The Convert Work Active Job command places the information from the
display of the WRKACTJOB command into a processable data base file.
Each data base record would contain the information for one job (a
separate record would appear for each group job and system request
job). This file can then be used to help analyze performance or
determine who is still active on the system.
You must have *JOBCTL special authority to use CVTWRKACT.
A typical command would be:
The file created is named WRKACTP. It will contain one record for
any group job, system request job, batch job etc.
An option exists to convert only jobs of a specific type such as I =
Options exist to convert only jobs that have used a certain number of
seconds or have greater than a specified average response time.
Several APIs are used to produce the results including QUSRJOBI.
Original version of CVTWRKACT
The original version of CVTWRKACT used the system command WRKACTJOB
to create a spooled file. The spooled file was then read and the
outfile was created. The new version uses APIs which provide much
faster results.
Because the APIs do not have the same function as WRKACTJOB, the
parameters RESET and CPUPCTLMT can no longer be used. The parameters
still exist on the command, but any request for other than the
default value will cause an escape message to be sent.
Command parameters *CMD
OUTLIB The library where the output file WRKACTP will be
placed. The default is *LIBL. If the WRKACTP file
does not exist, a specific library must be named.
CPUSEC Select only those jobs that meet the number of
seconds specified. The default is 0 which will
cause all jobs to be output.
A number of seconds can be specified which will
cause a job record to be output if the CPU seconds
used by the job is equal or greater than the number
specified. No reset capability exists (the
comparison is to the total seconds used to this
RSPLMT Response limit with a default of *NONE. This
parameter will cause only interactive jobs to be
considered that have an average response time equal
to or greater than the number specified. It is not
necessary to specify the JOBTYPE parameter. A value
greater than 0 must be entered.
To use a value of 1.5 seconds enter 1.5. The
average response time of the job to this point is
considered. No reset capability exists.
TMPSTG The minimum temporary storage used for the job. The
default is *NONE.
Specify a value in MB to select only those jobs that
have used an equal or greater amount of temporary
storage. For example, you can select those jobs
that have used more than 50 MB of temporary storage.
RESET Reset status statistics with a default of *NO. This
parameter was used on the original version of the
command, but is no longer supported. Any value
other than *NO will result in an escape message.
CPUPCTLMT CPU percent limit with a default of *NONE. This
parameter was used on the original version of the
command, but is no longer supported. Any value
other than *NONE will result in an escape message.
OUTMBR The member of the WRKACTP file to be added if it
does not already exist. The default member name is
REPLACE A *YES/*NO value for whether the member should be
cleared before writing records into it. The default
is *YES.
SBS The subsystem name to be converted. The default is
*ALL for all subsystems.
A qualified library name may be entered. If not
entered, only the subsystem name is used to select
the entries. If the same name subsystem exists in
multiple libraries, all jobs with the subsystem name
are considered.
If a library name is entered, only the jobs in the
named subsystem are considered.
JOB The job name to convert. *ALL is the default for
all jobs. A generic name or a specific job name may
be entered.
USER The user name to convert. *ALL is the default for
all users. A generic name or a specific user name
may be entered.
JOBTYPE The job type to convert. * is the default and means
all jobs. The other supported values are
A=Autostart, B=Batch (includes BCH, BCI, PJ, and
other batch types), I=Interactive, M=Monitor,
R=Spool reader, S=System job, X=Start CPF, and
W=Spool writer.
TYPEDSC The type description to be converted. A list of up
to 10 entries may be entered. The default is *ALL.
The values that may be entered are:
ASJ = Autostart
BCH = Batch
BCI = Batch immediate
EVK = Started by a procedure start request
INT = Interactive
M36 = Advanced S/36 server job
MRT = Multiple requester terminal
PJ = Prestart job
PDJ = Print driver job
RDR = Reader
SBS = Subsystem monitor
SYS = System
WTR = Writer
The TYPEDSC parameter works in conjunction with the
JOBTYPE parameter. Specifying JOBTYPE(PJ) and
either TYPEDSC(*ALL) or TYPEDSC(ASJ) would produce
the same result. Or you could specify JOBTYPE(*ALL)
Better performance exists if you specify the JOBTYPE
parameter as selection is performed by the API as
opposed to the TYPEDSC selection which is performed
by TAA code.
One of the major purposes of the TYPEDSC parameter
is to be able to distinguish Batch jobs which can
have a description of either BCH or BCI.
If you specify an inconsistency such as JOBTYPE(B)
and TYPEDSC(INT), no error occurs, but no jobs will
be converted as B=Batch jobs cannot have a
description of INT.
STATUS The status to convert. *ALL is the default. Up to
20 values may be entered such as SELW, MSGW, etc.
See the WRKACTJOB help text of the 'Status' field
for a full discussion of the valid entries.
File format
The file name that is output is WRKACTP.
The model file used is TAAJOBDP with a format name of WRKACTR.
To see the field names used:
You must have *JOBCTL special authority to use CVTWRKACT.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
EDTVAR Edit variable
CRTUSRSPC Create user space
RTVUSRSPCI Retrieve user space initialization
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
------ ----- --------- ---------- -----------
The TAAJOBDL LF is not used by the CVTWRKACT tool. The LF is created
to allow other tools to access the WRKACTP file by using OPNQRYF and
specifying a key of user and job. The LF file allows the other tools
to create programs using the LF file with the correct key specified.