The Change Job Description 2 command allows a change to one or more
*JOBD object types. Not all of the CHGJOBD parameters are supported.
CHGJOBD2 simplifies making mass changes to *JOBD objects. For a more
complete understanding of the parameters, see the CHGJOBD command
help text. A *JOBD object owned by one of the system profiles may
not be changed.
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use CHGJOBD2.
A typical command would be:
All *JOBD objects in library ABC would be changed so that the JOBPTY
would be set to 4. All other values in job description objects would
remain unchanged.
At least one of the values to be changed must be other than the
default of *SAME.
CHGJOBD2 escape messages you can monitor for
TAA9891 The command failed. Diagnostic messages will exist
TAA9892 Not all values to be changed can be *SAME
Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
CHGJOBD2 Command parameters *CMD
JOBD The qualified name of the *JOBD object to be
changed. A single job description, a generic name,
or the special value *ALL may be used.
A single library must be specified.
JOBQ The job queue to submit a job to. *SAME is the
If a JOBQ is specified, a qualified library name
must be entered.
JOBPTY The job priority on the job queue. *SAME is the
default. A value between 1 and 9 may be entered.
OUTPTY The output queue priority on the output queue.
*SAME is the default. A value between 1 and 9 may
be entered.
PRTDEV The default printer device associated with the job.
*SAME is the default. A device name or one of the
special values *USRPRF, *SYSVAL, or *WRKSTN may be
OUTQ The default output queue associated with the job.
*SAME is the default.
If an OUTQ is specified, a library name or *LIBL or
*CURLIB must be entered.
INLLIBL The initial library list for the job. *SAME is the
default. Up to 250 libraries may be entered or the
special values *SYSVAL or *NONE.
LOG The logging levels for the job. A 3 part parameter
may be described.
Part 1 is the logging level. *SAME is the default.
A value between 0 and 4 may be entered.
Part 2 is the severity of the message. *SAME is the
default. A value between 0 and 99 may be entered.
*SAME is the default.
Part 3 is the text type of the message. One of the
special values *MSG, *SECLVL, or *NOLIST may be
LOGCLPGM Whether to log the commands in a CL program. *SAME
is the default. A *YES or *NO may be entered.
LOGOUTPUT Describes how the job log will be output when the
job ends. *SAME is the default. The special values
JOBMSGQMX Describes the size of the job log message queue.
*SAME is the default. A value between 2 and 64
megabytes or the special value *SYSVAL may be
JOBMSGQFL Describes the action if the job log message queue
becomes full. *SAME is the default. The special
values *SYSVAL, *NOWRAP, *WRAP, or *PRTWRAP may be
SYNTAX Describes the syntax checking level to be done for
jobs placed on a job queue. *SAME is the default.
A value between 0 and 99 or the special value *NOCHK
may be entered.
ENDSEV The default end job severity of messages received to
the job. *SAME is the default. A value between 0
and 99 may be entered.
INQMSGRPY The default setting for the handling of inquiry
messages received in the job. *SAME is the default.
One of the special values *RQD, *DFT, or *SYSRPYL
may be entered.
DEVRCYACN The default setting for the device recovery action.
*SAME is the default. One of the special values
*ENDJOBNOLIST may be entered.
TSEPOOL The time slice end pool to be used if an interactive
job is ended by the TIMESLICE parameter of the job.
*SAME is the default. One of the special values
*NONE or *BASE may be entered.
ALWMLTTHD Whether to allow multiple threads in the job. *SAME
is the default. A *YES or *NO may be entered.
SPLFACN Whether to allow spooled files to be accessed
through job interfaces (such as WRKSBMJOB) after the
job ends. *SAME is the default. *SYSVAL, *KEEP, or
*DETACH may be entered.,
DDMCNV Whether the connections for a DDM job remain active.
*SAME is the default. *KEEP or *DROP may be
INLASPGRP Specifies the initial setting for the auxiliary
storage pool (ASP) group name for the initial thread
of jobs using this job description. A thread can
use the Set ASP Group (SETASPGRP) command to change
its library name space. When an ASP group is
associated with a thread, all libraries in the
independent ASPs in the ASP group are accessible and
objects in those libraries can be referenced using
regular library-qualified object name syntax. The
libraries in the independent ASPs in the specified
ASP group plus the libraries in the system ASP (ASP
number 1) and basic user ASPs (ASP numbers 2 - 32)
form the library name space for the thread.
The job descriptions QGPL/QDFTJOBD and QGPL/QDFTSVR
cannot be changed to specify the name of an ASP
group. For these job descriptions, the INLASPGRP
must be *NONE.
*SAME - The value does not change.
*NONE - Specifies the initial thread of jobs using
this job description will be started with no ASP
group. The library name space will not include
libraries from any ASP group. Only the libraries in
the system ASP and any basic user ASPs will be in
the library name space.
Name - Specifies the name of the ASP group to be set
set for the initial thread of jobs using this job
description. The ASP group name is the name of the
primary ASP device within the ASP group. All
libraries from all ASPs in this ASP group will be
included in the library name space.
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use CHGJOBD2.
A *JOBD object owned by one of the system profiles may not be
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CHKALLOBJ Check *ALLOBJ special authority
CHKIBMPRF Check IBM profile
CHKOBJ3 Check object 3
CVTOBJD2 Convert object description 2
EDTVAR Edit variable
RSNLSTMSG Resend last message
RTVDIAGMSG Retrieve diagnostic message
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDDIAGMSG Send diagnostic message
SNDESCINF Send escape information
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
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