The Check Active User 2 command is designed for the situation where
you periodically want to check for a list of users to see if they are
active. On the first use or when RESET(*YES) is specified, a file is
built in QTEMP of the active users. The file is then checked to see
if the specified user is active and if not, an escape message is
issued. On subsequent uses with RESET(*NO), only the file is
Note that this tool is designed for checking whether the user has at
least one active job (typically interactive). A tool such as WRKJOB2
can provide a display of all jobs active for a user and CVTWRKACT can
create a similar outfile.
You must have *JOBCTL special authority to use CHKACTUSR2.
A typical command would be:
The default is to check for I = Interactive jobs only. The command
checks if the WRKACTP file exists in QTEMP and if not, it uses the
TAA tool CVTWRKACT to create the outfile of active jobs and the
WRKACTL logical file with a key on user name. The file is then
checked to see if the user exists.
If the file already exists, the code only checks to see if the user
If the user is active, the command completes normally without a
message. The data area CHKACTUSR2 in QTEMP is updated with the
information about the first job found that is active. The data area
is defined as *CHAR 100 with a layout of:
1 - 10 Job name
11 - 20 User
21 - 26 Job number
31 - 31 Job type such as I = Interactive
The data area will be blank if the user is not active.
When you want to refresh the list (cause another use of CVTWRKACT),
you must specify RESET(*YES).
Note that the command only checks for the status of the user at the
time CVTWRKACT was run. It is possible for the user to signon or
signoff after the use of CVTWRKACT and before your code checks the
individual user.
CHKACTUSR2 escape messages you can monitor for
TAA9891 The user is not active
TAA9892 The user profile does not exist
Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
CHKACTUSR2 Command parameters *CMD
USER The user to be checked to determine if he is active.
If the user is active, the command completes
normally with no message. The data area CHKACTUSR2
in QTEMP is updated with the specific job
information found. See the layout described
If the user is not active, TAA9891 is sent as an
escape message.
If the user does not exist, TAA9892 is sent as an
escape message.
JOBTYPE The type of user job to be checked. The default is
'I' for interactive.
The other supported values are *=All job types,
A=Autostart, B=Batch (includes BCH, BCI, PJ, and
other batch types), M=Monitor, R=Spool reader,
S=System job, X=Start CPF, and W=Spool writer.
Note that this parameter is ignored unless the
WRKACTP file does not exist in QTEMP or RESET(*YES)
is specified. The work file that is generated by
CVTWRKACT is based on the JOBTYP.
RESET Whether to reset the file created by CVTWRKACT. *NO
is the default to use the existing file information
in QTEMP. If the file does not exist, the file is
created as if RESET(*YES) was specified.
*YES should be specified when you have completed
processing the list and want to check again at the
first user on your list.
Note that the command only checks for the status of the user at the
time CVTWRKACT was run. It is possible for the user to signon or
signoff after the use of CVTWRKACT and before your code checks the
individual user.
You must have *JOBCTL special authority to use CHKACTUSR2.
The data area contains the information for the first active job
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CHKJOBCTL Check *JOBCTL special authority
CLRDTAARA Clear data area
CRTLFSRC Create LF source
CVTWRKACT Convert WRKACT to an outfile
SNDESCINF Send escape information
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
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