TAA Tools

The Send  Status Message command  simplifies the interface  for sending
and removing status messages from either CL or a HLL program.

  **   Assume you  have a CL  program where you  want to send  a status
       message  before creating  an outfile  and then  blank the status
       message  line   following  the  outfile   creation,  you   would

              SNDSTSMSG    MSG('DSPOBJD outfile being created.')
              DSPOBJD      ... OUTFILE(xxx)
              SNDSTSMSG    MSG(*REMOVE)

  **   Assume you have  an RPG program where you want  to send a status
       message.  You would specify:

               CALL 'SNDSTS'
               PARM             MSG      80

       You  would move the text  of the message you  want sent into the
       MSG field.  When you want  to remove the message, you would  use
       the same  call with the value  *REMOVE left adjusted in  the MSG

Up to 80 bytes of text can be sent as a status message.

The  *REMOVE function does  not actually  remove a status  message, but
sends the system  message CPI9801  which is designed  for blanking  out
the status message line on the display.

The  command uses  the  QMHSNDPM API  so  the performance  approximates
sending a status message using SNDPGMMSG.

DLY Parameter

The  DLY  parameter  on SNDSTSMSG  ensures  that  the  message will  be
displayed  for at  least the specified  number of seconds.   The intent
of this parameter  is for when  the function to  be performed that  you
want  to describe in  the status  message may  last momentarily  or for
several seconds.

By  specifying a  DLY  value, the  status message  will appear  for the
minimum number of seconds described.

The DLY function is performed  by automatically creating the  TAASNDSTS
data area in QTEMP  whenever the DLY parameter is used.   The data area
contains  the value  of the  current  time plus  the number  of seconds

When a second  SNDSTSMSG is  run, the  data area  is checked  and if  a
value exists, the command  will delay until the time is  reached.  Note
that this  also occurs if  *REMOVE is requested.   The *REMOVE function
will delay and then delete the TAASNDSTS data area.

The  DLY function  is only  provided on  the SNDSTSMSG command  (not on
the SNDSTS program).

Removal of status messages

There is only room  for one status message  on a display.  By  default,
the message appears on the last line of the display.

There are several methods of removing a status message:

  **   Using another status message to overlay the first message.

  **   Using SNDSTSMSG with MSG(*REMOVE).

       This  blanks  the  status  line.    The  same  function  can  be
       performed by using the API QMHSNDPM directly or using


  **   Returning to command entry.

  **   Opening a display file.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   MSG           The  message  text  desired.    An  expression  can be
                 used.  Up to  80 bytes can be  entered.  No period  is
                 added at the end of the text.

                 The special value  *REMOVE may be specified  to remove
                 the  status message.   When *REMOVE  is requested, the
                 TAASNDSTS data area in QTEMP is deleted.

   DLY           The number  of  seconds  to  ensure  that  the  status
                 message  will exist  at  a minimum.    The default  is
                 *NONE meaning 0 delay.

                 A  value of  0 to  100 may  be  entered to  ensure the
                 message  appears  for at  least  that period  of time.
                 If another SNDSTSMSG  occurs prior to the  delay time,
                 the  job  will  wait  and then  the  second  SNDSTSMSG
                 function is performed.

                 The  intent of this  parameter is to  allow the status
                 message to be read  by the user when  it is not  known
                 what  the  duration  of  a  potentially  long  running
                 function will  be.  For example, if  you want a status
                 message during  the creation  of  an outfile  and  the
                 number of  records written will  vary based on  a user
                 request, the  time required could vary  from less than
                 a  second  to many  seconds.   In  addition,  the same
                 function performed on  different CPU models will  also
                 cause differences.

                 By  specifying a DLY  value, you  can ensure  that the
                 status  message will be  read long enough  to be read.

   JOBLOG        A *YES/*NO/*BATCH parameter  for whether  to send  the
                 message to the job log.

                 *NO is the default.

                 *YES may be  specified to send the message  to the job
                 log.    If  the job  is  operating  interactively, the
                 message is sent  to both the  interactive display  and
                 to the  job log.   If the job  is operating in  batch,
                 the message is sent to the job log.

                 *BATCH  may be specified  to send  the message  to the
                 job log if the job is operating in batch.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

       ADDTIM        Add time
       CLCTIMDIF     Calculate time difference


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   SNDSTSMSG     *CMD                   TAAMSGR       QATTCMD
   TAAMSGRC      *PGM       CLP         SNDSTS        QATTCL
   TAAMSGRC2     *PGM       CLP         TAAMSGRC2     QATTCL

A data area named TAASNDSTS is created in QTEMP if DLY(xx) is used.

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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