMTCPB(*YES) cannot use this function.

                 *DLTALL.   This allows  a Function  key to  clear  all
                 the  spooled  files  that  exist.    The  confirmation
                 prompt  occurs.   A  return  to  the previous  display
                 occurs when all spooled files are deleted.

                 *DSPALL.   This allows  a Function key  to display all
                 the spooled files that exist.

                 *DSPALL4.  This allows  a Function key to display  all
                 the  spooled  files  that  exist  using  the  DSPSPLF4
                 function.    This  prompts  after  each  display  with
                 options to 'Delete', 'Retain', or 'Re-display'.

                 *WRKPRT.  This  is the same  function provided by  the
                 WRKSPLF  'F22=Printers'  Function  key.     It  allows
                 printers   to    be   started/stopped   and   messages
                 answered.  This  function is not  a standard  Function
                 key  in  order  to allow  a  'display  only'  type  of

                 Note   that  this  function   is  the  same   as  that
                 supported  by WRKSPLF in  that neither function checks
                 for *JOBCTL.   This  allows an  end user  to stop  and
                 start writers.

   SPLARCLIB     The  library for  the *SPLARC  function.   The default
                 is *LIBL.  *CURLIB may also be specified.

   EXITPGM       The  qualified  name  of the  user  Exit  program that
                 must be provided if a  user option is named or a  user
                 defined Function key  (not a special support  item) is

                 A  sample program is  provided (See  the source member
                 TAASPMSC21 in  QATTCL).   See the  tool  documentation
                 for a description of the parameters.

   ESCAPE        Whether  to  send  an escape  message  if  no  spooled
                 files exist  for the selection criteria.   The default
                 is  *NO which  means the  user will  see a  message on
                 the subfile describing the condition.

                 *YES may  be  specified to  cause the  escape  message
                 TAA9895  to be  sent.   This  is intended  to allow  a
                 menu  user to  see a message  on the  menu rather than
                 seeing an empty subfile with a message.


A maximum of 9999 spooled files may exist.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADJVAR          Adjust variable
     CHGSPLFCPY      Change spooled file copies
     CHGSPLFORM      Change spooled file form type
     CHGSPLFPTY      Change spooled file priority
     CHKGENERC       Check generic
     CHKJOBCTL       Check job control
     CHKSPLF         Check spooled file
     CVTDAT          Convert date
     CVTSPLSTO       Spool store
     DSPERRMSG       Display error message
     DSPALLSPLF      Display all spooled file
     DSPFSTSPLF      Display first spooled file
     DSPPRTSPC       Display printer spacing
     DSPSPLFA        Display spooled file attributes
     DSPSPLF3        Display spooled file 3
     DUPSPLF         Duplicate spooled file
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     EXTLST          Extract list
     EXTLST2         Extract list 2
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     PRTPAGRNG       Print page range
     RTVDAT          Retrieve date
     SNDDIAGMSG      Send diagnostic message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     UNADOPT         Unadopt
     WRKSPLARC       Spool archive


None,  the   tool  is   ready  to   use.     To   specify  other   than
USER(*CURRENT), the  user must  have *USE  authority to  the TAAALLSPLF
authorization list.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   WRKALLSPLF    *CMD                   TAASPMS       QATTCMD
   WRKALLSPL2    *CMD                   TAASPMS2      QATTCMD
   TAASPMSC      *PGM       CLP         TAASPMSC      QATTCL
   TAASPMSC2     *PGM       CLP         TAASPMSC2     QATTCL
   TAASPMSC11    *PGM       CLP         TAASPMSC11    QATTCL
   TAASPMSC12    *PGM       CLP         TAASPMSC12    QATTCL
   TAASPMSC13    *PGM       CLP         TAASPMSC13    QATTCL
   TAASPMSC21    *PGM       CLP         TAASPMSC21    QATTCL
   TAASPMSR      *PGM       RPG         TAASPMSR      QATTRPG

The  TAASPMSC21  program  is  used as  a  working  sample  for an  Exit
program.  It is not used during the normal running of the command.


   TAASPMSC   CL pgm
       TAASPMSC11   CL pgm  - Handles standard options
       TAASPMSC12   CL pgm  - Intermediate to user exit program
       TAASPMSC13   CL pgm  - Checks and changes CHGTOOUTQ OUTQ
         User exit (TAASPMSC21 is a sample)
       TAASPMSD     Dsp file

   TAASPMSC2  CL pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools September 15, 2000

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